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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the part of the brain that regulates the amount of water in the blood?
What are the tiny filtering units of the kidney?
On a single pass through the kidney, how many times is the blood filtered?
What is the waste product produced by the kidneys?
What is the organ that stores urine?
What are the tubes that lead from the kidneys to the outside of the body
What are the two organs that filter the blood?
The liver and the kidneys
What is a sign of diabetes?
high levels of glucose
What is the machine called that can serve as an artificial kidney?
Dialysis machine
What is the function of the kidney?
to eliminate excess water, salt, and urea
What is urea?
chemical that ends up in urine
What are the waste products of cellular respiration?
water, carbon dioxide, salts, urea
What is the name of the tubes that lead from the kidney to the bladder?
What is the elastic muscular organ that holds urine?
Where does "dirty" blood come into the nepohron?
the renal artery
What comes next?
Bowmans capsule, Tubule, Henule's loop, capillaries, _________
Renal vein
Where does the first filtration in the nephron occur?
What are the organs of the excretory system?
Skin, Lungs, Kidneys,
What are the two types of digestion?
mechanical and chemical digestion
WHat is the difference between mechical and chemical digestion?
Mechanical is the PHYSICAL breakdown of food and Chemical is the CHEMICAL breakdown of food.
What is an example of mechanical digestion?
What is an example of chemical digestion?
What is the type of protein that speeds up a chemical reaction?
an enzyme
What are the organs of the digestive tract?
mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus.
What are the accessory organs of digestion?
teeth, tongue, salivary glands, l;iver, gallbladder, pancreas
What is the enzyme produced by the salivary glands that speeds up the digestion of starch?
What is the structure that covers the opening to the windpipe when you swallow?
Name of the muscular waves that food is moved along the digestive system with
What is chyme?
a watery liquid that food is changed into in the stomach
What prevents the hydrochloric acid from digesting the stomach?
What is the first part of the small intestine called?
the duodenum
Where in the digestive tract does the most digestion take place?
the duodenum or the small intestine
What is bile?
the greenish liquid produced by the liver that acts on fat
What is villi?
finger-like projections in the small intestine tat help it absorb nutrients
What is the main job of the large intestine?
to absorb water from undigested waste.
What are the two vitamins that are produced by bacteria in your large intestine?
Vitamin B and K
What is in intestinal juice?
enzymes, proteins, starch, sugar, fats
What is the pH scale?
It measures the acidity or base-y-ness of a liquid from a scale of 0-14
What organ produces bile?
What is lipase?
an enzyme that chemically digests fats
What is the name of the enzyme that chemically digestions proteins?
What is the purpose of the pancreas?
to produces pancreatic juice which produces lipase, protease, and amylase
What is the hard palate?
the hard roof of your mouth
what does the soft palate do and waht is it?
the soft top of esophagus? and it assists in swallowing
What is the cardiac valve?
the valve between the esophagus and stomach that regulates flow of food
What muscles are involved with breathing?
Intercostals muscles, Diaphragm, muscles of the abdomen
Where is the respiratory control center located at?
The Brain
What is one place that sensors that adjust breathing rate are NOT found in?
What is the voicebox called?
What is the windpipe called?