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63 Cards in this Set

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Study of gross motions of body parts relative to one another (abduction, internal rotation)
Study of motions that take place between the articular surfaces and related joint structures, especially during movement (down glide, roll)
produce, originate
common, same
looks like
when muscles tighten up and you cannot relax it
you don't know what the cause is
several symptoms combined together
distal part is further away from the mid-line than the proximal part
proximal part is further away from the mid-line than the distal part
Classification of joints (structure)
-fibrous (sutures, syndesmosis, gomphosis)
-cartilaginous (synchondrosis, symphysis)
classification of joints (movement)
--synarthrosis: non-movable (F: sutures, gomphosis C: synchondrosis)
--amphiarthrosis: semi-movable (F: syndesmosis C: symphysis, interveterbral disc)
--diarthrosis: movable (synovial)
syndesmosis (fibrous joint)
bones bound together by connective tissue or ligaments (inferior tibi-fibular joint, sternum-clavicle and acromion-clavicle)
Cartilaginous joints
Characterized by presence of uninterrupted cartilage between bones of joint
C joint
--hyaline cartilage: usually temporary structures that disappear during growth process. (epiphyseal plate)
synovial joints
-monaxial: one plane (hinge and pivot)
-biaxial: two planes (gliding, condyloid, saddle)
-triaxial: 3 or more planes (ball and socket)
What determines how well a muscle does what it does?
size and angle of pull
isomeric muscular contraction
contraction in which the muscle length remains constant. It can vary in tension
Isotonic contraction
contraction in which the muscle tension (force of contraction) remains relatively constant but the muscle length changes
arthrokinematics (2 shapes)
Ovoid: convex or concave
Sellar or saddle: convex in one plane and concave at approx. right angles to the convex
Convex joint moving on a concave joint
roll and glide: opposite directions
concave on convex joint
roll and glide: same direction
open chain
distal segment has no resistance to overcome the elasticity of the joint capsules. (it can move independently--moving the leg at the hip with a straight leg...the ankle can still move freely) (elbow flexion can be performed with wrist in extension or flexion)
closed chain
distal segment (wall, floor) meets with sufficient resistance to overcome elasticity of joint capsules.
Motion in one joint will affect motions at other joints in a predictable way
--ex: Ankle DF leads to knee flexion, hip flexion during a squat, or doing a push up
Effective Muscular component
EMC = muscle force x (muscle segment length x sin (angle))

EMC = MF x (MSL x sin (angle))
Effective Resistive Component
ERC = resistive force x (resistive segment length x sin (angle))

ERC = RF x (RSL x sine (angle))
Static (isometric) contraction
Concentric Contraction
eccentric contraction
muscle forces (rotary and non-rotary component)
Rotary component: perpendicular to the bone, the force acting to turn the bone
Non-rotary component: parallel to the bone, the force acting to distract or compress the joint
cos (angle) = adj/hyp
how many vertebrae and curves
33 vertebrae
4 curves
-Cervical lordosis
-thoracic kyphosis
-lumbar lordosis
-sacral kyphosis
C-spine facets
45 degrees to frontal plane
-flexion/extension but prevents simple rotation or side flexion without both occurring to some degree together
coupled movement: type 1
"loose packed" (neutral mechanics)
-sidebending and rotation to opposite sides
coupled movement: type 2
"close packed" (non-neutral mechanics)
-trunk moves functionally
-sidebending and rotation to same sides
Vladimir Janda
muscle imbalance...where there is a strong muscle there is a weak muscle
-postural muscles tend to get tight, and phasic ones tend to get weak
upper crossed syndrome
-tightening of upper trapezius, levator, stenocleidomastoid, and pectoralis muscles
-inhibition (weakening) of deep cervical flexors, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior.
==produces elevation and protraction of shoulder and rotation and abduction of the scapula, FHP (forward head posture)
lower crossed syndrome
tightening of erector spinae and iliposoas
-inhibition of abdominals and gluteal muscles
==increased lumbar lordosis, increased thoracic kyphosis, and a compensatory increase in cervical lordosis to keep head and eyes level
functions of vertebral body
-transmits body weight
-provides flexible structure upon muscles can act
-provides attachment
-limits ROM
-absorbs shock
Dowager's hump
post menopausal osteoporosis
-more in women
-why kyphosis? facet orientation in thoracic vert.
wedging of vertebrae due to pathology (thoracic spine pathology)
ankylosing spondylitis
ossification of joints of the spine because of inflammation (no movement possible)
scheuermann's disease
osteochondrosis of secondary ossification centers of vertebral bodies (disease that affects progress of bone growth by killing bone)
Nonstructural scoliosis
-Easily corrected once cause is removed
-postural scoliosis
-compensatory scoliosis (sciatica, leg length discrepancy)
Transient structural scoliosis
-sciatic scoliosis
-hysterical scoliosis
-inflammatory scoliosis
What things are classified as Structural scoliosis?
-idiopathic (80%)
-congenital: present at birth
-neuromuscular: both nerves and muscles
-neurofibromatosis: genetic disorder
-mesenchymal disorders
-trauma: fractures
treatment for scoliosis
-curve < 25°, no treatment is required, and the child can be reexamined every four to six months.
-curve is more then 25° but less than 30°, a back brace may be used for treatment.
-Curves more than 45° will need to be evaluated for the possibility of surgical correction.
---fusing vertebrae together to correct the curvature
---may require inserting rods next to the spine to reinforce the surgery.
Milwaukee Brace
wear 23 hours..keeps the spine straight
boston brace
does nothing for rotation, helps to correct side bending
Charleston brace
wear @ night, makes you side bend
Intervertebral Fibrocartilages
- are the (23) chief bonds of connection between the vertebrae
- comprise approximately 20 - 25% of the total length of the vertebral column (more in L-spine, least in T-spine; at birth 50%)
- vary in shape, size and thickness in the different parts of the vertebral column
Functions of Intervertebral fibrocartilages
-Bind together the vertebral bodies
-Permit movement within the segment
-Transmit loads across the segment
What are the three distinct tissues in the discs?
-annulus fibrosus
-nucleus pulposus
-vertebral endplates
Annulus Fibrosus characteristics
-outer circumference of disc is made up of 15-25 concentric rings of collagenous fibers that criss-cross each other at an angle of approx. 30-60 degrees to the spinal axis (Type I collagen primarily)
-Contains and pre-stresses nucleus
Annulus fibrosus functions
-Contain the hydrostatic pressure of the nucleus = “tensile structure”, designed to withstand high circumferential “hoop stress” (radially oriented) when disc is loaded
-redistribute compressive forces within the spine
-permit deformation
Nucleus Pulposus
- is the central portion of the disc (except L-spine; post.)
- it is a loose collagen fibril network contained within an extensive gelatinous matrix (primarily Type II collagen)
- at birth the nucleus contains a high portion of mucopolysaccharides (proteoglycans), with age that decreases and is replaced by collagen (degeneration begins to occur after age 20)
Nucleus Pulposus functions
- Imbibition (taking up and holding fluid); if released from confining annulus, is able to swell up 200-300% in hours!
- Transmission of force: its incompressibility is responsible for transmitting much weight across the spinal segment
- Equalization of stress: hydrostatic property of transmitting forces equally in all directions
- Nutrition: only the periphery of the disc is vascularized, receives nourishment from diffusion from the periphery of the annulus and the vertebral endplate
- Movement: provides “rocking” action to movement
Vertebral Endplate characteristics
- consists of thin layers of primarily hyaline cartilage which cover the superior and inferior surfaces of the vertebral bodies
- the endplates which are approximately 1 mm thick allow nutrient transport in and out of the discs primarily by passive diffusion
Schmorl's nodes (Vertebral Endplate)
nucleus protruding into the vertebral body through fissures in the end-plates (if nucleus is less compressible than cancellous bone), sign of Scheuermann’s disease
pure compression
(no twisting, no bending) = compressive force transmitted through vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs
lumbar motion: forward bending
-Vertebra rocks over nucleus
-Facets slide up – 40% displacement
-Anterior disc is loaded and annulus bulges anteriorly
-Posterior disc is drawn taut and may become convave
-Nucleus deforms posteriorly
Lumbar motion: backward bending
-Vertebra rocks over nucleus
-Facets slide down and contact the lamina below
-Posterior disc is loaded and annulus bulges posteriorly
-Anterior disc is drawn taut
-Nucleus distorts anteriorly
-With continued bb facets become a fulcrum, the disc space undergoes distraction
Lumbar spine pathologies
-Spondylosis (degeneration of the IVdisc)
-Spondylolysis (defect in the pars interarticularis or the arch of the vertera)
-Spondylolisthesis (forward displacement of one vertebra over another)
-Retrolisthesis (backward displacement of one vertebra on another)
thoracic spine rib movements
1-6: pump handle, antero-posterio direction
7-10: bucket handle, lateral (transverse) direction
8-12: caliper, lateral