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141 Cards in this Set

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Sensory systems

Adaptive systems designed to process information from the environment

Functional brain systems for processing input

Sensation leads to... which is ...

perception: interpretation of sensory signals

Johannes Müller


"Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies"

Each sense has a specific “nerve energy” that generates a specific sensation, different from other senses (proven incorrect).

Correctly surmised that sensation was related to sense organ. In fact, each sense has its own specialized receptor organs and pathways, but the “energy” is the same: action potentials.

Discovered Labeled Lines

Labeled Lines

different sense modalities use separate nerve tracts.

____ pairs of __________ connect directly to the brain

Twelve pairs of cranial nerves connect directly to the brain

Labeled lines within a sensory domain :

Different receptor types carry signals related to different stimulus qualities

Sensitivity range results from...

receptor type and threshold

Sensory threshold is limited by...

receptor cell threshold

receptor cell threshold

Coding sensory events: intensity

-Different receptors have different thresholds

-Intensity coded in number, frequency and pattern of action potentials

Different receptors code...

[Within a sensory domain, ]

different receptors code different stimulus qualities

Common organizational plan across sensory systems

Sensory neurons...

signal change; adapt quickly.

signal change; adapt quickly.

McGurk Effect

Shows that sensory systems interact.

The McGurk effect is a perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception. The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound.


Shows sensory cross talk.

Anomalous blending of the senses Stimulation in one modality produces sensation in another: feel sound, hear color, taste shapes Within modality: letters/numbers colored (consistently so)

External organ or structure designed to...

gather/signal specific type of stimulus energy

Receptors specialized for the specific type of energy, they...

filter energy of a specific range or quality

threshold for reception:

minimum energy required for excitation of sense organ

Sensory systems encode the following three:

quality (e.g. color),

quantity (e.g. intensity),

source of energy

threshold for perception:

minimum energy required for detection 50% of the time

Sensory systems signal "change" :

adaptation to constant stimulation, unchanging stimulation unimportant to organism

Organizational plan is __________________

similar across systems

Peripheral nerves carry information to ...

brainstem or thalamus;

info is relayed to associated sensory cortex

Wilder Penfield


Mapping of brain function in awake humans


Mapping of brain function in awake humans

Somatotopic map in primary somatosensory cortex

Amount of territory occupied by a given body part is related to its sensitivity

Amount of territory occupied by a given body part is related to its sensitivity

Somatosensory Homunculus (“little man”)

Size of the body parts of homunculus are related to the ______ & ______ of the region.

density of sensory receptors & sensitivity of the region

___________ differ by species.

Enhanced areas.

e.g. Mouse whisker barrels in S1

Multiple types of somatosensory receptors

-Vary in form, primary stimulus and action

-Mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors

-Firing patterns vary: fast-adapting receptors signal changing conditions, slow-adapting receptors signal ongoing stimulation (stretch) or form information

-Fiber types vary in size and myelination; limit speed of information transmission

Diversity of somatosensory receptors in the skin.

Different receptor types carry...

Different receptor types carry signals related to different stimulus qualities. 
Each type has its own labeled line, transmission speed, sensitivity

Different receptor types carry signals related to different stimulus qualities.

Each type has its own labeled line, transmission speed, sensitivity

Primary somatosensory afferents: some are...

Mechanical displacement stretches Na+ channels; sufficient influx of Na+ causes action potentials to be transmitted to the spinal cord


Mechanical displacement stretches Na+ channels; sufficient influx of Na+ causes action potentials to be transmitted to the spinal cord

Dorsal Column System (3 steps)

1. Afferents enter at appropriate level of spinal cord; preserving order and location of origin 

2. Ascend to brainstem on the same side, synapsing in dorsal root at medulla 

3. Postsynaptic cell axons cross midline at medulla

1. Afferents enter at appropriate level of spinal cord; preserving order and location of origin

2. Ascend to brainstem on the same side, synapsing in dorsal root at medulla

3. Postsynaptic cell axons cross midline at medulla

Organization of afferent information yields...

orderly somatotopic maps in cortex.

Columnar organization by body part and receptor type

orderly somatotopic maps in cortex.

Columnar organization by body part and receptor type

Cells in somatosensory cortex have...

 receptive fields on body surface.

receptive fields on body surface.

Reorganization of S1 following injury

Disorders of somatic sensation

-Hemilateral neglect – reduced or absent awareness of stimuli from one side of the body or space

-Agnosia – (common across senses) abnormal perception of sensory stimuli; e.g. may be able to use an object but not identify it by touch

-Phantoms – abnormal or excessive sensation from a damaged or missing body part; often painfu

Neuropathic pain:

chronic hyperexcitability or reorganization

What is “pain”?

Unpleasant sensory experience often associated with damaging stimulation

Reflex response precedes awareness of painful sensation

Reflex is local to the spinal cord; perceptual experience requires the brain

Why is pain good?

Injury avoidance

Adaptive avoidance of dangerous food, situations

Attract assistance from conspecifics

Promote recovery (induce rest/sleep, withdrawal)

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain

Genetic disorder that results from a dysfunctional gene that codes for the particular sodium channel used by “nociceptors” (receptors triggered by extreme/harmful stimuli in the skin)

Tend to die young due to repeated, often serious injuries

Injury to skin causes...

release of chemicals that stimulate free nerve ending

release of chemicals that stimulate free nerve ending


free-nerve endings with receptors that signal noxious, potentially damaging stimulation.

Different varieties have different receptor types; use different chemical transmitters.

Sensitivity of receptors determines threshold for action potentials

Spinothalamic system does what?

carries pain information to the brain.

Fast (A delta) & slow (C fibers) conducting fibers carry information to the brain: two stages of pain sensation.
Axons cross midline at point of entry in the spinal cord

carries pain information to the brain.

Fast (A delta) & slow (C fibers) conducting fibers carry information to the brain: two stages of pain sensation.

Axons cross midline at point of entry in the spinal cord

Pain is in the brain

Expectation changes subjective experience of pain, and activation in cingulate cortex (Rainville et al., 1997)

Endogenous opiates – Endorphins – are released from PAG in response to pain

Opiate receptors are found throughout the brain: Limbic system (emotion and motivated behavior), hippocampus (learning and memory), thalamus (sensory relay nucleus).

Endogenous ligands(endorphins) have been identified; mediate pain relief; Exogenous ligands (morphine, heroin) bind to opiate receptors

Placebo effect

Can be blocked by naloxone – antagonist of endorphin receptors

Can be blocked by naloxone – antagonist of endorphin receptors

Reflex Action (the simplest circuit)

Sensory input triggers motor response.
Speed of transmission: 100 m/s, total time ~40ms

Sensory input triggers motor response.

Speed of transmission: 100 m/s, total time ~40ms

Sir Charles Sherrington


Nobel prize for work on reflex action as well as concept of neural threshold and summation properties of the synapse.

Reflexes, motor plans


simple, stereotypic, unlearned responses to external stimuli; typically involve a single body part

Motor plans

complex, sequential movements; typically purposeful and involving multiple body parts

Construction of ____________ limit type of possible movements

skeleton and joints

Movement results from _______of muscle

Muscle types differ by _____ and _____.

from stimulation

differ by location and task

Smooth muscle – smooth appearance, found in digestive system & circulatory system, not under voluntary control

Striated muscle – striped appearance, skeletal muscles & cardiac muscle; skeletal muscles under voluntary control

Muscular dystrophy

progressive weakening, degeneration of skeletal muscles; single-gene, X-linked disorder, affects young boys

Pattern of attachment of muscle to bone determines range of action & pattern

Stimulation of muscles results in specific movements 

Muscles act by contracting 

Limbs controlled by antagonistic sets of muscles: flexors, extensors 

Muscles contract when stimulated by 
motoneurons in spinal cord, cranial nerve ganglia

Stimulation of muscles results in specific movements

Muscles act by contracting

Limbs controlled by antagonistic sets of muscles: flexors, extensors

Muscles contract when stimulated by

motoneurons in spinal cord, cranial nerve ganglia

Alpha motor neurons in the ventral horn receive many inputs, axons synapse on muscle fibers

Alpha motor neurons receive local inputs as well as descending inputs from brain

Axons branch widely at muscle; Stronger stimulation (more active inputs to muscle) results in stronger contraction

Alpha motor neurons receive local inputs as well as descending inputs from brain

Axons branch widely at muscle; Stronger stimulation (more active inputs to muscle) results in stronger contraction

ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease

Degeneration of large motor neurons; progressively affects voluntary muscle control, eventually affects respiration

Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

ACH (acetylcholine) is released at NMJ;  depolarizes muscle fiber, triggers action potentials in muscle fibers. 

Muscle fibers have many nicotinic cholinergic receptors.

ACH (acetylcholine) is released at NMJ; depolarizes muscle fiber, triggers action potentials in muscle fibers.

Muscle fibers have many nicotinic cholinergic receptors.

Myasthenia Gravis

is a type of vulnerable synapse.

M.G is an autoimmune disease, attacks nicotinic receptors in muscle fibers.

Toxins affect all stages of transmission of ACH (acetylcholine)


Its two types of receptors are:

sensory feedback from muscles, tendons, joints

Proprioceptors provide information about where our limbs are, our posture, and what the state of each muscle is; local feedback for motor system

The two types of receptors are muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ.

Muscle spindle

senses passive stretch of muscle to aid in posture and control;

Golgi tendon organ

detects muscle tension, guards against excessive force on muscle by inhibiting alpha motor neurons

Sensory-motor feedback control

Motor commands arise in...

Motor commands arise in primary motor cortex, M1

Motor commands arise in primary motor cortex, M1

Somatosensory & Motor Homunculus

Cells in M1 change ___________ for specific movements.

Cells in M1 change firing rates for specific movements

Mirror neurons in premotor cortex

Mirror neurons code particular movement sequences and reflect those same sequences when performed by others

Mirror neurons code particular movement sequences and reflect those same sequences when performed by others

Additional cortical motor areas aid in _______ and ______ of motor sequences

The two areas are:
coordination and initiation

Additional cortical motor areas like :
Supplementary Motor Area (SMA),
Premotor cortex

coordination and initiation

Additional cortical motor areas like :

Supplementary Motor Area (SMA),

Premotor cortex

Supplementary Motor Area

important for movement initiation, movement sequencing

Premotor cortex

important for coordination of movement (hands, legs);

may code motor behaviors;

contains population of "mirror" neurons

Motor control hierarchy - motor cortex modulated via other cortical areas

Descending motor control is necessary for planned movements.

Descending motor control is necessary for planned movements.

Motor loop between M1, basal ganglia, thalamus, and SMA modulates... _____


Circuit enhances planned movements, allows intended movements to be executed

Disorders in this motor loop of m1, basal ganglia, thalamus and SMA results in which two diseases?

Parkinson’s disease Degeneration of brainstem dopaminergic neurons. (inability to initiate movements; show tremors) results from degeneration of dopamine neurons in substantia nigra.

Huntington’s disease (inability to inhibit movement; cognitive impairment) genetic disorder characterized by degeneration of basal ganglia nuclei, GABAergic cells.

Parkinson’s disease

Degeneration of brainstem dopaminergic neurons.

Auditory stimulus: sound waves

The auditory organ (ear) has which three parts?

External, middle, inner ear

External, middle, inner ear

External ear

Pinna, ear canal, tympanic membrane – collects and focuses sound for better localization; enhances certain frequencies

Middle ear does....

compresses and amplifies sound.

Mechanical transfer of sound waves from tympanic membrane (eardrum) to inner ear; amplifies ~ 30X.


chain of 3 small bones moved by movement of eardrum, create movement of ‘Oval window’, moves fluid in inner ear. 

In the middle ear, muscles (tensor tympani; stapedius) damp ossicles to prevent damage to receptors from loud & self-made sounds.

chain of 3 small bones moved by movement of eardrum, create movement of ‘Oval window’, moves fluid in inner ear.

In the middle ear, muscles (tensor tympani; stapedius) damp ossicles to prevent damage to receptors from loud & self-made sounds.

Inner ear (cochlea) contains...

contains auditory receptors. 

Cochlea is coiled structure ~4mm long; 3-4 cm uncoiled 

3 Fluid-filled chambers 

Scala media contains Organ of Corti: receptor cells (hair cells), basilar membrane, tectorial membrane 

Mechanical transduction pro...

contains auditory receptors.

Cochlea is coiled structure ~4mm long; 3-4 cm uncoiled

3 Fluid-filled chambers

Scala media contains Organ of Corti: receptor cells (hair cells), basilar membrane, tectorial membrane

Mechanical transduction process

The two types of hair cells in the ear's scala media's organ of corti are:

Inner and outer hair cells.

Inner is the least numerous but most responsible for sound reception.

Outer hair cells are the most numerous but don't do anything for sound reception.

Exposure to very loud sound damages...

hair cells

Sound reception is a _____ process.

Mechanical process.

Hair cells transduce movements of the basilar membrane into electrical potentials

Displacement of basilar membrane sets up shearing between hair cell stereocilia and tectorial membrane (overlies Organ of Corti)

Shearing causes ion channels in stereocilia to open (tip links); K+ions enter cell, depolarizing hair cell membrane

Depolarization opens Ca++ channels in base of hair cell, resulting in release of neurotransmitter (IHC – glutamate; OHC – ACH)

Hermann von Helmholtz


Electrical conduction: measured speed of electrical conduction in frog nerve: 40m/s

Found it was not as fast as wire conducts; so must be an active biological process

Resonance theory of hearing:

Auditory system decomposed sounds into basic frequency components which were represented in different places along the basilar membrane.

Georg von Békésy

(1890 – 1972)

Nobel Prize, 1961, research on the function of the basilar membrane; demonstrated organization hypothesized by Helmholtz

Dissected cochlea of cadavers

Observed a tonotopy of the basilar membrane; high frequencies created maximal displacement near base (closest to oval window), and low frequencies created maximal displacement near apex (far end)

Basis for “place theory” of pitch perception

Basilar membrane _______________ at ____________ by sound frequency

displaced maximally at different places

displaced maximally at different places

Auditory nerve fibers are organized by...

‘best frequency’

Auditory neurons encode frequency and intensity receptive fields are frequency tuned; intensity coded by number of neurons firing and duration of firing

Pattern of firing across all auditory nerve fibers reflects frequency content of input and sound intensity (quality & quantity)

Axons leaving the cochlea form VIIIth cranial nerve; goes to cochlear nucleus in brainstem

Auditory pathways: cochlear nucleus are _______, higher areas are _______

cochlear nucleus monaural, higher areas binaural 

Auditory information is processed at multiple levels of the brainstem before reaching inferior colliculus and thalamus 

Each stage of processing has a “tonotopic” map 

Stage after cochlear ...

cochlear nucleus monaural, higher areas binaural

Auditory information is processed at multiple levels of the brainstem before reaching inferior colliculus and thalamus

Each stage of processing has a “tonotopic” map

Stage after cochlear nucleus: information from two ears are combined (“binaural”)

Coding of auditory space is done through:

interaural time differences, and intensity differences 

Binaural nuclei in brainstem encode interaural level difference (ILD) & interaural time difference (ITD). 

Information is integrated in inferior colliculus and higher areas. 

Cues to loca...

interaural time differences, and intensity differences

Binaural nuclei in brainstem encode interaural level difference (ILD) & interaural time difference (ITD).

Information is integrated in inferior colliculus and higher areas.

Cues to location are learned during an early sensitive period

Auditory-visual space mapping is....

calibrated during development .

Plugging one ear during early life causes systematic mislocalization; young birds adapt; adult birds do not adapt

Shifting visual input causes re-mapping of registration between auditory and visual space maps, only in young birds

Tonotopic representation preserved in cortex in different species

Auditory cortical neurons reflect, interpret biologically relevant sounds (speech; species typical calls; predator sounds, stimulus sweeps)

No apparent map of auditory space, except laterality; basis exists for computation

Comparison of auditory responses to noise or speech

Three main types of deafness:

Conduction deafness: sound stimuli do not reach cochlea (e.g. ossicles fused, or tymapnic membrane ruptured)

Sensorineural deafness: disorders of inner ear or auditory nerve. Could reselt from damage to hair cells (loud stimuli, toxins like some antibiotics), nerve degeneration, genetic disorders

Central deafness: damage to cortical areas involved in analysis of sound and speech

Structure of the human eye, collector of light energy

Cornea and lens focus incoming light

Retina has many cell layers; Visual receptor cells at the _____ of eye

at the back of eye

at the back of eye

Visual receptors (photoreceptors): the two types are

Rods and cones

Chemical transduction process 

Photopigment molecules in discs of rods and cones. 

Incoming light of the right  wavelength activates pigment molecules in discs. 

Light activation hyperpolarizes receptor cells; release less neur...

Rods and cones

Chemical transduction process

Photopigment molecules in discs of rods and cones.

Incoming light of the right wavelength activates pigment molecules in discs.

Light activation hyperpolarizes receptor cells; release less neurotransmitter at the synapse

Light capture ___________ photoreceptors (Na+ channels close)

hyperpolarizes them.

Light intensity determines the degree of change in membrane potential 

Photopigment in rods: Rhodopsin. 

Different opsins in cones.

hyperpolarizes them.

Light intensity determines the degree of change in membrane potential

Photopigment in rods: Rhodopsin.

Different opsins in cones.

Sensitivity range result from _______ ____ and_________

receptor type and threshold.

Different receptor types have pigments sensitive to different wavelengths of light.

Sensitivity of different receptor types determines range of ________________.

light sensitivity

light sensitivity

Rods and cones extend the range of visual sensitivity

Photoreceptor distribution is _____ across the ______.

Cone peaks in the ______.

Photoreceptor distribution is uneven across the retina.

Cone peaks in the fove.

High density of cone photoreceptors in fovea is the basis for high acuity in fovea.

Photoreceptor distribution is uneven across the retina.

Cone peaks in the fove.

High density of cone photoreceptors in fovea is the basis for high acuity in fovea.


area of retina where acuity is highest, direct light access to receptors.

area of retina where acuity is highest, direct light access to receptors.

Blind spot

anglion cell axons leave eye and form optic nerve

Where does information from the retina go?

Ganglion cell axons form optic nerve; nasal ½ cross at optic chiasm 

Each visual hemi-field is represented on the opposite side of the brain

Ganglion cell axons form optic nerve; nasal ½ cross at optic chiasm

Each visual hemi-field is represented on the opposite side of the brain

Representation of the visual fields

Location and contrast based on “receptive field” properties

What is receptive field?

Receptive field: an area of sensory space within which stimulation excites the neuron 

[Each retinal bipolar cell and ganglion cells has a concentric receptive field, with antagonistic center and surround. Bipolar cells respond with changes in l...

Receptive field: an area of sensory space within which stimulation excites the neuron

[Each retinal bipolar cell and ganglion cells has a concentric receptive field, with antagonistic center and surround. Bipolar cells respond with changes in local membrane potentials, while ganglion cells respond with action potentials. ]

Ganglion cell axons project to the thalamus ______

Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)

LGN receptive fields are similar to ______ cell inputs

ganglion cell

ganglion cell

LGN cell axons project to ______ ______ ____ the ____ ________.

LGN cell axons project to primary visual cortex (striate, V1, A17) – optic radiations


Primary visual “striate” cortex

Visual areas occupy ~55% of neocortex in monkey, 30% in human

Tatsuji Inouye


First to map cortical representation of visual space


First to map cortical representation of visual space

Non-uniform representation of visual field in primary visual cortex

Area of highest acuity has the most receptors and the largest representation in the brain

Area of highest acuity has the most receptors and the largest representation in the brain

Hubel & Wiesel

Hubel & Wiesel


Visual cortical cells encode basic stimulus properties

Binocular organization of visual cortex a substrate for stereopsis

feature detectors” in visual cortex respond preferentially to particular stimulus properties: orientation, motion direction, size, color

Receptive fields of V1 neurons binocular, selective for stimulus properties

Some V1 cells signal orientation, others signal direction of motion

Object color depends on reflected light

Hermann von Helmholtz

Hermann von Helmholtz


Electrical conduction

Resonance Theory of hearing: Frequency components of sound resonate at different locations on basilar membrane

Trichromatic theory of color vision:

-Three separate kinds of color receptors will be found (blue, green, red peaks)

-Each receptor type has a “labeled line” to the brain

-All perceived colors can be understood based on activity of 3 receptor types

Visual system encodes color in ...

3 dimensions 

Hue – “color”, based on wavelength Saturation – Strong to flat (gray) Brightness – Lightness (light-dark

3 dimensions

Hue – “color”, based on wavelength Saturation – Strong to flat (gray) Brightness – Lightness (light-dark

Ewald Hering

Ewald Hering


Opponent-process theory

All colors result from 4 unique hues (BYRG) 3 opponent processes: B/Y, R/G, Bk/Wh Explained much subjective experience of color

Spectrally opponent cells aid in color discrimination

Organization found at many levels of the visual system; begins with ganglion cells in retina

Perceived color depends on...



Color perception has basis in both trichromacy & opponent process.

Relative activation of different photoreceptor types and balance of excitation in color opponent receptive fields determine...

Relative activation of different photoreceptor types and balance of excitation in color opponent receptive fields determine inputs to cortical neurons that interpret the signals as perceived color.

Color anomalies reinforce the importance of photopigments

Visual system encodes size and contrast as well as color, luminance and position,

Two functionally distinct pathways beyond primary visual cortex

Dorsal stream specialized for

motion and spatial location

Fusiform gyrus represents...


Prosopagnosia – inability to recognize faces; disorder linked to damage to fusiformgyrus

Memory is...

The retention over time of

•learned (experience-dependent) behavior

•newly acquired information/ knowledge, or the capacity to reactivate or reconstruct it

From a neural-basis point of view:

•The retention/maintenance of experience-dependent changes in a neural system’s response to the environment

•The retention/maintenance of experience-dependent internal-representations

Learning and memory must be investigated at multiple levels; modern neuroscience regards the representational level as a must

Memory is a ________ that occurs __________.

Memory is a process that occurs over time.

How are memories formed and stored? The threes steps:

Encoding     -> Consolidation  ->    Retrieval.

Encoding -> Consolidation -> Retrieval.


•How and where are memories stored for the long term?
–HM could recall events prior to surgery without hippocampus 

•Systems Consolidation theory: Reorganization of memory trace in the brain

•How and where are memories stored for the long term?

–HM could recall events prior to surgery without hippocampus

•Systems Consolidation theory: Reorganization of memory trace in the brain


Retrieval of memories from LTM renders them susceptible to change

Retrieval of memories from LTM renders them susceptible to change

Three types of models for reconsolidation

Linear Deterministic, Cyclic, Expanded Cyclic

Linear Deterministic, Cyclic, Expanded Cyclic

Spatially-tuned cells together provide for a sense of spaceand the knowledge to navigate space

Kant said...

If Kant is right then spatially-tuned cells should emerge from development without the need for experience (they are in fact the substrate for experience)

Experience-Dependent Neural Changesin STRUCTURE

Experience changes...

dendritic complexity

i.e. dendrites GROW and ELABORATE

Synapses are an the ends of DENDRITIC SPINES, which can be visualized in living brains

Dendritic spines can enlarge and shrink if they are.....

stimulated by neurotransmitter

How do the cells “remember” where to fire?What changed in the brain to encode memory and allow it to persist for months and longer?

Donald Hebb


How do neurons “remember” whether or not and when to be active?

Due to activity-dependent synaptic plasticity.

The Neural Basis of Learning & Memory

Central tenets of neuroscience:

•Learning involves changes in the strength of connections between neurons in the network: synaptic plasticity. The synaptic changes lead to modifications in the neural circuit properties, which in turn lead to new behavior

•Synaptic plasticity is activity-dependent; it is induced at appropriate synapses during learning/memory formation, depending on activity in the pre- and post-synaptic neurons (and possibly on other factors)

•Synaptic plasticity is both necessary and sufficient for the information storage underlying the type of learning mediated by the brain area in which that plasticity is observed.

Temporal Domains of Memorydefined by BIOLOGY

Short-term Memory (STM):

Post-translational modifications

•Alteration of existing proteins (e.g. phosphorylation) to cause conformational change, alter net charge, etc.

•Intermediate-term Memory (ITM)


•New Protein Synthesis

•Long-term Memory (LTM)

–Translation & Transcription

•New Protein Synthesis and Synthesis of New Message (mRNA)

Is there any advantage to having short-term memory sometimes convert to long-term memory?

Is there any advantage to using proteins for memory storage?