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127 Cards in this Set

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Basic functions of the nervous system
Sensory Input - monitoring stimuli
Integration - interpretation of sensory input
Motor output - response to stimuli
Division of the Nervous system
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Central Nervous System consists of
Brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System consists of
Paired spinal and cranial nerves
What is the difference between CNS and PNS?
CNS is the integration and command center. PNS carries the messages to and from the spinal cord and brain.
Functional divisions of PNS
Sensory (afferent = up) division
Motor (efferent = out) division
Sensory division of the PNS contains
Somatic afferent fibers - carry impulses from skin, skeletal muscles, and joints to the brain.
Visceral afferent fibers - transmits impulses from visceral organs to the brain
Motor division of the PNS contains
Somatic nervous system - conscious control of skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system - regulates smooth muscles, cardiac muscles (sympathetic - activated when stressed) (parasympathetic - when you are relaxed)
Neuroglia (glial cells)
provide supportive scaffolding for neurons
Segregates and insulates nerves
There are 6 types - 4 in CNS, 2 in PNS
Most abundant/versatile glial cells
Anchor neurons to their nutrient supplies
Control the chemical environment - remove leaked Potassium
(support and clean up)
A type of glial cells - monitor the health of nearby neurons. Cells of the immune system are denied access to the CNS
Prevent body from attacking the brain
Line the central cavities of the brain and spinal column forming a fairly impermeable barrier between spinal fluid and tissue fluid bathing the cells of the CNS
Branched cells that wrap CNS nerve fibers - form myelin sheaths
Schwann Cells
Same as oligodendrocytes but are in the PNS. Surround fibers forming the myelin sheaths
Structural unit of the nervous system. Composed of a body, axon, and dendrites. Long lived and amitotic (cannot divide)
Nerve Cell Body
aka Perikaryon or Soma
Has no centrioles (hence it's amitotic)
Clusters of cell bodies in the CNS are called nuclei, and in the PNS are called ganglia
Nissl body
Cell body's protein, ribosomes
Process of motor neurons, short. Input regions of the neuron
Slender process of uniform diameter arising from the hillock
Function of axons
Movement towards axonal terminal - anterograde
Movement away from axonal terminal - retrograde
Myelin Sheath
Whitish, fatty, segmented sheath around most long axons
Function of myelin sheath
Increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission
Nodes of Ranvier
Gaps in the myelin sheath between adjacent Schwann cells
Myelinated fibers vs Unmyelinated fibers
Myelinated fibers conduct nerve impulses rapidly.
Unmyelinated fibers conduct impulses slowly. Dendrites are always unmyelinated.
White matter vs Gray matter
White Matter - dense collections of myelinated fibers (axons)
Gray Matter - mostly soma and umyelinated fibers
the inside of the membrane becomes less negative because sodium ions are going in
the membrane returns to its resting membrane potential
the inside of the membrane becomes more negative than the resting potential. Na gates are open
a critical level of depolarization (-55 - -50 mV). Depolarization becomes self generating
Polarized state
Inside of the membrane is relatively negative in comparison to the outside; resting state
What substance acts as a chemical transmitter at a synapse or neuron junction?
Define neurotransmitter
Chemicals used for neuronal communication with the body and the brain
Name two common neurotransmitters
Acetylcholine (ACh)
Biogenic Amines
Relased at the neuromuscular junction
Degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
Biogenic Amines
Include - dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
Plays role in emotional behaviors and biological clock
How are neurotransmitters classified?
Chemically and functionally
Temporal Summation
Presynaptic neurons transmit impulses in rapid-fire order. Timewise
Spatial summation
Postsynaptic neuron is stimulated by a large number of terminals at the same time by the same or different neuron.
Synaptic Potential
Repeated or continuous use of a synapse which enhances the presynaptic neuron's ability to excite the postsynaptic neuron, producing larger-than-expected postsynaptic potentials
Presynaptic Inhibition
Opposite of synaptic potential
Release of an excitatory neurotransmitter by one neuron is inhibited by the activity of another neuron via an axoaxonic synapse
As a results, less neurotransmitter is released and bound, a smaller EPSP
Postsynaptic Potential
Neurotransmitter receptors create change in the membrane potential according to:
-amount of neurotransmitter released
-Amount of time the neurotransmitter is bound to the receptor
Types of postsynaptic potentials:
EPSP - excitatoory postsynaptic potential
IPSP - inhibitory postsynaptic potential
graded potentials that can initiate an action potential in axon.
Use only chemically gated channels
Bind to receptor at inhibitory synapses
Reduces the postsynaptic neuron's ability to produce an action potential
Resting membrane potential
Generated by different conc of Na, K, Cl, and protein anions
Consequence of sodium-potassium pump
Graded Potentials
Short-lived, local changes in membrane potential
Intensity decreases w/distance
Magnitude directly related to stimulus
Can initiate action potentials
Stages of Action Potential
1. Resting State
2. Depolarization
3. Repolarization
4. Hyperpolarization
Depolarization phase
Sodium permeability increases
Na gates open / K gates close
At threshold, it becomes self-generating
Repolarization phase
Sodium inactivation gates close
Sodium permeability declines to resting levels
Voltage sensitive K gates open
Hyperpolarization Phase
Potassium gates remain open, causing an excessive efflux of K
Microglia Cells
Small, ovoid cells with spiny pricesses
Phagocytes that monitor the health of neurons
Ependymal Cells
Range in shape from squamous to columnar
Line the central cavities of the brain and spinal column forming a fairly permeable barrier between the cerebrospinal fluid
Branched cells that wrap CNS nerve fibers
Form myelin sheaths in the CNS
Schwann Cells
Form myelin sheaths in the PNS
Myelin sheath
Whitish fatty, segmented sheath around most long axons
Increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission
How are myelin sheaths formed?
schwann cells envelopes an axon
encloses the axon with its plasma membrane and wraps around axon
Nodes of Ranvier
Gaps in the myelin sheath between adjacent schwann cells
Structural Classification of Neurons
Live long, amitotic
Functional Classification of Neurons
Electrical signaling
Cell-to-cell signaling during development
Afferent vs Efferent
Transmits impulses toward the CNS
Carries impulses away from the CNs
Absolute Refractory Period
Nerve cell cannot reply to another stimulus regardless of strength.
Period of depolarization.
Ensures each action potential is separate
Enforces on-way transmission of nerve impulses
Relative Refractory Period
Follows absolute refractory period
Can acknowledge another stimulus only if greater in strength
Sodium gates closed, potassium gates opened, repolarization (all at the same time)
Saltatory Conduction
Current passes through myelinated axon only at the nodes of Ranvier
Voltage gated Na channels are conc at nodes
Action potential jumps from one node to the next
Much faster than unmeylinated
A junction that mediates information transfer from on neuron to another, or an effector cell
Axosomatic synapse
Synapse between the axon of one neuron and the soma of another
Axodendtric Synapse
synapse between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another
Electrical Synapse
Important in the CNS
arousal from sleep, mental attention, emotions and memory
Chemical Synapse
Specialized for the release and reception of neurotransmitters
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential
Potentials that can initiate an action potential in axon
Uses only chemically gated channels
Inhibitory Synapses
Neurotransmitter binding to a receptor
Reduces the postsynaptic neuron's ability to produce an action potential
Multiple sclerosis
Autoimmune disease
Nerve fibers are severed and myelin sheaths in CNS become nonfunctional scleroses
Shot-circuiting of nerve impulses occurs
Symptons of MS
visual disturbance, weakness, loss of muscular control and urinary control
Convergent Neuronal Pools
Multiple incoming fibers stimulate a single fiber. Resulting in either strong stimulation or inhibition
Divergent Neuronal Pools
One incoming fiber stimulates every increasing number of fibers, often amplifying circuits
Reverberating Neuronal Pools
Chain of neurons containing collateral synapses with previous neruons in the chain
Parallel after-discharge Neuronal Pools
Incoming neurons stimulate several neurons in parallel arrays
Serial Processing
Input travels along one pathway to a specific destination
Example: spinal reflexes
Parallel Processing
Input travels along several pathways
One stimulus promotes numerous responses
Basal Nuclei
Masses of gray matter found deep within the coritcal white matter
Function of Basal Nuclei
Influence muscular activity
Regulate attention and cognition
Inhibit unnecessary movements
Disease of the Basal Nuclei
Parkinson and Huntington's
Consists of - Thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
Encloses the third ventricle
Forms the central core of the forebrain
Located below the thalamus
Relay station for olfactory pathways
Infundibulum - connects the the pituitary gland
Function of Hypothalamus
Autonomic control center - regulates everything automatic in the body
Emotions, hunger, sleep, digestion, etc
Major regions of the Brain Stem
Midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
Function of midbrain
Controls cranial nerves III (oculomotor) and IV (trochlear)
Visual reflex center, coordinates head and eye movement
Auditory relay center
Function of Pons
Relay impulses between motor cortex and cerebellum
Origin of cranial nerve V (trigeminal), VI (abducens), and VII (facial)
Function of Medulla Oblongata
Allows the right side of the brain to control the left side of the body. Pyramids
Structure of cerebellum
Two symmetrical hemispheres contain three lobes
Arbor vitae - distinctive treelike pattern of the cerebellar white matter
Function of the cerebellum
Receives impulses of the intent to initiate voluntary movement
Calculates best way to preform a movement
Language and problem solving
Limbic system location
medial aspects of cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon
Function of Limbic system
Amygdala - anger, danger, fear
Cingulate gyrus - expressing emotions (gestures), solves mental conflict
Associates smells with emotions
Reticular system location
Extends through the core of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain
Function of reticular system
Keeps cerebral cortex alert
Filters weak/repetitive stimuli
Motor movements
Electroencephalogram - records brain activity
Alpha waves
Regular and rhythmic, low amplitude, slow, synchronous waves indicating an idling brain
Beta waves
rythmic, more irregular waves occuring during the awake and mentally alert state
Theta waves
more irregular than alpha, common in children but abnormal in adults
Delta waves
high-amplitude waves seen in dep sleep and when reticular activating system is damped
Vital signs increase
Skeletal muscles inhibited
most dreaming
4 stages -
1 .alpha waves, easily arroused
2. arousal more difficult
3. sleep deepens, theta and delta
4. delta wave dominate
The fourth ventricle is located in the
Medulla oblongata, brainstem, and pons
The cerebral aqueduct is located in the
Brain stem
The third ventricle is located in the
Thalamus (hypo/epi)
The lateral ventricle is located in the
The forebrain consists of - and -.
Telencephalon and Diencephalon
The Midbrain consists of the -
The hindbrain consist of the - and -
Metencephalon and Myelencephalon
The cerebrum is located in the
The Thalamus is located in the
The brain stem is located in the
The medulla oblongata is located in the
The _____ seprates the cerebral hemispheres
Longitudinal fissure
The ______ separates the frontal and parietal lobes.
Central sulcus
______ is located usually in the left hemisphere, and controls motor speech.
Broca's Area
______ enter the himsphere from lower brain or cord centers
Projection fibers
______ connect corresponding gray areas of the two hemispheres
Association fibers
______ connect corresponding gray areas of the two hemispheres.
Ohm's Law
Current = voltage / resistance
Clusters of cell bodies in the CNS are called _____ and _____ lie along the nerves in the PNS.
Ca channels _____ when nerve impulses reach the axonal terminal of the presynaptic neuron.
Degeneration of _____ ______ is the ultimate cause of Parkinson's disease.
substantia nigra
______ _______ is a watery solution similar in composition to blood plasma.
Cerebrospinal fluid
Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater are all ______, connective tissue membrane.
Meninges ______ the CNS and contain ______ _______.
Cerebrospinal fluid
_____ mater is a butterfly shape in the center of the spine. _____ lines the circumfrence.
__ # of ____ are pumped out and __ # of ____ are pumped in the cell.
3 Na
2 K