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30 Cards in this Set

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inner cabinet
are the four positions of secretary of state,treasury, attorney general,and secretary of defense
Another way to make a treaty binding without having two-thrids of the votes of the senate.
Executive Agreements
Executive Orders
Enforce the constitution,treaties, legislative statues, or establish or modify rules and practices of executive administrative agencies.
Executive Privilege
A President's claim to have the right to keep private communications between himself and his principal advisers.
Executive Office of the President
consists of agencies that report directly to the president and perform staff services for him.
What is the one restriction on Executive Orders?
They must be published in the daily publication of the U.S Government. (The Federal Register)
What are the Executive Office Agencies
-National Security Council
-The Office of Managment and Budget
-The National Economic Council
what was the reason for Bush's attempt to reorganize the executive branch?
- there was way to many agencies
- Easier to change policy through reorganization
of agencies
who Advises the president on American military affairs and foreign policy?
The National Security Council
What is the largest office in the Executive Office of the President that has the job of preparing the national budget that the pesident proposes to congress every year?
The Office of Managment and Budget
this angency helps the president with economic planning
The National Economic Council
What is the most important agency in the Executive Office of the President?
The Office of Management and Budget
What does The National Economic Council consist of?
three leading economists and assisted by about 60 other economists, attorneys and political scientists.
What agency is the source of the president’s advice and information about the nation’s economy.
The National Economic Council
Who is the cheif executive?
The president
Military Power
the president is the commander in chief of the armed services
Wars Powers Resolution
requires the president to consult with congress when activating military troops
Diplomatic Power
the president makes treaties with foregn nations
diplomatic recognition
the power to recognize foreign governments.
qualifications to be a president include:
-Must be natural born citizen
-Must live in the United States for at least 14 years
-Must be at least 35 years old
Budget reform and impoundment act of 1974
it requires the president to spend all appropriated funds unless congress approved the impoundment.
is the presidential practice of refusing to spend money appropriated by congress
agenda setting
determining policy priorites for the nation.
Line Item Veto
would allow presidents to veto sections of bills without rejecting the whole thing
legislative veto
congress writes laws that allow it to review and cancel actions of the executive branch
Divided government
a government in which one party controls the whit house and a different party controls one or both houses of congress.
the inability to get anything done because the branches bicker with one another and make decisions difficult
12th amendment
provieded for electors to vote for a president/vice- president slate.
The circular model
presidents that use this model have more direct contact with their staff members with many cabinet secretaries and assistants reporting directly to the president.
The pyramid model-
where people report through a hierarchy to a chief of staff and/or a chief aide