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101 Cards in this Set

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Macroscopic features of the kidney
Cortex, Medulla, Calyces (major and minor), Hilum
Feats of the Cortex
Medullary arrays
Renal Column
Medulla feats
Renal pyramid (Renal papillae)
Hilum feats
Renal a.
Renal v
Renal Pelvis
Kidney as an endocrine organ
-Blood pressure regulation by the production of renin and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
-Maintenance of the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by the production of erythropoietin, which stimulates erythrocyte production in the bone marrow.
-Regulation of calcium balance by conversion of vitamin D to its active form
Renal Cortex signature feat
Renal corpuscle
Renal corpuscle job
filtration of blood
Renal corpuscle consists of
Renal glomerulus
Bowman's capsule
Vascular pole
Urinary pole
Bowman's capsule consists of
-Outer capsular epithelium (parietal wall) SIMPLE SQUAMOUS

-Urinary space

-Inner podocyte layer (visceral wall)
Capillary loops with fenestrated endothelium and no diaphragm

Supported by Mesangial cells
Capillaries that comprise the glomerulus are enclosed in
inner podocyte layer (visceral layer) of bowman's capsule
Pressure for the filtration process in the glomerulus is created by
efferent and afferent arterioles to the glomerulus.

Efferent is smaller than afferent arteriole
Glomerular filtration barrier from lumen of capillary out
-Fenestrated endothelium of glomerulus
-Podocyte layer of Bowmans capsule
-Glomerular Basement Membrane:Basement membrane of podocyte and endothelial cells
Feats of Glomerular Basement Membrane
-negatively charged
-Size selective
-Charge selective
-Main component of glomerular barrier
Mesangial cells
Remove trapped residues and aggregated proteins from the GBM-keeping the glomerular filter clean

Structural support(help regulating glomerular flow)

In case of glomerular injury, mesangial cells
synthesize and secrete IL-1 and PDGF
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus is important for
control of systemic blood pressure and volume
Where is the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
At the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle
Juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of
Macula Densa
Juxtaglomerular cells
Extraglomerular mesangial cells
Macula densa is
specialized region of the distal convoluted tubule at the vascular pole
Feats of the macula densa cells
-Narrower and taller than other distal tubule cells
-Monitor Na+ concentration in tubular fluid
-Regulate the glomerular filtration rate and the release of Renin by Juxtaglomerular cells
Juxtaglomerular cells feat
located in the walls of the afferent arteriole

modified smooth muscle
Juxtaglomerular cells secrete
Goormaghtigh cells
aka extraglomerular mesangial cells

support structure of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
Proximal tubule feats
-simple cuboidal
-microvilli on apical surface (reabsorption)
-irregular lumen
-indistinct lateral margins of cells
Distal tubule feats
-Simple cuboidal
-no microvilli
-lots of mitochondria
-round lumen
-lateral margins of cells are indistincts
Thin segments of loops of henle feats
-Simple squamous epithelium
-diameter similar to that of a capillar--capillary w/o blood cell
Collecting tubule feats
-simple cuboildal
-cell margins are distinct
Collecting tubule cells
Principal cells
intercalated cells (dark cells)
Principal cells feats
-single cillium
-defined cell margins
-centrally located nuclei
In response to aldosterone, principal cells
reabsorb Na+ and secrete K+
In response to ADH principal cells
reabsorb H2O
Intercalated cells (dark cells) feats
surface covered by microplicae and microvilli

lots of mitochondria

apically located nuclei
Intercalated cells occur in
small numbers (cortical collecting tubules, outer medullary collecting tubules)
Alpha intercalated cells secrete
Beta intercalated cells secrete
Medullary ray located in
renal cortex.

Straight tubules of the nephron and collecting tubules/ducts
Renal tubule modifies ultrafiltrate by
Active Absorption
Passive Absorption
Convoluted tubule function
Absorption of Na, Cl, H20, Bicarbonate, AA, glucose
Loop of Henle's job
establishment of a gradient of solute concentration in the interstitial space
Thin descending segment
permeable to H20
Thin ascending segment
Permeable to NaCl (out)
Thick ascending segment
Active transport NaCl out from the tubule

Production of hyperosmotic urine
convoluted tubule functions
-secretes ammonium and some drugs
-reabsorbs sodium by active transport in response to aldosterone
In response to ADH, distal tubule
absorbs H20
In response to ADH collecting duct
concentrates urine by increasing their permeability to H20
Collecting duct secretes and reabsorbs
-H+, ammonium, drugs

collecting duct is permeable to
urea out of the ducts
Peritubular cells in cortex of the kidney
produce erythropoietin, which stimulates erythrocyte production in the bone marrow
VitD conversion (for Ca2+ absorption) activated by
cells of proximal tubules
Transitional epithelium (urothelium) lines
calyces, ureters, bladder, initial segment of the urethra
Prostatic urethra feat
= transitional
Membranous urethra
stratified or pseudostratified columnar
Spongy urethra
pseudostratified columnar to stratified squamous at the distal end
Female urethra
Initially transitional changing to stratified squamous
Hepatocytes have 3 surfaces
Basal surface of hepatocyte function
absorptive: faces the space of disse where the exchange takes place
Apical surface of hepatocyte function
Secretory.; bile canaliculus
Adhesive or communicative at junction with neighboring cells
Sinusoidal Endothelial cells in the hepatocyte are
fenestrated, no diaphragms, large gaps between cells. Slow flow and large gaps allow passage of proteins but not cells adjoining to the space of disse
Basal lamina of sinusoidal endothelial cells is
Blood flow in sinusoidal endothelial cells is slow because
sinusoidal channels are wide and uneven and the flow carries Kupffer cells
Perisinusoidal cells in the hepatocytes are aka
fat-storing cells of Ito, hepatic stellate cells, lipocytes, in the Space of Disse
Derived from mesenchyme
Perisinusoidal cells are the primary storage of
Vit A and produce ECM components
Perisinusoidal cells job is to
regulate sinusoidal blood flow and their cytoplasm has desmins
Perisinusoidal cells respond to
Kupffer cell cytokines
The fixed part of the sinusoidal lining is
kupffer cells but they do not form junctions but they may span lumen and partially occlude it
Kupffer cells may contain fragments of
RBC and ferritin
Space of Disse
Region between basal surface of the hepatocyte & basal surface of sinusoidal cells
Stellate Ito cells are believed to reside in
Space of disse, and these cells give support to the channel
What protudes into the space of disse?
Hepatocyte microvilli protrude into the space for absorption and exchange with blood
Hepatocyte products other than bile are transferred to
the perisinusoidal space; lymph flows in this space
In the fetus, blood forming cells are found in
space of disse...in anemic adults they may be found here too
In the hepatic lobule, plates of hepatocytes are separated by
by sinusoids,
surrounding a central
Vein* with portal areas
at the periphery.
Zone 1 - Periportal of liver acinus
Outer boundary is “Limiting Plate” of cells
Closest to vascular supply of nutrients & O2
Minimal exposure to metabolic waste products
Cells in this zone very active in synthesis of glycogen and plasma proteins
Zone III - Centrilobular of liver acinus
Vascular supply almost depleted of nutrients & O2; metabolites more concentrated here
Main site of alcohol & drug detoxification
First zone to be affected in malnutrition
Susceptible to cytotoxic damage from toxic metabolites produced during detoxification reactions
Response to Hepatic Injury ensues in the following steps
-Degeneration and intracellular accumulation
-necrosis and apoptosis
Regeneration involves
hepatocytes have long life span ~5mos, proliferate in response to tissue resection or cell death
formed in response to inflammation or toxic insult; other responses reversible, fibrosis points toward irreversible hepatic damage
Ito cell activation (which sits on the space of disse) leads to
release of tumor necrosis factor which induces conversion of ito cell to myofibroblast cell
Myofibroblast job
they proliferate and fill up the space of disse by producing ECM components which block cannal. They also contract and fibrosis ensues in the space of disse
Centrilobular necrosis characteristics
due to Congestive heart failure leads to Oxygen depletion in zone 3 as well as fat accumulation
Mallory body formation due to
alcohol cirrhosis, aggregates of keratin can be seen
portal lobule is defined by
bile flow
Production of bilirubin steps
1-Senescent RBCs are broken
down in the spleen, liver, or
marrow; hemoglobin is broken
down into heme + the
component aa’s of globin which
return to the pool; heme is
oxygenated to biliverdin which is
reduced to bilirubin
2-Bilirubin is bound to albumin
and transported to the liver
3-Bilirubin is transported across the
hepatocyte membrane by
receptor-mediated endocytosis
4-is conjugated to glucuronic acid
forming bilirubin glucuronide.
Bilirubin glucuronide is released
in the bile at the apical surface
into the bile canaliculus and then
into the bile duct system.
Elimination or bilirubin
In the distal part of the small intestine, bacteria degrade bilirubin glucuronide; most of the urobilinogen and pigment which are formed is excreted in the feces. About 20% of the
urobilinogen is reabsorbed in the ileum and colon.
Disruption of the pathway at the steps of bilirubin absorption or conjugation to glucuronide or secretion of glucuronide can lead to
Leading out of intrahepatic ductule can see the
herrying cannal, stem cells are located here
Wall of herrying body is made up of
collangiosides and hepatocytes
Lymphatics in the lobule do not
travel in the bile canniculi but do travel in the direction of bile
As bile canniliculi go out to exterior of liver they increase in size and when they get to the portal section they are known as
space of mall
Gallbladder concentrates and stores bile
electrolytes are moved to the intercellular space by active transport, water from the lumen and cytoplasm follows the gradient concentrating the dilute bile
gallbladder contraction in response to
cholecystokinin from the intestinal enteroendocrine cells releases bile into the duodenum
Gallbladder feats
Lacks both a submucosa and muscularis mucosae.
Has a serosa or adventitia
in the muscularis externa of the gallbladder it may precede pathologic changes; can accumulate bacteria causing inflammation
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses (diverticula from the mucosa),
dysfunction in bile formation or secretion by the hepatocyte or an obstruction preventing excretion in the extrahepatic biliary tract
- gallstones formed from cholesterol, salts, etc.; can cause cholestasis
Functions of Bile
Excretion of cholesterol, phopholipids, bile salts, conjugated bilirubin and electrolytes

Excretion of the metabolic products of hepatic processing, e.g., drug metabolites, heavy metals

Conjugated salts of the bile acids are very effective detergents which solubilize lipids secreted from the liver into bile and dietary lipids in the small intestine
Classic lobule of the liver
visually separate into tessellated hexagonal units
Portal lobule of the liver
Triangular units with bile canaliculi converging into a bile ductule
Liver acinus feats
Rhombus/ellipse-shaped units, blood perfuse from the short axis to the central vein