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7 Cards in this Set

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What do culture and culture norms means?
-defined as a set of attitudes, behaviors, symbols shared by a large group of people and usually communicated from one generation to the next
What is Shiraev and Levy’s definition ?
explained through attitudes that includes beliefs, values, superstitions and stereotypes, behaviors that include norms, customs, traditions and fashions, and symbols that can be words, gestures, pictures or objects that carry a meaning which is recognized by those sharing a particular culture.
What is Matsumoto and Juang’s definition?
the functions of cultural norms such that cultures makes it possible for people to interact to produce food, procreate and develop the knowledge, skills and tools needed to protect themselves from their environment.
Who found the word "dimensions"?
Explain the study.
-coined by Hoefstede in his classic study in 1973
-Asked employees of multinational companies from the 40 most represented countries to fill in surveys about morale in the workplace.
-concluded that culture is a collective phenomenon that distinguishes one group from another on specific dimensions, an individual’s mental software will determine the way that person acts, thinks and is resistant to change, and understanding the influence of cultural dimensions on human behavior can facilitate international understanding and communication.
What are the 5 major work related values?
Individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, and long-term or short-term orientation.
What is the 5th dimension
Hofstede and Bond (1984)
long-term orientation versus short-term orientation - added in 2001.
It reflects the extent to which a culture has a dynamic future-orientated mentality and refers to the degree to which a culture encourages a delayed gratification of material, social and emotional needs among its members.
Long-term orientation suggested the culture values long-standing traditions and values whereas, short-term orientations strive to fulfill their own long-term social obligation and avoid loss of face and are not concerned with past traditions.
Study on culture.
Chen et. al (2005) investigated
how bi-cultural participants
handled time orientation.
-Participants who were exposed extensively to two
different cultures: Singaporean and American. 147
Singaporean ‘bicultural participants’.
-Presented half of the participants with collage of
easily recognizable photos - relevant to Singaporean
culture and US culture.
-Participants shopped online to purchase a novel.
-The delivery took four working days for a standard
fee or next day for an additional charge.
-DV - the extra money the participants were willing
to pay was used as a measure of impatience.