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43 Cards in this Set

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Social Contract

An implicit agreement among the members of a society


Understood but not stated directly

Group Property

A characteristic that a group of people have even though the individual members may lack (not have) this characteristic


The ability to make choices and act on them

Equality of Opportunity

When people have the same access or choices regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, etc.

Equality of Condition

Everybody has the same amount of wealth or material goods

Harm Principle

You should be allowed to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm another person

Paternalistic Law

Law that is supposed to be for your own good; supposed to protect you from harm you might do to yourself

Seatbelt laws


An ideal society


The system in which property is owned communally instead of privately

Natural Lottery

The genetic distribution of talents and assets

Distributive Justice

Concerns how wealth is distributed

Retributive Justice

Concerns law and punishment

Free Will

The ability to make choices that are up to you


The view that every event, including every human choice, has a prior cause


The ability to look inward at your own mind

Infinite Regress

A series that goes back forever


Occurs when phenomenon at one scientific level is explained in terms of a more basic science

Occam's Razor

Says the simplest explanation is usually the correct one

Problem of Interaction

Asks how can a non-physical mind causally interact with a physical body

Principle of the Conservation of Matter and Energy

Says that the total matter and energy in a system remains constant

Artificial Intelligence

A research program aimed at creating machines that simulate intelligent behavior

Turing Test

A test of computer intelligence


Thinks that private property is the source of most social problems


There is such a thing as excellence and it should be rewarded


Society is based on rational agreement among individuals


Society is like an organism that exerts a non-rational influence on its members


We value liberty above all things


We are willing to sacrifice liberty for our own good or to promote a code of public morals


Capitalism is just because it promotes freedom and responsibility


Capitalism is unjust because it promotes greed, dishonesty, and exploitation

Rights Defender

Every human being has the same basic rights

Rights Skeptic

There are no absolute or universal rights


The mind is equal to, or equivalent to, the brain; they are one and the same


We have a non-physical mind and a physical body, including the brain, that causally interact

Hard Determinist

Determinism is true and we do not have free will; determinism = yes, free will = no

Metaphysical Libertarian

We can tell through introspection that we have free will so determinism must be false; determinism = no, free will = yes

Soft Determinist

Determinism is true but we still have free will when our choices are self-caused; determinism = yes, free will = yes


Determinism and free will are not compatible, it's one or the other


We are never responsible for anything we do


You are responsible for something if you caused it, if you intended to cause it, if you are sane, and if you have a choice


Computers already think; they already do many of the functions/actions that we consider thinking


Computers do not think now and they never will