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40 Cards in this Set

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Which one of the following is a reason that women tend to have more frequent urinary tract infections than men?
Proximity of urethra to the anus permits passage of intestinal organisms.
Which of the following is not true regarding infections of the urinary tract?
Infections are seen in men more commonly than in women , leading to prostatitis.

Following are the TRUE statements:
1. Urinary tract infections often present with inflammatory cells in the urine.
2. Indwelling catheterizations are associated with urinary tract infections in clinical settings.
3. The most commonly associated pathogens include bacteria and yeast.
4. Infections confined to the urethra are classified as urethritis.
______________ is the term used to describe a urinary tract infection involving the bladder, whereas _______ describes involvement of the kidney.
Cystitic; pyelonephritis
__________is responsible for more than 90% of cystitis cases
Some STDs can transmitted congenitally. What is the outcome of this form of transmission?
Newborns are being born with/or infected through the birthing process with the disease and will often suffer effects from the STD and/or die.
Which of he following is not a characteristic of pelvic inflammatory disease?
Caused by human papillomavirus

Following are the characteristics:
A. More common is sexually promiscuous women
B. May cause infertility
C. Can lead to ectopic pregnancy
D. Sometimes causes infection of fetus or newborn
Which obligate human pathogen first manifest as a painless hard skin lesion(chancre) that proceeds to neurological and systemic disease in its final stage?
Treponema pallidum
Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agent of
Non-gonococcal urethritis and Lymphogranuloma venereum
Antibiotic drops are used to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum by organisms causing which two diseases?
Gonorrhea and chlamydia
This protozoa causes a sexually transmitted disease leading to vaginal discharge and painful urination is sexually-active women and men (often asymptomatic).
All of the following are form of herpes simplex disease except
ANS: Warts on a finger

Following are form of herpes simplex disease
1. cold sores forming around the lips and nose.
2. herpes keratitis, an eye disease that may occur in newborn or patients with AIDs
3. Genital herpes
Which of the following may cause cervical cancer?
Human papilomavirus
Which of the following is not recognized as an etiological agent of bacterial vaginitis?
Candida albicans
Which of the following is a mismatched pair?
Endocarditis: extravascular infection

1. embolus: derived from mature vegetation
2. Immune complex aggregates: Nephritis
3. thrombophlebitis: infection of the veins
4. Subacute infectious endocarditis: low-grade fever
All of the following regardless cytomegalovirus (CMV) are correct except
ANS: cogenital infection with CMV rarely has consequences

Following are the true statements:
1. More than 50% of the population have been exposed to CMV
2. CMV can be transmitted through breast mild, blood transfusions, and organ transplants.
3. reactivation of latent CMV infections may occur in immunosuppressed individuals.
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
1. can be transmitted by mosquitoes or other means but the reservoir is not always known
2. must be studied under biosaftey level- 4 precautions
3. include diseases like Embola and Mrburg
is chronic inflammation of the lymphatic system resulting in gross swelling of the limbs and/or genitals.
Which of the following statements is not true regarding smallpox virus?
ANS: This virus can cause pneumonic plgue, bubonic plague, or septicemic plague

True statements:
1. The disease caused by this virus infects only humans
2. Fatality rates associated with smallpox are about 30%
3. The name "smallpox" is derived from the characteristic pustules formed on the skin after infection
4. No natural cases of the disease caused by this virus have occurred since before 1980
The following factors contribute to the control of the skin's microbial load:
> acid pH of the skin and salty sweat
> limited moisture and surface temperature
The US immunizaion program has significantly affected the annual incidence of all the follwoing diseases except
The following are all associated with measles except
a painful, vesicular rash that occurs only on the chest cavity.

TRUE statements about measles:
> Virus replicates in throat and lungs
> Koplik's spots and fever
>serious complications such as pneumonia and encephaliis can occur.
Which viral rash disease is especially dangerous for a developing fetus, resulting in a large range of complications or abnormalities ?
Shingles occurs when
a latent form of the varicella-zoster virus is reactivated.
Staphylococcus aureus has been linked to all the following conditions except
ANS: scarlet fever.
Which skin condition would be ranked the worst (in an immuno- competent host) ?
Gas gangrene
Rarely is mortality observed in untreated infections caused by
Coxiella burnetti
After returning from a long hike in the woods, you should
Check yourself, pets and everyone with you for ticks and their bites
An asymptomatic STD is one that is latent and noninfectious
Genital herpes usually cases no serious complications, however, a person with the infection has an increased risk of transmitting or contracting other sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS
An extremely important clinical feature of herpes simplex viruses is that they are often latent and can be reactivated by may factors such as fever, stress, trauma, and immune suppression (or immune-compromise.)
Chlamydial or gonococcal infections are associated with pelvic inflammatory disease
The deadliest form of plague is the bubonic form, which is also transmissible human to human
Epidemic typhus is transmitted by lice whereas endemic typhus is transmitted bu fleas.
Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium bacteria that infect red blood cells
Rash disease such as chickenpox, herpes, and measles are all transmitted by direct skin contact with the lesions.
The pathogenesis of skin lesion is generally the same for all microbes yielding skin manifestations (ex. rash, vesicles, etc) despite the starting point (injury inoculation, toxin, circulating microbe. )
The ToRCH (or panel) tests for anibodies to Toxoplasma gondiii (toxoplasmosis rubella (german meales), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex virus (HSC). All of these disease cause congenital infections in utero (of the developing fetus).
A woman with a cycling pattern of high fever, night sweats, swollen lyphs glands, and nodes, and weight loss comes to her physician. her doctor notices sings of jaundice and an enlarged spleen and determines that the patient is likely suffering from
undulant fever (brucellosis)
Symptoms for this heorrhagic fever are fever, headache, severe back, joint, and muscle aches, and general body weakness (prostration). Pleural effusion and internal and external bleeding may be seen in some patients. what is this disease ?
Dengu fever
A child come to his physician with an unknown febrile (fever) disease. The doctor notes a single chancre on the boys face and hos blood work indicates a powerful inflammatory response in occurring. his family states that they had visited Central America just three months earlier. His physiscian believes that he may be suffering from a disease caused by Typanosoma cruzi. if so, he has been bitten by
a reduvid bug (kissing bug)