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35 Cards in this Set

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What were sailors from Portugal looking for?

Southern Water Routes to Asia

Who sailed around Africa's southen tip?

Bartolomeu Dias

Who sailed around Africa all the way to India?

Vasco de Gama

Who is Christopher Columbus?

--Explorer whose voyage was paid for by the king and queen of Spain.

--He thought he had reached Indies islands in Asia, but he didn't.

--He landed on North America.

--He named the people there "Indians" even though they were already named the "Taino"

--Items he got from the Taino people and brought back to Spain intrigued the king and queen.

What does the Columbian Exchange refer to?

--It refers to the goods Columbus exchanged with the Taino Native American people, the movement of people, plants, animals, and diseases across the Atlantic Ocean.

--Foods from America made European diets healthier and introduced European foods and animals to Americans.

--One drawback, these animals brought diseases to America such as smallpox, measles, and other diseases. It killed Native Americans.

What were some items brought to Europe?

Tomatoes, pineapples, sweet potatoes, hummingbirds, squirrels, potatoes, corn, turkeys, diseases

What were some items brought to the Americas?

Wheat, bananas, oranges, horses, cattle, wheels, honey bees, rice, sugar, coffee, goats, onions, melons, peaches, pigs, plows, diseases, and sheep

Describe the Aztec Empire.

--Came in after Columbus.

--Capital city Tenochtitlan where millions of people lived. Located in what is now Mexico.

Who is Hernan Cortes?

He landed in Central America in 1519 with 500 conquistadors (Spanish Conquerers). NA were amazed because they had never seen white skin, guns, or horses. They were amazed with riches, population, and architecture.

Who was Montezuma II, and what happened to him?

--He was the Aztec ruler, who welcomed Cortes and his men, but Cortes took him prisoner and demanded gold for the king's freedom.

--Aztecs refused and drove the Spanish out, but Montezuma was killed.

--Smallpox killed tens of thousands of Aztec men, and Cortes came back to destroy


Describe the Inca Empire?

--South of the Aztec empire that extended more than 2,500 miles along the Pacific Coast.

--When the Spanish arrived, the empire was

being torn apart by civil war and disease spread through stone roads that connected cities.

Who is Francisco Pizzaro?

--He landed in South America's west coast in 1532 with 168 men and 30 horses.

--They attacked a large Inca city, killing

thousands, and they captured the Inca ruler Atahualpa.

What happened after Atahualpa was captured?

--The Inca offered Pizarro a room filled of

treasure in exchange for Atahualpa's life.

--Gold and silver objects arrived from all over the empire, and once the room was filled, Pizzaro killed Atahualpa.

--The gold and silver were melted into coins and bars and sent to Spain.

What did Juan Pince de Leon discover?

He discovered Florida and named it "La Florida" meaning "place of flowers."

What did Hernando de Soto explore?

He traveled north of Florida in search of gold. Then, he went west toward a mighty river.

What did Francisco Coronado explore?

They explored south trying to find the 7 cites of gold. All they found was a cluster of 7 villages. None were made of gold.

Who is Barolome de las Casas?

He was a priest who did not like the way Native Americans were treated. He believed they were sophisticated and developed. They had roles and responsibilities. They had great cities with buildings and roadways as nice as Europe's.

The waterway shortcut that cut through North America to the Pacific Ocean.

Northwest passage

Who is John Cabot?

--Italian Explorer in search of the Northwest

Passage. He sailed for England in 1497 and

landed in Newfoundland, an island off the coast of Canada.

--He didn't find the passage, but he did find an area of the Atlantic Ocean crowded with fish.

--Colonists who moved into the area built the fishing industry and exported dried fish to


Who is Giovanni da Verrazano, and what did he explore?

--Italian explorer who sailed for the French in 1525. He explored from North Carolina to the mouth of the Hudson River.

Who is Jacques Cartier, and what did he explore?

He set out in 1535 and traveled to Newfoundland and the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. During 2 other trips he traveled down the St. Lawrence River.

Who is Henry Hudson, and what did he explore?

--Englishman who sailed south from Maine along the coast of North America in 1609.

--The Dutch East India Company paid for his

voyage because they hoped to make money from it.

What happened during Hudson's 2nd trip?

--He traveled farther north, and the ship froze in ice and got stuck.

--In spring he continued his exploration, but the crew was tired and hungry and took over the ship.

--Hudson his son, and 8 loyal crew members were placed in a boat, left behind, and never seen again.

--The Hudson River in New York is named after him.

Who is Jacques Cartier, and what did he explore?

--He claimed the land near the St. Lawrence river for France in 1534.

--The colony was called New France.

Who was Samuel de Champlain?

--Sent to New France as its governor.

--He built a permanent steelrment and

fur-trading post called Quebec (In Canada)

--He wanted to fur trade to work, so he became political and military partners with the Native Americans.

--They provided guns to the NA in exchange for fur, crops, and other goods.

People who trapped for fur without a permit in New France

Coureurs de bois, which meant "runners of the woods."

What career opportunities were there in New France?

--The fur trade was booming, which made people rush to New France as hunters and


--The lived with NA and learned their langauages hunting techniques, and earned friendships. In exchange they got weapons, tools, and money.

--Because too many people were exporting furs, which drove down the cost, there was a limited # of people allowed to trap and trade fur.

How did the French King make New France grow?

--He encouraged more people to settle there, but he wanted it to be a Catholic colony. Most people weren't Catholic, so they settled in

England's colonies instead.

--This caused New France to grow slowly.

--This helped NA and French not compete for land and build a strong alliance.

Describe French Missionaries.

--They traveled deep into NA lands to convert NA, but they didn't try to change their customs.

--Lived among NA, learned their languages and respected their ways.

How were the Great Lakes Discovered?

--As fur trade grew, French explorers continued to look for the Northwest Passage.

--Etienne Brule searched in 1610, but found the Great Lakes instead--Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Superior.

Who is Jean Nicolet?

He pushed farther west than Brule and became the 1st European to reach Lake Michigan. He and Brule learned from NA while exploring.

Built along the Hudson River to protect colonists

Fort Nassau and Fort Orange

Who is Governor Peter Minuit?

--He bought the large island in the Hudson River named New Amsterdam. The Manhattes

people sold the land in exchange for goods worth 60 guilders, which included cloth and tools.

--New Amsterdam was the center of trade and had a flourishing seaport that allowed all of New Netherland to grow.

What nationality and religions of people live in New


Dutch, Germans, Swedes, and South Americans.

Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Enslaved Africans, and Native Amerians

What did the Dutch West India Company offer people who brought 50 people to the colony?

He offered large estates.