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34 Cards in this Set

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Biological therapies are sometimes called biomedical therapies. Define this term.
-Treatment that reduces symptoms by altering aspects of body functioning.
List 3 types of drug used for Drug Therapy and the associated disorders
1. Anti-anxiety; anxiety disorder
2. Antidepressant; depressive disorder, and also effective for anxiety disorder/eating disorder
3. Antipsychotic Drug: schizophrenia
(and 4. stimulant; ADHD)
Describe Electroconvulsive Therapy
-aka shock therapy
-setts off seizures in the brain to cure a disorder
-used primarily for depressive disorder
-could result in memory loss
-involves destrcution of brain tissue
-"prefrontal lobotomy": surgical instrument injected to severe frontal lobe and the thalamus-->less emotion
Who is Walter Freeman?
The champion of prefrontal lobotomies.
Deep Brain stimulation?
-implanting elctrodes deep in brain that electrically stimulates a part of brain
-for severe depression and OCD
What is psychotherapy'?
-Nonmedical treatment that helps individuals with psychologidcal disorder
what is the ultimate goal in psychodynamic therapies?
-goal is to bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness
What is transference and resistance?
-Transference: patient's relating to the analyst to reporduce relationships
-Resistance client's defense strategies that prevent the analysit from understanding his problem
What are the 3 main techniques used by psychodynamic therapy?
1. Free association: encouraging individual to read aloud whatever comes to mind.
2. interpretation: search for symbolic, hidden meaning
3. Dream analysis: manifest content and latent content; insgiht into unconscious
What is Catharsis?
-Release of emotional tension when relieving a confliciting experience in free association.
How are contemporary psychodynamic therapies different from Freudian one?
-less focus on sex
-more focuse on current relationships, specific problem, and power to conscious mind.
How would you describe humanistic therapies?
-people are encouraged to understand themselves and to grow persoanlly
-emphasis on self-healing capacities
What is Rogerian Therapy?
-Client centered/nondirective therapy
-therapist provides a warm, supportive atomsphere to improve client's self- concept and gain insight into problems.
What is gaol of humanistic therapy?
-help client identify and understand own genuine feelings rather than unlock secretes (psychodynamic.)
Three techniques used in humanistic therapies?
1. Unconditional positive regard
2. empathy
3. genuiness
Behavior therpies are based on which theory and uses what kind of principle?
behavioral and social cognitive theory
-uses principles of learning to reduce behavior
What are the techniques of behavior therapies?
1. Classical conditioning: exposure therapies (desensitizatio and flooding) & Aversive conditioning for undesirable behavior
2. Operant conditioning: careful analysis of person's enviroment and modifies; useful for people with low cognitive abilities
Cognitive therapies says that _____ are the main source of problems.
What is the fundamental idea behind "cognitive restructuring?"
-our moods are driven by what we tell ourselves; thus, fundamental "faulty thinking," with the goal of replacing one's irrational, counter-factual beliefs with more accurate and beneficial ones.
Cognitive Therapies differ from psychodynamic therapies.. in that they...
-focuse more on overt symptoms, more structure to the thoughts and less concerned about the origin.
List 3 Techniques (or sub-therapies) of Cognitive Therapy?
1. Elli's Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
2. Beck's Cognitive Therapy
3. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT)
What are the three demands of humans according to Elli's Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?
1. i must perform well
2. other must treat me nicely
3. my life must be enjoyable
What is the goal of Elli's Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?
- eliminating self-defeating thoughts and convert them into logical, realistic ones.
Beck's Cognitive Therapy is used mainly for...
-depressive disorders
The goal of Beck's Cognitive Therapy is to
bring automatic thoughts to awareness so they can be change
Beck's Cognitive Therapy vs REBT
REBT is more direct, persuasive, and confrontational. Beck's approach is open-ended dialogue between therapist and client.
What techniques are used for cognitive behavior therapy?
-emphasis on self-efficacy
-self-instructional methods: teaches individuals to modify their own behavior
-Reinforcing self-statements: statements that is repeated to take positive steps to cope with stress
-Role playing
Cognitivie Therapies are used to treat 4 types of disorders. List them.
1. Anxiety disorder
2. Mood disorder
3. Schizophrenia
3. Persoanlity disorder
List four sub-therapies (techniques) in socio cultural therapy.
1. group therapy
2. family/couple therapy
3. interpersonal therapy (IPT)
D. Self-help support groups
How is group therapy effective and what are the forms?
-effective because individual is outside the normal context of the relationships
-diverse forms include information, universaility, altruism, positive family group, development of social skills, interpersonal learning (training ground for praticing new behavior)
4 techniques of family/couples therapy
1. Validation: he/she finds something positive to say about family
2. Reframing: help families reframe problems as family problem, not of individual
3.structural change: tries to resturcutre coalitions in a family; suggesting to do sometime
4. detriangulation: shifting issue away from the source to the surrounding
What is interpersonal (IPT) therapy?
-focuses on relationshops and attachment issue
What is Self-support group?
-Voluntary organizations aimed at helping with specific concerns