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41 Cards in this Set

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Adapids and Omomyids


Diversity: 37=genera 89=species

Body size 100-6900 grams most larger then 1000 Mostly diurnal one genus nocturnal

Diet: Frugivorous, folivores, insectivours

Active arborcal quadrupeds (runners and leapers), some specialized leapers

o Gives rise to Strepsirrhines (modern smaller andnocturnal)

o( modern Leamers and Lorsies )


Diversity: 39 genera, 91 species

Size:45g to 1,700 grams most diurnal

Mostly nocturnal, one genus diurnal

Diet: Frugivorous, insectivours, some folivores· Locomotion: active arboreal quadrupeds (runnersand leapers) some specialized leapers o Give rise to haplorrhines (Modern Larger andDiurnal {man})Humans and great apes

Adaptive radiation

When organisms rapidly diversify from an ancestral species with different characteristics because of new resources, different environments, etc. Example – Darwin’s finches and their beaks.

Dating techniques

Carbon dating - Using radioactive isotopes of C^14 decays into nitrogen. Carbon is made in the atmosphere and is incorporated into plants, which are eaten by animals. You can measure how old it is using its half-life which is 5730 years. Good for antiques, too old for most fossils, on the cusp for neanderthals.

Paleomagnetism - Measuring the earth’s magnetic field and how it has switched and changed throughout time.

Uranium Series (U-Series) Dating - Mostly for dating caves, but it is very hard because caves are like “nature’s washing machines” They can date structures in the caves like stalactites and stalagmites.

Dental Formulas

1. Incisors 2. Canines 3. Premolars 4. Molars

Modern mammals: 2-1-2-3

Parapithecids: 2-1-2-3

Propliopthecids: 2-1-3-3

Number times 2 top and boatem for total teeth




Most primitive reptiles diverged in 4 groups

Anapsids: turtles

Eurapsids: plesioaurs (lockness monster)(extinct?)

Synapsids: mammals

Diapsids: reptiles, birds & dinosaurs

dinosaur extinction event

66 Ma – K/Pg – 75% Species, dead dinosaurs make way for mammals

Early primate evolution

Adapidae -> strepsirrhini

Omomyidae -> haplorrhine

Encephalization Quotient

Measurement of brain size/mass to body size, hypothesized to be an estimate of intelligence. EQ>2,

Humans = 8

Fossilization Processes and results

· Taphonomy=The study of biological and geological processesthat occur betweent he death of an organism and its final state in the rock

· Diagenesis=The physical and chemical processes that affectrock and fossels (e.g., bone) after burial


Massive primate (bigfoot?) existed at one point skull found in asia at a relics shop.

Identifying Mamals in the fossil record

Mammals have bones in the inner ear: Articular, quadrate bones to be

specific Tooth complexity

Index fossils

Markers used across the world to tell us where we are in the rock record. Ideally the fossils are widespread, abundant, short-lived, must be a skeleton.

K-Ar dating

Dating using the amount of Potassium and Argon in a specimen. We this to date older specimens because its half-life is 3M yrs, It is very accurate, especially because of volcanoes.

Mammalian evolution

evoloved from small shrew like creates were present in the therasic period

Mammalian Order species diversity

Prototherians – lays eggs (ex: platypus) Metatherians – non-placental mammals (marsupials) (ex: kangaroo)

Eutherians – defined by placenta (ex: humans)

Earliest eutherians- 160 my (Jurassic era) called Juramaia sinensis

Mammalian Synapomorphies

Vivipary (live birth)- babies carried to term enternal embionic development vs egg, or pouch (marsupial)

Increased parental involvement- rearing of young

Mammary glands- mothers milk

Endothermic – controls temperature internally

Mammalian tooth morphology and growth

Primitive teeth: Homodont and polyphyodont (sametooth multiple rows of teeth

Derived teeth: Heterdont and Diphyodont(different teeth,[molars,premolars, canine incisors], two sets of teeth){Deciuous vs Permanetteeth}

Mass extinctions

K/Pg → 66Ma - 75% of species, dead dinosaurs make way for mammalsEnd Triassic (metiorite)

→ 205Ma - 23% Families, 48% Genera..Permo-Triassic

→ 251Ma - 96% marine, 70% land species (AKA “The Great Dying”)The Earth opened and started spewing magmaLate Devonian

→ 375Ma - 70% of all species

New World Monkey evolution

Africa to south America rafterd overto south America?Vegitation gets jetisined out andanimals float over on it (same as old world

Paleontological research and lines of evidence


Need to examine multiple lines of evidence inorder to interpret the era in which this organism lived and who they were

Foffils record is rare and the record can bebroken and incomplete

Have a lot of fossels but there are gaps

Reconstruct morphology

Reconstruct Behavior

Reconsturct Habitat

Reconstrut Eniroment

Recontuct floral and Faunal Communities

Reconstuct Climate

Parapithecids and Propliopithecids

Pro: Dental 2-1-2-3

Skull crest

Para: 2-1-3-3

Plate tectonics

We are on a moving planet

Platyrrhine evolution

Tails that can grasp, new world monkys floted over on grass

Platyrrhines vs. Catarrhines

New vs. Old

3-3 vs 2-3

Zygomatic- parietal contact vs. frontal-sphenoid contact

Smaller body size vs species over 25 pounds

soem prehensile tails vs no prehensile tails

Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) dating

Volcanic ash,

Potassium argon dating

Argon is released in volcanic activity as it changes into potassium gives you a date or argon to argon

Primate activity patterns

Primates primarly dihrnal but have evolved nocternal capibility several times

Primate synapomorphies

Shared, derived characteristics.

1.Convergent orbits – forward facing eyes, stereoscopic vision, depth perception.

2. Postorbital bar – eyeball is enclosed in circular case of bone, protects eye

3. Flattened nails on most digits

4. Long, dexterous, grasping digits – hands, holding on to things

5.Opposable big toe – we lost our opposable big toe b/c we needed to walk upright

6.Petrosal bulla – middle ear is encased solely by the petrosal bone

Primate taxonomy


Primate tooth morphology

Bilophodont - Sharp, zipper like, good for tearing vegetation + leaves

Simple molars - Flat, cusped, like a pestle and mortar, good for grinding


Primate had no tale found in asia walked on the ground

Prototherians, Metatherians, and Euteherians


Protherieans: lay eggs platapuse

Methatherians: marsupials got a puch

Eutherians: internal ovarian cycle humans

Radiocarbon Dating

you can actualydate the fossel itself but it requires destroying the fossel


ancestor to the oragatang

Strepsirrhines Vs. Haplorrhines

Omomydia → Haplorhini

Adapidae → Strepsirrhini


traits that are examined to place an animal into a group

Shared derived characteristics

Taphonomy and Diagenesis

Taphonomy: study of biological and geological processes that occur between the death of an organism and its final state n the rock (ex: death trap, predation)

Diagenesis: physical and chemical processes that affect rocks and fossils (ex: bones) after burialTypes of fossils

Types of Fossels


Casts and molds

Replacement and recrystilization

Trace fossil

Coalified compression

Coprolites (fossilized poop)

Lagerstatten- fossilized community/ecosystem (caused by catastrophic event)

Taxonomic Levels (KPCOFGS)

Kingdom - knights/ Kinky

Phylum - play/ People

Class - chess/ Come

Order - on/ Over

Family - funny/ For

Genus - green/ Group

Species - squares/ Sex

The Cenozoic epochs

66 million to present the new era of life

The first life on earth

3.7-3.5· Stomatolites start to form· Bacteria

The K/Pg extinction

dinaosurs gone