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17 Cards in this Set

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Social Relationships in adulthood

Things that tend to increase in emerging adulthood

Change in IQ across the lifespan

Dualistic vs. realistic thinking

Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning

Brain areas involved in immediate and delayed reward
•Differentbrain areas are involved when choosing the immediate reward vs. the distantreward.

•Futurediscounting–tendency to discount later rewards for immediate benefit.

•Areasof the limbic system are activated when choosing an immediate reward (alsoactivated in addiction).•Lateralprefrontal cortex is active during all decision-making, and can temper theemotions associated with choosing an immediate reward.

•Thebrain’s reward system – when someone does something “rewarding,” dopamine isreleased in the ventral tegmentalarea, which is connected to the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. •Maturityin this system leads to sensation seeking, which increases from ages 10-15, andstabilizes or declines after 15.

Predictors of adult health
Astudy in Scotland showed that childhood IQ scores predicted adult health betterthan any other factor
Suicide Rates
•Suicideis more common in adulthood than adolescence

•Suiciderates are highest in late adulthood.

Levels of reasoning
•Hypothetical-deductivereasoning -reasoning that might not reflect reality.

•Systematicproblem solving– ability to manipulate one variable at a time to solve a problem. Becomes more common in adolescence.

Study of drinking in collage students
Groupswith a heavy drinker confederate drank more than the other groups.
Age related changes to the eye
•Asthe lens of the eye becomes less elastic, people tend to become farsighted inmiddle age. Corrected with bifocals.

•Peripheralvision narrows.

•Ittakes longer for eyes to adjust to darkness.

•Thegelatin-like substance that fills the eye develops opaque spots, reducing theamount of light to reach the retina.

age related decline in fertility for both men and women (decline is more sharp for women)
Types of marriage partners
Thy typically choose some one like them

women tend to place more emphasis on signs of commitment and resource holding/attaining potential.

men tend to place more emphasis on: physical attractiveness and fidelity

James Marcia's identity stages
-Achievement:explored alternatives, and deliberately chosen an identity.–Foreclosure:confusion leads to not choosing, and letting traditional roles or parentschoose.

–Moratorium:alternatives are examined, but none has been chosen yet. -Roleconfusion/diffusion:overwhelmed by possibilities, nothing is done to find an identity

fertility and emerging adulthood

is greatest at this time,

miss-carriages are less common that later or earlier.

birth complications are unusual

testosterone higher for both sexes than later in life

pregnancy typically occurs with in 3 months of unprotected sex( takes longer later in life)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeaaQpCZts0

Pubic hair stage in girls

Adrenarche is the cause of pubic hair
The study of death and dying