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57 Cards in this Set

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General functions of respiratory system

Provide large respiratory surface for gas exchange between air and blood

Smell incoming air

Produce sound

Nervous system

Uses electricity, hard wired, info moves quickly but short lived

Name 2 control and communication systems

Nervous system and Endocrine system

Central nervous system consists of?

Peripheral nervous system consists of?

Brain and spinal cord

Everything else

Endocrine system

Uses hormones, from integrator to effector via blood

Visceral sensory

Receives sensory info from viscera(guts)

Somatic sensory

Afferent-receives sensory info from skin, fascia, Joints etc

Sensory nervous system (afferent)

transmits info from receptors to the CNS

Motor nervous system (efferent)

Transmits info from CNS to rest of body

Autonomic motor

"Involuntary" nervous system-innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands

Reflex Arc

Arrival of stimulus

Activation of sensory neuron

Info processing in CNS

Activation of motor neuron

Response by effector

Signal flow

Afferent➡Through PNS to CNS ➡efferent somatic or efferent autonomic➡skeletal muscle➡sympathetic or para sympathetic

What does the Autonomic nervous system consists of?

Sympathetic and parasympathetic


Doesn't go to brain

Fight or flight response

Thoraco-lumbar spinal nerves, no cranial


Goes to the brain

Rest, digestion, lumbosacral spinal nerves, cranial 3,7, 9, 10

Somatic motor

"Voluntary"-innervates skeletal muscle

Parts of a neuron and there function

Cell body w/ organelles

Dendrites- collect info

Axon- transmits info to the next cell

Synapse- point of communication (usually chemical) between neuron and another cell

Anatomy of neuron

Dendrites- signal towards nucleus

Axon- signal away from nucleus

Schwann cell- wraps around axon, made from lipids and protein called myelin

Schwann cells found in PNS

Nodes of Ranvier

Divets between schwann cells where the signal jumps

What is it called when the signal jumps between schwann cells?

Saltatory conduction

Autoimmune disease

-multiple sclerosis

Demyelinating disease that attacks the myelin around axon or immune cells attack white matter

Genetic history or toxin exposure

Glial cells(neuroglia)

assistants to the neuron, clean up brain waste, provide nutrients, protection, energy


produce the myelin sheath insulating CNS axons.

Function is maintenance and protection of the neurons.

Motor neuron consists of?

What are the 5 steps to respiration?

1. Ventilation- air in

2. External respiration- oxygen into blood

3. Transport- move around

4. Internal respiration- deliver to cells

5. Cell respiration- use oxygen to make ATP. Usually between 34-38

External respiration

Exchange of gases between air and blood at the aveoli

What does the lymphatic system do?

Drains ECF into circulatory system and immunity


To warm and humidify the air

To smell


Back of throat, for swallowing

Name the 2 parts of the larynx

Epiglottis, vocal chords


A flap of elastic cartilage, closes trachea so food & liquid doesn't go into lungs


Cartilaginous rings, prevents collapse

Made of hyaline cartilage

Primary bronchi

Secondary bronchi

One on left and one on the right.

2 on the left and 3 on the right.

Why is the bronchi Asymmetrical?

Because the left lung has 2 lobes and right lung has 3.

Why does the left lung only have 2 lobes?

The left lung has the cardiac notch which makes room for the heart

What binds to oxygen and carbon dioxide to transport it?


5 Functions of blood

Transports gas

Regulation of pH

Defense against clotting & immunity

Filtered to make body fluids

Provides turgidity to erectile tissues

What is the composition of blood?


Red and white Cells, platelets

What is Plasma composed of?

92% water

Plasma proteins-antibodies, lipoprotein, albumin, fibrinogen

Dissolved solutes- electrolytes, nutrients, gases, hormones, wastes

What is Erythrocyte(red blood cells) composed of? And there function?

Bioconcave disc- increases surface area

Enucleate- has no nucleus- 120 day lifespan

Carry oxygen to body and carbon dioxide to the lungs

What is Hematocrit

Percentage of blood that is cells

What is Anemia

Low oxygen carrying capacity. Either low hematocrit or low hemoglobin

Blood types


Surface proteins on red blood cells

What are antibodies and there function

A protein made by immune system.

Antibodies bind to foreign substances and destroy them

What is Systole


What is diastole


What is the functions of cardiovascular system?

Moves blood

Transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, hormones

Regulate pH, temp

Protection against clotting and immunity

What is the heart

Double muscular pump

What is pulmonary circuit

Right part of the heart collects deoxygenated blood & goes into the lungs

What is Systemic circuit

Left side of heart goes to body

Why is the myocardium muscle larger in the left ventricle than the right?

to pump blood into the systemic circulation

Lymphatic vessels

Drain into veins

ECF or Lymph

Lymphatic fluid; flows through vessels and nodes


Immune cells

Lymphatic function

Return fluid from tissues to blood

Production, maintenance, distribution of lymphocytes

Alveoli cell types

Simple squamous- diffusion

Septal cells- surfactant to reduce surface tension

Alveolar macrophages- ingest particulara