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116 Cards in this Set

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pKa normally ____ the Ca2+ channel.
What kind of headache?
Attacks on 15days/month; dull; bilateral; no N/V.
What kind of headache?
Unilateral; pulsatingl aggravated by rountine activites; N/V; photophobia \& phonophobia; improvement with sleep
What kind of headache?
sudden onset; unilateral; restlessness; 90 minutes of falling asleep
First line abortive medication management for migraines?
(except pediatrics)
Metaclopramide (REGLAN), Prochlorperazine (COMPAZINE), and Promtheazine (PHENERGAN) are what?
anti-emetic drugs that can be used especially for migraine pts
____ are "specific acute treatment" for migraines.
These migraine meds are CI if over 60 yo, pregnant, PVD, etc.
_____ increases rizatriptan concentration by 70%.
Eletriptan is a potent CYP ____ inhibitor.
Ketoconazole, itraconazole, clarithromycin, ritonavir and nelfinavir are what???
CYP3A4 inhibitors
This drug is CI if >65, angina/CAD, severe renal/hepatic impairment, hemilegic or basilar migranes?
15% of patients on triptans report these 2 AE.
pressure and heaviness
NSAIDs, Isomethapetene, ergotamines, and oral triptans are used for ____ pain in HA.
Triptans (oral), Sumatriptan (NS/SC) and SHE (NS/IM) are used for ____ pain in HA.
DHE (IV), Opioids, and dopamine antagonists are used for _____ pain in HA.
extremely severe
When is Methysergide used with migraine management?
very last line
What are the 5 gold standard BB's used for Migraines?
propranolol, nadolol, atenolol, timolol, and metoprolol
T/F. Asthma, COPD, and diabetic patients should not take BB's.
use CCB
3rd degree Heart block patients should not take this "blocker"
Ca2+ channel blocker
These two TCA's most used with migraine pain?
Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Nortriptyline (Pamelor)

use with comorbid depression
Cyproheptadine (Periactin) is good to use for ___ patients with migraines.
With Cluster HA's - use corticosteroids, methysergide, and ergotamine for ___ term preventive therapy.
short term
With Cluster HA's use verapamil, lithium, antiepileptics, and melatonin for ___ term preventive therapy.
long ter
Oxygen, triptans, ergotamines, and intranasal lidocaines are good for this acute HA.
PQRST is used to question patients presenting with pain. What does it stand for?
P - palliative/provocative
Q - quality (description of pain)
R - radiation?
S - severity
T - temporal factors
Moderate pain is from ___ - ___.
What do the elderly, infants/children, differ nationalties, and the cognitively impaired have in common?
they are all at High Risk of having their pain left untreated
Can you use APAP alone in treating migraines?
no - only in combos is it useful
These pharm agents are step #1 in pain management, used for mild/moderate pain, and chronic pain.
non-opioids (APAP, ASA, and NSAIDs)
High doses of APAP can effect the levels of this drug.
NSAIDs are CI in CrCl < ___ ml/min.
When choosing opioid therapy for pain the elements to consider are...
cost, severity of pain, previous exposure of an opioid or not, drug's availability, the patient's preferences - esp routes, and the pts liver/kidney function
This opioid could be used for SOB due to it relaxing the bronchioles.
This opioid is not used for post-operative pain but chronic, is CI if CrCl is <50, and CI if patient has hepatic disease.
This opioid can accumalte if patient has renal failure leading to seizures (thus CI), has poor oral absorption, and frequently used in ER.
This opioid's oral use is mainly for break-thru pain, is NOT for opioid naive patients, can be used buccally, and can cause problems while getting an MRI.
Fentanyl (esp the patch)
This opioid is not for naive pts, can cause QT prolongations, should not be increased in 5-7 days after initiating, and has NMDA receptor activity.
Antifungals, verapamil, diltiazem, paroxentine, fluoxetine, erythormycin, clarithromycin, amiodarone, ritonavir and nelfinavir do WHAT to methadone?
increase it's levels
Barbs, Carbamazepine, nevirapine, phenytoin, and rifampin do WHAT to methadone?
decrease it's levels
Can you used ER pain meds for break-thru pain?
What % of dose should be allotted for break-thru pain? How often should use it per day?
5-15%; TID
Can titrate Morphine SR (24 hours) every ___ day(s).
Can titrate Fentanyl patches every ___ days(s).
Can titrate Methadone every ___ day(s).
If pt is still experiencing moderate pain, titrate dose up by ___-____%.
This opioid agent is good for patients with renal dysfuntion.
Given with food or alcohol, this opioid could cause severe sedation.
What 4 A's should be monitored?
Analgesia, ADL's, adverse effects, aberrant drug-taking
Respiratory depression tolerance develops with ____ days. N/V?
5-7; 7-10
If treating post-operative or overdose respiratory depression, what drug to use?
Which 2 opioids should be avoid if have renal disease?
merperidine and codine
Fentanyl and methadone are considered to the safest if have ___ issues.
Which 3 labs should be looked at when assessing neuropathic pain?
vitamin b12, folate, and fasting glucose
What are the 5-FDA approved treatments for neuropathic pain?
carbamazepine, duloxetine, gabapentin, lidocaine patch 5%, and pregabalin
This neuropathic pain treatment can be dosed up to 3600 mg, can cause dementia & ataxia to worsen, and is required for renal adjustment.
This neuropathic pain treatment can be dosed up to 600mg/day, must be tapered off over 7 days in inadequate, can cause weight gain, and is required for renal adjustment.
T/F. Amitriptyline has the fewest AEs.
False; desipramine has fewest
With this neuropathic pain drug SSRIs, TCAs, tramadol, and zyvox are CI.
With this neuropathic pain drug chronic liver disease is CI and there is an increase in sweating.
Mexiletine blocks what channels?
Ketalar's SEs can be prevented by this drug.
How can methadone be used for neuropathic pain?
Bc it is a non-competitive NMDA antagonist
Where is Clonidine effective in neuorpathic pain?
spinal column
Children's dose for APAP?
>6 months:
10-15 mg/kg q4hours

(max 5 doses/24 hrs)
Children's dose of Ibuprofen?
>24 lbs (11 kg):
7.5 mg/kg q6-8 hours

(max 4 doses/24 hrs)
Which triptan has the highest 5-HT 1B receptor affinity?
Frova (Frovatriptan)
Which triptan is metabolized by MAO-A, CYP 3A4, CYP 2D6, and renal?
Axert (Almotriptan)
Which triptan has the fastes time of onset?
Maxalt (Rizatriptan)
Which triptan is metabolized by CYP 1A2?
Zomig (Zolmitriptan)
How is Imitrex mainly metabolized?
What is the general SAR of triptans?
indole ring that mimcis tryptamine
2-3 C spacer btwn indole and amine
tertiary amines = more potent
polar H-bonders at 5-post is req
2 differences btwn SE and Imitrex:
dimethylamino group and 5-mthylsufonamide
In migraines, 5-HT agonism does what 2 things?
1. increase Ca2+ in cells (by activating Gi, dec cAMP & pka)
2. inhibits release of CGRP, SP, and Neu.A (by acting on presynaptic receptor)
PKa usually ____ the amount of Ca2+ in the cell.
This opioid is a stong Ka agonist and weak mu-OR antagonsit; used as a nasal spray.
(-)Butorphanol (Stadol)
This opioid is a partial mu & kappa agonist; a delta antagonist; and doesnt cause tolerance.
(-) Buprenorphine (Buprenex, Subutex)
This opioid is a weak mu antagonist; agonist of kappa (with some protective properties)
Pentazocine (Talwin)
4 requirements for pure antagonism:
5 ring system, 7/8 dihydro-6-one ring, 14beta-OH and 3-5 C-sub N
pure opioid antagonist resemble what opioid?
Aldentanil (Alfenta) gets its rapid duration due to what?
decreased pKa (~6)
Remifentanil (Ultiva) gets its rapid duration due to what?
it's esters
Fentanyl gets its short duration due to what property?
being able to redistribute
T/F Sufentanil has more respiratroy depression.
The (-) enantiomer of tramadol gives what property?
nothing; BUT it's metabolite gives some analgesic effects
The (+) enantiomer of tramadol gives what property?
affinity for NET and SERT
What are the 3 properties of Dextromethorphan?
weak mu agonist
weak NMDA antagonist
sigma agonist
What opioid's metabolite can cause grand mal seizures?
(with chornic use get Normeperidine thru N-demethylation)
Addition of the beta-OH group to the 14 position in opioids does what?
increases activity
Fibromyalgia women to men ration?
Low levels of cortisol and/or growth hormones could contribute to this syndrome.
Common age range of FM patients?
20-50 years old
3 criteria for ACR FM diagnosis
1. widespread pain for at least 3 months
2. axial skeletal pain for at least 3 months
3. pain in at least 11 tender sites
This disease can be treated by: Pregabalin, AD's, analgesics, lidocaine (shot & patch), tramadol, cyclobenzaprine, sedatives, gabapentin, and capsaicin.
Dose of FDA approved Pregabalin in FM.
150-225 mg po BID
(dizziness, somnolence, peri endema)
Cymbalta is a ___ SE/NE reuptake inhib and Milnacipran is ___.
3 features of Milnacirpan (Savella)
improves physical funtion
improves global assesment
decreases pain

(take with food)
For back pain use ice within ___ hours, and heat within ___.
What's the 1st line for back pain?
This is injury to soft tissue of the neck...
Main places to strains?
lower back and hamstring
When not to take salicylates?
pregnant/lactating, asthma or nasal polyps, on warfarin, PUD, less than 18
When not to take NSAIDs?
pregnant???, asthmatic, HTN or heart failure, on warfarin
Ibuprofen and digoxin causes what>
increase dig levels
Topically NSAID gel is used for what?
Tiger Muscle Rub %'s?
Women to men ration of Lupus?
This drug is used for resistant discoid lupus.
What 6 drugs cause Drug-Induced Lupus?
hydralazine (if 100mg+)
procanamide (1 mo - 12 mo)
What are some lupus triggers?
pregnancy, hair dyes, UVB, physical stress, some drugs, burns, infections, surgery
What are 5 AB's to check with lupus?
AB againt: ANA, PL's, Sm, DNA, and histone (drug induced)
Initial clinical presentation of lupus:
fever, fatigue, and muscloskeletal pain
In moderate to severe lupus use this drug
Ages of MG?
females < 40
Males > 60
Medications to avoid if have MG?
lithium, phenytoin
aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones
lidocaine, quinidine and procainamide
This drug is the standard of care for MG?
Azathioprine (along with predinsone)