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63 Cards in this Set

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Definition of motivation

a need or desire that energizes behavior and directs it toward a goal

Drive reduction theory

A physiological need creates an aroused state which drives the organism to try to decrease the need.

ex-you get thirsty, so you drink water to reduce the need for water

Optimum arousal theory

We are motivated to be sufficiently aroused and connected to our environment

example: sitting on the couch makes you want to get up and exercise

Yerkes-Dodson Law

Moderate arousal peaks ability to do the task

What is an incentive?

external forces which pull us to behave in certain ways

Parts of hypothalamus important in hunger **

Lateral Hypothalamus (makes us desire food)


Ventromedial Hypothalamus (stops hunger)

Anorexia Nervosa Definition

Loss of appetite --- due to nerves

Schachter-Singer theory of emotion

both physical and mental stimuli create emotion

Lateral Hypothalamus

makes us hungry

ventromedial hypothalamus

stops hunger

Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms

weight loss

intense fear of gaining weight

they begin purging, exercising excessively, and dieting

misperception of body as fatter than it is

also frequently diagnosed with (depression, OCD, phobias, panic disorder, alcoholism)

low sexual drive

What percentage of people have anorexia nervosa

1% of the population (especially upper middle class white women)

When does anorexia typically begin?

early to middle teen years

First step to Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa?

To gain weight

Two types of treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

Family Cognitive Behavior Therapy- changing the way people thing

Antidepressants- prozac helped alleviate binge eating, and distorted attitudes, but it has so many side effects

Bulimia definition

an eating disorder in which a person alternates binge eating, with purging (vomiting or laxative use), or fasting

Bulimia Symptoms

Fearful of gaining weight

weight does not change

depression and anxiety


having more than one eating disorder

Maslows Hierarchy of needs

General Adaptation Syndrome

You react to stress in 3 stages:

1) alarm

2) resistance

3) exhaustion

Facial Feedback

the tendency of facial muscle states to trigger corresponding feelings

ex- just by smiling, you can get happy

Examples of stressors

Significant life events - moving to college

Catastrophes - death of loved one, 9/11

Daily Hassles - traffic

Stressors effect on physical health

high blood pressure

heart disease


breaks your immune system down

Which aspect of Type A personality is most dangerous to physical health?

negative, aggressive, anger (causes heart disease)

Study of elderly patients in nursing homes


perceived control's impact on physical health

belief that you control your own fate

better health, less depression


white blood cells that fight disease and protect body (a part of immune system)

How does stress impact lymphocytes?

reduces the release of them to fight diseases

What did Ekman's study show about facial expressions and emotions

people from widely different cultures display and interpret facial expressions of emotion in similar way, but certain cultures express emotions more.

what does this say about emotion? its not only a biological phenomenon, but also social-cultural phenomenon

What percentage of people report being happy?

75%-80% worldwide

is there genetic component of happiness?


what correlates with happiness

High self esteem


sense of control over life


close relationships

a job or hobby which causes flow

acts of generosity


what doesn't correlate with happiness

money is not correlated once basic needs are met





living in a big city or a small town

part of country where you live

how is money related to happiness?

it's not related to happiness

Adaptation-level phenomenon

Whatever we get, we get used to it. We always want more than what we already have.

relative deprivation

We compare ourselves to people around us and feel more deprived if those around us have more than we do


the study of how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes effect the immune system and resulting health

emotion-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs

(avoiding the problem and turning to other things, like drugs)

problem-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress directly/by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor

(facing the problem head on to fix it)

Aerobic exercise

may alleviate depression and anxiety

Explain Id, Ego, Superego

Id- devil (telling you to do what you really want)

Ego- you (tries to please both)

Superego- angel (telling you to do the right thing)

Oedipus Complex

The idea that you're sexually attracted to your mother when you're 3. So you try to repel father.

What's the purpose of defense mechanisms?

to reduce anxiety by distorting reality

Defense Mechanism


your mind trying to forget things that are painful

example- forgetting the pain of being abused as a child

Defense Mechanism

Reaction Formation

saying or doing the opposite of an acceptable impulse

example - a bully picking on someone because of low self esteem

Defense Mechanism


doing something bad, and finding an acceptable excuse for it

ex- drinking, everyone else does it

Defense Mechanism


instead f admitting to being a certain way, the accuses others of being that way

ex- Calling the kettle black

Defense Mechanism


using an acceptable outlet to let out unacceptable emotion

ex - playing football, because you need to get out your aggression

Psychosexual stages

Oral- sexual satisfaction through mouth (pacifier, mom's nipple)

Anal- gratification comes through controlling bladder


Phallic- sexual curiosity

(penis envy)

Latency- repressed sexual desire


Genital- mature sexuality


dolphins or sex?

we identify objects based on past experiences


Getting stuck in one of Freud's psychosexual stages.

Big 5 Trait- Openness

accepting of new ideas and experiences

ex- accepting gay people

Big 5 Trait - Conscientiousness

punctual, organized, determined

ex- somebody who always comes to work on time

Big 5 Trait - extraversion

being able to be okay in crowds and around people

ex- party person

Big 5 Trait - agreeableness

ability to get along well with others

ex- elmo

Big 5 Trait - Neuroticism


ex- eeore

big five

you can see (external behavior)


you can't see (subconscious)

environment effects personality

personality effects environment

how does personality change across the lifespan?

change occurs throughout a lifetime, and continues to occur until death.

especially during young old ages due to social demands.

the impact of brain activity on extraversion?

extraverts seek brain stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low

the person-situation controversy

the debate whether a person's actions are determined by their personality, or the situation

self-serving bias

tendency to look at yourself positively, but other things negatively