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111 Cards in this Set

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When were x-rays discovered?

Nov 8, 1895

By: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

1st radiation fatality in 1904?

(Thomas Edisons Assistant)

Clarence Daily

When was CT Developed?


What are the basic quantities measured in mechanics?

Mass= Kg

Length= Meter

Time= Second

Every measurement has 2 parts what are they?

Magnitude= Amount

Units= must be standard to equate


1) The basic quantities are the building blocks..Supporting derived quantities.

2) The derived quantities are made up of the basic quantities.

3) The special quantities seen here are specific radiology

Absorbed dose

Energy transferred from ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradiated material expressed in RAD or GRAY t

Dose equivalent

Radiation quantity that is used for radiation protection protection and that expresses dose on a come scale for all radiation.

* expressed in Rem or Sievert

Effective Dose

*Sum of specified tissues of the products of equivalent dose in a tissue and the weighting factor for the tissue.


Measure of the ionization produced in air by x-rays or gamma rays.

*Quantity of radiation intensity expressed in Roentgen Coulombs per kilogram, or air kerma

The distinguishing feature of matter is?


The equivalence of energy?


Ice and steam are two forms of?


Matter is measured in?


Energy is measured in?

Joules or Electrons Volts

Ability to do work by virtue of position?

Potential Energy

Energy of motion

Kinetic Energy

A moving object has what kind of energy

Kinetic Energy

Energy related by a chemical reaction

Chemical energy

Work that can be done when an electron or a electronic charge moves through an electric potential

Electrical Energy

Energy of molecular motion: heat: infrared radiation

Thermal energy

Energy contained within the nucleus of an atom

Nuclear Energy

The basis for the theory that led to the development of nuclear power (Mass energy equivalence) HINT= a formula


Type of energy in x-rays, radio waves, microwaves,and visible light.

electromagnetic energy

Radiation consisting of self- sustain oscillating electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation

Electromagnetic energy


The energy of X-rays is?


These are particles but are not part of the electromagnetic energy spectrum?

Alpha and Beta

____ Is capable of removing electrons from atoms as it passes through the matter

Ionizing radiation

Removal of that electron is called?


The transfer of energy was sufficient enough to remove the orbital electron to create an?

Ion pair

The electron becomes a Negative Ion ( ) and the atom is a positive ion.

Free Radical

this includes radio waves, lights, and x-rays as well as other parts of the spectrum.

Electromagnetic energy

Ultraviolet light, X-rays, and Gamma rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation and are the only forms with sufficient enough _____ to ionize


Filtration is used to?

Absorb low energy x-rays

*Cosmic rays

*Terrestrial radiation

* Internally deposited radionuclide


These are created by man or Naturally?


*Diagnostix x-rays

*Nuclear power generation

*Research applications

*industrial sources

*Consumer items

These are created by man or naturally?

Created by man

____ x-ray exposure is the largest source of man-made radiation exposure?

Medical xray

We are exposed to ____ of ionizing radiation from natural environmental sources in the U.S.

20-90 mR/yr

R (Roenthen)

* Common unit is R

* SI units are Coulomb/kilogram (C/kg) or AIR Kerma (Gya)

* Measures exposure in air and is not used to express absorbed dose to individuals

* A measure of ionization in air as a result of exposure to x-rays or gamma rays

*It does not relate the amount of exposure to biological effects of radiation in the human body

Roentgen continued

The quantity of x-radiation or gamma radiation that produces the quantity 2.08x10(9) ion pairs per cubic centimeter (cc) of air, for a total charge of 2.58x10-4 coulombs per kilogram (C/kg) (Coulomb is a quantity of electric charge)

Radiation absorbed dose

* common unit is rad

* SI unit is GRAYt (Gyt)

*Measures the amount of energy absorbed in any medium, defined as 100ergs of energy absorbed in 1 g of absorbing material

*Used to measure energy absorbed by the body but not as a measure of the relative biological effect (Harm or risk)

**1Gy=100 Rad

Radiation equivalent Man

* common unit is rem

*SI unit is severe (Sv)

*Accounts for different types of radiation and their biologic effects

*Expressed as the product of the absorbed dose in rad and a radiation quality factor

(Rem= Rad*QF)

Radiation Equivalent Man Continued

*Occupational radiation exposure is recorded in rems.

*1 rem= 0.01 Sieverts

*1Sv=100 rem

*Different types of radiation have different quality factors (QF)


*Measures the activity of a radioactive material (Radionuclide)

*used in a nuclear medicine and radiation therapy

*The curie (Ci) is the unit of activity equal to 3.7x10(10) disintegrations per second (dps)

* SI unit of activity is the becquerel (Bq)

*Defined as on disintegration per sec (1dps)

* 1 Ci=3.7x10(10) Bq

John Dalton

Developed a sound atomic theory based on scientific evidence

Dmitri Mendeleev

Organized known elements into a periodic table

Niels Bohr

*Atoms have 3 fundamental particles

*Electrons *Protons *Neutrons

*The quantity of each is unique to the matter or element it compses

Modern Theory

*The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons (Called Nucleons)

*Orbiting the nucleus are electrons in defined energy levels and distances from that nucleus.

Electrical Charge

Is a characteristic of matter, whether it is a subatomic particle, an atom, or a large object,

If an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons what kind of charge?

*No net charge , equal amounts cancel eachother out.

*Cause of change involves the gain or loss of an electron

If the atom gains an extra electro what charge?

*negative charge

*Negative ion or anion

If an atom gains an extra electron what charge?

* positive

*positive ion or cation

A nucleus is held together by?

A strong nuclear force, creating a binding energy

Binding energy

Creates a strong attraction in the nucleus, overcoming the natural tendency for like charges to repel

* holds protons and neutrons together to form the nucleus

*Is a measure of the amount of energy needed to split an atom

Nuclear binding energy and electron binding energy are determinate of X-ray production

The two types of atomic interactions in the x-ray tube that produce x-rays are as follows

* Characteristic


Characteristic interactions

*Involve the removal of orbital electrons from atoms.

*The penetrating strength (energy) of the x-ray photon produced depends on the difference in electron binding energies of the electron shells involved

Bremsstrahlung interactions

*Involve attraction to the nucleus of the atom and the penetrating strength (energy) of the x-ray photon produced depends on nuclear binding energy


*do not all occupy the same orbit at the same distance from the nucleus

An atom has defined energy levels

Each at a different distance from the nucleus.

*these energy levels are called electron shells and describe a sphere around the nucleus

______ orbit three-dimensionally around the nucleus.


*They are not simply orbiting the nucleus in a single plane.

Electron shells

*lettered beginning with K nearest to the nucleus

*Each shell has a limit to the number of electrons that it can hold.

*2n squared

*Max number is 8 in the outter most shell (Octet rule)

Atoms represent ___ for interaction


The more complex the atom the____ the opportunity for interaction.


It would be easier for an archer to hit a target that is 3 feet in diameter than on that is 3 inches in diameter

Atomic Mass Number=

A=# of protons plus the number of nucleons

(Atomic Weight)

Atomic number

Number of protons in nucleus

*number of protons determines chemical element, therefore with radioactive decay, element changes.... I.E uranium to radon

Covalent Bond

Chemical union between atoms formed by sharing one or more pairs of electrons

Ionic Bond

Bonding that occurs because of an electrostatic force between ions


The simplest forms of substances that composes matter


From the greek word atoms, meaning invisible. the basic building block of matter composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons


Subatomic particle with one unit of positive electrical charge a mass of 1.673x 10'-27kg


Subatomic particle with no electrical charge and amass of 1.675 x 10'-27 kg


subatomic particle with one unit of negative electrical charge and a mass of 9.109x10'-31


Tightly bound protons and neutrons and contains most of the atomic mass

Rutherfords Experiments

in 1911 showed that the atom was composed of a nucleus with an electron cloud

Bohr Model

Electrons surrounded the nucleus in shells, each shell is assigned a principle quantum number beginning with one for the k shell, 2 for the L shell ad so on. The number in each shell can contain is 2n squared

Electron binding energy

The work that is required to remove an electron from an atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus is defined energy bands or shells k shells are strongest ect

Nuclear binding energy

The nucleus is held together by a strong nuclear force creating a binding energy.

Periodic table

118 elements

92 natural

26 artificial

The first person to describe an element as being composed of identical atoms was

John Dalton

The periodic table was developed by Mendeleev in the late?

19th century

The smallest particle that has all properties of an element is?




same number of electron shells



same number of electrons in the outer most shell

The principle quantum number

The shell number of the shell


*Reveal how an atom reacts,

*The first 4 shells are applicable with the last 3 subshells, being more complex and not important to rad sciences.

*They are able to boast more than 8 electrons on their outermost shell

_____ Combines with other atoms to form molecules, therefore the number of protons determine the chemical behavior


______ increases as you move through the periodic table


The closest an electron is to the nucleus, proton, the greater the?

Binding energy

In normal state atoms are electrically?


*If an atom gains an extra atom or has one removed, it is ionized, if an X-ray transfers its energy to an orbital electron and ejects that electron, it creates an ion pair.

The force that keeps an electron in orbits is??

Centripetal force

Same atomic #, different atomic mass#

Isotopes/ same protons

Nucleus with same atomic mass # but diff atomic #

Isobar, Same atomic mass #

Atoms with same # of neutrons but diff # of protons

Isotope same neutrons

Same atomic # and same mass#

Isomer= metastable

cheat for iso.....

P means same number of protons

N means same number of neutrons

A means atomic number is the same

E means everything remans the same but with different amounts of energy

Combinations of atoms




Group atoms of various elements held together by chemical forces, them smallest units of a compound that can exist by itself and retain all its chemical properties


a chemical compound is any quantity of one type of molecule.

hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen make up what % of the human body

95% and 80% is just water

Electron binding energy

*The closer to the nucleus the more tightly it is bound.

*Takes more energy to ionize a larger atom than a smaller one

Covalent Bond

Sharing of electrons

*an outermost electro from one atom begins to orbit the nucleus of another adjacent atom in addition to its original nucleus

* can be thought of as a figure 8

Ionic bonding

*Based on the attraction of opposing charges

*one atom gives up an electron and one atom takes an extra electron

*The difference in electrical charge bonds them

An atom that gives up an electron has a net ____ charge

Positive charge or a cation

An atom the gains an electron has a net ___ charge

Negative or anion


The emission of particles and energy in order to become stable.


*Radioactive half life

atoms exists in abnormal state, to reach stability?

The nucleus emits particles and energy to transform itself

Electromagnetic energy

travels at the speed of light (3X10'8 m/s)

Half life is the time required for?

a quantity of radioactivity to be reduced to half its value

x-ray energy is most important in medical imaging why?

Due to penetrability and low ionization making it diagnostically useful in relationship to the associated risk

X-rays are produced _____ nucleus and gamma is formed ____ nucleus



Types of ionizing Radiation

*Particulate radiation

-alpha and beta particle


-xray and gamma x rays