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65 Cards in this Set

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Fin Fish
fish with fins and internal skeletons
fish with external shells but no internal bone structure
Fatty fish
>5% fat- bluefish, sardines, tuna, salmon
Lean fish
<2.5% fat- cod, flounder, bass, halibut
Whole/round cut
fish completely intact, as caught
Drawn cut
fish viscera (organs) removed
Dressed cut
fish viscera, scales, head, tail, fins removed
Steaks (fish)
Cross slices, each containing a section of backbone
boneless sides of fish
Sticks/tranches (fish)
cross section slices of filets
Butterflied filets
both sides of fish joined
Type of fabricated fish, minced fish meat that resembles crab, shrimp, or scallops
What is surumi made from?
Alaskan pollock
Why are large shrimp deveined?
Sand vein contains the digestive waste of the shell fish and contributes a gritty, sandy mouth feel
What are the factors contributing to the tenderness of fish?
a. 3% content of collagen
b. Less amount of amino acid- hydroxyproline
c. Short fiber muscle structure
How do you determine the doneness of fish? (3)
a. Flesh turns from translucent to opaque
b. Flaky
c. 145 F
Cornish Game Hen
M/F, 5-6 weeks, ¾-2 lbs, tender
M/F, 6-12 weeks, 1.5-3.5 lbs, tender skin/meat and flexible breast bone
M/F, 3-5 months, 3.5-5 lbs, tender skin/meat, less flexible breast bone
neutered male, <8 months, 5-8 lbs, very tender, large breast, $$
matured female, 10+ months, 3.5-6 lbs, tough skin/meat and hardened breast bone
matured male, 10+ months, 4-6 lbs, tough skin and dark meat
Light meat (poultry)- characteristics and where it is found (compared to dark meat)
less fat, less connective tissue, cooks fast
breast and wings
Dark meat (poultry)- characteristics and where it is found (compared to light meat)
more fat, more connective tissue, cooks longer
drumsticks and thighs
protein that stores oxygen in muscles
amount determines color of meat
adipose tissue
fat in poultry
Where is fat stored in poultry (3)
skin, abdominal cavity, fat pad near tail
Poultry cut- Poultry half
full length split down back
Poultry cut- Breast quarter
half a breast, wing, portion of back
Poultry cut- Leg quarter
thigh, drumstick, portion of back
Poultry grading criteria (4)
shape of carcass, amount of fat/flesh, pinfeathers, cuts/bruises
How long should a bird be allowed to rest before carving?
20 min.
Refrigerator storage of poultry?
<40 F in fridge for 3 days, vapor proof wrapping, kept on bottom shelf
How long does whole frozen poultry last?
How long does cooked leftovers poultry last (frozen)?
6-12 months (whole)
4 months (leftovers)
Beef- heifer
unbred female
Beef- Steer
male, young castration for quick weight gain
Beef- Bulls
male, uncastrated, tough meat used for processed food
Beef- Veal
m/f, 3 weeks-3 months, fed milk/restricted movements, milky/pale/tender meat
Difference between lamb and mutton?
Lamb- <14 months
Mutton- >14 months, darker/tougher, stronger flavor
Difference between primal and retail cuts of beef?
primal cuts (wholesale, large pieces of meat)
Retail cuts (small, for consumer)
Types of primal beef cuts?
Which are tender?
Blade, rib, loin, sirloin, shank/brisket, leg, short plate, flank
1. Tender= rib, loin, sirloin
Which retail cuts of beef are most tender?
Tenderloins and steaks are most tender
Collagen (red meat)
White connective tissue; coats muscle fiber bundles; higher in older animals and exercised muscle
Includes tendons/blood vessels, higher in older animals
cause of pigment, receives oxygen from blood & stores it in muscles
Hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout the body; found mostly in bloodstream
What is the natural pigment in the muscle of red meat?
Color comes primarily from myoglobin and secondarily from hemoglobin
Tying slices of fat over the surface of meat to protect them while roasting
Inserting strips of fat with a larding needle into meets low in marbling
General components of an American diet? (3)
a. High intake of red meats
b. High intake of refined sugar and sweets
c. Low intake of vegetables and fruits
What are some methods you can utilize when trying to reduce fat in baked goods? (3)
Use low fat milk/cream, use egg whites, replace fat with fruit puree
What are some ways you can reduce fat in salad dressings?
1 part oil, 1 part vinegar, 1 part non-acid ingredient
What are some health risks associated with a high fat intake? (5)
a. Type II Diabetes
b. Hypertension
c. Stroke
d. Osteoarthritis
e. Certain types of cancers
amount of a specific food you choose to eat
amount of food recommended from each food group
Red meats, butter, milk, cheese, and tropical oils (coconut, palm) are all sources of what?
Saturated and trans-fats
Why are more people choosing to follow a vegetarian lifestyle? (5)
a. Health
b. Ethics and animal rights
c. Environment
d. Economics
e. Religion
Amount of protein in soybeans?
Nuts and seeds are what percentage protein?
Soymilk coagulated with calcium salts to make “cheese”
1. Silken, Firm, and Extra firm
i. Cooked soybeans are inoculated with a mold
ii. Forms a nutty cake that is fried or roasted
texturized vegetable protein
Can eat dairy, but not eggs
Can eat dairy and eggs
Can eat eggs, but not dairy