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75 Cards in this Set

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For a given reaction, the value of delta H is 15 kJ/mol and the value of delta S is 51 J, above what temperature will this reaction be spontaneous
21 C
which of the proteins contain ATP binding sites? out of myosin, kinesin, tublin, actin, and collagen
myosin, kinesin, and actin
highly active muscle generates lactic acid by respiration so fast that blood passing through the muscle actually experiences a drop in pH from 7.4 to 7.2, under these conditions, would hemoglobin release more or less oxygen than it does at pH 7.4
release more oxygen
the pH of a 0.1M solution of sodium acetate would be basic or neutral or acidic
basic, becasue of the acetate ion reacts with water to form acetic acid and OH-
___ is exceptionally soluble in water due to the formation of hydrogen bonds....oxygen, benzene, NaCl, ethanol, or sodium palmitate
a rigid planar structure conssiting of about 40% double bond character is characteristic of a beta sheet alpha helix tertiary structure peptide link alpha loop
peptide link
the arrangement of the regular structural elements adn the 3-d positions of atoms in the protein are considered part of primary struct,ure, regular secondary structure, tertiary structure, quaternary structure
tertiary structure
which of the following amino acids is most likely to be found on the exterior, membrane contracting, surface of an integral membrane protein?
Gly Gln Glu Ala Asp
wha tis the hydrophobic effect?
it is an entropic effect, caused by the desire of water molecules to increase their entropy by excluding hydrophobic groups, which they must otherwise surround with highly ordered structures (called clathrates)
which of the following is not a ligand for the porphyrin ring Fe2+ ion in oxymyoglobin
His E7 (his resdue above the porphyrin ring), Oxygen, His F8 (below Porphyrin ring), Nitrogen atoms
His E7
the absence of 2, 3BPG causes hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen to
in two homologous proteins, which residue is most likely to replace a GLy residue as a conservative substitution? Trp, Ile, Met, Asp, Lys
what would the net charge on the following peptide at physiological pH? Arg, Lys, SP, Val, Tyr
Which one of these characteristics is not true for the alpha helix?
it is right handed, a hydrogen bond forms between the carbonyl oxygen of the nth amino acid residue and the -NH group of the N + 4 amino acid residue, proline is typically not found in the alpha helix, there are 3.6 amino acids per turn, there is a requirement for glycine every third amino acid residue
There is a require ment for glycine every third amino acid residue
a sample of the amino acid tyrosine is barely soluble in water. would a polypeptide containing only Tyr residues, poly(tyr) be more or less soluble, assuming the total number of Tyr residues is the same in both cases?
the polypeptide would be less soluble
proteins can be unfolded or denatured by agents that alter the balance of weak noncovalent forces that maintain the native conformation. how would the following agents cause a protein to denature?
a) amphiphilic detergents b) reducing agents
amphiphilic would disrupt internal hydophobic interactions of tertiary structure
reducing agents would disrupt disulfide bonds


in which protein would these be found? collagen, keratin, actin, tubulin, myosin
of these two peptides, which would be more likely to appear in the protein specificied in the question?
peptide A
At a CO2 partial pressure of 5 torr, the p50 value for hemoglobin is 15 torr. when the CO2 partial pressure is 80 torr the p50 value for hemoglobin is 40 torr. As the concentration of CO2 increases, how does this affect the affinity of hemoglobin Hb for oxygen
as pCo2 increases, the affinity of Hb for O2 decreases?
urea dissolves readily in water. the beaker containing the dissolved compound is cold to the touch. what conclusions can you make about the sign of the H change and the S change
-S, +H
rank the solubilities of the following amino acids in water at pH 7: W, R, S, V, T
Based on the following Tm values, what can be said about these two DNA molecules, Strand A = 80, Strand B = 100 celsius?
A has higher percentage of adenine, strand B has higher percentage cytosine, Strand B has stronger stacking interactions
what explains the attractive forces between hydrophobic molecules in an aqueous solution?
there is no increase in attractive forces between nonpolar molecules in an aqueous enviornment
which of the following fibers is correctly paired with the protein that forms the fiber?
microfilaments: actin
microtubule: tubulin
extracellular support fibers: collagen
intermediate filaments: keratin
all of the above
what is the pH of a solution tat contains one part acetic acid and three parts sodium acetate? the pK for acetic acid is 4.76
which of the following represents an increase in entropy: ice freezing, traffic congestion on highway, dismissal of class when bell rings, sewing garment, filing papers
dismissal of class
for a globular protein that is found in the cytosol, __ would most likely be found in the proteins interior while ___ would most likely be found on the surface
Val, Phe, Leu, Ile, Ser, Thr, His
Leu interior, Ser on the srface
Do Chargaff's rules apply to RNA as well as DNA?
what is the net charge of the heptapeptide His-Ala-Cys-Asp-Ser-Glu-Asn at pH 7?
what would be the resulting pH if one drop (.05ml) of 1M HCl was added to one liter of pure water?
what is the fractional saturation of myoglobin (p50 = 2.8 torr_ of yoglobin when pO2 = 15 torr?
which of the following is an example of a conservative amino acid substitution?
Ile - Leu, Ser - Glu, Phe - Tyr, Asp-Gln, Arg-Cys
which of the following methods of amino acid sequence determination requires an unmodified amino terminus? mass spectroscopy, ion exchange, SDS-PAGE, edman sequencing, xray crystallography
Edman sequencing
the pK of CH3CH2NH3+ is 10.7. would the pK of FCH2CH2NH3+ be higher or lower?
which of the following processes are involved in gene expression? replication, transcription, translation
transcription and translatoin
you are involved in the purification of protein X with a pI of 6.0 using a buffer with a pH of 7.5. what type of resin would you choose to ensure initial binding of protein X?
DEAE pK 10; CM pK 4
DEAE pK 10
if the following mixture of proteins was applied to a size-exclusion chromatography column, what would be the order of elution?
myoglobin 17.7, hemoglobin 64.5, lysozyme 14.3, triose phosphate isomerase 57.4
hemoglobin 64.5, triose phosphate isomerase 57.4, myoglobin 17.7, lysozyme 14.3

(largest to smallest)
a plot of the binding of oxygen to myoglobin as a function of pO2 gives a __ shape, a similar plot for hemoglobin gives a ___ shape.
sigmoidal, hypoerbolic, exponential
hypoerbolic, sigmoidal
which allosteric effector has the greatest ability to stabilize the deoxy state of hemoglobin? BPG, CO2, O2, H+
each kinesin head contains a binding site for __ and a binding site for ____
tubulim, GTP, another kinesin molecule, myosin, ATP,
tubulin and ATP
which of the biopolymers is correctly paired with its major function?
protein: information encoding
mucleic acids: energy storage
lipids: information encoding
polysaccharide: energy storage
polysaccharide: energy storage
if phosphate buffer pK 6.82 was formulated such that its pH was 7.3, it would be best suited to buffer against ___. if instead it was formulated such that its pH was 6.3 it would be best suited to buffer against ____ (acid or base)
acid; base
at pH __ the pentapeptide Ala-Glu-His-Val-Cys would contain two positively charged groups and one negatively charged group
would DNA binding proteins be more likely to associated with the major or the minor groove?
major groove
which of the following statements regarding RNA is false?
the ribose in RNA contains an O atom that the ribose in DNA lacks
RNA does not form a 2-stranded double helix like DNA
Since RNA does not form a double helix, it tends to be linear in shape
RNA can form Watson-Crick base pairs with DNA
since RNA does not form a double helix, it tends to be linear in shape
in a muscle cell, what is the name for the bundles of myosin tails/
thick filaments
which of the following molecules contains the most oxidized form of carbon/
acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetic acid, ethylene, carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide
Which of the following amino acids has a thiol group in its side chain? Ser, Asn, Cys, Tyr, Met
THe replication of DNA is made possible by the presence of __ strands in the double helix of DNA.
antiparallel, hydreogen bonded, complementary, genomic
at physiological pH, all amino acids have at least __ charged groups
which of the following is an example of the hydrophobic effect?
the lipid membrane of cells and organelles
protein folding that places hydrophobic amino aicds in the interior of the protein
the separation of salad dressing
oil sheens seen on the ocean following an oil spill
all of the above
which of the two proteins below has a longr neck region?
myosin, keratin, kinesin, collagen, actin
what term describes the process of converting the information found in DNA into the sequence of a protein? replication, transcription, translation, expression
which of the following assembles by association of multiple protofilaments?
myosin, actin, tubulin, keratin, collagen
the tertiary structures of myoglobin , alpha hemoglobin and beta hemoglobin are nearly identical and are therefore nearly identical in primary structure, T/F
What bonding interactions are broken during DNA denaturation? covalent, hydrogen, vanderwaals
hydrogen and vanderwaals
which of the following is the most abundant structural element in the human body
N, C, O, P
Heme is considered a
catalyst, prothetic group, coenzyme, cofactor
prothetic group
What is a simple statement of Chargraffs rule
A+G = C+T
which rna molecules are involved in the process of translation?
mRNA, tRNA and rRNA
the higher the dielectic constant, the more ___the compound
(polar, negatively charged, positively charged, nonpolar, oxidized)
The Bohr effect describes a lowered oxygen affinity of Hb when the pH _____
what level of protein structure is characterized by the three dimensional structure of an entire polypeptide including all amino acid side chains?
a protein that consists of a single polypeptide chain will lack which level of protein structure?
the most important buffering system for maintaining proper blood pH is
the charges on the amino acids
the bicarbonate buffer system of CO2 carbonic acid and bicarbonate
phosphate groups of serum phosphoproteins
the bicarbonate buffer system of CO2, carbonic acid, and bicarbonate
which of the following would be a proper designation of the deoxy position on DNA?
3'(prime), 3, 2'(prime), 2, 1
which of the following would have the lowest melting point?
NH3, CH4, H2O
what is the conjugate acid of H2PO4-?
which of the 20 standard aminio acids is optically inactive?
At a pH above its pKa, the phenolic group of tyrosine is ________
pronated, neutral, positively charged, deporonated, negatively charged
deprotonated and negatively charged
which amino acid is critical for crosslinking of keratin fibers?
alpha helices and beta sheets comprise ___ structure
bone and tendons contain ___while hair and nails contain ____
collagen, keratin
which of the following amino acids has a nonpolar side chain?
Ser, Val, Lys, Asn
Which of the following would be the strongest acid?
formic acid pK 3.75
succinic acid, a diprotic acid with pK 4.21 and 5.64
acetic acid pK 4.76
ammonium ion pK 9.25
formic acid pK 3.75