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24 Cards in this Set

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Learning Definition

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience

4 Types of Learning

1. Classical Conditioning

2. Operant Conditioning

3. Operational Learning

4. Insight Learning

Classical Conditioning

Involuntary & Associated Latent Learning - A form of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response

Operant Conditioning

Voluntary - A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior produce chances in the probability of that behaviors occurrence

Observational Learning

Learning that occurs when a person or animal observes and then imitates someone else's behavior (Vicarious Learning)

Albert Bandura

"Play room"

Insight Learning

A form of problem solving in which the person or animal develops a sudden insight or understanding of a problems solution

3 Levels of Memory

1. Sensory Memory

2. Short Term Memory

3. Long Term Memory

4 Ways to Help Transfer to Long Term

1. Rehearsal

2. Motivation

3. Chunking

4. Encoding

5 Ways to Improve Recall of Information

1. Code & Store at the time of learning

2. Don't Cram

3. Return to the situation in which the information was presented

4. Use all of your Senses

5. Use Synonyms for Missing Words

3 R Measures of Memory

1. Recall

2. Recognition

3. Relearning

2 Types of Memory Interference

1. Proactive

2. Retroactive

Serial Position Effect

Our memory is sharpest for the first and last of things

4 Memory Disorders

1. Transient Global Amnesia

2. Retrograde Amnesia

3. Korsakoff's Syndrome

4. Dementia (Alzheimer's)

Jean Piaget's 4 Stages of Cognitive Growth

1. Sensorimotor

2. Preoperational

3. Concrete Operations

4. Formal Operations


0 - 2 Years

Object Permanence

Infant recognizes space, time and causility


2 - 7 Years

Increase Symbolic Thinking

Concrete Operations

7 - 11 Years


Formal Operations

11 - 15 Years

Increase Logical Thought

"Metacognition" - The ability to think about thought

Erik Erikson's 8 Great Tests of Character

1. Trust vs. Mistrust (0 - 1 Years)

2. Autonomy vs. Doubt (2 - 3 Years)

3. Initiative vs. Guilt(4 - 5 Years)

4. Industry vs. Inferiority(6 - 11 Years)

5. Identity vs. Role Confusion(12 - 18 Years)

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (19 - 40 Years)

7. Generativity vs. Self-Absorbtion(41 - 65 Years)

8. Integrity vs. Despair (66 --> ... )

Clark Hull

Drive Reduction Theory

Walter Cannon


3 Primary Motivations

1. Hunger

2. Thirst

3. Sex

3 Secondary Motivations

1. Curiosity

2. Control

3. Competence