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51 Cards in this Set

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measure of voltage gradient

-voltage across the membrane

-70 mV

Vm of resting cells


due to all charges components

-sum of Ex for all ions

-v at which electrical and conc gradients for a components are balanced

graded potential

-change in Vm

-increased permeability and ions move

-local change in ion flow (not in entire cell)

a change from rest

this is what happens when there is a graded potential


cell becomes less negative --> stimulation


cell becomes more negative = inhibited


cell goes back to resting potential

increased stimulus

this causes increases size of electrical activity

increased distance

this correlates with decreased size of electrical activity

-quick, large changes in Vm

-all or none event

in excitable cells, graded potentials can cause ?

-V gated Na+ channels with inactivator

-v gated K+ channels

components necessary for action potential

1. membrane at rest (-70 mV) channels are closed

2. local depol reaches threshold potential (TP) V gated Na+ channels open

3. Na+ influx, more depol, POS feedback

4. Na+ channels inactivated (not closed, garage door example) K+ channels open

5. K+ outflux; cell resting repol, Na+ channels cold

6. Cell hyperpolarize since K+ slow to close

7. K+ channels close; NEG feedback, return to rest

7 steps of an action potential

threshold potential

-Vm required to activate Na+ channels

-stimulus then generated by Na+ influx

-weak depol = sub__________ __________

action potential

-special case of graded potential

-size is independent of the stimulus (think gun)

-local anesthetics that block Na+ channels

practical application of action potential

-adjacent sections of the plasma membrane

-no movement, just opening/closing of Na+/K+ channels in membrane

-one starts the next (solve distance prob)

-increased distance no change in size

propagation down axon

unidirectional flow of AP propagation

-necessary for speed

- due to hyperpolarization and

-Na+ channels blocked



-aids grades potentials and block action potentials

-increases conduction velocity by adding ______ aided sections

saltatory conduction

describes how APs "jump" from node to node

-graded potential in the myelinated parts and action potential in the nodes

excitatory postsynaptic potential

occurs when the presynaptic input causes depolarizing effect

inhibitory post synaptic potential

occurs when the presynaptic input causes a hyperpolarizing effect

temporal summations

-inputs that are the same, close together-summing one presynaptic over time

spatial summation

different, close together

-multiple presynaptics at the same time

-as if one bigger presynaptic affects the postsynaptic

increasingly complex

synpses can change info, more = _________

-availability of ntrans

-Ca2+ availability

-receptor availability

-membrane potential

presynaptic factors

-receptor availability

-membrane potential

-other synaptic inputs

postsynaptic factors


-voluntary movement




cerebral cortex (cerebrum) involved in ______

clustered cell bodies

grey matter

myelinated axons

white matter

outer shell

this part of the cerebral cortex is grey matter (nuclei)

inner layer

this part of the cerebral cortex is white matter


4 chambers filled with fluid in brain

pressure problem

size of brain ventricles can create a __________

corpus callosum

-massive bundle of axons

-white --> myelinated

-connects the two hemisheres


older part of the brain

composed of thalamus/hypothal


parts of the diencephalon


-major relay station of motor control; crude sensation going through it

-registering danger and getting a fast motor result


-below the thalamus

-homeostatic regulation; links nervous and endocrine systems


=cerebrum + diencephalon


key to balance, muscle tone, coordination

brain stem

-key to life

-cardiac, resp, digestion (swallowing, vomiting)

spinal cord

-gray matter

-white matter

interneurons, cell bodies and dendrites of the efferents, axons of the afferent, glial cells

in the gray matter of the spinal cord

bidirectional (dorsal and ventral side)

in the white matter of the spinal cord

dorsal side

in spinal cord, where afferents come in

ventral side

in spinal cord, efferents come out here

spinal nerves

these exit via the vertebral column

cranial nerves

these exit via the skull openings (foramen)


clustered cell bodies in the PNS


group of axons in the PNS