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143 Cards in this Set

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For Kant, without the natural predispositions, it would be impssible for the mind to experience any kind or type of duties.
No rights and liberties are absolute
Kant held that self-respect is based on the recognition that the mind is the source of all moral duties
What does Prima Facie mean?
-Based on first impression
-accepted as correct until proven otherwise
John Stuart Mill argues the utilitarian doctrine maintains not only that virtue is to be desired, but that it is to be desired desinterestedly, for itself.
Mill thought that justice was a determined subjective cognitive experience much like the experiences of color are.
The synergistic model not only provides an understandin of how moral decisions are in fact made but it also provides undrstanding as to how moral agents ought to make moral decisions both individually and as members of a pluralisitic society.
The synergistic model does not depend on the existence of previous moral philosphies.
Mid-level principles from the doctrine of right are those rights and liberties that are consedered to be necessary for the maximaization of al citizens' freedoms in conformity with the end of perpetual peace.
The hermeneutical-circle and the hologram are analogies that illustrate how the synergistic model is a never ending, interrelated process, within a unified collective whole, i.e. a unified philosophy
For Mill the ultimate sanction of the greatest happiness morality was what?
Conceiving oneself as part of a collective body
Both Kant and Mill recognized the need ot have presuppositions.
Mill held that ultimate ends, or the summon bonnum, are unprovable.
Inductive model uses what type of justification?
Bottom-up, emphasizes particular moral judgments
Kant held that person's are oly free when they act on a priori knowledge.
Virtue is not very important for Mill
This model is more prone to heuristic errors
Intuition model
Mill argues that historically there has been a great amount of agreement on the foundations of morality.
The synergistic model is a new true philosophy
This philosopher used both the theory model and the intuition model.
-Mill and
When using the synergistic model, the moral conclusions do not have the limitations that each of the processes have when used alone, i.e. theory model and intuition model.
Mill believed which of the following need to be controlled and enlightened by higher reason.
-intellectual instincts
A ;luralistic approach that implements checks and balances is not needed when making moral decisions. rather, the use of a pure theory model or a pure intuition model is sufficient.
Mill argues that justice implies that individual persons have civil rights and society has an obligation to defend them from being violated by other individuals and society itself.
For Mill, virtuous behaviors are much more certain than any other types of actions as the action is determined by a habit.
Intuitions or conscience ought never to be overridden by theory
One of the benefits of the synergistic combination of the theory and intuition models, is that they do not constrain each other.
Kant apposed the syncretistic process that is meant to please everyone in a pluralistic society that is content to know something of everything and nothing thoroughly.
Kant's philosophy of ethical duties states that the moral law can only prescribe maxims of actions not actions
In the scientific world it is currently possible to understand reality using just one theory or approach
The intuition model starts with what is known to be right or wrong, and then develops theories that reflects such knowledge.
Both Kant and Mill agree on the absoluteness of civil justice, and the flexibility or playroom of moral virtue.
Fagmentation in science has had the unfortunate consequence of making it less reliable.
This model has greater problems with desagreements thtat are unresolvable
Theory Model
Constitution rights and liberties are derivable from, compatible with, ora t least not in conflict with most theories or intuitions as they relate to the freedom of all citizens.
Many induviduals with great mental abilities were very prejudicial without the slightest indication that they knew they had this defect.
Which of the following is true for Mill about virtue?
-Virtue is to be desired diinterestedly for itself
-virtue can be desired and cherished, not as a means to happiness, but as a part of happiness
-the utilitarian standard requires the cultivation of the love of virtue.
Mill held that secondary principles, and morives that are not moral duties, are permissible as long as they do not violate "the greatest happiness principle for all of society.
Why did Kant think that it made not rational sense to have a moral cammand to be happy?
-Because there can only be moral commands of maxims of actions
-Because everbody already has such an inclination
-Because there can be no moral commands of emotions
Like science, moral decision-making is also pluralistic. What theories, intuitions, mid-level principles, or combinations thereof are used depends on what is being deliberated.
Kant's natural moral endowments are the necessary conditions for moral duty.
For the theory model to exist, it must be created independently of all intuitions.
The hermeneutical circles states that:
-in order to understand the parts there must be an understanding of the whole
-in order to understand the whole there must be an understanding of the parts
This is when differing starting points psychologically influences individuals to be biased toward the initial starting point.
-adjustment anchoring heuristic
Intuitive decision-making that is independent of other rational approaches of decision-maiking can lead to systematic errors.
For Kant, indirect duties are those duties that are done for the sake of preventing or warding off temptations to violate one's duty.
The intuition model does not use intuition or conscience for its justification of what is right or wrong.
All deductive arguments, without exception, go from the general to the specific.
Kant believed that all persons have an obligation to acquire the moral endowments.
The synergistic model is referring to a collective consciousness.
Kant did not think that the moral law of duty was something newly discovered, rather it was a new explanation of how rational beings do infact make moral decisions.
Theories, mid-level principles, and intuitions are often times composed of many prima facie "rights and liberties" that have to be weighed and balnced.
Kant's categorical imperative states:
-Act upon a maxim that can also hold as a universal law
A person's Intuitions can at times be prejudicial and unjust.
Kant argued that there could never be a conflict of obligation, whereas Mill argues that conflict of obligations will arise under any moral system.
Disagreements on scientific or religious interpretations best fits which problem?
Metaphysical disagreements
Mill held that mankind has acquired positive beliefs as to admission of secondary principles or what is being referred to as mid-level principles
Kant defines a fanatic as someone who
-takes nonmoral activites of life and makes them into moral activities
-promotes a type of "virtuous" tyranny
True moral understanding is a unification of several modes of thought that ultimately can only be understood from the perspective of the unified collective whole.
Who wrote the following "the supreme principle of the doctirine of virtue is: act in accordance with a maxim of ends that it can be a universal law for everyone to have."
The synergistic model is a process that combines both the theory model and the intuition model.
Mill recognized that there are some moral systems that are able to avoid conflicting obligations or what is being referred to as mid-level principles.
The collective body was not important for Kant
Moral theories can override or help an individual to conform their intuitions to accepted theories that aid in the developmentof moral progress.
Kant criticized the process of cobining contradictory principles of morality as doing so results in shallow and dishonest systems of morality.
Mill presents five universal principles of justice and injustice and they are as follows:
Kant's phenomenal philosophy is based on:
A priori knowledge
During the whole past duration of the human species, mankind has already determined many positive beliefs as to what are moral actions and have developed them into mid-level principles.
Which of the following is true with regard to Kants Doctrine of Virtue?
When the size of a class is judged by the abailability of its instances, a class whose instances are easily retieved will appear more numerous than a class of equal frquency whose instances are less retrievable.
Availability heuristic
Kant held that the emotion of love cannot be commanded but love, as benevolent intererests, can be commanded.
Although it can be argued that the synergistic model is not a "pure model" that does not mean that it necessarily detracts from the merits of the "pure models"
Mill argued that it has been the disagreeents on the foundations of morality that has divided the most gifted intellects into various schools of though.
The synergistic model is like the social arrangement of a unified collective whole in that:
-the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
-the parts can only be understood from the perspective of the whole
-the whole can only be understood from the perspective of the parts
Some critics of Mill argued that if there are no absolutes and if the ends justify the means then unjust and immoral actions could be justified as long as they resulted in the greatest happiness of society. How did Mill respond to such critics?
Which of the following are the natural predispositions or moral endowments that Kant believed all persons have?
In intuition is defined as a priori knowledge then Kant's deotological moral frameworks can be defined as intuitionism.
Kant argued that if a contemporary philosopher were to discover "the true moral philosophy" then that would mean that :
There is universal agreement as to the criteria that is necessary for a general theory
Secification is the process in which theories and mid-level principles are developed conceptually and shaped normatively, so that they can be applied to particular curcumstances.
This model has the problem of justifying its first principle
Theory Model
Kant's maxims of actions prescribe what actions are permissible or not permissible.
What is it called when individuals take their accepted inuitions, and theories and mirroring them back and forth , making appropriate changes, until and equilibrium or balance is ahieved?
Utilitarianism and deontolgy are generally used as examples of what moral approach?
Theory Model
What are mid-level principles?
The synergistic model is a unifying model. As Kant describes, "the unity of the true priniples which unifies the whole of philosophy into one system."
Both Kant and Mill have been traditionally laeled as deotological and consequential theories respectively.
What are the ends that are also duties in the Doctrine of Virtue?
-the happiness of others
-One's own perfection
Mill's moral framework is a pure utilitarian theory model .
Kant's moral framework is a pure theory model i.e. top-down
Match the following
Intuition model=tendency to promote change
deductive approach=tendency to resist change
inductive approach=tendency to promote change
theory model=tendency to resist change
This model really has no need for the development of a general theory.
Intuition Model
Mill argued that it is only in cases of conflict between secondary principles (mid-level priciples) that it is requisite that first principles (Theory) should be appealed to.
Intuition Model is suitable for being a complete decision-making model.
Mill held that there is no case of moral obligation in which some secondary principle is not involved.
Mill aregues that it is because of imperfections or "fault" in the mid-level principles that moral agents must recognize exceptions.
Kant argues that in order to have a duty there must be sufficient grounds for such a duty. when two such grounds conflict, it is not that the stronger duty takes prcedence, rather it is the stronger ground of obligation that prevails.
Weighing and balancing, is a separate and independent process from specification.
Match the following
A priori knowledge=knwledge gained without the use of sense data

A psteriori knowledge=knowledge based on sense data
Kant argued that:
-agents can determine the consequences of actions at best probable
-agents can determine what their moral duties are absolutely
Kant did not believe that it would be arrogant, conceited and belittling towards all previous philosophers to claim that you have "discovered" teh one true philosophy.
Which of the following is true for Mill?
Science has incorporated a pluralistic approach in which reason, logic, and sense data are all used in differing degrees for different deteminations.
External justification is often times classified as "begging the question" or "circular argument."
The inuition model:
Mid-level principles are not the same as Mill's secondary principles.
The intuition model, independent of the theory model, is a comprehensive moral framework that is sufficient in describing how moral decisions are made.
Mill did not think it was morally necessary to conceive of oneself as part of a collective body.
Mill held that most person's actions are done:
-not because of a motive of duty
-not because of "the greatest happiness principle for all of society"
Which of the following is true of Kant's Doctrine of Right?
Mathematically precise
The end that is established by external laws in the Doctrine of Right is :
Perpetual Peace
Once a principle has been specified, it will no longer be necessary to specify the principle again when new decisions under new curcumstances need to be made.
Moral decision-making has traditionally been explained by using either the theory model or the intuition model.
Rights and liberties do not exist in a reciprocal rlationship that are mutually constraining.
Mill believed that:
-people live most of their lives by appealing to secondary principles
-it is only when there are conflicting secondary principles that there is ever the need to appeal to the primary principle of utility-the greatest
Theoretical apprach may be a better term than deductive approach, as some deductive arguments can go from the specific to general.
Society today has finally started to approach a unified agreement on the summun bonum (ultimate good).
Kant thought it made rational sense to have a moral command to submit one's subjective maxim to the universal consistency test as people's inclinations are often opposed to their obeying their sef-legislative maxims.
Kant's moral framework presupposes which of the following.
Kant argued for the Kngdom of end in which people collectively would consider each person's end as their own end.
Some objectors to utilitarianism claim that the standard that people should act from the inducement of promoting the general interest of society is too high for humanity. Mills response was:
The synergistic model unigies moral philosophy into one collective whole.
Kant argues that for science the objective experience usually precedes the general theory, wheras for morality the general theoretical test of what is right or wrong precedes the particular truths or objective actions.
Theory model has a tenency to promote moral change.
When people recognize that they have purpose and meanin in thier life and they then conlude that natural selection must therefore also have a purpose and meaning, what type of error would that be?
Representativeness heuristic
Mill prsents five universal principles of justice and injustice that he believed were close to being absolute.
The heuristic approach to decison-making is a top-down rational analysis approach.
Deductive model uses what type of justification?
Top-down, emphasized ethical theory.
The synergistic model is not necessarily a watering down process in order to please everyone, rather it can be a synergistic concentration of that which is true in philosophy onto a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The synergistic model is a developmental process of practical moral philosophy.
Mid-level principles do not conflict with each other, in the sense that they are opposite obligations, rather mid-level principles mutually constrain each other.
There is universal acceptance of a comprehensive moral system.
With the synergistic effect, the whole can never be greater than the sum of its parts.
Match the following with regard to Kant's Doctrine of Right and Doctrine of Virtue.
Right=Narrow duties
Virtue=Wide duties
The model can have the problem of gray areas.
Theory model
Kant believed that a priori intuitions were necessary for oral decison-making.
Mill thought that inuitionism, without a moral theory to base the intuitions on, would result in an approach that would only justify each person's feelings and desires.
One benefit of the ituition model is its ability to adjudicate disputes
Mid-level principles are not mutually constraining, rather they are to be recognized as absolute and independent.
Match the appropriate approach for Kant's Doctrine of Right and Doctrine of Virtue.
Kant and Mill althought they agree on mid-level principles, they have deep conflicting concetions as to how they are to be specified, weighed and balanced, for particular actions.
Constitutional rights and liberties are not the same as mid-level principles.
Kant argues that sometimes the certain use of freedom can actually become a dindrance to other freedoms in accordance with universal law. However, cercion that limits any type of feedom is never morally permissible.