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47 Cards in this Set

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Which condition causes pallor and mottling of the skin in a patient who is immobile?
tissue ischemia
Inflammation from a soft tissue injury causes pain due to tissue edema and the release of which substance?
The nurse evaluates an open wound and notes pinkish-red granulation tissue in the wound. What does this finding indicate?
normal healing process
A patient who has stage 1 pressure ulcers on both heels is scheduled for surgery. Which nursing action should be included in the preoperative plan of care?
apply film drsg to area
The nurse is planning care for a patient who is having problems with wound healing. It is most important for this patient to adhere to a diet that is high in which vitamin?
Vit C
Which factor will increase the risk of dehiscence of an abdominal wound?
Which is an example of artificial, active immunity?
Antibodies are
produced after vaccination with an antigen
The nurse inspects a patient's skin and notes clusters of round, elevated lesions filled with clear fluid on the right side of the trunk. Which type of lesion does the patient have?
The nurse notes yellow pigmentation in the sclera of a dark-skinned patient. What action should the nurse take next?
inspect the pt’s hard palate
A patient who exhibits poor skin turgor is showing signs of which problem?
Which response represents the loss of a normal body defense mechanism for preventing infection?
decreased number of cilia in the respiratory tract related to smoking
The nurse has been changing a patient's postoperative dressings for several days. Which evidence would be most indicative that a wound infection is developing?
suppuration at the site of healing
Which action should take priority when the nurse comes into contact with a patient's blood?
cleanse the exposed area with soap and water
A patient's nursing diagnosis is impaired skin integrity related to pressure. Which nursing action is essential to promote healing?
provide high protein foods in the diet
Why is heat applied to an area of inflammation?
to promote vasodilation and increase cellular nutrition
Which manifestations are indicative of systemic postoperative infection?
lymph node enlargement and lack of appetite
Which finding would indicate that a patient is susceptible to infection?
decreased WBCs
Which assessment data suggests that a patient is at risk for infection?
has an indwelling catheter in place
Which action by the nurse demonstrates adherence to the principle of surgical asepsis?
holds wet forceps with tips below the handles
Which data supports the nursing diagnosis of impaired skin integrity?
excoriation under the breasts
A patient with an intravenous line in place is confused and begins pulling on the IV line. The physician orders arm restraints. Which action should the nurse take?
release the restraints Q2H
What is the purpose of a three-pronged plug on the electric cord to a medical device?
to direct stray electric current to the ground
Induction of emesis with syrup of ipecac is indicated following the ingestion of which substance?
The nurse is caring for an older adult patient who is disoriented and frequently attempts to climb out of bed. Which measure should the nurse implement to best protect the patient?
Keep the bed at the lowest level possible.
Which assessment finding indicates that a hospitalized patient is at risk for physical injury?
weak right hand grasp
A patient receives an electric shock, yet remains alert and oriented. Which action should the nurse carry out first?
Take vital signs.
Which represents a potential hazard in a home with an infant?
presence of school-age siblings who play with dolls or action figures
When carbon monoxide is released in the environment, which physiological reaction occurs?
The carbon monoxide
binds with hemoglobin preventing oxyhemoglobin formation.
When instructing a patient about the use of a walker for ambulation, the nurse should include which instruction?
Wear properly fitted nonskid shoes.
On admission, why should the nurse document a patient's risk for falling?
to provide a basis for prevention strategies
The nurse is assessing a patient's condition when the patient states, "I get so dizzy when I first get up in the morning, the room just spins." Which accurately describes the cause of the patient's condition?
orthostatic hypotension
Which statement by an adolescent indicates the need for instruction about the adverse effects of sunlight?
"I am going to a tanning salon to get my tan started early."
Which patient statement is the best indicator of sensory overload in a 70-year-old patient who has been in the intensive care unit for two weeks?
"I feel like my thoughts are racing and I can't concentrate."
Sustained noise at what level can lead to progressive hearing loss?
90 decibels
Which type of knot should the nurse use to tie a wrist restraint to the bed frame?
Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which nursing diagnosis should be given priority?
fluid volume deficit
Which patient statement reflects the constructive use of self-discipline?
"Whatever the crisis, I usually manage to keep my cool."
Which is a physiological sign of stress?
Blood pressure is elevated.
Vital signs are an example of which type of information?
objective data
Which nursing action would promote patient autonomy in the hospital?
Allow the patient to choose meal preferences from a menu.
Which statement by the nurse would best help a patient in the postoperative period cope with stress and anxiety and allow the patient a feeling of control over the hospital environment?
"In which arm would you like the IV placed?"
What is the primary source of information for a patient's health history?
the patient
An Asian toddler is admitted to the hospital with a persistent fever. The nurse notices circular, red areas on the child's back. Which action should the nurse take?
Engage the parents in a discussion of health beliefs.
A person has just been in a motor vehicle accident. The person's pulse is rapid, pupils are dilated, and respirations are deep. These findings are a result of which process?
sympathetic nervous system activation
A nurse caring for a child who is from Mexico notes that the child is reluctant to make eye contact. How should the nurse interpret this behavior, and which action should the nurse take?
The child is showing a sign of respect, and should receive care as planned.
How is pulse pressure best described?
the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure
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