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47 Cards in this Set

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Developmental Psychology
The study of progressive behavioral changes in an individual from birth until maturity
Individuals biological inheritance especially genes
Individuals environmental and social experiences
Stages of prenatal development
Germinal-(zygote) 0-3 weeks divides & attaches to uterine walls

Embryonic -(embryo) 2-8weeks all major organs form, heart starts beating.

Fetal-(fetus) 8weeks+ 37 - 40weeks
lungs develop at 7 months
Occurs when adding new information to already known information
Changing or creating new schemas
Framework of information about things.
Cross sectional research design strategy
Group of people are assessed on a psychological variable at one point in time
Faster in you just do it once
Research design strategies
Cross-sectional and longitudinal
Longitudinal research design strategy
Observes many people born around the same time over a lengthy period
Expensive, people move, die and you lose track of them
Cohort effect
The differences between individuals because of historical time. When they are born or developed
Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development


Concret Operational

Formal Operational.
Stimulation through senses. major motor development.
Fine=little, Gross=big 0-2years
Egocentric, pretend, symbolic reasoning, representational thought
imagination, self-centered, pretend animals are alive. 2-7years
Concret Operational
thought is limited. idealistic, logical
Formal operational
Abstract thought, Idealistic and logic
Erikson's sociomotional development
Trust vs mistrust 0-1 1/2yrs
Autonomy vs shame & guilt 1
Initiative vs guilt 3-6
Industry vs inferiority 6-12
Identity vs role confusion 12-18
Intimacy vs isolation 20s-30s
Generativity vs. Stagnation 40s
Ego integrity vs despair 60s+
Secure attachment
Ways a infant uses caregiver as a secure base
Leads to more confidence later in life
Insecure attachment
Avoidant- doesn't notice when mom leaves and avoids upon her upon return

Resistant -won't leave mom side
Attactment -close emotional bond between infant and caregiver
Kubler Ross' s stages of grief
Denial - deny the truth of it

Anger - get mad

Bargain - make deal with god

Depression - get sad

Acceptance - move on
Blocking memories out
Taking bad things we don't like about ourselves and putting on/accusing others of doing it
Baumrind's parenting styles
Authoritarian -strict, limits & controls

Authoritative - encourages, give & take

Neglectful - no rules or expectations

Permissive - few rules, let's do whatever
Shifting anger from a person you're mad at to an unrelated person
Sublimation (sexual - aggressive)
Taking a bad tendency and turning it into something acceptable
Reaction formation
Doing exact opposite of what you feel
Loss of progress
Denial (grieving)
Not accepting reality
Freud stages of psychosexual development
Oral stage birth -18 months- pleasure center is the mouth

Anal stage 18 -36 months- pleasure center is anus and urethra

Phallic stage 3 - 6 yrs-pleasure center is in the genitals

Latency period -6 yrs-puberty -psychic timeout, sexual interest is set aside

Genital Stage- adolescents- adulthood-sexual reawakening
Trait theories Big Five
Openness -open to new ideas & experiences

Contentiousness -well organized, careful, disciplined

Extraversion - social, talkative, entergetic

Agreeableness -sympayhedic, trusting, helpful

Neuroticism- anxious, moodswings, impulse problems
Behavior, environment and a person's thoughts are all important in understanding personality
Bandura- Bermuda Triangle
Personality test )self-report and projective)
Self-report- directly ask her some questions about personality traits yes or no 2 or false agree or disagree

Projective -Test asked to describe or tell story or project on meaning of stimulus
How you explain a person's behavior

Personal / internal- something about them

Situational / external- something from outside life.
Collective unconscious - impersonal deepest layers of unconscious mind shared by all humans because of their common ancestral past

Archtypes - emotionally laden ideas and images in unconscious that have rich and symbolic meaning for all
Anima= passive feminine Animus= assertive masculine
Freud's parts of personality
ID - the principal- immediate gratification ,want it now

Ego- reality principle delay gratification

SUREREGO- conscious
Unbalanced an unconscious
Self serving bias
take responsibility for internal attributions & own success and deny responsibility for failures by blaming outside factors
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency to overestimate the importance of internal traits and underestimate the importance of external situations when they seek explanations of others behavior
Diffusion of responsibility
More people around the less accountable anyone feels for their actions
Milgrams study on obedience
Classic experiment that provided insight on obedience participants were asked to deliver a series of painful electric shocks to another person
Asch ' s study on conformity
Study uncle for mini that showed in place with others to give wrong answers to questions 75% of participants knowingly answered wrong so they wouldn't stand out
It's more important for group to get along and agree then to make the right decision
Social facilitation
Improvement of tendencies or performance because of the presence of others
Social loafing
Person in a group to exert less effort than the others
Cognitive dissonance
The uncomfortable feeling you get when your thoughts and behavior doesn't match up
To fix you must change your attitude or behavior
identical twins- 1 egg splits. 100% DNA
Fraternal twins 2 eggs, 2 stern 50% DNA
harlows monkeys
Social isolation experiments on monkeys which demonstrated importance of caregiving companionship and love and childhood development