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135 Cards in this Set

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cardiopulmonary cycle
right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, lung, pulmonary vein, left atrium, bicuspid (mitral) valve, left ventricle, aortic ventricle, aorta, arteries, capillaries, veins, superior and inferior vena cava, right atrium
layers of cardiac tissue
1. endocardium
2. myocardium
3. pericardium
a. serous pericardium (visceral)
b. serous pericardium (parietal)
c. fibrous pericardium
characteristics of cardiac conduction (4)
1. automaticity
2. excitability
3. conductivity
4. contractility
Cardiac Conduction Pathway (5)
1. SA Node (60-100 bpm)
2. AV Node (40-60 bpm)
3. Bundle of His
4. R/L Bundle Branch
5. Purkinje Fibers (25-40 bpm)
Sympathethic and Parasympathetic Innervation of Heart
Para: SA Node/Atrium
Symp: AV node, ventricle, some atrium
Fick Equation
VO2=cardiac output x (a-v)O2 diff
Rate Pressure Product (RPP)
relative myocardial work
Myocardium oxygen consumption (mVO2)
Resting MAP
Pulse Pressure
Ohm's Law
Flow = change in pressure/resistance

Change in pressure = flow * resistance
Resistance = (Length * Viscosity)/radius^4
MAP=cardiac output * total peripheral resistance
Starling's Law of the Heart
increased EDV = increased SV
Boyle's Law
Pressure * Volume = Constant
lung division
trachea, R & L main bronchi, lobar bronchi, segmental bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
carina & acinus
carina - bifurcation into lt and rt main bronchi
acinus - functional respiratory unit
Diffusion Rate
VGas = A*D*DeltaP/T
A=surface area
D=diffusion constant
DeltaP=pressure gradient
Diffusion Constants of O2 and CO2
Regulation of Respiration
Central Command: pns and medulla oblangata

SNS: inc depth and rate of ventilation, bronchodilation, dec pulmonary secretion

Cortex level: volitional control
central: 4th ventricle, CO2 and H+ in CSF
peripheral: aortic arch and carotid bodies, PaO2, PaCO2, and H+
Hering-Breuer Inflation Receptor
stretch receptors within lungs
Minute Ventilation
fb=breathing rate
Vt=tidal volume
Dead Space Ventilation
Vd=amount of air that doesn't make it to alveoli
Alveolar Ventilation
Cause of shift of O2 dissociation curve (4)
1. inc temp
2. inc DPG
3. inc PCO2
4. dec pH
Specific responses to acute exercises (9)
1. inc HR
2. inc SV
3. inc Q
4. inc (a-v)O2
5. inc O2 consumption
6. inc SBP and MAP
7. dec TPR
8. inc coronary blood flow
9. inc SNS activity
1. Increased HR
rest to mild: withdraw of vagal input
moderate-high: inc SNS and dec vagal
2. inc SV
inc preload
inc contractility of L ventricle
3. Inc Q
rest to mild: from inc HR and inc SV
mos-high: mainly from inc HR
4. Inc (a-v)O2
(a-v)O2 increases with exercise as muscles use up more O2
6. Inc SBP
SBP inc linearly with ex b/c of inc SV and Q

DBP does not inc or decreases due to decreased vascular resistance
7. TPR
initially, inc arteriole dilation in muscle, dec elsewhere

then vasodilation for sweating occurs
8. Coronary Blood Flow
at rest cardiac muscle uses 75% of O2 supply
ex, coronary artery dilation by endothelial-derived-relaxing factor
Isometric Exercises
inc in SBP, DBP, MAP, and RPP
1. mechanical compression of muscle
2. stimulate afferent nerves
3. possible Valsalva maneuver
Arm vs Leg
Arm Leg
Ven Ret 2x 2x
HR 2x 4x
SBP 1x 3x
DBP same or dec
Q 1x 1x
Ventilatory Equivalent
ratio of minute ventilation to oxygen consumption (VE/VO2)
Ventilatory Threshold
point at which pulmonary ventilation inc disproportianately with O2 consumption during graded exercise (due to anaerobic use of buffing lactate)
Endergonic Reactions
require energy to be added
Exergonic Reactions
- release energy
- (break down of glucose and fat)
Couppled Reactions
liberation of energy in an exergonic reaction drives an endergonic reaction
removing an electron [H+]
coupled with reduction
addition of an electron [H+]
coupled with oxidation
Formation of ATP
1. anaerobic pathway
2. aerobic pathway
Formation of ATP:
1. anaerobic pathways
- do not involve O2
- Two pathways
-- phosphocreatine (PC) breakdown
-- glycolysis
Formation of ATP:
2. aerobic pathways
- require O2
- oxidative phosphorylation (oxidative formation of ATP)
Type and Duration:
- anaerobic
- 10 seconds
Type and Duration:
- anaerobic
- 2 minutes
Type and Duration:
- proteins and fat
- aerobic
- long duration
lose H+ or gain O2
Aerobic Pathway of ATP Production
1. Krebs Cycle
2. Electron Transport Chain
Aerobic Pathway of ATP Prod:
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
- completes oxidation of substrates
- produces NADH and FADH to enter ETC
Aerobic Pathway of ATP Prod:
Electron Transport Chain
- oxidative phosphorylation
- remove electrons from NADH and FADH to enter ETC
- H+ from NADH and FADH join with O2 to form water
energy currency
Anaerobic Pathway for ATP Production
ATP-PC System
Anaerobic Pathway for ATP Prod: ATP-PC System
- immediate source of ATP
- PC + ADP --> ATP + C
- uses creatine kinase
ATP + H20 -->
--> ADP + Pi + 7.3 kcal/mole
- uses ATPase
1 ATP =
= 7.3 kcal/mole
- anaerobic
- from glucose (2 ATP) or glycogen (3 ATP)
end product of glycolysis
2 aTP and 2 pyruvate
pyruvate used in
- aerobic metabolism
- accepts H+ from NADH to form lactic acid
Energy released from glycolysis
- occurs in cytosol
- glucose is oxidized
- NAD is reduced to NADH
- limited quantities of ATP produced
- cleaved into 2 pyruvate molecules
Energy released from fat
- 460 ATP
- most plentiful source of energy
- first step: lipolysis using lipase
Two sources of fat
1. triacylglycerol in fat cells (adipocytes)
2. intramuscular triacylglycerol
Lipolysis stimulated by:
1. epinephrine
2. norepinephrine
3. glucagon
4. growth hormone
Intracellular mediator of lipolysis:
cyclic AMP (cAMP)
Three stages of Oxidative Phosphorylation
1. micronutrient digestion, absorption, and assimilation
2. degradation of subunits into acetyl-CoA
3. oxidation of acetyl-CoA to CO2 and H2O
Energy Release from Lipid
Source: 1 molecule glycerol
Pathway: glycolysis + Kreb's cycle
ATP per molecule of fat: 19
Energy Release from Lipid:
Source: 3 molecules of 18-carbon
Pathway: Beta-oxidation and Kreb's Cycle
ATP Yield per molecule neutral fat: 441
Fats burn in a carbohydrate flame
glycolytic production of pyruvate keeps required levels of oaxeloacetate to maintain activity of beta oxidation
Slower rate of energy release from fat
- fat oxidation slower than carbohydrate
- carb ox maintains fat ox
- carb depletion impairs exercise performance
Krebs called citric acid because
of citrate
Carbs -->
glucose, protein, fat
Fats -->
glycerol --> glucose, fat, protein
Protein -->
glucose, protein, ketogenic amino acids
What regulates energy metabolism?
- overall energy state dictates direction of metabolic pathways
Rate-limiting modulators of energy metabolism
- cAMP
- Calcium
- pH
Short-term, high-intensity activities
- greater contribution of anaerobic systems
Long-term, low to moderate-intensity exercise
- majority of ATP produced from aerobic sources
Steady state VO2
O2 consumed meets demand of energy requirement at cellular level
O2 deficit
difference of O2 consumed to O2 required at cellular level
Trained vs untrained difference in steady state
trained reach steady state faster
O2 deficit and debt during light-moderate and heavy exercise
- inc CO2 and HR
- at rest 1 met=3.5 ml/kg VO2
O2 debt
O2 still required post-exercise as body cools down
another term for O2 debt
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)
"Fast" portion of O2 debt
1. resynthesis of stroed PC
2. replacing muscle and blood O2 stores
"Slow" portion of O2 debt
1. elevated HR and breathing, inc energy need
2. elevated body temp, inc metabolic rate
3. elevated epi and nor-epi, inc metabolic rate
4. conversion of lactic acid to glucose (gluconeogenesis) in the liver (Cori Cycle)
Cori Cycle
conversion of lactic acid to glucose (gluconeogenesis) in the liver
High-intensity, short-term exercise (2-20 sec)
- immediate response
- ATP production through ATP-PC system
Intense exercise longer than 20 sec
- short-term
- ATP production via anaerobic glycolysis
high-intensity exercise longer than 45 seconds
- long term
- ATP production through ATP-PC, glycolysis, and aerobic systems
"ability to deliver and use oxygen"
VO2=Q*(a-v)O2 difference
oxygen uptake increases linearly until
VO2 max is reached
physiological factors influencing VO2 max
1. ability of cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to muscles
2. ability of muscles to use oxygen and produce ATP aerobically
what determines VO2 max
stroke volume
effect of hot/humid environment on VO2
inc body temp requires vasodilation leading to more O2 consumption
effect of high-intensity exercise on VO2
body accumulates more lactate, electrolyte imbalance and inc temperature
definition of OBLA
the level at which blood lactic acid systemically rises to 4.0 mM during incremental exercise
implication of OBLA
maximal exercise intensity that a person can sustain for a prolonged period of time
mechanisms for lactate threshold
- low muscle O2
- accelerated glycolysis or slower mitochondrial respiration
- recruitment of fast-twitch fibers
- reduced rate of lactate removal from the blood
Above lactate threshold ->
Below lactate threshold ->
-> anaerobic
-> aerobic
removal of lactic acid following exercise (active vs passive)
active removes lactic acid faster than passive
Sources of fuel during exercise:
- blood glucose
- muscle glycogen
Sources of fuel during exercise:
- plasma FFA (from adipose tissue lypolysis)
- intramuscular triglycerides
Sources of fuel during exercise:
- only a small contribution to total energy (~2%)
- may increase to 5-15% in prolonged exercise
Sources of fuel during exercise: blood lactate
gluconeogenesis from the Cori cycle
Respiratory exchange ratio
- indicates fuel utilization
= respiratory quotient
McArdle's Syndrome
- disease with deficiency of glycogen phosphorylase
- no lactate production with ischemic exercise
1. Mass
2. Distance
3. Time
4. Force
5. Work
1. kilogram (kg)
2. meter (m)
3. second (s)
4. Newton (N)
5. Joule (J)
6. Energy
7. Power
8. Velocity
9. Torque
6. Joule (1 kcal=4.186 joules)
7. watt (W)
8. meters per second (m/s)
9. newton-meter (N-m)
one calorie=
the quantity of heat required to raise 1 L of water 1 degree celsius
Heat of Combustion
- heat liberated by oxidizing (burning) food in a bomb in a bomb calorimeter
Heat of Combustion Values
1. Lipid
2. Carb
3. Protein
1. 9.4 kCal/gram
2. 4.2 kCal/gram
3. 5.65 kCal/gram
Coefficient of Digestibility
1. Lipids
2. Carbohydrates
3. Protein
1. 95%
2. 97%
3. 92%
Atwater General Factors
1. Lipids
2. Carbs
3. Protein
1. 9 kCal/gram
2. 4 kCal/gram
3. 4 kCal/gram
total kCal =
= Atwater factor and food (grams)
Measurement of Energy Expenditure
1. Direct Calorimetry
2. Indirect Calorimetry
Direct Calorimetry
measurement of heat production as an indication of metabolic rate
Indirect Calorimetry
measurement of oxygen consumption as an estimate of metabolic rate
(oxygen used)
Indirect Calorimetry (methods)
1. Closed Circuit
2. Open Circuit
a. Portable spirometry
b. bag technique
c. stationary computerized metabolic system
3. doubly layered water technique
Closed Circuit
- good for stationary
- large resistance
portable spirometry
- small and carried in pack
- air volume is metered
- sample collected to measure concentrations of gases
- breathe normal air
Bag Technique
- air collected in Douglas Bag
- gold standard, more accurate
- small sample measured
Stationary Computerized metabolic system
- air flow measured for volume
- gas analyzers measure O2 and CO2
- stationary
Doubly Layered Water Technique
- truly, truly gold standard
- isotope-based
- Oxygen-18 and Deuterium
- isotopes eave body through sweat
- estimates total daily energy expenditure
Respiratory Quotient =
CO2 produced/ O2 consumed
RQ values
1. Carbohydrate
2. Fat
3. Protein
4. Nonprotein RQ
5. RQ for a mixed diet
1. 1.00
2. 0.696
3. 0.818
4. 0.86
5. 0.82
Basal Metabolic Rate
energy to maintain vital functions in awake state
Resting Metabolic Rate
energy to maintain vital functions plus digestion (measured 3-4 hours after meal)
main factors of increased metabolic rate
- increased surface area
- decreases with age
Effects of Regular Exercise
1. resistance training
2. Endurance training
3. Exercise
1. increases BMR by increasing FFM
2. increases BMR without increasing FFM
3. offset the age-related decline in BMR
Resting Daily Energy Expenditure =
= BMR x m^2
Factors that affect energy expenditure
- physical activity
- diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT)
- climate
- pregnancy
Physical Activity Ration
1. Light work
2. Moderate
3. Heavy work
4. Maximal Work
1. 1-3 x BMR
2. 3-6 x BMR
3. 6-8 x BMR
4. >9 x BMR
1 MET =
3.5 mL/kg/min