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268 Cards in this Set

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1. ____ is the difference between skills or tasks that children can accomplish alone and those they are capable of performing if guided by an adult or a more competent peer. a. Deferred imitation b. Zone of proximal development c. Self efficacy d. Animism


2. The term sex implies that the characteristics of males and females have ____; whereas, the term gender implies that characteristics of males and females may be due to ____. a. a biological basis; cultural and social beliefs b. an individual's genetics; a chromosomal basis c. social and cultural beliefs; a biological basis d. a chromosomal basis; an individual's genetics


3. Toddlers _______________________________. a. show the same pace of gross motor development as fine motor development b. who do not walk by 1 year are likely to have a gross motor problem c. in traditional cultures are equal to toddlers from Western cultures in the development of their gross motor skills d. can usually run before they can stand briefly on one leg


4. Interestingly, object permanence is not a uniquely human achievement. Who else can acquire object permanence? a. chimpanzees at two years of age b. cats at two years of age c. nearly all reptiles at any age d. dogs at one year of age


5. According to the ILO, the number of child laborers ages 5–11 is ___________ worldwide. a. slowing increasing b. sharply increasing c. rapidly declining d. about the same as in the past


6. ____ emphasizes respect for and obedience to parents and the elderly, especially the father. a. Familismo b. Respeto c. Laissez-faire d. Filial piety


7. Which of the following pairs would have the strongest correlation for IQ scores? a. adopted siblings in the same environment b. monozygotic twins reared in different environments c. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment d. biological siblings reared in different environments


8. According to Vygotsky, ________ is required for cognitive development. a. formal education b. emotional self-regulation c. social interaction d. strong parent-child attachment


9. Your 5-year-old son has not been eating a balanced diet lately even though you provide well-balanced meals for him. To get him to eat his vegetables, you tell him that if he eats all of his vegetables you will let him have his dessert. Although many parents in American culture bribe their children in this manner, what is the likely result? a. Bribing children to eat their vegetables actually contributes to childhood obesity. b. Children learn to eat a balanced diet. c. Children come to associate vegetables with dessert and begin eating quite a bit more vegetables. d. Children refuse to eat vegetables unless they get sweet treats before eating vegetables.


10. When are children less vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition? a. middle childhood b. infancy c. early childhood d. adolescence


11. What proportion of 3-year-old American children receive less than the recommended amount of calcium? a. 1/2 b. 2/3 c. 1/3 d. 1/4


12. A key reason why emotional outbursts decline in early childhood is that children ___________________________. a. at this age are no longer at risk for externalizing problems b. have learned the skill of over-controlling their emotions c. have a more sophisticated theory of mind at this age d. learn strategies for regulating their emotions, in a practice known as effortful control


15. Nona was in a serious car accident and suffered damage to her Broca's area. Which of the following is likely to result? a. She will have difficulty with speech comprehension. b. She will no longer be able to form short-term memories. c. She will show no emotion. d. She will have difficulty producing speech.


16. Demandingness is also known as ____, and responsiveness is also known as ____. a. empathy; limitations b. limitations; empathy c. warmth; control d. control; warmth


17. Secure attachment is characterized by _______________________. a. the child looking to the mother for approval of gender appropriate behavior b. a willingness of the child to use the caregiver as a secure base to explore the environment c. the child acting both relieved and angry at the caregiver after seeing her again after separation d. the child not crying when the mother leaves the room because she or he knows she will return


18. According to a national study of American families, about what percentage of children have used a computer by 3½ years of age? a. 60 b. 75 c. 25 d. 90


19. Which of the following is TRUE regarding emotional regulation? a. Self-regulation develops earlier in boys than in girls. b. The development of the temporal lobe promotes self-regulation. c. Temper tantrums and crying decrease from age 2 to 6. d. Different cultures have similar views about what the optimal level of control is.


20. What type of parent rarely engages in disciplining his or her children and simply believes that all children need is "unconditional" love? a. authoritative b. disengaged c. permissive d. authoritarian


21. According to cross-cultural studies, what games are popular all over the world in middle childhood? a. tag and hide-and-seek b. hopscotch and capture the flag c. "king of the hill" and soccer d. four square and baseball


22. ____ is specialized for language production, whereas ____ is specialized for language comprehension. a. Wernicke's area; Broca's area b. Piaget's area; Vygotsky's area c. Vygotsky's area; Piaget's area d. Broca's area; Wernicke's area


23. Ambivalence is ____. a. an unexpected and undesirable emotional state b. experiencing two contradictory emotions at once c. two ends of one extreme d. a happy but unexpected surprise


25. In Piaget's view, children ages 2–6 are most notable cognitively for what they cannot do, such as ____. a. performing mental operations b. using language to assist with thoughts c. using images to create mental representations d. coordinating senses with motor activities


26. Your neighbors eat out quite a bit, and most of it is fast food. Their 8-year-old daughter is obese with a BMI of 24. Which of the following statements is most accurate? a. They should be concerned because she is at heightened risk for kidney failure and blindness. b. They should be concerned because of an increased chance of ADHD correlated with the stress of being obese. c. As long as they emphasize that "beauty is from within," they should not be concerned about emotional problems. d. They should not be concerned because most children outgrow their obesity.


27. Across cultures, aggression is frequently a component of children's play in early and middle childhood, especially for boys. According to the textbook, this type of aggressive play helps to establish ____. a. a dominance hierarchy b. aggression perimeters c. play boundaries d. a range of what is considered acceptable play


29. You are visiting your sister, who has 4-year-old twins. They ask if they can have some milk and you are pouring it for them. One glass you choose is tall and thin and the other is short and wide. After you pour the milk, your niece is very unhappy because you gave "more" milk to your nephew. You actually gave each of them the same amount, but your niece and nephew lack the mental ability to ____. a. center b. tertiary operate c. operate d. conserve


30. Which of the following is TRUE regarding hand preference handedness? a. Left-handed people are less likely to have problems learning to read than right- handed people. b. A premature birth is more common among left-handed infants. c. Children do not show hand preference until the middle of kindergarten when they are learning to write. d. Left-handed people tend to have poorer verbal and math ability than right-handed people.


31. In many developing countries, children become valuable as factory workers in middle childhood because of their ____. a. emotional stability, because some adult factory employees are hot-tempered b. ability to perform gross motor tasks such threading a needle on a sewing machine c. ability to perform intricate fine motor tasks such as weaving rugs d. cognitive ability to perform complex conceptual tasks such as designing products


32. When can the average toddler first kick a ball or throw a small object? a. 6 months b. 24 months c. 12 months d. 18 months


33. ____ is the study of animal behavior. a. Ecology b. Epidemiology c. Ethnology d. Ethology


34. What percentage of North American children have at least one dental cavity by age five years? a. 40% b. 20% c. 5% d. 10%


35. What aspect of language refers to the social context and conventions of language? a. grammar b. pragmatics c. vocabulary d. phonics


36. One aspect of children's memory during middle childhood is that they ___. a. develop more accurate assessments of their memory skills b. become fearful of applying their strategies at school c. generally revert back to a more immature way of remembering information d. become anxious regarding their memory performance


37. Layla and Gregory are both 4 years old and playmates at the same daycare center. Which of the following best describes their relationship? a. confidants b. admirers c. neighbors d. peers


38. In Western cultures, low self-esteem is associated with ____. a. bullying, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse b. cooperation and happiness c. euphoria, social effectiveness, and popularity d. anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior


39. What is the percentage of European children with ADHD who use medication only to treat it? a. 50% b. 70% c. 90% d. 25%


40. It is a greater challenge to wean a toddler from breast milk than to wean an infant because ____. a. the toddler has greater emotional instability an infant b. breast-feeding a toddler is more socially acceptable in many cultures c. the toddler is more socially aware and has a greater capacity to exercise intentional behavior d. the toddler has developed teeth and might resist unconsciously with negative behaviors


42. Globally, parents in most places and times have been more worried that their children would become too ____ than that they would have ____ self-esteem, and have ____ self-inflation as part of family socialization. a. selfish; high; encouraged b. independent; low; discouraged c. selfish; low; discouraged d. independent; high; encouraged


43. Thirty-four studies found that prosocial content in children's television shows had positive effects on four areas: ____. a. empathy, social problem-solving, internal anxiety, and combating discrimination b. civil service, apathy, prosocial behaviors, and internal aggression c. self-efficacy, self-worth, self-esteem, and self recognition d. altruism, positive social interactions, self-control, and combating negative stereotypes


44. There are interesting cultural differences in the use of physical punishment during early childhood. For African American children, the more physical punishment they received during early childhood, the ____. a. the less likely that these children would graduate from high school b. greater the likelihood that they would be aggressive and antisocial in adolescence c. less likely they would be aggressive and antisocial in adolescence d. the more likely they would be depressed and psychologically damaged as adults


46. Children who are bilingual ________________________. a. score lower on tests of metalinguistic skills, but higher on IQ tests b. learn the second language better after age 12 because they have a more sophisticated understanding of syntax by this point in development c. take longer to master the second language when they learn it after already becoming fluent in the first language d. are usually behind their single-language counterparts in meta-linguistic skills


47. Improvements in _____ in middle childhood allow a child to stay steady on a bike without training wheels or walk on a board across a river. a. reaction time b. hand-eye coordination c. strength d. balance


48. Which best describes sensory changes during middle childhood? a. Hearing problems increase due to higher rates of ear infections. b. The incidence of myopia increases c. Vision and hearing both improve dramatically. d. Rates of farsightedness increase while myopia decreases.


49. Even young children are able to classify objects or events that share common characteristics into the same class, such as brown dogs, but they run into problems when they have to __________. a. complete a mental operation to complete the classification b. arrange them in logical order c. focus on reversibility d. focus on parallelism


50. Your sister has an 8-year-old who seems to be losing his teeth at a rapid pace. This is her first child and she is concerned. What would you tell her? From age 6 to 12 years, children ____. a. do not lose any teeth—she needs to consult a dentist immediately b. lose some of their teeth, but at a very slow rate c. only lose the front few teeth d. lose all of their primary teeth—this is normal


51. According to Vygotsky, children learn best if the instruction they are provided is ____. a. concrete in nature b. developed by an educational specialist c. within the zone of proximal development d. just beyond their ability to immediately grasp it


52. According to Piaget, it is not until _____ that we truly become representational thinkers. a. early teens b. early infancy c. early toddlerhood d. early childhood


53. Most American minority cultures, including African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans, have been classified by researchers as "authoritarian." This is inaccurate because these cultures were being compared to ____. a. the industrial cultures of Europe b. traditional Asian cultures c. White majority culture d. only their own cultures


54. Children improve in their emotional self-regulation in part because their ____ requires it. a. phenotype b. biology c. genotype d. environment


55. Which of the following elements is responsible for the growth of strong bones and teeth? a. potassium b. calcium c. fluoride d. zinc


56. When divorce occurs in early childhood, children blame themselves. What about middle childhood? Children in middle childhood ____. a. are so successful at adapting to changes that it has little effect upon them b. also blame themselves c. understand that there are other reasons that their parents divorced that have nothing to do with them d. are at a time in their development when they do not really care that their parents divorce


57. Adopted children tend to have a ____ that is closer to their ____ than to their ____. a. blood glucose level; adoptive parents; biological parents b. blood glucose level; biological parents; adoptive parents c. BMI; biological parents; adoptive parents d. BMI; adoptive parents; biological parents


58. The use of shame as a form of discipline ______________________________. a. is universally accepted as the best method of discipline because it does not include physical punishment b. has resulted in positive outcomes in both the United States and Finland c. is associated with high rates of behavior problems in Japanese children d. is referred to as psychological control by American researchers


59. Accidental injury among young children _____________. a. is equally common among boys and girls b. is extremely rare in the United States because of increased awareness and better technology; rates are under 5% c. happens at a greater rate in developed countries than in developing countries d. is less of a danger than disease in developing countries


60. In developing countries, what is the most common cause of death in early childhood? a. accidental burning b. motor vehicle accidents c. illness and disease d. parental abuse


61. Ainsworth concluded that the quality of attachment was based mainly on how ____ the mother was. a. emotionally mature and intelligent b. caring and tempered c. demanding and responsive d. sensitive and responsive


62. In nearly all cultures, mothers play a central role in the care of infants and toddlers. What roles do fathers in traditional cultures play? a. Fathers are heavily involved in the birth process, but do little in child care. b. Fathers are often excluded entirely from the birth process, but are heavily involved in early child care. c. Fathers are often excluded entirely form the birth process and are rarely involved in daily child care. d. Fathers are heavily involved in the birth process and in early child care.


63. Emotional understanding advances from early to middle childhood because children ____. a. are able to play sports and to be involved in athletics, which helps them appreciate their emotions and the emotions of others b. have formal training in school regarding emotions c. become able to understand not only their own emotions, but also the emotions of others d. they become intensely interested in making a good impression on members of the opposite sex


64. Which of the following statements about handedness is most accurate? a. Children who are left-handed are often praised for their uniqueness in non-Western cultures. b. Children first develop this tendency during the preschool years. c. The prevalence of left-handedness in some African countries is as low as 1% because using the left hand is suppressed. d. There is no genetic component to handedness; it is based purely on one's environment.


65. What type of aggression involves damaging another person's reputation among peers through exclusion and malicious gossip? a. relational aggression b. verbal aggression c. hostile aggression d. instrumental aggression


66. What are two of the most notable words that toddlers between 18 and 24 months learn and use? a. no and gone b. mommy and daddy c. here and go d. bye-bye and hi


67. Jimmy is immature, lacks self-control, and has trouble getting along with other children his age and his teacher. What is likely the dominant parenting style in his home? a. disengaged b. permissive c. authoritarian d. authoritative


68. The way we organize and process information in terms of gender-based categories is referred to as __________________________. a. gender schemas b. gender stereotyping c. gender constancy d. self-socialization


69. Infants in developing and developed countries grow at about the same rate from birth to six months. Why are they similar? a. Infants from developed and developing countries consume breast milk. b. All infants have access to nutritious and well-balanced foods. c. Infants from developed and developing countries do very little to expend calories. d. Infants from developed and developing countries start eating solid foods at birth.


70. Iron deficiency is also known as ____. a. anemia b. marasmus c. osteoporosis d. kwashiorkor


71. What parenting style is associated with children who lack self-control and, as a result, have difficulty getting along with peers and teachers? a. authoritarian b. disengaged c. authoritative d. permissive


72. During this stage, Piaget proposes, children become capable of using mental operations, which allow them to organize and manipulate information mentally instead of relying on physical and sensory associations. a. preoperations b. sensorimotor c. formal operations d. concrete operations


73. ____ is an emotional bond that promotes the protection and survival of children during the years in which they are most vulnerable. a. Imprinting b. Attachment c. A secure base d. Home base


74. What attachment type was highly predictive of later problems and included toddlers who in early and middle childhood exhibited hostility and aggression? a. insecure–avoidant attachment b. insecure–resistant attachment c. secure attachment d. disorganized–disoriented attachment


75. What is the term that is used to describe when individuals are unable to distinguish between their own perspective and another person's perspective? a. reversibility b. egocentrism c. centration d. conservation


76. In terms of praise as a parenting strategy, how frequently is it employed by parents in non-Western cultures? a. never b. rarely c. about the same as Western cultures d. much more than Western cultures


77. When Ming, who is 18 months old, uses the word "kitty" to describe any small furry animal regardless of whether or not it is a cat is an example of ____. a. overregulation b. underapplication c. underextension d. overextension


78. ____ is the simultaneous use of more than one media form, such as playing an electronic game while watching TV. a. Media multitasking b. Cognitive overload by multimedia c. Multimedia applications d. Unconscious attention by multimedia


79. Not many 3- or 4-year-olds can ____ successfully, but nearly all ____-year-olds can. a. run and jump; 6–7 b. tie their shoe; 8–9 c. kick a ball; 5–6 d. pet a dog; 8–9


80. Who is the person who is sought out when a child experiences some kind of distress or threat in the environment? a. the ethological mother b. the primary attachment figure c. the older sibling d. the figure of strength


81. Which of the following is a protein deficiency that primarily affects toddlers in developing nations and leads to a range of symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, and thinning of hair? a. micronutrients b. kwashiorkor c. eczema d. tuberculosis


82. Lucien is still cared for mainly by his mother, who just recently stopped breast feeding. He also spends a lot of time with his older siblings and the older children who live nearby. When he is distressed, the older children comfort him if the mother is not in the vicinity. Using Mead's classification, Lucien would be considered a ___________. a. yard child b. neighborhood child c. lap child d. knee child


83. In the United States, the school year is ______ that of South Korea and China. a. a lot shorter than b. equal to c. much longer than d. slightly shorter than


84. What are some of the health problems that obese adults have? a. halitosis, male pattern baldness, and trichophyton b. insomnia, incontinence, and bowel obstruction c. high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer d. chronic fever, hunger, and flatulence


85. A family from Japan moved into your neighborhood a couple of months ago. The parents are working on a project and are only here for a short time before they move back to Japan. You were talking to another neighbor who was very upset with the Japanese family and was considering filing abuse charges. The mother would very rarely let the male toddler speak and rarely encouraged him to speak. What did you tell your neighbor? a. She should call the authorities immediately. b. The boy's mother is probably hoping that he will learn English while they are living here and is trying not to confuse him by also speaking Japanese. c. This is a culturally based difference in parenting and is not abuse. d. The boy is probably mute, so there is no reason to encourage him to speak.


86. Compared to low-income children who did not participate in High Scope Preschool Project, children who did _______________________. a. had lower incomes at age 27, but were more likely to enjoy their work b. were just as likely to drop out of high school because of the need to help support their families c. were more likely to be married and own their own home by age 27 d. were just as likely to be arrested and go to prison, but to have shorter prison sentences


87. By the time infants in developing countries reach their first birthday, their height and weight is as low as the bottom ____ of infants of the same age in developed countries. a. 2% b. 10% c. 5% d. 15%


88. In regards to fine motor development, an infant who is 1 year old can ____, and a toddler who is 3 years old can ____. a. hold a cup; draw a semi-straight line b. tie their shoes; draw a circle with a crayon c. draw a semi-straight line; hold a cup d. draw a circle with a crayon; tie their shoes


89. Your older brother's college roommate is an artist. He was very much hoping that his 5-year-old daughter would grow up to be artistic as well. At this point, she can draw some shapes pretty well, like circles and triangles, but that is about it. He is a bit worried. What would you tell him? a. She is lagging far behind other children her age in drawing. b. She is not likely to ever be very skilled in drawing. c. She probably will be a gifted athlete. d. She is developing in a very typical manner for fine motor skills.


90. The relationship between parents and children tends to be complex, and parenting style alone is not the endall and be-all of answers. It is known that parents have a significant effect on their children, but children also have an effect on their parents; this relationship between parent and child is also known as ____. a. one-way or unilateral relationship b. reciprocal or bidirectional relationship c. hypothetical or theoretical relationship d. exponential or quadrupling relationship


91. Miriam is in 2nd grade. When her classmates are asked who she is, they have difficulty remembering her and find it hard describing her. She is neither liked nor disliked by her classmates, but for the most part, goes unnoticed. From the four categories of social status, Miriam would fall into the category of ____. a. controversial b. rejected c. neglected d. popular


92. Malnutrition is believed to be indirectly responsible for about half of early childhood deaths. Why? Because lack of sufficient food ____. a. increases the likelihood of failure to thrive b. increases competition for calories and children lose out c. reduces the effectiveness of the immune system d. slows the development of myelination


93. Compared to younger children, those in middle childhood __________________________. a. are more likely to realize that what people say is not always what they mean b. use less complex grammar, but longer sentences c. are more serious and therefore have more difficulty understanding the punch lines in jokes d. are less likely to use conditional sentences (e.g., If you do this, I will do that....) because they know that it may be interpreted negatively


94. Your sister is worried that her 18-month-old toddler, who knows about 20 words, is way behind in learning new words. What should you tell her? a. Her toddler will probably be language delayed. b. Her toddler will most likely have reading problems, too. c. There is a wide variability on when toddlers learn to speak new words and her child falls in the normal range. d. She should get a tutor for her toddler.


95. Your family has a history of asthma and allergies. Your brother is a smoker and he and his wife have a 6year-old son. What do you need to tell him regarding smoking and asthma? a. If he wants his child to have asthma, keep smoking. b. Although many people think that there is a link between smoking and asthma, there is not. c. Children of smoking parents have been found to have unusually strong lung capacities. d. Smoking will reduce the likelihood that his child will have asthma.


96. Zachary loves to play with his little sister, Dayla. Zachary kicks a ball hoping Dayla will kick it back, but she is too young. She just started walking without support. How old are Zachary and Dayla? a. at least 9 months and 15 months b. about 10 months and at least 24 months c. at least 24 months and 36 months d. about 9 months and at least 18 months


97. You have been trying to toilet train your son, but you are not having much luck. Based on the research, what is most likely to be holding up the process? a. Some children simply take months or potentially years to become fully toilet trained. b. There must be a physical difficulty that will require a medical exam. c. Most females learn to potty train in a week, but almost all boys take several months. d. You are not rewarding him consistently enough when he shows interest.


98. Chimpanzees lack the most important and distinctive feature of human language. What is that? a. infinite generativity b. Broca's area c. a pharynx d. abstract word knowledge


99. Which emotion doesn't appear until toddlerhood? a. Fear b. Happiness c. Pride d. Anger


100. In regards to middle childhood, the overall finding of the research that used the wristwatch beepers was that middle childhood is a time of ____. a. general unhappiness due to a lack of independence that most children believed they deserved b. considerable shifting of emotions and feelings c. great turbulence d. remarkable contentment and emotional stability


101. Who was the psychologist who first began examining cognitive development within a cultural emphasis? a. B. F. Skinner b. Jean Piaget c. R. J. Sternberg d. Lev Vygotsky


102. Who was the theorist who viewed cognitive development as an inherently social and cultural process? a. Piaget b. Freud c. Skinner d. Vygotsky


103. Your daughter borrowed $4.73 from you while you were shopping so she could purchase a doll that she didn't have enough money for. When you get home, you tell your daughter how much she owes you so that she can pay you back. She keeps repeating 4, 7, 3 over and over as she walks to her room to get the money. What memory strategy is she using? a. rehearsal b. organization c. elaboration d. repetition


104. If you were a permissive parent, how would you handle a child who only wanted to eat a banana split for dinner? a. "Great, let's go for it!" b. "Whatever, I don't care." c. "It would be much better to eat a healthy dinner first and have a banana split for dessert if you are not full." d. "Absolutely not, under no circumstance will I allow that!"


105. Compared to neonates, toddlers sleep ____ fewer hours per day. a. 3–4 b. 6–7 c. 5–6 d. 4–5


106. By the end of early childhood, Indian children have learned not just that menstruating women do not cook food or sleep with their husbands, they also ____. a. believe that their fathers are forbidding their mothers from doing these things b. learn that it would be morally wrong for their mothers to do those things c. learn that it just makes sense for their mothers not to do those things d. come to believe that their mothers are lazy


107. Toddlers become better at using what perceptual system to adjust their walking and running in response to changes in surfaces? a. tactile system b. visual system c. auditory system d. vestibular system


108. Limited autobiographical memory prior to age 5 is probably due to incomplete myelination of the _________________. a. hippocampus b. corpus callosum c. reticular formation d. Broca's area


109. Today, most American pediatricians believe that it is best to be patient with toddlers and their progress toward toilet training. When do they recommend toilet training now? a. when the toddler is 20 months old b. when the cost of diapers gets too expensive c. when the toddler seems ready d. anytime before kindergarten


110. As a child becomes better at perspective-taking and develops a greater ability to understand the emotions and feelings of others, he or she will have a greater capacity to experience ____. a. primary emotions b. effortful control c. empathy d. modeling


111. What is the current understanding of how genetics influence obesity? a. Genetics is a good explanation for recent rises in obesity rates during childhood; however it does little to explain the rates of obesity for adulthood. b. Genetics cannot explain recent rises in obesity rates, but rather, genetics provides only a risk for overweight and obesity. c. Obesity is more likely to be caused by genetics than the environment. d. Genetics only explains obesity with regard to females.


112. What group of United States children is more likely to be more independent and socially confident? a. children from affluent families b. children who are from families who had parents who were professionals c. children who attend preschool d. children from low-income families


113. Numerous studies have determined that boys play in what ways in their play groups? They engage in ____. a. quiet play with many individuals cooperatively playing b. rough and tumble, high activity, and aggressive play c. watching television and acting out the roles they are watching d. very introspective play with considerable role playing


114. Which of the following is true regarding theory of mind? a. A child who demonstrates theory of mind is not yet able to think about thinking. b. It develops the same way in all cultures with spoken language. c. Children show a decrease in this ability from 4 to 6 years of age because they are becoming more independent. d. It begins to develop, in rudimentary form, sometime in infancy.


115. Which of the following theorists proposed that children learn not through their individual interactions with the environment but through the social process of guided by participation? a. Sigmund Freud b. Jean Piaget c. Carl Rogers d. Lev Vygotsky


116. According to modeling theory, after observing multiple occasions of others' behaviors being rewarded or punished, children conclude ____. a. what their culture's principles of moral conduct are b. what behavior is considered appropriate and what behavior is considered inappropriate c. what they need to do to be successful members of their societies d. what members of a particular culture should not be doing


117. In this type of attachment, toddlers show extremely unusual behavior. They seemed dazed and detached when the mother leaves the room, but with outbursts of anger. When the mother returns, they may seem fearful. a. insecure–avoidant attachment b. secure attachment c. disorganized–disoriented attachment d. insecure–resistant attachment


118. What percentage of American toddlers were toilet trained by 18 months, according to a study completed in 1957? a. 2% b. 92% c. 42% d. 62%


119. What type of aggression is involved when a child exhibits signs of anger and intends to inflict pain or harm on others? a. verbal aggression b. instrumental aggression c. physical aggression d. hostile aggression


120. As a contributor to the ____ rate of obesity, over recent decades people have become ____ likely to prepare meals at home and ____ likely to buy meals away from home. a. decreased; more; less b. increased; more; less c. increased; less; more d. decreased; less; more


121. One-year-old Cindy was playing a hiding game with her father. He hid her toy under a blanket and then Cindy would try to find it. Later, he added a second blanket and she watched him hide the toy under it. Interestingly, Cindy still looked under the first blanket. She was _____________. a. engaging in deferred imitation b. making an categorization error c. engaging in mental representation d. making the A-not-B error


122. Phrases like "please," "thank you," and "bye-bye" are examples of ____. a. the pragmatic quality of language b. the morphemic quality of language c. how prosody varies within language d. the grammatical quality of language


123. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) ______________________. a. has both math and performance subtests b. has been criticized for focusing too much on creativity and not enough on core skills of reading and writing c. is the most widely used intelligence test for children d. has only been predictive of the future outcomes of gifted children


124. The capacity of toddlers to think about themselves as they would about other persons and objects is _________________________. a. sex roles b. self-reflection c. gender identity d. stranger anxiety


125. During middle childhood _________________. a. girls and boys are more likely to be slim than at any other time b. ear infections are more likely than they were earlier in the lifespan because of more exposure to germs during the school years c. girls are usually taller and heavier than boys d. the incidence of myopia decreases


126. What is the correlation coefficient for IQ scores of adopted siblings who have none of their genotype in common? a. .52 b. .38 c. .24 d. .10


127. The overall conclusion of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable ____. a. depression and anxiety b. unhappiness and emotional instability c. agitation and feelings of being tense d. contentment and emotional stability


128. For the most part, becoming bilingual is ____ to language development, and learning a secondary language ____ with mastering the primary language. a. favorable; does not interfere b. stifling; does not interfere c. unfavorable; interferes d. detrimental; interferes


129. Children in middle childhood report being "very happy" ____ of the time, a far higher percentage than for _____. a. 8%; infants and children b. 60%; individuals in late adulthood c. 28%; adolescents or adults d. 42%; young adults


130. You are in your first year of teaching fourth grade. There is quite a bit of remodeling going on at your school, which creates a fair amount of noise. You are amazed at how well your students are able to pay attention to what you are saying. You remember your developmental course and recall that children in middle childhood more capable of focusing their attention because they are able to ____. a. disregard what is irrelevant b. process information at the sublimal level c. be more critical processing information d. get distracted easier


131. Within a few years after divorce, what percentage of mother-custody children see their fathers on a weekly basis? a. 15 to 20% b. 75 to 80% c. 55 to 60% d. 35 to 40%


132. During toddlerhood, what is a good predictor of later verbal intelligence? a. number of words spoken b. comprehension c. quantitative intelligence d. production


133. During middle childhood ___________________________________. a. gender segregation is unique to play groups in the United States b. play groups in traditional cultures become less gender-segregated than they were in early childhood c. both boys and girls come to see occupations they associate with men as having higher status than occupations they associate with women d. boys feel less competent than their female counterparts in math and science even when they have equal abilities in these areas based on their grades


134. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that about ____ children and adolescents are employed worldwide, and that ____ of them are in developing countries. a. 400 million; 75% b. 800 million; 35% c. 73 million; 95% d. 600 million; 55%


135. In Harry Harlow's (1958) classic study on attachment, which of the following "mothers" did the baby monkeys prefer? a. terry cloth b. wire mesh c. wood d. cotton balls


136. Your neighbor's 14-month-old toddler says things like "cup!" when he means that he would like a cup of milk. Your neighbor thinks that his toddler is very lazy. What is happening? The toddler is ____. a. cognitively impaired and might have a genetic disorder b. trying to manipulate his father and needs to be disciplined c. using holophrases, which is developmentally appropriate d. language delayed and needs professional assistance


137. What term refers to the biological status of being male or female? a. masculinity b. gender c. femininity d. sex


138. Compared to a comparison group of children with low socioeconomic status who did not attend Head Start, those children who did ____________________. a. had higher grades, but lower self-esteem because of the pressure to achieve b. showed a boost in IQ and achievement from elementary school until the end of high school c. improved their academic performance, but were still more likely to repeat at least one grade d. were less likely to be placed in special education classes


139. Vladimir is 3 years old and preparing for his first dental visit. Beyond a routine cleaning, Vladimir may also be given ____. a. a fluoride rinse and sealants b. water that is fortified with calcium c. teeth-whitening gum d. Novocain for his incoming molars


140. In the U.S., the percentage of children involved in daily physical education programs during middle childhood decreased from ____ in 1969 to just ____ in 2005. a. 70%; 7% b. 60%; 6% c. 80%; 8% d. 50%; 5%


141. As soon as Grant started to play patty-cake with his classmate Emma, he was teased and ridiculed by the boys in the class. Grant quickly learned that patty-cake is a form of play that is reserved for girls and not boys. Grant's process of learning the roles of "maleness" and "femaleness" is ____. a. sexual-social identity b. gender socialization c. a sex schema d. a biological construct


142. The International Labor Organization has estimated that about 73 million children ages 5–11 are employed worldwide. What percentage of these children are employed in developing countries? a. 95% b. 35% c. 55% d. 75%


143. The dimension of parenting known as responsiveness is also known as _______________. a. setting limits b. warmth c. psychological control d. disengaged


144. Social comparisons reflect advances in the cognitive ability of ____; they learn to ____ themselves more accurately in abilities relative to other children. a. a feared self; describe b. animism; express c. seriation; rank d. ethnocentrism; picture


145. What is a factor in cultural learning in developed countries that is different from cultural learning in traditional cultures? Compared to developing countries, children in developed countries a. an instructional method that is as formal as the children understand b. Piaget's model of readiness, as strictly as possible c. the Socratic method d. developmentally appropriate educational practice


146. What is a factor in cultural learning in developed countries that is different from cultural learning in traditional cultures? Compared to developing countries, children in developed countries ____. a. are constantly with at least one family member all day b. are rarely consoled when injured or hurt c. are disciplined harshly for small infractions d. are often apart from their families for a substantial part of the day


147. In Piagetian terms, which of the following is the principle that the amount of a physical substance remains the same even if its physical appearance changes? a. Reversibility b. Centration c. Physical stability d. Conservation


148. Which is an example of overextension? a. A child calling all men "Dada." b. A child saying, "Mommy goed to the store." c. A child saying, "Mommy gone!" d. A child saying "The sun is smiling at me."


149. When do children begin to use personal pronouns for the first time (e.g., "I," "me," etc.) and refer to themselves by their own names? a. 12 months b. 18 months c. 24 months d. 9 months


150. Research on reading and math skills has shown that ____________________. a. children who have trouble learning to read often have trouble mastering early math skills as well b. all approaches to reading are equally effective when children are first learning to read c. only humans have any awareness of numeracy d. in the last two decades, girls are more likely to be diagnosed with dyslexia than are boys


151. Which of the following statements best captures why a child may fail the conservation task? a. "They frequently attribute human thoughts and feelings to stuffed animals and dolls, often thoughts and feelings they have themselves." b. "They tend to pick the photo that matches their own perspective, not the dolls." c. "They can reverse the action mentally and can see that the amount of water is the same." d. "They fail to understand that the amount of water remains the same even though the appearance of the water changes."


152. At age 6, the average child knows about ____ words, but by age 10 or 11, this sum has increased fourfold, to about ____. a. 1,000; 4,000 b. 15,000; 60,000 c. 5,000; 20,000 d. 10,000; 40,000


153. Children from what group in the United States especially benefited cognitively from preschool? a. low-income families b. families who had parents who were professionals c. affluent families d. Midwestern families


154. At what point during the experimental situations did Ainsworth believe the best indicator of the quality of attachment occurred? a. before the assessment began; the experimenters could measure toddler-mother behaviors before the mothers knew they were being assessed b. when the mother was still in the room, so that the toddler's exploration behaviors could be assessed c. when the mother was not present in the room d. when the mother returned and the reunion behavior could be assessed


155. When children generally avoid making the A-not-B error, they __________. a. show the ability to categorize b. understand scaffolding c. have attained object permanence d. are in the stage of tertiary circular reactions


156. What is the term that the textbook defines as an understanding of how memory works? a. metaprocessing b. metacognition c. metaconfiguration d. metamemory


157. Self-esteem ____ in the transition from early childhood to middle childhood. a. dramatically drops b. increases steadily c. remains constant d. declines slightly


159. Your cousin has a five-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. He has been taking them to story time at the library, but his daughter is having a very difficult time sitting still, even for 10 minutes. His son is able to sit through the entire story time because his _______________ is more fully developed than his sister's. a. corpus callosum b. reticular formation c. hippocampus d. cerebellum


160. An infant who climbs up a set of stairs is displaying an example of ____. a. ambidextrous motor movement b. gross motor movement c. outward motor movement d. fine motor movement


161. What term describes nearsightedness? a. hyperopia b. myopia c. presbycusis d. protanopia


162. In the United States, what percentage of children has no siblings? a. 15% b. 5% c. 20% d. 10%


163. Based on children's ratings of who they like or dislike among their peers, researchers have described four categories of social status: ____. a. popular, rejected, neglected, and controversial children b. socially isolated, hostile, preppy, and smart children c. sub-average, average, above average, and three-deviations-from-the-mean children d. social, accepted, rejected, and unpopular


164. Using a pencil to draw a smiley face on a sheet of paper is an example of a ____. a. gross motor skill b. fine motor skill c. ambidextrous motor skill d. elementary motor skill


165. In regards to preschool education, the United States prioritizes ____, whereas Japan prioritizes ____. a. cooperative play; parallel play b. academic skills; social skills c. parallel play; cooperative play d. social skills; academic skills


166. A friend is worried about his son, who is very active and is constantly injuring himself. What would you tell him to help him worry less? This behavior is very typical because his son's ____. a. visual processing is lagging behind his motor development and he simply cannot see very well b. motor development is advanced enough to do quite a bit, but his cognitive development is not able to anticipate situations that might be dangerous c. motor development is not yet very advanced and he is going to be involved in many accidents d. attention skills are not yet fully developed and his son is likely to not pay attention to his father's warnings to be careful


167. Which of the following best describes the overall emotional state for individuals in middle childhood? a. storm and stress b. high well-being and low volatility c. explosive shock and awe d. emotionally absent


168. _______________ is a condition specific to toddlerhood in which protein deficiencies lead to varied symptoms such as swollen bellies and feet, hair loss, and lack of energy. a. Hydrocephalus b. Marasmus c. SIDS d. Kwashiorkor


169. Which of the following is the most common second language for children around the world? a. English b. Russian c. Chinese d. Spanish


170. Selective attention ____________________________. a. refers to the placement of things into meaningful categories b. is a common measure of intelligence c. refers to focusing on the relevant stimuli, while ignoring what is irrelevant d. refers to thinking about thinking


172. In developed countries ________________________. a. asthma rates are at their lowest point in decades b. middle childhood is one of the least safe and healthy times of life because of children's increased need for independence c. rates of lead poisoning in children have fallen over the last several decades d. the most common cause of injury is poisoning


173. Your son, who is in middle childhood, made it to the next round of the annual spelling bee, even though his best friend who studied with him did not. What is his likely response? a. He would have mixed emotions. He would be happy that he made it, but also sad that his study partner did not. b. He would probably not express much in the way of emotions, as children in middle childhood are not very emotionally mature or responsive. c. He would be enormously happy that he made it. He worked hard to get to the next round. d. He would be enormously sad that his study partner did not make it to the next round and would not be able to find any joy in making it himself.


174. ____ is the process where toddlers learn and remember a word for an object after being told what the object is called just one time. a. Super quick learning b. Fast mapping c. Exponential encoding d. Overregulation


175. What is the term that refers to an individual's ability to understand the meaning of numbers? a. numerology b. literacy c. numeracy d. arithmetic


176. When does sibling conflict peak? a. middle childhood b. adulthood c. early childhood d. adolescence


177. In collectivistic cultures, the emphasis is placed on ____. a. me, myself, and I b. the sole person and individual successes c. the success of the individual, their career, and their income d. family, the kinship group, and the ethnic group


178. Based on what we know of human history and practices today in traditional culture, most infants are breastfed until ____ year(s) of age. a. 1–2 b. 2–3 c. 1 d. 3–4


179. About how many synapses will be removed in the frontal cortex from early childhood to adolescence? a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 1/8 d. 1/20


180. Most toddlers show signs of readiness to begin the process of toilet training between what ages? a. 18–30 months b. 24–48 months c. 12–24 months d. 6–18 months


181. Your sister constantly worries about your nephew, who is currently a toddler. She knows that this is a time of important physical and behavioral development and worries that every bump, bruise, or sniffle could negatively affect his future health and well-being. What can you tell her as your nephew approaches middle childhood? a. More children get sick and injured during this time than when they were younger. b. She needs to be very careful because there is a spike in injury rates during this time. c. It is the safest and healthiest time of life. d. Most children suffer no illnesses or injuries during this time.


182. The median population IQ is ____. a. 85 b. 115 c. 100 d. 130


183. Which of the following best describes gross motor development in early childhood? a. Gross motor development in early childhood is unpredictable. b. Gross motor development in early childhood extends abilities that first appear in toddlerhood. c. Gross motor development in early childhood is dependent upon fine motor development. d. Gross motor development in early childhood regresses to an earlier state.


184. What is the capacity to think about oneself as one would think of other persons and objects? a. self-reflection b. self-report c. self-awareness d. self-esteem


185. In the United States, about _______ of children between ages 4 and 10 are diagnosed with ADHD. a. 7% b. 4% c. 15% d. 1%


186. Maurice is 8 years old and is shown two round balls of clay that are equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape. When asked, "Which has more clay?" he will likely reply __________________. a. the long one that looks like a sausage b. they're both the same c. the ball d. I'm not sure; I'll need to weigh them


188. Many parents in developed countries remove sharp objects and other potentially harmful items when their toddlers become mobile. What is this called? a. object protection b. compulsive behavior c. baby safety d. baby proofing


189. According to the text, an authoritative parent of a very aggressive child with a difficult temperament, who ignores explanations of rules, may _____. a. try to be more responsive to the child b. become more authoritarian c. try harder to come up with better explanations d. negotiate with the child more often


190. In terms of intellectual development, one important conclusion from adoption and twin studies is that the more two people in a family are alike genetically, ____. a. the higher the correlation in their IQ scores b. the less correlated their IQ scores are c. the greater the likelihood that there will be children with very low IQ scores in the family d. the greater the diversity in subskills on an intelligence test


191. Most cultures' gender roles become more ____ during middle childhood. a. divided b. inconsistent c. nurturing d. flexible


193. What is one reason that infants who have been sleeping through the night start waking up again when they are between 18 and 24 months old? a. They have more nightmares. b. They drink too many liquids before bedtime. c. They become more aware that they are sleeping by themselves. d. They watch too much television.


194. You have a friend who has a 12-month-old son and you have an 18-month-old son. You have been getting together each week for a couple of months for them to socialize and so that you can talk. Your friend is concerned that his son is not very advanced because your son systematically and deliberately separates his various toys into categories while he plays and his son is oblivious to any categories. What would you tell your friend? a. that his son should probably start going to a high-quality day care b. that your son is very advanced since children generally do not categorize until they are at least 24 months old c. that infants are very different in their development d. that his son will most likely also categorize when he is 18 months old


195. Research has shown that _____________________________________. a. the displacement effect is no longer considered a problem because of all the media options available b. in the United States it is rare to have a TV in a young child's room c. the effects of television and other media depend on the content d. children are only able to learn to model aggressive behaviors during toddlerhood because prosocial behaviors require more advanced cognitive development


196. People tend to prefer being around others who are like themselves, a principle called ____. a. psychosocial discretion b. matching hypothesis c. selective segregation d. selective association


197. Children almost everywhere learn to read, usually beginning around age ____, when they enter school. a. 4 or 5 b. 8 or 9 c. 6 or 7 d. 2 or 3


199. You and your roommate are watching a documentary on developing countries and your roommate notices that children in developing countries seem to be small for their ages. What would you tell him about this situation? a. Being on television makes everyone look thinner; the children's weights are actually fine b. The differences are just in his imagination. c. Most children in developing countries work so hard that they do not grow as fast as children from developed countries. d. Most children in developing countries eat a diet that is deficient in protein.


200. To be ____ means to be quick to assist or soothe the child when they need it. a. sensitive b. fruitful c. responsive d. demanding


201. Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were the ones who were the most often "disliked" and rarely "liked"? a. popular b. rejected c. controversial d. neglected


202. Your brother was an All-American baseball shortstop. His 8-year-old son is not nearly as good at catching a baseball as your brother would like. He was hoping that your nephew would also be interested in and good at baseball. Although you think that your brother should support his son's interests rather than have your nephew pursue what your brother wants him to do, what can you tell your brother about his son's athletic abilities? a. Gross motor skills continue to develop for quite a while, he should be patient. b. His son's chance of being a great baseball player are doomed. Your nephew's fine motor skills seem to be abnormal. c. Perhaps your brother should enroll his son in gymnastics to help him improve his coordination. d. His son is probably not going to be athletic. He is too clumsy.


203. Children who do not eat a balanced diet with enough protein are _________. a. likely to have only temporary damage to their physical development b. always getting enough food c. likely to develop the same as other children d. more likely to have poorly functioning immune systems


204. The Gusii people of Kenya do not speak with their children directly, but it is clear that their children reach the same language milestones as American children. It has been demonstrated that Gusii children learn language from ____. a. their DNA and biological preparedness b. the unfolding of their chromosomal and genetic lineage c. being in social groups where others are using language d. having their language directly stimulated by their parents


205. A 5-year-old child draws a yellow sun in the upper corner of her paper complete with a smiley face and sunglasses. This is an example of _________________________. a. centered thinking b. sensorimotor thought c. gross motor skill refinement d. animism


206. In developed countries, __________________________. a. even children who do not receive vaccinations are less susceptible to fatal diseases in middle childhood than they were earlier in their development b. middle childhood is the least safe time of life because of an increased need for independence at this period in development c. rates of minor illnesses have increased during recent decades, even though rates of more serious illnesses have declined d. lead poisoning continues to be one of the top causes of death during middle childhood


207. In Japan, ____________________________. a. learning academic skills is the number one goal of having children attend preschool b. parents and preschool teachers list the same top reasons for young children to attend preschool as do their counterparts in the United States c. preschool is mainly a time for learning social skills d. individuality is stressed from the time children enter preschool as a way to encourage children to reach their full potential


208. Which of the following best describes the findings by French psychiatrist René Spitz on the subject of attachment? a. Attachment seemed to be present at birth. b. Well-fed infants raised in institutions suffered in their physical and emotional development. c. All well-fed infants were closely attached to their caregivers. d. Attachment depended on the infants seeing their caregivers.


209. Your sister came home from a pediatrician's visit with your 9-year-old nephew and was very worried because the doctor told her that your nephew has myopia. She was also very unhappy because the pediatrician failed to give her medication to treat it. What would you tell her about myopia? a. It is an intense fungal infection of the sclera. b. It simply means nearsightedness. c. It results in permanent retinal damage. d. It is a disease of the eye that occurs only in children with cancer.


210. According to your text, what is one of the factors that make cultural learning in developed countries different from cultural learning in traditional cultures? a. Parents in developed countries have assimilated into the culture and are not as interested in teaching their children skills or traditions as parents in traditional cultures are. b. Parents in developed countries believe that their children should learn independently. c. Children in developed countries aren't interested in guided participation in daily activities the way children in traditional cultures are. d. Children in developed countries are often apart from their families for a substantial part of the day, so they don't have as much guided participation in daily activities within the family as children in traditional cultures do.


211. Which of the following countries/geographical regions have the lowest percentage of computers within the household? a. the United States b. Latin America c. Africa d. Eastern Europe


213. Which of the following is a practice that requires children to sit still in a designated place for a period of time in an effort to reduce undesired behaviors? a. amae b. corporal punishment c. time out d. reinforcement


214. Students of development should _________ all human gender differences are primarily due to biology. a. accept that b. know that c. be skeptical of thinking that d. believe that


215. ___________ is located in the left temporal lobe of the brain. a. Broca's area b. Wernicke's area c. Parietal's area d. Vygotsky's area


216. Toddlers choose friends based ____. a. on family income b. solely on height c. on same gender d. partly on similarities such as activity level and social skills


217. When do most toddlers develop the internalized set of moral standards that guide their emotions and behavior? a. 4 years b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 18 months


218. Quinn et al. (1993) examined the abilities of 3- and 4-month-old infants. After they looked at a series of photographs of cats, the infants were shown two new photos, one of a cat and one of a dog. They looked longer at the photograph of the dog. This indicated that infants this age ____. a. could categorize b. like dogs better than cats c. were bored with the cat photos d. were not sure what dogs were


219. What percentage of children remain obese/overweight in adulthood? a. 80% b. 40% c. 60% d. 20%


220. Based on what we currently know of human history and what we know of traditional cultures, what has been the typical human custom regarding breast-feeding? Infants were weaned ____. a. by 18 months b. between 24 and 36 months c. by 24 months d. before 12 months