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37 Cards in this Set

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major language development in preschool
Decontextualized language
Emergent Literacy
Contextualized language
relies on background knowledge, gestures, innotation and immediately present situational cues
Decontextualized language
relies on language and the construction of meaning
may not contain context cues and does not assume that a speaker and a listener share background knowledge
Can not rely on the immediate physical context to help him communicate to the listener
What does a child need to use decontextualized language
Highly precise syntax and vocabulary to represent events beyond the here and now
Emergent literacy
Earliest period of learnig about reading and writing. How print works, play with sound units, develop interest in reading and writing
Childrens literacy skills depend heavily on the ___ they acquire in infancy and toddlerhood.
oral language skills
grapheme to phoneme
letter to sound
Children need well developed vocabularies to derive
meaning from text
preschoolers build literacy on
Metalinguistic ability
Ability to view language as an object of attention
Three important achievemets in emergent literacy
Alphabet knowledge
Print awareness
Phonological awareness
Alphabet awareness
Higer in children who live in homes with book reading.
Own name advantage
Letter name pronunciation effect
Letter-order hypothesis
Consonant-order hypothesis
Print awareness is composed of
print interest
print functions
print conventions
print forms
print part to whole relationships
appreciation for print
print exists in the environment and in books. 1st
Print conventions
Read from left to right and top to bottom
Phonological awareness
sound structure of words
shallow level of phonological awareness
segment sentences into words, rhyme, combine syllables. Begins from 3-5 years of age.
Deep level of phonological awareness
Knowledge of phonemes
What are the major achievements in content in a preschoolers life
Fast mapping
Knowledge of semantics and syntax
shared storybook reading
Dietic terms
Relational Terms
Slow mapping
gradual refined representations with time and multiple exposure to the word in different context. After fast mapping.
Extended mapping
Full understanding of a word
Preschoolers use N3C to
select nameless objects as the recipients of novel labels and can then fastmap novel words through this process
How do children infer meaning of new words
Using semantics and syntax
Animacy vs inanimacy
Recruiting syntactic cues tat signal the form class
Children weigh function more heavenly than
perceptual appearance
Children use animate objects as
referents for novel proper names
Children use inanimate objects as
referents for common nouns
Deictic terms
Form of content
words whose interpretation depend on the location of a speaker and listener within a particular setting. Examples include here and this, there and that
To use deictic terms properly, children must be able to
adopt their conversational partners perspective
Which dietic terms are easier to master?
this and here are easier than that and there. Children master these terms by the time they are in school
Relational terms
include interrogatives, temporal terms, opposites, locational prepositions, kinship terms
Content and a relational term
Wh questions
Temporal Terms
Order, duration and concurrence of events.
Understand order before concurrence. Interpret temporal terms according to their experience
perceive physically before abstract
Kinship terms
mother, father, brother, sister
Preschoolers use semantics to
infer the meaning and incorporate the new words into their vocab
continues in preschool
Preschooler weigh the function of an object
more heavily than its perceptual appearance