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160 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following disorders is characterized by a group of symptoms produced by an excess of free circulating cortisol from the adrenal cortex?
a) Addison's disease
b) Cushing's syndrome
c) Hashimoto's disease
d) Graves' disease
b) Cushing's syndrom
Of the following disorders, which results from excessive secretion of somatotropin?
a) Dwarfism
b) Adrenogenital syndrome
c) Acromegaly
d) Cretinism
c) acromegaly
Of the following disorders, which results from congenital hypothyroidism?
a) Dwarfism
b) Adrenogenital syndrome
c) Acromegaly
d) Cretinism
d) cretinism
Of the following disorders, which results from abnormal secretion of adenocortical hormones, especially androgen?
a) Dwarfism
b) Adrenogenital syndrome
c) Acromegaly
d) Cretinism
b) adenogenital syndrome
Trousseau's sign is positive when:
a) a sharp tapping over the facial nerve just in front of the parotid gland and anterior to the ear causes spasm or twitching of the mouth, nose and eye
b) the patient complains of pain in the calf when the foot is dorsiflexed
c) after making a clenched fist, the palm remains blanched when pressure is placed over the radial artery
d) carpopedal spasm is induced by occluding the blood flow to the arm for 3 minutes when the use of a blood pressure cuff
d) carpopedal spasm is induced by occluding the blood flow to the arm for 3 minutes when the use of a blood pressure cuff
What is a positive Chvostek's sign?
a) a sharp tapping over the facial nerve just in front of the parotid gland and anterior to the ear causes spasm or twitching of the mouth, nose and eye
b) the patient complains of pain in the calf when the foot is dorsiflexed
c) after making a clenched fist, the palm remains blanched when pressure is placed over the radial artery
d) carpopedal spasm is induced by occluding the blood flow to the arm for 3 minutes when the use of a blood pressure cuff
a) a sharp tapping over the facial nerve just in front of the parotid gland and anterior to the ear causes spasm or twitching of the mouth, nose and eye
Which of the following signs of thyroid disease is seen in older adults?
a) A-fib
b) hyperactivity
c) weight gain
d) restlessness
a) A-fib
What aids in the digestion of fat?
a) amylase
b) lipase
c) secretin
d) trypsin
b) lipase
The digestion of carbs is aided by
a) amylase
b) lipase
c) secretin
d) trypsin
a) amylase
A patient with thyroiditis has undergone surgery and is concerned about the barely visible scar. Which of the following suggestions should the nurse give the patient to cope with the condition?
a) wear clothing that covers the neck
b) consider cosmetic surgery
c) apply medicines to remove the scar
d) undergo a skin graft
a) wear clothing that covers the neck
Which of the following hormones is secreted by the posterior pituitary?
a) somatostatin
b) corticosteroids
c) calcitonin
d) vasopressin
d) vasopressin
What organ secrets calcitonin?
thyroid gland
What organ secretes corticosteroids?
a) thymus
b) thyroid
c) parathyroid
d) adrenal cortex
d) adrenal cortex
A patients visits the clinic to seek treatment for disturbed sleep cycles and depressed mood. Identify the glands and hormones that help regulate sleep cycles and mood:
a) pineal gland: melatonin
b) adrenal cortex: corticosteroids
c) thymus gland: thymosin
d) parathyroid glands: parathormone
a) pineal gland: melatonin
A nurse is caring for a clinet with hyperthyroidism. The nurse should expect the client to exhibit clinical manifestations similar to:
a) hypovolemic shock
b) adrenergic stimulation
c) benzodiazepine overdose
d) Addison's disease
b) adrenergic stimulation
A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which assessment finding suggests that the Synthroid therapy is effective?
a) excitability
b) weight loss
c) depression
d) reduced pulse
b) weight loss
True or False:
Depression and a reduced pulse are signs of hypothyroidism.
A patient diagnoses with hypothyroidism suddenly has a temperature of 94 degrees and exhibits hypotension and hypoventiliation. What complication of hypothyroidism might they be experiencing?
A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with SIADH. Which assessment finding does the nurse expect?
a) decreased urine osmolarity
b) decreased urine output
c) increased serum sodium levels
d) increased blood urea nitrogen level
b) decreased urine output
A nurse is caring for a client with Graves's disease who has severe exophthalmos. What is the nurse's best advise?
a) Take Tapazole to quickly resolve the problem
b) Place cool compresses over your eyes 3 X daily to help reduce swelling
c) use methylcellulose eyedrops to help prevent dryness
d) wear protective eyewear until the problem resolves
c) use methylcellulose eyedrops to help prevent dryness
A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Which of the following findings indicates that potassium iodide therapy for hyperthyroidism was effective?
a) weight loss
b) increased pulse rate
c) decreased T4 levels
d) increased size of the thyroid gland
3) decreased T4 levels
A nurse is caring for a client following a subtotal thyroidectomy. Which complication should the nurse watch for when assessing this client?
a) hypokalemia
b) hypophosphatemia
c) hypocalcemia
d) hyponatremia
c) hypocalemia- damage or removal of the parathyroid glands during surgery on the thyroid gland may lead to reduced levels of parathyroid hormone, which in turn leads to hypocalcemia.
A nurse is caring for a client diagnoses with hypoparathyroidism. The nurse knows hypoparathyroidism puts the client at risk for which electrolyte imbalance?
a) hypocalcemia
b) hyponatremia
c) hyperkalemia
c) hypophosphatemia
a) hypocalcemia
A noncompliant patient with hyperparathyroidism may be at risk for injury due to:
a) tetany secondary to a decreased serum calcium level
b) exhaustion secondary to an accelerated metabolic rate
c) bone demineralization resulting in pathologtic fractures
d) edema and dry skin
c) bone demineralization resuling in pathologic fractures- poorly controlled hyperparathyroidism may cause an elevated serum calcium level. This in turn may diminish calcium stores in the bone, causing bone demineralization and setting the stage for pathologic factures and a risk for in jury
A nurse is writing the teaching plan for a client undergoing a radioactive iodine uptake test to study thyroid function. Which instructions should the nurse include?
a) During the test, you'll need to lie very still inside a long tube
b) Dont take any iodine or thyroid medication before the test
c) schedule your bone scan before your radioactive iodine uuptake test
b) dont take any iodine or thyroid medication
A nurse advises a client with hyperthyroidism who's receiving potassium iodide which of the following:
a) place 5 drops of the solution directly on the tongue
b) take the drug on an empty stomach
c) mix the drug with water or juice
c) mix the drug with water or juice to improve the flavor
When giving a patient potassium iodide, what extra precaution should you take?
a) give them a straw
b) mix it with 1% milk
c) administer with antacids to reduce stomach irritation
d) give it IV only
a) give them a straw
What hormone produced by the kidney stimulates RBC production from bone marrow?
The pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreatic islets, ovaries and testes are all what kind of gland?
a) endocrine
b) exocrine
c) hydrostatic
a) endocrine
Endocrine glands secrete their products directly into the (bloodstream/tissues) while exocrine glands secrete their products into the (bloodstream/tissues).
Endocrine- secretes into blood
Exocrine- secretes into tissue
What acts as the link between the nevous system and the endocrine system?
a) thalamus
b) hypothalamus
c) thyroid
d) parathyroid
b) hypothalamus
The chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands are called ___.
What is the mechanism for regulating hormone concentration in the bloodstream?
negative feedback
Changes in ___ are common to many endocrine imbalances.
a) calcium and phosphate
b) saliva secretion
c) labido and menstration
d) energy level and fatigue
d) energy level and fatigue
Serum levels of ___ may be drawn if a patient is thought to have a thyroid disorder.
a) calcium
b) FSH
c) cortisol
d) TSH
d) TSH
The ____ secretes hormones that control the secretion of hormones by other endocrine glands.
a) adrenal glands
b) pituitary
c) thyoid
d) hypothalamus
b) pituitary
What hormone acts on the breast to stimulate milk production?
____, secreted from the posterior pituitary, controls the excretion of water. Check all that apply.
a) vasopressin
b) cortisol
c) cortisone
d) ADH
a) vasopressin and
d) ADH
What does oxytocin do to the pregnant female?
facilitate milk ejection during lactation and increases the force of uterine contractions during labor
What disorder is characterized by abnormally large volumes of dilute urine being excreted as a result of deficient production of vasopressin.
Diabetes insipidus
What type of tumors develop early in life resulting in gigantism?
a) eosinophilic
b) basophilic
c) chromophobic
a) eosinophilic
What type of tumor gives rise to Cushing's syndrome?
a) eosinophilic
b) basophilic
c) chromophobic
b) basophilic
What type of tumor represents 90% of pituitary tumors and is characterized by destruction of the rest of the pituitary gland, causing hypopituitarism?
a) eosinophilic
b) basophilic
c) chromophobic
c) chromophobic
Why is a hypophysectomy?
removal of the pituitary gland
How is menstration and fertility affected by hypophysectomy?
a) heavy menstration and increased fertility
b) light menstration and increases fertility
c) no menstration and no fertility
d) no menstration and increased fertility
c) no menstration and no fertility
Is diabetes characterized by an excess or deficiency of ADH?
deficiency- so the person pees too much
Is the urine of the patient with diabetes insipidus concentrated or dilute?
What is the specific gravity of the urine of the patient with uncontrolled diabetes insipidus?
a) .0005-1.001
b) 1.001-1.005
c) 1.005-1.010
d) 1.010-1.015
b) 1.001-1.005
What medication may be given to the patient with diabetes insipidus to help control their thirst?
a) desmopressin
b) vasopressor
c) diastomole
d) normal saline
a) Desmopressin- a synthetic vasopressin without the vascular effects of natural ADH
How is Desmopressin administered?
a) topically
b) IV
c) subcutaneous
d) intranasal
d) intranasal
Patients with SIADH have excessive excretion of ___.
a) urine
b) calcium
c) ADH
d) vasopressin
c) ADH- they retain fluids
What step might a nurse take with a patient who has SIADH?
a) continuous IV infusion
b) sodium bicarb administration
c) restriction of sodium containing foods/fluids
d) fluid restriction
d) fluid restriction
What 3 hormones does the thyroid gland produce?
T3, T4, and calcitonin
____ is essential to the thyroid gland for synthesis of its hormones.
a) water
b) salt
c) calcium
d) iodine
d) iodine
TSH controls the secretion of ___ and ___.
T3 and T4
What is euthyroid?
thyroid hormone production that is within normal limits
___(T3/T4) is about 5 times as potent as (T3/T4) and has a more rapid metabolic action.
T3 is about 5 times as potent as T4.
___ is secreted in response to high plasma levles of calcium. Why?
Calcitonin because it helps to deposit the excess calcium into the bones.
Another term for an enlarged thyroid gland is___.
a) gout
b) goiter
c) thalamus
d) hypothalmus
A nurse assessing the thyroid gland of a patient may ask them to do what to better visualize and assess the thyroid?
extend their neck and swallow
What might a nurse do if she notices inflammation of the thyroid gland of her patient?
a) assess the trachea
b) assess the superior lympth nodes
c) auscultate for a bruit
d) call the doctor immediately
c) auscultate for a bruit with the diaphragm of the stethoscope
How are free T4 levels altered with hypothyroidism? How about hyperthyroidism?
a) elevated with hypo and decreased with hyper
b) decreased with hypo and elevated with hyper
c) none of the above
b) decreased with hypothyroidism and elevated with hyperthyroidism
Do you give desmopressin to patients with Diabetes insipidus or SIADH?
diabetes insipidus- to replace the missing ADH
Elevated serum TSH indicates (hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism) while low serum TSH indicates (hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism)
Elevated TSH=hypothyroidism
Low TSH=hyperthyroidism
Which of the following may interfere with accurate results of a total T3 or T4 test? Check all that apply:
a) system illness
b) smoking
c) oral contranceptives
d) corticosteroids
e) nephrosis
a) system illness
c) oral contranceptives
d) corticosteroids
e) nephrosis
In the T3 resin uptake test, a low number of free or unoccupied binding sites indicates ____.
a) hypothyroidism
b) hyperthyroidism
c) gout
d) single nodule cancer
b) hyperthyroidism
Do patients with hyperthyroidism exhibit a high or low upake of 123I(radioactive iodine)?
What sources of iron need to be avoided prior to a thyroid test?
Multivitamins, cough syrups, and some medications.
What do estrogens, salicylates, amphetamines, chemotherapeutic agents, antifiotics, corticosteroids, diuretics, opiods, heparin...and others all have in common?!?
They are all medications that may alter the thyroid test results.
What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in adults?
a) Addisons
b) Graves
c) Hashimoto's
d) Goiter
c) Hashimoto's
Do most hypothyroidism patients have primary or secondary hypothyroidism?
Primary- 95%
Why would someone be labeled with primary hypothyroidism as opposed to secondary hypothyroidism?
If they cause of their thyroid issues in the thyroid gland itself then it is termed primary, if the causes of the thyoid issues are secondary to another gland(such as the pituitary) then it is termed secondary hypothyroidism.
Thyroid deficiency present at birth is known as ?
A patient that reports extreme fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, and numbness, tingling of the fingers may be suffering from ____.
Subnormal temperature and slow pulse rate are complications of severe ___.
Which of the following are complications of hypothyroidism: Check all that apply:
a) loss of labido
b) menstrual disturbances
c) insomnia
d) bone loss
a) loss of labido
b) menstual disturbances
How are mental processes changed with hypothyroidism?
They become dull and slowed
How would the dosage of opiods and anesthetics need to be adjusted for the patient with hypothyroidism?
a) they would need to be raised
b) they would need to be lowered
c) they cannot tolerate any opiods or anethetics
b) they would need to be lowered due to their increased sensitivity to them
___ is an extreme, severe stage of hypothyroidism in which the patient is hypothermic and unconscious.
Myxedema coma
What is the preferred medication for the treatment of hypothyroidism?
Synthroid or Levothroid
Do thyroid hormones tend to increase or decrease blood glucose levels?
A nurse is admitting a client with a hyperactive goiter. The client is alert and oriented but anxious, with fine hand tremors and rapid speech. Which room would be best for this client?
a) one near the nurse's station
b) one with a private bathroom
c) one with a temp of 65-68
d) one with a temp of 75-78
c) one with a temp of 65-68
Fast administration of IV ___ is used to immediately treat myxedema and myxedema coma.
a) saline
b) calicium
c) sodium
d) thyroid hormone
d) thyroid hormone
The most common type of hyperthyroidsm is___ ___.
Graves disease
Is Graves more common in men or women?
8 times more common in women
The patient that: is very nervous, has palpitations, high HR, poor heat tolerance, and perspires a lot most likely has what?
a) hypothyroidism
b) hyperthyroidism
c) gout
d) hypersensitive parathyroidectomyism (HPI)
b) hyperthyroidism
What is exophthalmos?
a) excessive sweating
b) excessive hungar
c) bulging eyes
d) excessive vomitting
c) bulging eyes
True or false, if untreated, the patient with hyperthyroidism may die from heart failure.
What is the most common treatment for Graves disease?
a) fluid restriction
b) IV administration of sodium
c) radioactive iodine
d) potassium iodide
c) radioactive iodine
True or False: Patients taking antithyroid medications are instructed not to use decongestants for nasal stuffiness beasue these agents are poorly tolerated.
Can you mix solutions of oral iodine and iodide compounds with juice or milk?
____ agents are important in controlling the sympathetic nervous system effects of hyperthyroidism.
a) sodium
b) potassium
c) antihistamine
d) beta-adrenergic blocking
d) beta-adrenergic blocking
___ ___ is a rare disorder caused by infection of the thyroid gland by bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, or parasites.
Acute thyroiditis
How is acute thyroiditis treated?
with antimicrobial agents and fluid replacement
What condition is characterized by a painful swelling in the anterior neck that lasts 1-2 months and then disappears spontaneously without residual effect?
a) acute thyroiditis
b) subacute thyroiditis
c) chronic thyroiditis
b) subacute thyroiditis
Symptoms of acute thyroiditis are similar to those of ___.
a) hypothyroidism
b) hyperthyroidism
b) hyperthyroidism
How is thyroid cancer diagnosed?
a) blood test
b) CSF test
c) needle biopsy
d) MRI or CT scan
c) needle biopsy
Survival for patients with Anaplastic thyroid cancer is:
a) 6 months
b) 1 year
c) 2+ years
d) 10+ years
a) 6 months
What does preoperative teaching to the patient undergoing thyroid surgery focus on?
Raising the elbows and placing the hands behind the neck to provide support and reduce strain and tension on the neck muscles and the surgical incision.
Following a thyroidectomy, what is the patient advised to do?
a) drink lots of milk
b) apply heat packs to the outside of the incision
c) limit alcohol intake
d) limit speech
d) limit speech
How many parathyroid glands are there?
Where are the parathyroid gland situated?
On the thyroid
What do the parathyroid glands produce?
What do the parathyroid glands regulate?
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism
Increased secretion of parathormone results in (increased/decreased) calcium absorption from the kidney, intestine, and bones which (raises/lowers) the blood calcium level.

Increased serum calcium results in (increased/decreased) parathormone secretion?
Increased urinary secretion of calcium can cause:
a) polyuria
b) kidney stones
c) gall stones
d) ulgiuria
b) kidney stones
Primary ____ is diagnosed by persistent elevation of serum calcium levels and an elevated concentration of parathromone.
What is the recommended treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism?
surgical removal of abnormal parathyroid tissue.
What is encouraged due to the possible kidney involvement in patients with hyperparathyroidism due to them being as risk for renal calculi?
a) increased fluid intake
b) increased potassium intake
c) decreased fluid intake
d) decreased potassium intake
a) increased fluid intake of 2000 mL or more is encouraged
What medications may be administered to decreased serum calcium levels? Pick 2
a) Mycosol
b) Drixenol
c) Didronel
d) Aredia
c) Didronel
d) Aredia
True or False: Because of neuromuscular irritability, the paitent with hypocalcemia requires an stimulating environment to avoid sensory deprivation.
False: They need an environment that is free of noise, drafts, bright lights, or sudden movement.
What type of diet is prescibed to the patient with hypoparathyroidism?
One high in calcium and low in phosphorus
What foods are avoided for the patient on a high calcium, low phosphorus diet?
Milk products, egg yolks and spinach(ie. no spinach omlets)
Stimulation of preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers causes the release of the catecholamine hormones ___ and ___.
epinephrine and norepinephrine
Mineralcorticoids cause (increased/decreased) sodium ion absorption and (increased/decreased) potassium excretion.
Mineralcorticoids cause increased sodium ion absorption and increased potassium excretion.
What is the triad of symptoms for tumors of the adrenal medulla?
Headache, diaphoresis, and palpitations.
Pheochromocytoma-a tumor of the adrenal medulla, is characterized by the five H's. What are they?
1. hypertension
2. headache
3. hyperhidrosis(excessive sweating)
4. hypermetabolism
5. hyperglycemia
What laboratory test is performed to determine the number of free catecholamines?
24-hour urine
What is the disease characterized by an inadequate adrenal cortex that fails to meet the patient's need for cortical hormones?
Addison's Disease
TB and histoplasmosis are the most common infections that:
a) distroy adrenal gland tissue
b) cause systemic shock
c) cause reabsorption of calcium into bones
d) block reuptake of cortical hormones
a) destroy adrenal gland tissue
What is the most common cause of adrenocortical insufficiency?
therapeutic use of corticosteroids
What disease is characterized by muscle weakness, anorexia, gi symptoms, fatigue, emaciation, dark pigmentation of the mucous membranes and the skin, especially of the knuckles, knees, and elbows; hypotension, low blood glucose, low serum sodium, high serum potassium and mental status canges? (Should I repeat that :) )
Addison's Disease!!
What is a dangerous disease progression of Addison's disease?
a) hyperaddisonial crisis
b) addisonian crisis
c) hypothyroidectomial crisis
d) hyperthyroidectomial crisis
b) addisonian crisis (the rest I made up)
Does a patient with Addisons have increased or decreased plasma ACTH?
Does a patient with Addisons have increased or decreased cortisol?
If the adrenal gland is permanently damaged, you will need lifelong replacement of ___ and ___.
a) sodium and potassium
b) cortisol and calcium
c) corticosteroids and mineralocorticoids
d) potassium and calcitonin
c) corticosteroids and mineralocorticoids
True or False: During an addisonian crisis, until the patient's condition is stabilized the nurse performs all activities (bathing, turning) for the patient.
True: The nurse takes precautions to avoid unnecessary activity and stress that could precipitate another hypotensive episode.
True or False: Cushing's syndrome results from excessive, rather than deficient, adrenocortical activity.
True or False: The signs and symptoms of Cushing's syndrome are primarily a result of undersecretion of glucocorticoids and androgens(sex hormones).
False: The signs and symptoms of Cushing's syndrome are primarily a result of OVERsecretion of glucocorticoids and androgens(sex hormones).
Who is most likely to get Cushings?
a) 45 year old man
b) 80 year old man
c) 15 year old woman
d) 21 year old woman
d) 21 year old woman: Women between the ages of 20 and 40 are five times more likely than men to develop Cushing's syndrome.
True or False: Patients with Cushings tend to have thick and tough skin.
False: They have thin and fragile skin! Meticulous skin care is necessary to avoid traumatizing the patient's fragile skin. Also adhesive tape is avoided.
An example of exocrine glands are the:
a) adrenals
b) ovaries
c) parathyroids
d) sweat glands
d) sweat glands
The nurse knows that the anterior pituitary gland is responsible for secreting all of the following except:
b) ADH
c) FSH
d) TSH
b) ADH
Diabetes insipidus is a disorder related to a deficiency of:
a) growth hormone
b) prolactin
c) oxytocin
d) vasopressin
d) vasopressin(ADH)
The preferred medication for hypothyroidsm is:
a) lithium
b) proprandol
c) propylthiouracil
d) Synthroid
d) Synthroid
A clinical manifestation NOT usually associated with hyperthyroidism is:
a) a pulse rate slower than 90
b) an elevated systold BP
c) muscular fatigability
d) weight loss
a) a pulse rate slower than 90
Patients with hyperthyroidism are characteristically:
a) apathetic and anorexic
b) calm
c) emotionally stable
d) intolerant to heat
d) intolerant to heat
Iodine or iodide compounds are used for hyperthyroidism because they do all of the following except:
a) decrease the basal metabolic rate
b) increased the vascularity of the gland
c) lessen the release of thyroid hormones
d) reduce the size of the gland
b) increase the vascularity of the gland
The objectives of pharmacotherapy for hyperthyroidsim include:
a) destroying the overreactive thyoid cells
b) preventing thyroid hormonal synthesis
c) increasing the amount of thyroid tissue
d) all of the above
b) preventing thyroid hormonal synthesis
Signs of thyroid storm include all of the following except:
a) bradycardia
b) delirium or somnolence
c) dyspnea and chest pain
d) hyperpyrexia(high fever)
a) bradycardia
Medical management for thyrod crisis includes:
a) iv dextrose fluids
b) hypothermia measures
c) oxygen therapy
d) all of the above
d) all of the above
The nurse knows that the most common and least aggressive type of cancer is:
a) anaplastic
b) follicular adenocarcinoma
c) medullary
d) papillary adenocarcinoma
d) papillary adenocarcinoma
A diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism can be established by all of the following signs except:
a) a - reading on a Sulkowitch test(urinary calcium test)
b) a serum calcium level of 12 mg/dL
c) an elevated level of parathyroid hormone
d) bone demineralization seen on radiographic film
a) a - reading on a Sulkowitch test
One of the most frequently occuring complications of hyperparathyroidism is:
a) kidney stones
b) pancreatitis
c) pathologic fractures
d) peptic ulcer
a) kidney stones
The pathophysiology of hypoparathyroidism is associated with all of the following except:
a) a decrease in serum calcium
b) an elevation of blood phosphate
c) an increase in the renal excretion of phosphate
d) a lowered renal excretion of calcium
c) an increase in the renal excretion of phosphate
The goal of medical management for hypoparathyroidism is to:
a) achieve a serum calcium level of 9-10 mg/dL
b) eliminate clinical symptoms
c) reverse the symptoms of hypocalcemia
All of the above!
A pheochromcytoma is an adrenal medulla tumor that causes arterial hypertension by increasing the level of circulating:
a) catecholamines
b) enzymes
c) hormones
d) glucocorticoids
a) catecholamines
A positive test for overactivity of the adrenal medulla is an epinephrine value of:
a) 50 pg/mL
b) 100 pg/mL
c) 100-300 pg/mL
d) 450 pg/mL
d) 450 pg/mL
Laboratory findings suggestive of Addison's disease include all of the following except:
a) a relative lymphocytosis
b) hyperkalemia and hyponatremia
c) hypertension
d) hypoglycemia
c) hypertension- hypertension is not a lab finding!
The nurse needs to be aware that large-dose corticosteroid therapy is most effective when administered:
a) at 8am
b) at 8pm
c) 4-5 am
d) 4-5 pm
a) at 8am
The nurse is completing a health assessment of a 43 year old female with suspected graves disease. The nurse should assess this client for:
a) anorexia
b) tachycardia
c) weight gain
d) cold skin
b) tachycardia
A 34 year old female is diagnoes with hypothyroidism. Which signs and symptoms would the nurse assess? Check all that apply:
a) rapid pulse
b) decreased energy and fatigue
c) weight gain of 10 lbs
d) fine thin hair with hair loss
e) constipation
f) menorrhea
b), c), e) f)
Which of the following symptoms might indicate that a client was developing tetanty after a subtotal thyroidectomy?
a) pains in the joints of the hands and feet
b) tingling in fingers
c) bleeding on the back of the dressing
d) tension on the suture line
b) tingling in the fingers
A 60 year old female is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, signs and symptoms of this include:
a) tachycardia
b) weight gian
c) nausea
d) diarrhea
b) weight gain
The nurse is assessing a young adult with Addisons disease: The nurse sould recongnize that the client should need the dosage of glucocorticoids to be increased in which of the following situations:
a) completing the spring semester of school
b) gaining 4 lbs
c) getting ingaged
d) undergoing a root canal
d) undergoing a root canal
Which of the following is a pritoity for a client in Addisonal crisis:
a) controlling hypotension
b) preventing irreversible shock
c) relieving anxiety
a) controlling hypotension
A client with Addisons disease is admitted to the medical unit. The nurse diagnosis the client with deficient fluid volume related to inadequate fluid intake and to fluid loss secondarty to inadequate adrenal hormone secretion. As the clients oral intake increases, which of the following fluids would be most appropriate:
a) milk and diet soda
b) water and egg nog
c) bouillon and juice
d) coffee and milk shake
c) bouillon and juice
The nurse would expect the client with addisons disease to exibit which of the following signs and symptoms
a) weight gain
b) hungar
c) lethargy
d) muscle spasm
d) muscle spasms
Bone reabsorsorption is a possible complicaton of Cushings disease.Which of the folloiwng interventions should the nurse recommend to help the client prevent this complication?
a) increase potassium in diet
b) maintain a regular program of weight bearing exersize
c) limit vitamin D
d) perform isometric exercises
b) maintain a regular program of weight bearing exersize