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77 Cards in this Set

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belief in everything possessing a spirit


belief in many gods


belief in one god

universal religion

has a charismatic founder

examples of universal religions (3 largest)

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism

Indigenous Religions

participation based on birth and culture (membership ascribed)

Outsiders join by capture of marriage

two types of indigenous religions and explaination

simple indigenous (non-literate, pre-urban) and complex indigenous (national religions)

examples of complex indigenous religions

Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Shintoism

Sect examples:

Jehovah Witness, 7th Day Adventists, Scientologists

cult examples

Heaven's Gates, People's Temple

5 Key elements of Religions

1. the Sacred

2. Myths

3. Morality

4. Sanctions

5. Rituals

3 options for the sacred

1. Intangible reality

2.Sacred beings

3. Sacred objects

Proof text for Satan appearing as an angel

2 Corinthians 11:12-15

Key sacred beings

1. gods and godesses

2. Totemic spirits (animal and nature spirits)

3. Theriomorphic divinities (form of animal and human parts


exclusive worship of one god without denying the existence of other deities


denial in the existence of any god

Examples of Theistic religions

1. Christianity

2. Hinduism

3. Islam

4. Judaism

5. Shinto

6. Sikhism

7. Zoroastrianism

Examples of non-theistic religions

1. Confucianism

2. Jainism

3. secular or humanistic Judaism

4. Scientology

3 tests if a High God is Jehovah by another name

1. Does it share the 3 unique attributes of Jehovah (Omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent?)

2. Does it possess attributes that are contrary to Jehovah?

3. Does it acknowledge Jesus Christ as His begotten son

What do Muslims call Jesus?


the Kikuku of Kenya worship one God named __ and call Jesus ___


What 4 attributes of Chukwu share with Jehovah?

only good

all powerful

all knowing

all present

What 2 facts prove that Chukwu is not Jehovah?


Sacred objects are differentiated from ____



object that draws positive spirit power to the owner


object that protects from evil


the non-rational, deeply spiritual, mystical feeling people experience in the presence of the sacred

Dannitel 5:1-23:

What was the repercussion fo using sacred objects for mundane purposes? What lesson does it teach Christians?

Nebucadnezzar was scared because of the writing on the wall. We need to respect sacred objects.

Apostle's Creed in Latin

Symbolum Apostolicum

What is the first statement of the Apostle's Creed?

I believer in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth

whom does the second statement of faith discuss?

Jesus Christ

Which of the 12 statements affirms belief in the Holy Ghost?


Which of the 12 statements affirms belief in the ressurection of the body?


Statement affirming forgiveness of sins


statement affirming crucifixtion and death of JEsus


statement affirming belief in the ressurection of JEsus


Pearson claims that everyone recieves


Proof texts against the inclusion Gospel's belief that we are inherently saved

2 Timothy 3:14-15 and Romans 10:8-10

Two classes of people going to heaven in Pearson's theology

ordinary people who have never heard of Jesus or accepted him and sanctified people who have a personal relationship with Jesus

According to Pearson's gospel, the only people going to hell are those who have tasted the fruits of intimacy with Christ and ____

intentionally and consciously rejected Jesus

Video Jeaporty:

Pearson graduated from ___, Shook 2 Presidents' hands ___ and ____, ____ generation preacher from ___denomination, church collection of $______ a week, saw about war in ____, and sent ____ to hell

Oral Roberts University, Reagan and Clinton, 4th generation Pentecostal, $60,000 a week, Rwanda, Hitler

NDE and OBE. difference?

scared to death and out of body experience. Unconscious vs. some consciousness.

Clinical death vs. biological death

recessitatable vs. not.

Omega faith vs. gospel of inclusion

Omega faith = no heaven or hell. Just eternity.

gospel of inclusion = everyone in heaven

3 universal laws are:

incest, in group violence, and theft.

5 pillars of Sharia Law

Fard (required)

Haram (forbidden)

Mustahab (Recommended)

Makrooh (disapproved)

Mubah (Permissible)

Required Sharia

Fard. Action you earn reward for performing and punishment for failing to perform

Forbidden Sharia

Haram. Actions you earn reward for abstaining and punishment for performing

Recommended Sharia

Mustahab. Actions you earn reward for performing but earn nothing for abstaining

disapproved Sharia

Makrooh. Actions you earn nothing for performing but earn a reward for abstaining.

Permissible Sharia

Mubah. Actions you earn nothing for perfoming and nothing for abstaining.

Two categories is Sharia that are termed neutral

Makrooh and Mubah

Buddhist code for all buddhists:

1. don't kill living beings

2 don't steal

3. be sexually pure

4. don't lie

5. don't drink alcohol

Buddhist code for clergy


1. eat after noon

2. watch dancing, singing, and shows

3. wear garlands, perfumes, or ointments

4. use a high bed

5. receive gold and silver

why can't Buddhist clergy use a high bed

remind them to be humble

two sources of sanctions

direct authority (divine) and delegated authority

functions of rituals

manifest: overt purpose of activity

latent: covert purpose (hidden meaning...usually spiritual)

3 aspects of Sanctification rituals

purification, supplication, and thanksgiving

sanctification rituals usually involve sacrifices of

cereal and blood

Two categories of rituals

rites of intensification and rite of passage

2. kind of rites of intensification

Calendrical and Periodic

Example of Calendrical rite

Dia de los Muertos Nov 1-2

Time when periodic rites of intensification happen

crisis or victory

Characteristics of rites of passage

focus on the individual. Life-cycle rites

example of rites of passage

Bar mitzvah at age 13


sacred symbols that involve hand positions (usually Hindu)

Why should we avoid mixing patriotic symbols with Christian symbols?

non-Christians will think that Christianity is that same as our political affiliation

Colors of the occult

black, silver, and red

how many books in the apocrypha


Religions that have these Key Canons: Sutra, Vedas, Tao Tsang, Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, Wu Ching and Ssu-Shu

Buddhism, Hinduism, Taosim, Shinto, Confucianism

non-story myths

creeds and sermon/homily

story myths

legends (purported to be true but lack substantiation) and parables (brief stories illustrating a moral or lesson)

difference between parables and fables

fables have animals, plants, or inanimate objects assuming speech

Hebrews 11:6

And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that he rewards those who earnest seek him.

Three key myths

Genesis, soteriological, and eschatological

Origin of soteriological myths

Soter (savior or deliverer)

One Scripture to show that Jesus is the only path to salvation

Jon 14:6