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72 Cards in this Set

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What is RMS?
Windows Rights Management Services
What is IRM
Information Rights Management
You can use RMS to configure _____ ?
You can use Windows RIghts Mangement Services to configure Information Rights Management (IRM)
(T/F)? Moderated transport is a new feature in Exch. 2010.
Which servers can you create transport rules from?
HT or ET servers.
What's the EMS cmdlet to view a summary list of all transport rules?
What are the 3 main configurations shown on the EMC main window?
Organization Configuration; Server Config; Recipient Config; there is also a ToolBox.
What are some main components when creating a new transport rule?
Conditions; Actions; Exceptions; Create Rule
What's the EMS cmdlet to view the actions that a transport rule performs?
Cmdlet to disable and enable a transport rule?
Disable-TransportRule; Enable-TransportRule
(T/F): Importing a tranport rule collection from an XML file removes or overwrites preexisting transport rules defined for the transport rules agent?
You can implement privacy and confidentiality requirements by configuring ___.
IRM (Information Rights Management)
What needs to be enabled on the HT server for IRM to be used?
RMS prelicensing agent.
What's the point behind IRM? How is it useful?
Company mailboxes typically have sensitive information; IRM provides protections ...
IRM protection is configured by applying an __________ template.
AD RMS rights policy template
What EMS command enables licensing and hence enables IRM features for messages sent to internal recipients?
Set-IRMConfiguration -InternalLIcensingEnabled $true
What's the EMS cmdlet to retrieve the list of active rights management services policy templates that are currently available to the Exch. 2010 HT?
Installing AD RMS and Exch. 2010 on the same server [is/is not] supported in a production environment.
is not supported
______ agents are implemented on HT servers
IRM agents
The ___________ distribution group ust exist and be correctly configured before you can add the Federated Delivery mailbox ... to enable decryption featuers.
ADRMSSuperUsers distribution Group
What's the EMS cmdlet to perform end-to-end tests of your IRM deployment?
Test-IRMConfiguration; Test-IRMConfiguration | FL
What do transport protections rules implement?
They implement messaging policies by inspecting message content, encrypting sensitive email content, and using rights management to control access.
Example of and EMS cmdlet that creates the IRM-protects messages rule that contain the word "Confidential" in the subject fileld using the Do No Forward template.
New-TransportRule -Name "Protect-Confidential" -SubjectContainsWord "Confidential" -ApplyRightsProtectionTemplate "Do Not Forward"
Example of an Outlook protection rule that protects messages sent to the TechnicalAuthors distribution group with the AD RMS template Do Not Forward:
New-OutlookProtectionRule -Name "MyProject" -SentTo "TechnicalAuthors" -ApplyRightsProtectionTemplate "Do Not Forward"
What EMS cmdlet do you use to create a transport protection rule?
What parameter associiated with tthe New-Transport configures the rule as a transport protection rule?
What command enables IRM in OWA for an entire Exchange 2010 Org?
Set-IRMConfiguration -OWAEnabled $true
What command disables IRM in OWA for the virtual directory MyVirtualDirectory on CAS VAN-EX1?
Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity VAN-EX1\MyVirtualDirectory -IRMEnabled $false
What is the moderated transport feature?
Enables you to specify that all email messages send to specific recipients are approved by moderators. Maybe you want messages going to partners moderated.
What's the EMS cmdlet to create an arbitration mailbox?
New-Mailbox -Name Arbitration -Arbitration
EMS command to assign the arbitration mailbox Arbitration to the FirstDistributionGroup moderated recipient?
Set-DistributionGroup FirstDistributionGroup -ArbitraitonMailbox Arbitration ### parameter specifies which arbitration mailbox is used.
Genernal question: How does Exch. 2010 make routing decisions on a HT server?
It accesses config information stored in AD to make routing decisions on a HT server.
What are some configuration and service components are used in message routing?
AD sites, AD IP site links, send connectors, delivery agents, foreign connectors, routing groups, routing group connectors, MS Exchange Transport Service, MS Exch. AD Topology service, routing tables, SMTP, DNS
What entities represent routing boundaries for HT servers?
AD sites
Which service locates the domain controllers and GC servers that Exch. 2010 uses to retrieve configuration and recipient data from AD?
The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service.
What are site links?
Logical paths b/t AD sites. An administrator assigns a cost to a site link based on factors such as reliability, speed, and available bandwidth of the underlying network.
What is the default cost for a site link?
Use EMS command to assign an Exchange cost:
Set-AdSiteLink -Identity LINK0304 -ExchangeCost 1000
What EMS command would you use to configure the AD site ContosoSite as a hub site?
Set-Adsite -Identity ContosoSite -HubSiteEnabled $true
Where are send connectors configured?
Hub Transport (ORG Config) or Edge Transport Servers.
What does the send connector on a HT server do?
Represents a logical gateway through which outbound messages are sent to the next hop on the way to their destination.
The following EMS command creates a Send Connector name SendConnector01 iwth a usage type of Internet that sends email to all .com Internet sites:
New-SendConnector -Internet -Name SendConnector01 -AddressSpace "SMTP:*.com;1"
You cannot reconfigure the usage type using the Set-SendConnectr cmdlet. What's the solution?
Delete the connector using the Remove-SendConnector cmdlet and then re-create it with a different usage type.
How do you disable a send connector with EMS?
Use the Set-SendConnector EMS cmdlet and set the Enabled parameter to $false.
Which EMS cmdlet do you use to modify the default permissions for a Send connector?
This EMS command configures the Send connector SendConnector01 so that it can be used only by HT servers in the same AD site.
Set-SendConnector -Identity SendConnector01 -IsScopedConnector $true
You can configure Send connectors so that they deliver email using DNS address resolution.
Example: Set-TransportServer -Identity VAN-EX1 -ExternalDNSServers,
You must specify a smart host if you select the ______ usage type for a Send connector.
[T/F] You can configure the max size of messages sent through a Send connector.
EMS command that configures the send connector SendConnector01 iwth a max message size of 5MB and a max time for which an idle connection can remain open for 20 minutes.
Set-SendConnector -Identity SendConnector01 -MaxMessageSize 5MB -ConnectionInactivityTimeOut 00:20:00
Exch. 2010 ___ and ___ servers use Receive connectors to receive messages.
HT and ET.
When you install the HT server role, how many receive connectors are created?
Two. The client receive connector accepts SMTP connections from all non-MAPI clients, such as POP. he Default Receive connctor accpts connections from other HT and ET servers.
During the installation of the Edge Transport server role, how many Receive connectors are created?
One -- configured to accept SMTP comm from all IP address ranges and is bound to all IP addresses on the local server.
EMS command to list all the Receive connectors on the HT servers?
EMS cmdlet to create a Receive connector?
New-ReceiveConnector ... ### -usage {custom, internal, internet, partner}
Example of a cmdlet where a connector listens for incoming SMTP connections on the IP address and port 25 and accepts incoming SMTP connections only from the IP range -
New-ReceiveConnector -Name ReceiveConnector01 -Usage Custom -Bindings -RemoteIPRanges
What's the EMS cmdlet that sets the authentication mechanism of the Receive connector?
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity ReceiveConnector01 -AuthMechanism { Integrated, None, TLS, etc}
Command to delete Receive connector ReceiveConnector01?
Remove-ReceiveConnector -Identity ReceiveConnector01
In Exch. 2010, an ______ domain is considered authoritative when the Exchange org hosts MBs for recipients in this domain.
accepted SMTP domain
How do you prevent open relays?
Reject all email that is not addressed to a recipient in your organization's authoritative domains.
When you configure an external relay domain, messages are relayed by an ______ server to an email server that is outside the Exchange org.
Edge Transport server
When are foreign connectors used?
HT servers use foreign connectors to deliver messages to gateway servers that do not use SMTP to transmit messages, like 3rd party fax gateway servers.
EMS cmdlet to create a foreign connector?
New-ForeignConnector (on a HT server) ### IsScopedConnector $true parameter means that the connector can be used only by HT server in the same AD site.
What are Delivery Agent Connectors?
These are like Foreign connectors where SMTP is not used. Unlike foreign connectors, DACs do not use Drop directories. They provide greater control over the message delivery to foreign systems.
What is TLS?
Transport Layer Security.
EMS cmdlet example that requires TLS on a receive connector.
New-ReceiveConnector -Name Secure -Bindings -RemoteIPRanges -RequireTLS $true
EMS cmdlet to generate a self-signed certificate?
EMS cmdlet to view all athe Exchange certificates published in AD.
You can use _______ on IP site links to control the route that email traffic takes to a remote AD site.
Exchange costs
You can use ___ and ____ to encrypt and authenticate email traffic.
You are creating a Send connector to send email to a domain with which you have established MTLS authenication. Which usage type would you specify?
What is MTLS?
Mutual Transport Layer Security