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47 Cards in this Set

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The study of human society
C. Wright Mills, "enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society."
Sociological imagination
Charles H. Cooley argued that "self" emerges from how an individual interacts with others and then interprets those interactions.
The looking-glass self
Sociological theory that grew from Durkhiem's and others' ideas that the best way to analyze society was to identify the roles that different aspects or phenomena play in the overall structure of society?
Sociological theory that examines how power relationships are defined, shaped, and reproduced on the basis of gender differences.
Sociological theory that borrows from Marx's belief that competition, not consensus, is the essential cause of social change.
Conflict theory holds that:
Human social life is shaped by struggles among individuals and social groups.
The symbols that humans use are distinct from the signs used by other species in that:
symbols are productive and can take on variety of meanings.
Major components of human societies and cultures are:
a material infrastructure, social structure, and ideological superstructure
The biological process of natural selection is not truly operative in sociocultural evolution because:
Natural selection operates on random variations and most sociocultural variation is deliberately introduced.
In the functionalist perspective, social institutions are:
Understood in terms of the benefits they provide for society as a whole.
In conflict perspective, the things people want are:
scarce and a primary source of conflict between individuals and groups.
Focuses its analysis on face-to-face encounters and interactions
Focuses its analysis on larger social dyanmics at the societal and structural levels
Interactionist perspective focuses on:
everyday life
A problem for an interactionist perspective:
how one should dress for a job interview
Marx's theory of social change is most clearly identified with:
historical materialism
Two general categories of sociological research:
quantitative and qualitative
variable or outcome that a sociologist explains:
measured factors that a sociologist believes have a causal impact on another variable:
independent variable
subset of a population from which a researcher collects data:
Research subjects have the right to know that they are participating in a study and what the study consists of:
informed consent
norms that have moral significance attached to them:
While almost all forms of music talk about gender relationships and sex, warning labels are attached only to certain types of music: which explanation of culture accounts for this practice?
Conflict explanations
Biological explanations of evolution, how is "fitness" determined?
by reproductive success (producing offspring)
In the interacrionist perspective, social life is possible because:
we play roles
It is important to take into account differences across cultures without making value judgments. This is known as:
cultural relativism
While they are difficult to define,___ are smaller subgroups within a larger dominant society that share some of the dominant cultural values, but also have some of their own, unique material and nonmaterial or symbolic culture.
The experience of learning a culture's norms, values, and so on is known as:
Gramsci's concept for the historical process in which a dominant group exercises moral and intellectual leadership by voluntarily receiving the approval and consent of the masses in known as:
The O.J. Simpson murder case and Hurricane Katrina are examples of which of the following?
how the media reflects racist ideology
In the United States, six major companies, including Disney and Time-Warner, own what percentage of the media?
Concepts such as, I, me, and generalized other are part of which theorist's work?
Which theory uses game playing to understand the development of self?
Mead's role-playing theory
Which theorist extends his theory of socialization to span an entire lifetime, rather than just limiting it to explanations of childhood or adolescence?
Military boot camps and prisons are places that control all the basics of people's day-to-day lives, and are known as:
total institutions
Involuntary statuses that we are born into are called:
ascribed statuses
Voluntary statuses that we become over time are called:
achieved statuses
In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, at which stage are children most likely to believe that inanimate objects are alive and the world revolves around them?
the preoperational period
In Paiget's theory of cognitive development, around what age is a fully-functioning cognitive adult formed?
Around 12 years old
According to Randall Collin's (1979) research, the expansion of higher education is;
A result of credentialism and expenditures on formal education
All of the following are needed to establish causality except:
panel study results (needed: correlation, time order, ruling out alternative explanations)
Which of the following correctly represents Bilm's description of capitalism?
Global industrial capitalism contributes to social inequality
Ritzer wrote about Cathedrals of Consumption; which of these best describes what Cathedrals of Consumption are designed for?
To artistically and scientifically lire people into consumption
Which of the following reflects Goffman's conception of the self (Context 1)?
The self is a product of the scene people find themselves in
To Furstenberg (Context 14), what is the primary reason for prolonged early adulthood?
It takes longer to secure a full-time job that pays enough to support a family
Which of the following statements best reflects the position of Karl Marx regarding the relationship between social structure and culture (Context 16)?
Marx believed that structural conditions were a source and explanation for cultural ideas.