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46 Cards in this Set

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Provide both definitions of Artificial Intelligence.

The field that attempts to design an intelligent machine. An intelligent machine (an AI)

Why do we think we can create AI?

Functionalism: What makes something mind is not that it's made of, but how it functions. Mental states are physical states. Anything that can implement those physical states is a mind (nature of physical system doesn't matter).

What is a computational task?

One that follows a well-defined process/set of steps.

What is an Algorithm?

Sequence of instructions, effective procedure.

What is the claim of AI?

Cognitive tasks can be reduced to computational tasks.

What is a node in an ANN?

Units in network, they have activation values (numbers associated with that node). Also have thresholds, can fire if input exceeds threshold.

What is a link in an ANN?

Connection between nodes; have weights (number associated with that link)

What values can a weight have in an ANN?

between 1 and -1, closer to 1 or -1 = 'heavier' weight.

What is the basis function for ANNs?

Equation describing how inputs to node are calculated. Sj = (SUM)AiWji - Each connected node's activation value (Ai) multiplied by connection weight of link between the two nodes (Wji)

What is an Activation function in an ANN?

f(net): An equation describing how output affected by input.

What is Backpropagation?

Method of training ANN by gradually changing weights on links in response to feedback.

What is the Backpropagation process? Step by step.

Set all weights, Set target output for output nodes, Run ANN get actual output nodes, Subtract actual from target output(Error signal = target output - actual output), send error signal back through network.

What is a Dynamical System?

System that evolves over time in law-governed way.

Define a State space.

Geometrical space with as many dimensions as there are variables.

How is cognition treated through the DST?

Treated as outcome of set of interacting variables. Order emerges from chaos. Cognition = trajectory through state space.


Complementary ways of modeling mind.

Classical AI vs ANNs & DST

Emphasis on setting initial conditions, letting system learn/evolve. Physical and social worlds have huge impact on cognition.

How to get physical and social worlds into AI?

Give Artificial mind Artificial body! i.e. Robotics

What are the 3 building blocks of classical robotics?

Sense, plan, act.

How do robots sense?

Sensors: Things that detect change in environment. Knowledge base: Specific info programmer gives system.

How do robots act?

Send control signal to actuators (parts of machine that move/ control a system) ex. Move wheels.

How do robots plan?

Use info from sense, generate task to execute. ex. go down.

Explain sense, plan, act

Compare current state to knowledge base/sensors, generate plan, execute plan, repeat.

What is another approach to classical robotics?

Subsumption architecture, get rid of planning, just sense and act.

What is the uncanny valley?

When graphing affinity & resemblance to human, don't see continuous increase, see large dip.

How are ANNs, DST and robotics connected?

Many robots use ANNs, DST. DST is current best proposal for embodied, distributed robotics and maybe human cognition?

What is problem solving?

Navigation through problem space to find solution. Usually: have initial, know/guess final state, guess intermediate states.

What is a problem space?

Mental representation of problem, including initial, final and possible intermediate states.

Why can computers solve some problems much faster than humans?

Mind is not a perfect machine.

Why are some human problems hard for computers to solve?

Many human problems aren't well-specified, don't come w/ finite set of instructions.

Do external factors affect human problem solving?

Yes. Messy vs. tidy work area. Chronotypes

What are two different types of problems?

Insight: solved suddenly with an AHA! moment.

Analytic, Use logic, trial & error, search through problem space.

What is analogical reasoning?

Using knowledge about one situation to reason about another situation.

What is a relational pattern?

Sameness acress two situations.

What is mapping?

Transferring info from one domain of experience to another.

What are Target and Source when it comes to mapping?

Source: Usually well understood, concrete, familiar, the thing you're using to understand the other thing. Target: Usually NOT well understood, abstract, the thing you're trying to understand.

How are analogies written? How are they mapped?

Target -> source, source -> target

What is Inferencing?

Making new conclusions based on mappings from source to target.

What is Evaluating?

Deciding which info Not to map (which inferences not to draw)

Summary of Analogy

Major method of problem solving for humans. We're better at it than computers. Sameness (relational patterns) in mind, not world.

What is Design?

Creating plan for the construction of an object or a system.

Where do design failures arise from?

Limited capacity of memory

– Performance affected by external factors (Tme of day, stereotypes, environment)

– Theory of mind (user & designer’s mental states don’t match)

– Distributed cogniTon (one person’s cogniTon clashes with another’s).

– Objects designed to support epistemic actions make thinking harder...

– Embodied understanding of objects not considered (bad handles)

What are the 4 principles of good design?

Have visible cues to operation of object (no false cues); Take advantage of affordances (knowledge about how an object can be used, interacted with, must treat cognition as embodied); If extra stuff (diagrams, instructions) needed, design has failed; Good design induces flow.

What is flow?

State of consciousness, characterized by intrinsic enjoyment, sustained attention, loss of self-consciousness, Presence: sense that you have left real world and are present in virtual world. Can apple to simple object, more often used for activity.

What are some flow-inducing activities?

The internet, games, writing a paper, debugging code, having a conversation, playing a game

What are some properties that induce flow?

Clear goal, challenges that match your skills, control over the task, immediate and efficient feedback. Bad design bad for flow.