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17 Cards in this Set

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Early memory researcher who invented the so-called "nonsense syllable." He published the work "Memory: An investigation in experimental Psychology" in 1885.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Used the term "intentionality" to describe the fact that every mental act incorporates something outside itself. His views came to be referred to as "act psychology", and he had a profound effect upon continental philosophy, and upon Edmund Husserl.
Franz Clemens Brentano
This person was one of Wundt's most outstanding and successful students and headed the Wurzburg school.
Ozwald Kulpe
These three men are generally considered to be the fouding fathers of Gestalt psychology.
Max Wertheimier
Kurt Koffka
Wolfgang Kohler
This person wrote an amazing 2.2 pages per day from 1853 to 1920 for a total of 53,735 pages, and is generally considered to be the founding father of psychology.
Wilhelim Wundt
This person was the first thinker to apply evolution to psychology. He introduced the concept of "social Darwinism" in his book "Principles of Psychology" (1885), four years before Darwin published his seminal work.
Jean Lamarck
These are the three fundamental concepts upon which Darwin's theory of evolution is based.
Malthusian Thesis
Natural Selection
Well-known French evolutionary theorist who is well known for his concept of "the inheritance of acquired characteristics."
Jean Lamarck
The author of "Morgan's Cannon"
Conwy Lloyd Morgan
The emotion theory that holds that "we are afraid because we run" is referred to as the...
James-Lange Theory
A friend of Darwin's who systematically carried on the work in comparative psychology, resulting in his book "Animal Intelligence." According to Morgan, his literary executor, this person consistently overestimated animal intelligence and committed the error of anthropomorphizing.
George Romanes
John B. Watson's mentor at University of Chicago, and one of the leading figures in the functionalist movement.
James Rowland Angell
Proposed a theor of so-called "one trial learning, based upon a single law of learning, the law of contiguity. His theory later formed the basis for W.K. Estes' mathematical learnjing theory.
Edwin Ray Guthrie
The major figure in post-Watsonian behaviorism, founder of the "experimental analysis of behavior" tradition that still remains an active area of research in the 21st century. His posistion is reffed to as "radical behaviorsm" as constrated with "methodological behaviorism," and includes such concepts as "operant conditioning" and "schedules of reinforcement".
B.F. Skinner
The Author of the neo-behaviorist approach reffed to as "purposive behaviorism." He became president of the APA in 1937. His version of neo behaviorism includes such concecpts as "cognitive maps", "molar behavior", etc...He studied logical positivism with members of the Vienna Circle and referred to other more molecular approaches to psychology as "muscle twitchism".
Edward Tolman
A British behaviorist who became chair of the Havard psychology department in 1920 (a position held earlier by William James and then Hugo Munsterberg). A belief in instincts formed the core of his brand of behaviorism, which was also referred to as "purposive". He opposed John B. Watson in a major debate in 1924, which was later published under the tittle "The Battle of Behaviorisms."
William McDougal
Became president of the APA in 1936. His "hypothetico-deductive" theory of behavior became extremely pop-ular in the 1940s and 1950s. It was championed after his death by his student Kenneth W. Spence.
Clark Leonard Hull