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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between the organization of PNS vs CNS?
CNS- brain and spinal cord
PNS- neurons intervates particular target tissues
What are the key words used to describe the Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic Nervous System?
Sympathetic- fight or flight
Parasympathetic- digestion and vegetation
Draw and identity PNS neuroanatomy? (pre and post synaptic membranes/neurons/receptors)
See notes
Draw and identity SNS neuroanatomy (pre and post synaptic membranes/receptors/NT/neurons).
See notes
The therapeutic index for many medications will generally increase in elderly patients.
strongly disagree because would tissue in elderly thus more sensitive to drugs and decreasing therapeutic index;
LD 50/ED 50 ratio of therapuetic index
What determines addiction behavior (drug dependence)?
3 or more additive symptoms; e.g. tolerance, quitting/restarting, abandonment of life duties
Describe difference between 3 drug-drug interactions.
Synergistic-potentiating effects
Additive- when given together, they equal out effects
Antag- block each other
Where are adrenergic receptors on target tissues for the SNS are located on the:
post synaptic membrane of post synaptic neuron
What drugs are safe during pregnancy?
acetaminophen, penicillin, cephalosporins, erythromycin, nitrofurantoin, H2 blockers, antacids, heparin, hydralazine, methyldopa, labetolol, insulin, docusate, Metronidazole
What breaksdown and metabolize catecholamines?
MAO are keys to metabolism of catecholamines
COMT breakdown NE, dopamine and Epi
What is the difference between sec. vescile reuptake protein vs. axon terminal reuptake protein?
axon terminal- controls removal of NE from synapse
sec. vesicle- controls removal of NE from cytoplasm
Cocaine, an axon-terminal reuptake protein inhibitor, could cause an exaggerated SNS state in person who injects this drug. Why?
Fight or flight will increase and get into extremely agitated state if cocaine on board
What will happen if hypertensive patient given alpha 2 adrenergic agonist?
if given will inhibit release of NE and decrease blood pressure and stop fight/flight response.
Relaxation of smooth muscle that lines GI tract is mediated by muscarinic cholinergic receptors during F/F situation?
Strongly disagree, for multiple reasons but main is that muscarinic increases peristalsis in PNS response only. F/F is SNS response which does not include muscarinic receptors
Relaxation of smooth muscle that lines GI tract is mediated by muscarinic cholinergic receptors during F/F situation?
Strongly disagree, for multiple reasons but main is that muscarinic increases peristalsis in PNS response only. F/F is SNS response which does not include muscarinic receptors
Since alpha 1 mediates active F/F responses, this is the sub-type of receptor that Ach binds to in order to stimulate peristalsis during digestion.
Strongly disagree; muscarinic is not adrenergic receptor so focus on that. Only active and passive when discussing SNS
What are building blocks of SNS?
phenylalanine, tyrosine, dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine
baclofen is an effective treatment of muscle paralysis caused by myesthenia gravis?
Strongly disagree because used to stop spastic activity and destrony nicotinc receptor to prevent spasms