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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the MOA of corticosteroids?
Inhibits or induces the secretion of end-effector proteins by regulating cellular transcription
What is the MOA of mast cell stabilizers?
Prevents the influx of calcium into mast cells thus preventing degranulation
What is the MOA of leukotriene modifiers?
There are two types of leukotriene modifiers: the receptor antagonists block the leukotriene receptors while the lipoxygenase inhibitors prevent the production of leukotrienes
True or false: oral corticosteroids can be used in all steps/stages of asthma/COPD for an acute exacerbation
True - oral corticosteroids can be used for an acute exacerbation in either cases for inpatient or outpatient usage
What is the MOA of immunomodulators?
Omalizumab selectively binds to circulating IgE and prevents the IgE from binding to mast cell receptors.
What is the MOA of mucolytics
Breaks disulfide bonds in mucus thus making it thinner and easier to expel. May cause blockage of smaller airways because thinning of mucus causes dispersion
True or false: glucocorticoids can increase the responsiveness of beta-adrenergic receptors and thus increase beta agonist effects.
True - glucocorticoids can increase beta agonist attraction and increase overall beta agonist activity
True or false: glucocorticoids are considered safe and effective which is why they are ranked as the gold standard anti-inflammatory
False - glucocorticoids are ranked as the gold standard anti-inflammatory but they have a serious side effect profile when taken orally or inhaled in high doses.
True or false: anti-inflammatories are never used as rescue drugs
True - the main role of an anti-inflammatory is to be used as long term control
True or false: in the hospital doses of corticosteroids are split to improve patient response
True - splitting the daily dose into 2 doses improves patient outcome and response to therapy
In what steps of asthma are oral steroids used as long-term therapy?
Oral steroids are included as apart of therapy in steps 5 and 6 of asthma
True or false: a combination of an inhaled corticosteroid with a LABA results in a decrease of exacerbations
True - the TORCH study showed that in COPD exacerbations, the combination of a ICS and LABA decreased the number of exacerbations
When are ICS indicated for asthma/COPD
ICS is indicated at stage 2 and higher for asthma with varying doses but ICS is only recommended for COPD patients with 3+ exacerbations in last 3 years.
True or false: Mast cell stabilizers are used as preventative therapy in pre-exercise for both asthma and COPD
False - mast cell stabilizers are not indicated for COPD
What are the indications for mast cell stabilizer use in asthma?
Long-term control of step II asthma
Pre-exercise for EIB
Pre-exposure to know allergens
When is leukotriene modifier therapy indicated?
For step 2 asthma or combination therapy with ICS in steps 3 and 4 of asthma. Not indicated for COPD.
When are immunomodulators used in patient therapy?
Used in patients with an increased IgE level accompanied by steps 5 or 6 asthma
When are mucolytics recommended in patient therapy?
Sometimes used for treatment of asthma patients with significant mucus plugging but not EPR3 or GOLD recommended for any use.
What is the ranking order of anti-inflammatory drugs according to activity?
Corticosteroids = top of mountain
Antileukotrienes = bottom of mountain
Mast cell stabilizers = below sea level
True or false: Very high levels of IgE are an indication for the use of Omalizumab because it's effectiveness is proportional to serum IgE level.
False - too much IgE will prevent omalizumab from being effective in therapy
What is the recommended adult dose for IV methylprednisolone for an acute asthma exacerbation?
32-64mg/day until PEF reaches 70% personal best (typically 3-10 days)
What is the recommended adult dose for IV methylprednisolone for an acute COPD exacerbation?
24-32mg/day for 7 to 10 days
What are the recommended doses for a budesonide DPI? (low/med/high) What strengths does it come in?
Comes in 90 or 180mcg/inhalation
Low = 180-600
Med = 600-1200
High = 1200+
What is a normal adult dose of prednisone short-course 7 day therapy?
Day 1 = 30mg BID
Day 2 = 20mg BID
Day 3 = 15mg BID
Day 4 = 10mg BID
Day 5 = 5mg BID
Day 6 & 7 = 5mg Daily
What is a normal adult dose of prednisode short-course 10 day therapy?
Day 1 & 2 = 20mg BID
Day 3 & 4 = 15mg BID
Day 5 & 6 = 10mg BID
Day 7 & 8 = 10mg daily
Day 9 & 10 = 5mg daily
What is the recommended adult dose of montelukast?
10mg daily in the evening
What is the recommended adult dose of cromolyn? (MDI/neb)
MDI: 2 puffs QID
Neb: 20-40mg QID
What is the recommended adult dose of omalizumab?
Subcut every 2 to 4 weeks based on serum IgE AND body weight. Range is 150-375mg with max 150mg per injection.
True or false: glucocorticoids can cause the breakdown of muscle and severe osteoporosis
True: glucocorticoids mobilize amino acids by breaking down muscle and can also cause severe osteoporosis which may stunt growth in children
Common side effects for mast cell stabilizers
Coughing and wheezing
Common side effects for leukotriene modifiers
Montelukast contains phenylalanine
Zileuton (production inhibitor) - hepatotoxicity monitor LFTs.
Common side effects for immunomodulators
Injection site reactions
Increased risk of cancer
Common side effects for mucolytics
Smells and tastes like rotten eggs so can cause nausea and vomiting
What are some unique CNS effects that can result from the use of corticosteroid therapy?
CNS stimulation/depression
Increased appetite
True or false: the route of administration for corticosteroid therapy greatly influences it's side effect profile
True - the safest route for corticosteroid therapy is inhaled low dose
True or false: corticosteroid use can be associated with adrenal suppression
True - however adrenal suppression depends on dose and duration; systemic doses greater than 7.5mg/d for more than 2-3 weeks causes suppression
True or false:adrenal suppression from high dose corticosteroids can be prevented by administering the therapy via the inhaled method
False - adrenal suppression has been reported in patients receiving high-dose inhaled corticosteroids
What is the gold standard inhaled glucocorticoid?
Fluticasone is the gold standard because it has the majority market share and ease of use
What is the gold standard IV glucocorticoid?
Methylprednisolone is the gold standard because it is easy to dose
What is the gold standard oral glucocorticoid?
Prednisone is the gold standard because it is easy to titrate and is very cheap
True or false: glucocorticoid therapy can impair the immune system
True - macrophages under the influence of steroids slow movement and have impaired phagocytosis
True or false: budesonide is the only corticosteroid nebulizer formulation indicated for adults
False - there is no nebulizer formulation for adults; budesonide is used mainly in children 12 months to 8 years
What are the glucocorticoid equivalencies?
Cortisone 25mg
Hydrocortisone 20mg
Prednisolone 5mg
Prednisone 5mg
Methylprednisolone 4mg
Dexamethasone 0.75mg
True or false: when weaning a patient off systemic steroids it is important to switch to alternate day dosing therapy
True - the goal is to convert the patient to alternate day therapy so that they only receive drug one day and no drug the next
What important preventative therapy should be taken by patients on medium to high inhaled corticosteroids?
Add calcium 100-1500mg per day
Add vitamin D 400-800mg per day
May need to add bone-sparing therapy like bisphosphonate
True or false: patients utilizing corticosteroid therapy are at risk for easily transmissible infectious diseases
True - the impairing effects on leukocytes can cause flaring of infectious diseases
True or false: despite it's weakness in having very little effect, cromolyn's strength is it's lack of drug interactions
True - because cromolyn is not systemically absorbed there are no drug interactions to be concerned about
What are some important drug interactions of montelukast?
There are no drug interactions between montelukast that are worth mentioning however, CYP3A4,2C8/2C9 inducers can decrease montelukast serum concentration and effect
What are some important drug interactions of zileuton?
Decreases warfarin and theophylline metabolism
True or false: omalizumab and n-acetylcysteine have no known drug interactions
True - there are no drug interactions listed for these two medications; maybe due to rare use.