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53 Cards in this Set

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base class

a class that is used as a basis for inheritance

derived class

an extended class


a method's name and parameter list

class diagram

a tool for describing a class that consists of a rectangle divided into three sections that show the name, data, and methods of a class

public access

a privilege of class members in which other programs and methods may use the specified data or methods within a class.

class diagram indicates public access

+ (plus sign)


An object-oriented feature that allows you to use reasonable, easyto-remember names for methods and concentrate on their purpose rather than on memorizing different method names


Classes that depend on field names from parent classes are said to be ________ because they are prone to errors


Classes that depend on field names from parent classes are said to be _________


Classes that depend on field names from parent classes are said to be _________

non default constructor

a constructor that requires at least one argument

parameterized constructor

a constructor that requires at least one argument

throw an exception

to pass an exception out of a block where it occurs, usually to a block that can handle it


the generic term used for an error in object–oriented languages


In several languages, the visual development environment is knownby what acronym?


In some programming languages, such as C#, Visual Basic, andJava, every class you create is a child of one ultimate base class, oftencalled the _______ class

text box

A rectangular area into which the user can type text.


A rectangular object you can click; when you do, its appearanceusually changes to look pressed.


One of the tiny dots of light that form a grid on your screen.


a picture or sketch of a screen the user will see when running a program

check box

A label placed beside a small square.

object dictionary

a list of the objects used in a program, including which screens they are used on and whether any code, or script, is associated with them

interactivity diagram

A diagram that shows the relationship between screens in aninteractive GUI program.


A sequence of cells drawn by cartoonists creating animated films

black boxes

GUI components are excellent examples of the best principles ofobject-oriented programming; they represent objects with attributes andmethods that operate like what?

real estate

GUI programmers sometimes refer to screen space as what?


In object-oriented languages, the procedural modules that dependon user-initiated events are often called what?


a branch in which all paths are followed simultaneously

state machine

A diagram that shows the different statuses of a class or object at different points in time.


Something that reunites the flow of control after a fork.

time signal

A signal that indicates that a specific amount of time should pass before an action starts.

communication diagram

A diagram that emphasizes the organization of objects that participate in a system.

whole-part relationship

A relationship that describes an association in which one or more classes make up the parts of a larger whole class.

association relationship

A relationship that describes the connection or link between objects.

extend variation

A use case variation that shows functions beyond those found in a base case.


Each variation in the sequence of actions required in a use case is a what?

lightning bolts

In a UML diagram, any exceptions that might be thrown are listed next to shapes that look like what?


The horizontal axis of a sequence diagram represents what?


The vertical axis of a sequence diagram represents what?

foreign key

A column that is not a key in a table, but it contains an attribute that is a key in a related table.


A database has what when it follows a set of rules that makes the data accurate and consistent?

compound key

A key that is constructed from multiple columns is called a what?


a symbol that means any or all


A table that contains repeating groups is what?

transitive dependency

What occurs when the value of a nonkey attribute determines, or predicts, the value of another nonkey attribute?


What is a mechanism that prevents changes to a database for a period of time?

repeating group

What is a subset of rows in a database table that all depend on the same key?

one–to–many relationships

What is the most common type of relationship between tables?


After you choose a primary key from among candidate keys, the remaining candidate keys become what kind of keys?


What is an irregularity in a database design that causes problems and inconveniences?

join operation

Connecting two tables based on the values in a common column is called what?


What is the process of coding data into a format that human beings cannot read?


In object-oriented languages, the procedural modules that depend on user-initiated events are often called what?