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130 Cards in this Set

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Electromagnetic receptors
Respond to electrical, magnetic, and light stimuli - light detecting stimuli are the most common and diverse
While animals have evolved different light sensing organs, all rely on the same _________________ to convert light energy into a nervous signal
Light-sensitive photopigment
This shared light-sensitive photopigment suggests...
A common evolutionary origin that diverged during the Cambrian period
Converts the energy of light photons into electrical signals in the receptor cell - photosensitive protein, common to all eyes and light-sensitive organs
Regulates eye development in fruit flies, flatworms, and mice - transcription factor
Specific transmembrane protein found in the photosensitive cells of vertebrates - covalently bound to retinal, made of opsin
Resting membrane potential of opsin molecules
-35 mV
How hyperpolarization occurs in opsin
Opsin absorbs a light photon and undergoes a conformational change from a cis to trans configuration - Na+ channels close - decrease in firing rate indicates information about the stimulus
Used by flatworms, detect direction and intesity of light so flatworm can move away
Image-forming eyes
Compound eyes and single-lens eyes
Individual light-focusing elements in compound eyes - number of ommatidia determines the resolution of the image
Advantage of compound eyes
They are good at detecting motion and rapid flashes of light; some even detect UV light
Advantages of single lens eyes
Can focus light rays on a particular region of photoreceptors, improving both image quality and light sensitivity
Tough white outer layer of the eye
Portion of the sclera in front of the eye, it is transparent so light may pass through
Opening through which light enters the eye and then passes through a convex lens
Opens and closes to adjust the amount of light that enters the pupil
Aqueous humor
Clear, watery liquid in the interior region in front of the lens - continuously drained by small ducts at the base of the eye
Disease that results if the aqueous humor is not sufficiently drained
Vitreous humor
Gel-like substance in the cavity behind the lens - makes up most of the eye's volume
Where incoming light is focused by the cornea and lens - contains photoreceptors and other nerve cells that sense and process the light stimuli
How light is focused onto the retina
The ciliary muscles contract to round the lens and bend the light rays more when focusing on an object nearby ; the ciliary muscles relax when looking at an object far away
Advantages of 2 eyes
Binocular depth cues, wider field of vision
Cone cells
Have color sensitive pigments
Rod cells
Sensitive to light but not color - more rod cells than cone cells
Together, rod and cone cells are _____% of all sensory receptor cells in the human body
Area of the retina where cone cells are most concentrated
Bipolar cells
Cells onto which rods and cones synapse
Ganglion cells
Cells onto which bipolar cells synapse
Optic nerve
Where ganglion cells transmit action potentials, leads to the visual cortex
Horizontal cells
Communicate between neighboring pairs of photoreceptors and bipolar cells to enhance contrasts through lateral inhibition
Amacrine cells
Communicate between neighboring bipolar cells and ganglion cells to enhance motion detection and adjust for changes in illumination
Hindbrain and midbrain functions
Control basic body functions and behaviors
Cerebral cortex
Governs more advanced cognitive functions
Hindbrain develops into the...
Cerebellum and a portion of the brainstem (rest develops from the midbrain)
Cerebellum functions
Coordinates complex motor tasks
Brainstem is made up of...
Medulla, pons, and midbrain - basic functions controlled by
Relay station for sensory information
Physiological state controlled - interacts with endocrine and autonomic systems
Limbic system
Controls physiological drives, instincts, emotions, and motivation
Long term memory formation
Gray matter
Cortex - made up of densely packed neuron cell bodies and their dendrites
White matter
Deep inside the cortex - contains axons of cortical neurons - fatty myelin
Deep crevices of the brain
Frontal lobe functions
Decision making and planning
Parietal lobes
Body awareness and ability to perform complex tasks
Temporal lobes
Involved in processing sound, language, reading center, object identification, naming
Occipital lobe
Involved in processing visual information from the eyes
Primary somatosensory cortex
Integrates tactile information from specific body regions and relays information to the motor cortex
Primary motor cortex
Produces complex coordinated behaviors, controlling skeletal muscle movements
Larger area of cortex correlates with
Fine motor movements
Muscles cells are also called...
Muscle fibers
Striated muscles
Striped under a light microscope, includes skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles
Muscle proteins
Actin and myosin - used to contract and generate force, organized into filaments
Skeletal muscle fiber characteristics
Each is elongated and multinucleated, contains several long rod-like structures called myofibrils that contain parallel arrays of the actin and myosin filaments that cause muscle contraction
Thick filament
Myosin molecules arranged in parallel
Thin filament
Two actin filaments helically arranged
Runs in the grooves of actin helices
Z discs
Protein backbones to which thin filaments are attached
Region from one Z disc to another - shortening of thousands of sarcomeres leads to muscle shortening
Links the myosin filaments to the Z discs at the ends of the sarcomere
Sliding filament model of muscle contraction
Muscles produce force and change their length by the sliding of actin filaments relative to myosin filaments
Sarcomere length
Vertebrates: 2.3 micrometers
Invertebrates: Varies but can be as short as 1.3 micrometers
Cross bridge cycle
1. Myosin head binds ATP, allowing the myosin to detach from actin
2. Myosin hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and Pi - results in conformational change where myosin head is cocked back, ADP and Pi are held, keeping myosin head in a high energy state
3. Myosin head binds actin, forming a cross bridge
4. Release of ADP and Pi - power stroke in which myosin head pivots forward and generates force causing the myosin and actin filaments to slide relative to each other - actin filaments are pulled toward the sarcomere midline
Myosin molecules with higher rates of ATP hydrolysis results in...
Faster muscle contractions
What makes muscle fibers contract?
They are electrically excitable - when action potentials arrive at the neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft, ac binds to receptors at the motor endplate, triggering Na+ channel opening - leads to a change in troponin's configuration which moves tropomyosin from myosin so that cross bridge cycle may occur
Pathway of depolarizaton
Motor endplate -> sarcoplasmic reticulum through the T-tubule system -> SR releases Ca 2+ ions that reach troponin and cause the conformational change
Excitation-contraction coupling
Muscle cell excitation is coupled with muscle contraction
How are smooth muscles activated and relaxed?
By the binding of calmodulin with Ca 2+ released from the SR or through the cell's membrane - activates enzyme myosin-kinase which phosphorylates smooth muscle myosin heads - cross bridge cycle begins
SR of smooth muscle cells difference
Fewer calcium pumps so calcium is more slowly returned to the SR - longer periods of contraction
Force that a muscle produces depends on
Contraction length and speed of contraction
Why intermediate action-myosin overlap is good
Too much overlap results in myosin filaments running into Z discs, too little overlap results in little muscle contraction
Isometric force
Muscle is contracting, but not shortening
Lengthening contraction
When muscles are stretched when external load against which they contract exceeds their force output
Most force in
Lengthening contraction
Antagonist muscles
Pull in opposite directions
Muscles that combine to produce similar motions - 3 heads of the triceps
Force exerted by a muscle depends on...
Frequency of stimulation by the motor nerve - more frequent results in increased calcium released for cross bridge formation
Twitch contraction
Caused by a single action potential
Muscles contraction of sustained force - high stimulation frequency
Motor unit
Motor neuron and the population of muscle fibers it innervates
Slow twitch fibers
Red, control posture and slow movements - obtain energy through oxidative phosphorylation
Fast-twitch fibers
White, generate force quickly - obtain energy through glycolysis
What gives slow twitch muscles their red appearance?
The presence of myoglobin which facilitates oxygen delivery to the mitochondria
Which fibers are responsible for endurance?
Slow twitch, oxidative fibers
Hydrostatic skeleton
Evolved early in multicellular animals - fluid contained within a body cavity serves as the supportive component of the skeleton
2 sets of muscles involved in hydrostatic skeleton
Circular (change diameter) and longitudinal (change length)
Hydrostatic skeletons are well adapted for which uses?
Jet-propelled locomotion, octopus tentacles, elephant's control over its trunk, tongues
Hydrostatic elements in vertebrates
Intervertebral discs - sandwiched between vertebrae all have a wall with connective tissue surrounding jelly-like fluid - allow backbone to twist and bend, cartilage - fluid filled tissue that forms joint surfaces
When did endoskeletons evolve?
Cambrian explosion, 500 mya
Attach muscle to bone, transmit muscle forces
Axial and appendicular regions
Axial: skull, ribs, vertebrae - came first evolutionarily
Appendicular: Limb bones, including shoulder and pelvis
Skeletal tissues primarily comprised of...
Extensive cellular matrix secreted by specialized cells - bone, tooth enamel, cartilage
Bone tissue forming cells, synthesize and secrete calcium phosphate and hydroxapatite mineral crystals in close association with collagen
Composition of bone
2/3 hydroapatite mineral, 1/3 type I collagen protein
Articular cartilage composition
70% water, 15% type II collagen, 15% other, usually lasts an individual's lifetime
Endochondral ossification
Undergone by most bones besides the skull - initially, the future bone is formed from cartilage by chondroblasts, bone starts to form where blood vessels penetrate, new cartilage continues to be added at the growth plate causing the bone to grow in length
Compact bone
Forms the walls of the bone's shaft
Bone cells of dense mineralized bone tissue - comprises compact bone
Spongy bone
Has small plates and rods called trabeculae, with spaces in between them - found at ends of limb bones
Bone marrow
Fatty tissue between trabeculae, contains blood forming cells, stem cells, immune system cells
Growth plate
Adds new cartilage to the bone's diaphysis, at maturity, growth plate fuses as bone
Remove bone from marrow cavity
Great advantage of endoskeletons over exoskeletons
Can be repaired by osteoclasts and osteoblasts
Torque =
F x r (Force x axis of rotation)
Tradeoff between...
Force and velocity
Chemical signals released into the bloodstream and circulate through the body
Pituitary gland
Located beneath the brain - produces growth hormone - tumors result in gigantism or dwarfism
How are bloog glucose and calcium levels kept within a certain range?
Negative feedback loop of hormones
Loop that occurs when BGL is high
Beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin, which circulates in the blood, in response to insulin muscle and liver cells take up glucose from the blood and convert it to a storage from called glycogen
Loop that occurs when BGL is low
Alpha cells secrete glucagon which stimulates breakdown of glycogen into glucose and its release from muscle and liver cells
Oxytocin feedback loop
In response to uterine contractions, oxytocin is released from the pituitary gland, the oxytocin stimulates uterine muscles to contract even more forcefully and frequently - positive feedback loop
3 main classes of hormones
1. Peptide hormones - hydrophilic
2. Amine hormones - hydrophilic
3. Steroid hormones - hydrophobic
Peptide vs. amine hormones
Both are derived from amino acids, peptide hormones are short chains of amino acids while amine hormones are derived from a single aromatic amino acid
Can steroid hormones evolve?
Not themselves, but their receptors may change along with the responses they trigger
Peptide hormone examples
Growth hormone, insulin, glucagon, gastrin, cholecystokin
Amine hormone examples
Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Steroid hormone examples
Sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol (mediates stress responses, inflammation control)
Endocrine axes
Hormonal signaling pathways between endocrine glands and tissues
Releasing factors
Peptide hormones that are initially released by the hypothalamus that signal to the anterior pituitary gland to release more associated hormones
Many peptides originally found to act as hormones have also been found to act as...
Neurotransmitters - oxytocin
Pathway of sensory signals to endocrine system
Signals processed in the brain -> transmitted to endocrine system, mainly hypothalamus -> pituitary gland -> target tissue cells in the body
Anterior pituitary gland communication
Neurosecretory cells communicate with the anterior pituitary gland by secreting releasing factors that travel to the anterior pituitary causing it to release hormones
Posterior pituitary gland communication
Contains axons of neurosecretory cells whose cell bodies are at the hypothalamus, axons release hormones directly into the bloodstream
Anterior pituitary hormones
Thyroid stimulating hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Posterior pituitary hormones
Oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone
Tropic hormones
Hormones that control the release of other hormones
Parathyroid gland
Secretes PTH - bone cell regulation
Pineal gland
Secretes melatonin - affects the wakefulness of the animal
Adrenal medulla
Secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine - fight or flight response