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116 Cards in this Set

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How many bones are involved in movement?


The skull, vertebrae, sternum, and ribs

Axial skeleton

bones composing the body appendages

appendicular skeleton

What are the functions of the Skeleton?

support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage, endocrine regulation, and storage of fats

What provides the bones with stiffness and determines its comprehensive strength?

calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate

Ratio of stress to strain in a loaded material


ability to resist pressing or squeezing force

comprehensive strength

ability to resist pulling or stretching force

tensile strength

bone is 25%-30%?


compact mineralized connective tissue with low porosity that is found in the shafts of long bones

cortical bone

less compact mineralized connective tissue with high porosity that is found in the ends of long bones and in the vertebrae

trabecular bone

also called cortical bone, contains osteocytes and creates a shell around trabecular bone

compact bone

also called trabecular bone, spongelike appearance, forming cells filled with marrow and fat

cancellous bone

Cortical bone is stiffer, so it can withstand more...but less...?

more stress, less strain

trabecular bone is spongy, therefor it can withstand more...but less...?

more strain, less stress

distribution of force within the body, quantified as force divided by the area over which the force acts


amount of deformation divided by the original length of the structure or by the original angular orientation of the structure


known as brittle bone disease. causes bones to weaken and break easily. break down of bones


a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton (a process called bone resorption) and new bone tissue is formed (bone deposition).

bone remodeling

when osteoblasts secrete(create) new bone

bone deposition

when osteoclasts break down old bone

bone resorption

specialized bone cells that build new bone tissue


specialized bone cells that resorb bone tissue


bone-forming cell that has become entrapped within the bone matrix (the hard part of bone).


what factors affect bone remodeling?

age, mechanical environment, hormones, injury, etc.

Indicates that bone strength increases and decreases as the functional forces on the bone increase and decrease

Wolff's law

increase in bone mass resulting from a predominance of osteoblast activity

bone hypertrophy

decrease in bone mass resulting from a predominance of osteoclast activity

bone atrophy

how do osteoclasts work?

bone degrading cell. a giant cell with many nuclei. crawls along bone surfaces. breaks down bone tissue. secretes concentrated hydrochloric acid. lysosomal enzymes are released to digest organic part of matrix

how to osteoblasts work?

synthesize collagen

cubical, include the carpals and tarsals. provide limited gliding motions and serve as shock absorbers

short bones

protect underlying organs and soft tissues and also provide large areas for muscle and ligament attachments. include scapulae, sternum, ribs, patellae, and some bones of the skull

flat bones

have different shapes to fulfill different functions. offer processes for muscle attachment, protective, and support. examples are sacrum, coccyx, vertebrae, and maxilla

irregular bones

adapted in size and weight for certain biomechanical functions. long, rough cylindrical shaft. contains tubercles, tuberosities, and condyles. contain articular cartilage. examples are the ulna, femur, tibia, etc

long bone

growth center of a bone that produces new bone tissue as part of the normal growth process until it closes during adolescence or early adulthood.


long, roughly cylindrical shaft of long bone


protects the ends of long bones from wear at points of contact with other bones. self lubricating

articular cartilage

the part of the bone that replaces the epiphyseal growth plate in long bones once a person has reached their full adult height

epiphyseal line

central hollow area of long bone

medullary cavity

double-layered membrane covering bone; muscle tendons attach to the outside layer, and the internal layer is site of osteoblast cavity


a thin layer of connective tissue that lines the surface of the bony tissue that forms the medullary cavity of long bones.


a matrix of connective tissue consisting of bundles of strong collagenous fibres connecting periosteum to bone

sharpeys fibers

a straight line that connects the midpoint of the joint at one end of a bone with the midpoint of the joint at the other end.

mechanical axis

trabeculae develop based on the stresses placed on a bone with respect to its mechanical axis. only grow trabecular as a kid.

trabecular alignment

exhibits different mechanical properties in respsonse to loads from different directions. bone tissue is...


bone is strongest in resisting _______and weakest in resisting ____forces

strongest in compression, weakest in shear forces

epiphysis is a part of a bone separated from the main bone by a layer of cartilage. epiphyseal cartilage is where growth occurs. when this cartilage ossifies, closure is complete, no more growth can occur

epiphyseal plates

cartilage building cells


growing bones wider as they lengthen.

circumferential growth

growth of a bone by addition of bone tissue to its surface

appositional growth

osteoblasts: add bone tissue to the external surface of the disaphysis. live in the pereosteum membrane. osteoclasts: remove bone from the internal surface of the diaphysis, in the endosteum membrane


bone mineral density graph. points on graph are puberty peak and menopause. when born, some bone mineral density, start out low. itll grow rapidly until you hit puberty at around 14. between 28 and 32 we are still getting bone mass, but not as rapid. then lose bone mass gradually until about 55 (menopause). for women, start to list it more rapidly. men: men have greater bone density through out life, and around 55, lose bone mineral density less rapidly than women


bone mineral density greater than 2.5 standard deviations below that of a normal 25 year old female


bone mineral density between 1.0 and 2.5 standard deviation below a normal 25 year old female


Type 1 Osteoporosis

Post -Menopausal.

occurs in the first 15 years after menopause. affects 40% of women after age 50

Type 2 Osteoporosis


-affects most women and men after age 70. after age 60, 90% of all fractures are associated with osteoporosis

Type 3 Osteoporosis

Spaced induced. disease

Type 4 Osteoporosis

medicine-induced (anti-seizure meds)

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

osteoclast activity>osteoblasts. bones become porous and brittle. more common in women than in men.

DXA scan:

Dual Energy Absorptiometry. clinical evaluations involve regional analysis within a bone. z: how your doing compared to the normal. T: osteoporosis diagnosis. T score younger than a Z score.





Standard Model for Female Athlete Triad

Eating disorder leads to: Amenorrhea and osteoporosis

The "real" female athelte triad

when female athletes have very low body fat...not eating enough for the amount of activity done(or at times, an eating disorder): low body fat leads to low estrogen which leads to amenorrhea(absense of menstruation) and osteoporosis

disruption in the continuity of a bone


a fracture resulting from repeated loading of a relatively low magnitude

stress fracture

progressive bone pathology associated with repeated loading

stress reaction

one fragments into three or more pieces

comminuted fracture (common in the aged, whose bones are more brittle.happens in bad trauma. shattered bone.)

bone collapses in on weak trabecular. bone is crushed

compression fracture

caused by torsion

spiral fracture

fracture of growth plate.

epiphyseal fracture

broken bone portion is pressed inward. usually in skull

depressed fracture

happens most often in children. bone bends and cracks, rather than breaking. due to children having a lot of collagen

greenstick fracture

incomplete longitudinal break

fissured fracture

incomplete fracture in children in which one side of bone buckles out upon itself without disrupting the other side

buckle fracture

complete break, horizontally, at right angle to the axis of the bone

transverse fracture

complete break that occurs not at a right angle, not straight horizontally across bone

oblique fracture

is a transverse or oblique fracture easier to set?


just a bone fracture. does not penetrate skin

simple fracture

protrudes though the skin

compound fracture

realignment of broken ends


physician aligns using hands and x-ray

closed reduction

surgically aligned with pins or wires

open reduction


structure and function of joints are so interrelated that it is difficult to discuss them separately. the configuration of the bones that form an articulation, together with the reinforcing ligaments, determine and limit the movements of the joint. generally, stability and range of motion are inversely related. a joint that doesnt move much is stable, a joint that moves a lot is not sstable

Based on presence or absence of a joint cavity

Structural classifications of joints. Synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, or diathrosis


no articular cavity, no capsule, synovial membrane or synovial fluid.

Sutures: connected by fibers that are continuous with the periosteum. no movement permitted. the skull is the only example in the body.

Syndesmoses: connected by fibrous tissue, permitting very little movement.

coracoacromial joint: between coracoid and acromion process on scapula

tibiofibular joints


permit more motion than syndesmoses. still no articular cavity, no capsule, synovial membrane or synovial fluid.

-synchondroses (cartilage): articulating bones are held together by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage


-epiphyseal plates in children

-symphyses: fibrocartialge is present between the articulating bones

-intervertebral joints

- pubic syphysis


Freely movable joint. articular cavity that contains synovial fluid, ligamentous capsule, synovial membrane surfaces are smooth. surfaces are covered with hyaline cartialge (knee).

Types of Diarthrotic Joints

1. uniaxial: gliding, pivot, hinge. 2.Biaxial: condyloid, saddle. 3. Triaxial: ball and socket, bicondyloid

Articular surfaces are flat planes. short gliding movements are allowed. Example: intertarsal and intercarpal joints. movements are non axial

gliding joints

cylindrical end of one bone fits into a trough on anoher bone. angular movement is allowed in one plane. example: elbow,ankle, and joints between phalanges of fingers and toes. movement is uniaxial.

hinge joint

classified as uniaxial, rotating bone only turns around its long axis. examples: proximal radioulnar joint (supination pronation), joint between atlas and axis of spine (1st and 2nd vertebrae)( shaking head no)

pivot joint

convex surface articulates with concave surface. allow moving bone to travel: side to side-abduction,adduction. back and forth(flexion-extension). circumduction. biaxial movement. example: metacarpalphalangeal, wrist joints

Condyloid joints

similar to condyloid joint, butmore bone mass is cut away,so joint has more range of motion. each articular surface has concave and convex surfaces. classified as biaxial joints. first carpometacarpal (thumb)

saddle joints

spherical head of one bone fits into round socket of another. triaxial. shoulder and hip joints

ball and socket

Two convex and two concave surfaces. more range of motion than a typical hinge or conyloid joint. about 8 degree of rotation and 8 degree of absuction/adduction occur when you walk. KNEE JOINT

bicondyloid joint

Most abundant type of cartilage. provides support via flexibility and resilience

hyaline cartilage

able to tolerate repeated bending. outer ear. epiglottis. tip of nose

elastic cartilage

very strong in resisting tension and compression.annulus fibrosus (intervertebral discs). example: menisci of knee, interveterabral discs, TMJ, and pubic symphysis

Fibrocartilage (shock absorption)

comprised of hyaline cartilage. consists of chondrocytes embedded in a matrix of collagen and other proteins. chondrocytes maintain and restore cartilage from wear, although this ability decreases with age, disease and injury

articular cartilage

Function of articular cartilage

distributes load over a wide area to reduce stress on tissues. reduces it more than 50%. allows movement at joints with minimal friction and tear (lubricates joints so that friction is less than half of skate on ice). acts like a sponge to soak up and release or disperse synovial fluid

Why can I crack my knuckles?

nitrogen is within synovial fluid. low pressure on joint results in nitrigen gas coming out of the fluid. the little nitrogen gas bubbles joint together into one big bubble. when you crack your knuckles, you are bursting that bubble. cracking is following by decreased pain and increased range of motion of the joint. will not be able to crack knuckles again until nitrogen escapes from synovial fluid again, usualy 25-30 minuts

the ability of a joint to resist abnormal displacement of the articulating bones.

joint stability

joint orientation where contact between articulating surfaces is at a maximuum (most stable position)

close packed position

any orientation other than the close-packed position

loose packed position

Factors contributing to joint stability

bony structure:more contact area, more stable. ligaments:tighter ligaments, more stable. muscle tone/tension:more muscle tone, more stable. fascia.atmospheric pressure

Shape of bony structure

may refer to type of joint (hinge, condyloid, or ball and socket). or specific characteristics of a joint (depth of joint socket (shoulder vs hip)), generally the more aritculating surfaces are in contact with one another, the more stable the joint

Role of ligaments in joint stability

ligaments are strong, flexible, stress resistant, somehwat elastic, fibrous tissues that form bands or cords around a joint. help mainting relationship of bones.check movement at normal limits of joint.resist movements for which joint is not designed.will stretch when subject to prolonged stress.once stretched, their function is affected. medical intervention is needed to shorten them again

Role of musscles in joint stability

muscle force can help stabilize or destabilize joint, depending on joint posistion. typically muscles stabilize the joint, but in some positions they can dislocate a joint

Role of muscles in joint stablility

muscles are also particularly helpful in stabilizing joint when bony strucure contributes little to stability

Role of fascia in joint stabilization

fascia consists of fibrous connective tissue.may form thin membranes or tough fibrous sheets. intense or prolonged stress may cause premanent stretch. iliotibial tract is an example

atomspheric pressure

atmospheritc pressure pushes on the outside of the joint with a greater force that the outward pushing force within the joint cavity. low pressure system, joints expand and you can feel when its going to rain

Knee stability

the knee is very unstable in terms of its design. the contact of articulating surfaces is minimal, resulting in relatively large range of motion. the knee is dependent on ligaments and tendons for stability. injuries to these soft tissues are common

factors influencing joint range of motion

three primary factors affect stability of a joint are also related to range of motion. 1. shape/contact area of articular surfaces.2. restraining effect of ligaments. 3. muscles and tendons. additional factors include: gender, body build, heredity, occupation, exercise, and age

measuring joint range of motion

measure degrees from starting position or anatomical position to its max movement. goniometer: axis place directly over center of joint, one arm held stationary, other arm held to moving segment. film, video, or digital image recording: joint centers are marked to be visible in projected image. joint angles can be taken from images. segment action must occur in picture plane

Flexibility and injury

risk of injury is heightened when joint flexibility if extremely high or extremely low. desirable amount of flexibility is very dependent on the activity. the decreased flexibility with aging is primarily related to decreased physical activity