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50 Cards in this Set

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Calculate SV


Calculate EF

Ejection fraction:


Calculate cardiac output


myocardial oxygen consumption estimated by..

RPP= (HRxSBP)/100

rate pressure product

Hemodynamic Response RPP

High > 300High Intermediate 250 - 300Intermediate 200 - 250Low Intermediate 150 - 200Low 100 - 150


deliver blood


Resistance vessels - another name for arterioles due to their ability to vasodilate and vasoconstrict; changing diameter allows them to control the flow of blood


Exchange vessels – all exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur here


made of smooth mm, affect capillary pressure, dump into veins


Capacitance vessels - another name for veins, owing to their distensibility, which enables them to pool large volumes of blood and become reservoirs for blood


in men.. in women

the ratio of blood cells to total blood volume, expressed as a percentage

Adult males: 42-54%Adult females: 38-46%

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

MAP = (PP/3) + DBP2 (5th Korotkoff sound)

MAP = (PP/2) + DBP1 (4th Korotfoff sound)

Determines organ and tissue perfusion

Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR)


medulla oblongata has 3 control centers which are

vasomotor center

cardiac accelerator center

cardiac inhibitor center

vasomotor center responsible for

vasodilation of skeletal muscle arterioles

vasoconstriction of visceral arterioles

(sympathetic outflow, accelerator N)

Cardio accelerator center and cardio inhibitor center work with...

CA: inc. heart rate and contractility

CI: heart dec. and so does contractility

(parasympathetic outflow, vagus N)

Anatomical Sensors and FactorsAffecting Control

a. Higher brain centersb. Systemic receptorsa. Baroreceptorsb. Stretch receptorsc. Chemoreceptorsd. Muscle joint receptors

high brain centers

cerebral cortex: emotional factors, motor cortexhypothalamus: input from cortex, body temp


inc. in CO2 pressure, inc. in H ions, dec. in pressure of O2 leads to general vasoconstriction

Muscle receptors

mechanical: inc. movement leads to inc. sympathetic outflow

metabolic: inc. activity causes in. in metabolites which leads to inc. in sympathetic flow

systemic receptors

Baroreceptors (aortic and carotid bodies): respond to inc. MAP leads to inc. parasymp. outflow and dec. symp. outflow

Stretch receptors (R atrium): inc. venous return leads to inc. symp. outflow

Neurohormonal Control

• Epinephrine/Norephinephrine• Alosterone/ADH

memorize this hahahaha

Fick equation

Q = (VO2/a-vO2diff)

what is inotropic and what is chronotropic

Stroke volume.. heart rate

VO2 max

greatest amount of oxygen that the body can take in,transport, and utilize during heavy exercise

VO2max= (HR max) * (SVmax) * (a-vO2 diff max)



filling phase (relaxation)

ejection phase (contraction)

fluids move from ____ to _____

high pressure to low pressure

Primer pump

power pump



the pressure changes in the _____ side of the heart are greater than _____ side of the heart but the volume of blood is the _________

left, right, same volume

why does left have greater pressure

volume of blood taken to greater distances than right

why must volumes stay the same with left and right

otherwise there would be a backdrop of blood in one of the circuits. Leads to congestive heart failure

as the electrical impulse passes from atrium to ventricle there is approx. ____ delay allowing for greater filling time for the ventricle

0.10 sec

blood moves passively to ventricle and fills_____ but contracts to top it off to fill with ____

70-75%, 100%


end diastolic volume: amt. of blood in each vent. at the end of vent. diastole


end systolic volume: amt. of blood remaining in each vent. at the end of vent. systole

Ejection fraction definition

percentage of EDV represented by SV

cardiac reserve

difference btween resting and maximal CO

Factors controlling SV

For EDV: filling time, venous return

For ESV: preload, contractility, afterload

Factors affecting EDV: inc. _____ decreases _____

heart rate, filling time

During exercise venous return is increased by 3 principle mechanisms

vasoconstriction: dec. vol. capacity of the veins to store blood>>> movement back to the heart

via symp. constriction of smooth mm in the veins

Muscle pump: one way valves in the veins, rhythmic muscle contractions facilitate movement of blood back to the heart

respiratory pump: rhythmic pattern of breathing also acts as a mechanical pump inc. thoracic pressure>>> inc. abdominal pressure, blood moves from high to low pressure


degree of stretching experienced during ventricular diastole

length tension relationship

stretching beyond its optimal length generally does not occur bc ventricular expansion is limited by myocardial CT, fibrous skeleton and pericardium

frank starling mechanism

inc. blood in the ventricles causes a stronger ventricular contraction to inc. the amt. ejected

"more in more out"


changed in contractility caused by..

amt. of force produced by each contraction

1. autonomic stimulation>> symp. stimulation inc. HR (NE and E stimulate cardiac muscle)

2. hormones>> E, NE, glucagons and thyroid hormones inc. contractility

3. changes in ion concentration:

hypercalcemia: inc. cardiac muscle excitability

hypocalcemia: dec. cantractation

hyperkalemia: depol. and inhibition of repol. therefore contractions become weak and irregular

hypokalemia: hyperpol. and HR and BP dec.


amt. of tension the contracting vent. must produce the force necessary to force open the semilunar valve and eject blood.

inc. in afterload= inc. isovolumetric contraction

dec. duration of ventricular ejection

inc. ESV and dec. SV

Factors affecting HR:

1) autonomic NS: symp. inc. HR; parasymp. dec. HR

2) hormones: E, NE, thyroid hormone inc. HR and contractility

3) changes in ion concentration: dec. K produces hyperdepol and dec. HR, changes in Ca have more important effects on contractility

4) changes in body temp-- dec. temp= dec. HR (depol. of SA node)

mammalian dive reflex

massive vasoconstriction and HR < 46 bpm (parasymp)

inc. in temp>> inc. sweating and dec. plasma vol. (dec. SV>> inc. HR)

how to find TPR

why important

viscosity* total length/ radius^4

total length only changes with age so only viscosity changes really... TPR goes up with viscosity and total length

get blood at high speeds with tissues that need it (vasodilate w/ tissues that need it most, vasoconstrict w/ tissues that dont need it)

rise in HR after 45 min causes___

dec. SV