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59 Cards in this Set

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resposible for the production and releasing hormones into your body to aid in growth, metaolism, body temperature, adult characteristics, and adreniline


responsible for the breaking down food into smaller units so our body can absorb and use them

nervous system

takes signial from your surrondings and creates messages that the spinal cord and brain interpret (neurons)

immune/ lymphatic

refrends your body against disease

what are the 6 componets of health

physical, emotional, social, mental, spirtual, enviormental

6 influnces on health/ wellness

heredity, social, cultural, enviromental, behaviroal, health care services


the state of well being in which all the componetes of health are balanced

self esteem

a measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident in yourself


strong beliefs; ideal rule that you feel are most important to live y


the achivement of a person's best in all six componets of health

self concept

a view of yourself and role in life

ideal life

acting and believing in same things all the time regardless of who, what, and where you are


part of you that distingushes from right and wrong


feelings produced in response to life experinces

defense mechanisms

uncontrollable thought or behavior used to avoid unpleasent situtations


imagining unpleasent things to distract you from unpleasnt reality


failure to accept reality


using childlike expressions of emotion


strong feeling of affection


strong feeling of displeaure


deep sorrow caused by lose of someone or something


feeling of indanger

How does stress affect the body's immune system

starts to weaken and cant fight off disease

identify the 2 personality types related to stress

type A and Type B

stressors physcial or mental demands that cause stress

physical or mental dempands that cause stress


ody;s state of normal balance

chronic fatigue syndrome

extreme fatigue or phsical exachion

beta endorphins

the chemical relased during exercise that makes you feel good


body's response to physical or mental demands

progressive relaxation

releasing stress frim your mscles (strech, yoga, ect)

power naps

20-30 minute naps that allow your body to recharge an refocus

mental illness

a diagnosbale mental, behavioral, or emptional disorder that interfears with one or more major activities


sessions of a person and therapist (presrcibes medicine)


specializes in techniques and theories of mental llnesses


refusing to eat normally (refraining food from the body)


Binging and purging (eating large quantities of food then forcing them out of the body)


A state of sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness that lasts for exteneded periods of time and affects a person's everyday function of living


Widley elated and impasssive mood ffollowed by periods of server deppresion along with normal moods

Seasonal Affectice disorder

depressed feelings asscoated with time of year

General anxiety disorder

irrational or unwanted responses to common objects (having dear for no apparent reaason_

Obsessive Compulsive disorder

a reacurring thought that creates a desire to behave in a certain way

panic attacks

sudden feeling that something bad is goung to happen


major dear of objects, places, or feeling that can e either learned or conditioned

Post- Tramiatic stress

Experince or tramatic event that causes stress for a long time

What are the 4 keys to a good releationship?

1. Open Communitcation

2. Maintaining sense of self

3. Corporation

4. Respect

What are the 3 conflict resolution strategies?

1. Avoidance

2. Confratation

3. Resolution


Exagerated or over simplified belief about an entire group of people

Date Rape

When a friend or date forces a person into sxual acts


Bond or connection that you have with another person

Sexual harrasment

Subjecting a person to unwanted verbal, physical, or sexual advances


Someone who you are familiar with but not exeptionally close to

Professional Relationship

People who you relate to in order to achieve


people who enjoy being together and enjoy similar things: interest, goals and attitudes


people that raise you and care for you (share a lifetime bond)


Being abblle to listen twice as much as you speaj

maintain a sense of self

Holding in your values and priorities


Working together

What is the differnce between identical and fraternal twins

identical: same egg

Fraternal: differnt egg

What deterines the sex of a baby

Number of chromosones