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22 Cards in this Set

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Purifies blood by removing nitrogenous waste products and excreting them in the urine.
The duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca.
A membranous sac in humans and other animals, in which urine is collected for excretion.
The duct by which urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder, and which male vertebrate also conveys semen.
Referring to each functional units in the kidney, consisting of a glomerulus and its associated tubule, through which the glomerular filtrate passes before emerging as urine.
A cluster of nerve endings, spores, or small blood vessels, in particular, a cluster or capillaries around the end of a kidney tubule, where waste products are filtered from the blood.
Bowman’s capsule:
A capsule-shaped membranous structure surrounding the glomerulus of each nephron in the kidneys that extracts wastes, excess salts and water from the blood.
Collecting duct:
The collecting duct system of the kidney consists of a series of tubules and ducts that connect the nephrons to the ureter.
Proximal tube:
The proximal tubule is the portion of the duct system of the nephron of the kidney which leads from Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle.
Loop of henle:
The part of a kidney tubule that forms a long loop in the medulla of the kidneys, from which water and salts are resorbed into the blood.
Distal Tube:
The distal convoluted tubule (DCT) is a portion of kidney nephron between the loop of Henle and the collecting duct system.
Antidiurectic hormone:
a pituitary hormone that acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure.
Renal artery:
an artery originating from the abdominal aorta and supplying the kidneys and adrenal glands and ureters.
Renal vein:
veins that accompany renal arteries; open into the vena cava at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Afferent arteriole:
The afferent arterioles are a group of blood vessels that supply the nephrons in many excretory systems. They play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure as a part of the Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism.
Efferent arteriole:
The efferent arterioles are blood vessels that are part of the urinary tract of organisms. The efferent arterioles form from a convergence of the capillaries of the glomerulus. They play an important role in maintaining the glomerular filtration rate despite fluctuations in blood pressure.
Any of the elongated contractile threads found in striated muscle cells.
A protein that forms (with myosin) the contractile filaments of muscle cells.
A fibrous protein that forms (together with actin) the contractile filaments of muscle cells and is also involved in motion in other types of cells
Creatine Phosphate
also known as creatine phosphate or PCr (Pcr), is a phosphorylated creatine molecule that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle
Slow-twitch fibres
a fibre within the muscle that contracts slowly and allows the muscles to perform for a long time. Marathon runners have lots of these.
Fast-twitch fibres
Muscle fiber type that contracts quickly and is used most in intensive, short-duration exercises, such as weightlifting or sprints.