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95 Cards in this Set

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What is a tentative answer to a question

A hypothesis

What is a scientific theory

-A comprehensive explanation supported by abundant evidence

-Is much broader than hypothesis

What are the three domains of life?

1.) Bacteria

2.) Archaea

3.) Eukarya

Which of the three domains of life have prokaryotic cells?

-Bacteria and Archaea

Which of the three domains of life have eukaryotic cells?


Hypothesis' are __________ and _______________


-Can be proven wrong (falsifiable)

What does prokaryotic mean

Before nucleus (simple cell)

Which prokaryotic cell can survive in extreme temperatures?


What do a tree, a mushroom and a human have in common?

They all have DNA

What is evolution?

The process of change that has transformed life on Earth

What is the scientific explanation of unity and diversity of life?

Descent with modification (changes via natural selection)

What is a zygote?

A fertilized egg

What is your very first cell?

The zygote (fertilized egg)

What is the chemical material on genes?


What are the units of inheritance that transmit information from parent to offspring?


What are DNA's four molecules?

A, G, C, and T

What is the entire set of genetic information that an organism inherits?

It's genome

Thenucleus of each human cell contains a genome that is about ______ chemicalletters long

3 billion

Life is made possible by _________ and _________

1.) the input of energy (mostly from sun)

2.) the transformation of energy from one form to another

Most ecosystems are ______ powered


Plants and other photosynthetic organisms are called what?


What do plants and other producers do?

1.) Capture the energy as sunlight

2.) Convert it

Now do plants convert energy?

They store it as chemical bonds within sugars and other complex molecules

Organisms are composed of ______


What is matter?

Anything that takes up space and has mass

What is a substance that cannot be broken down to other substances by chemical reactions?

An element

What is a substance consisting of two or more elements in a fixed ration?

A compound

About ___ of the 92 elements are essential to life


What are the four elements that make up 96% of living matter?

1.) Carbon

2.) Hydrogen

3.) Oxygen

4.) Nitrogen

What are required by an organism in minute quantities?

Trace elements

What are some examples of trace elements?

-Iodine (I)

-Iron (Fe)

What is the smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element?

An atom

What are atoms composed of?

Subatomic particles (neutrons, protons, electrons)

What charge do neurons have?

No electrical charge

What charge do protons have?

Positive charge

What charge do electrons have?

Negative charge

Neutrons and protons form the __________?

Atomic nucleus

Neutron mass and proton mass are measured in _____


How do you know an elements atomic number?

It's the number of protons

How do you know an elements mass number?

Protons + neutrons

How do you know an elements atomic mass?

Same as mass number (protons + neutrons)

What are two atoms of an element that differ in number of neutrons?


What kind of isotopes decay spontaneously, giving off particles and energy?

Radioactive isotopes

What is the attraction between atoms called?

Chemical bond

What are the different types of chemical bonds?

1.) Covalent

2.) Ionic or electrovalent

3.) Hydrogen

Which chemical bond results from sharing of electrons?

Covalent bond

Which chemical bond results from transfer of electrons?

Ionic Bond

What chemical bond results between hydrogen atom of one molecule and an electronegative atom of another molecule?

Hydrogen bond

What consists of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds?

A molecule

What is the sharing of one pair of valence electrons?

A single bond

What is the sharing of two pairs of valence electrons?

A double bond

Bonding capacity is called the atom's _______


What is an atom's attraction for the electrons in a covalent bond?


The more electronegative an atom, the more ________ it pulls shared electrons toward itself


What kind of bond is it when the atoms share the electron equally?

Nonpolar covalent bond

What kind of bond is it when one atom is more electronegative and the atoms do NOT share the electron equally?

Polar covalent bond

What is an example of unequal sharing of electrons that cause a partial positive or negative charge for each atom?

Water molecule

A charged atom (or molecule) is called ______

an ion

A ________ is a positively charged ion


An ________ is a negatively charged ion


What is the attraction between an anion and a cation?

Ionic bond

Compounds formed by ionic bonds are called

Ionic compounds, or salts (NaCl)

Most of the strongest bonds in organisms are ________ that form a cell's molecule

Covalent bonds

In living cells, electronegative partners for a hydrogen bonds are usually _____ or ______ atoms

1.) Oxygen

2.) Nitrogen

All living organisms require ____ more than any other substance


Cells are about _____% water


The water molecule is a ________ molecule


What is a polar molecule?

The opposite ends have opposite charges

What allows water molecules to form hydrogen bonds with each other?


Four of water's properties are...

1.) Cohesive behavior

2.) Ability to moderate temperature

3.) Expansion upon freezing

4.) Versatility as a solvent

What is it called when hydrogen bonds hold water molecules together?


What helps the transport of water against gravity in plants?


What is it called when there is an attraction between two different substances?


What is the measure of how hard it is to break the surface of a liquid?

Surface tension

What do we call the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for 1 g of that substance to change its temperature by 1ºC?

The specific heat of a substance

Heat is absorbed when hydrogen bonds _____


Heat is released when hydrogens bond _____


As a liquid evaporates, its remaining surface cools, a process called ______

evaporative cooling

What helps stabilize temperatures in organisms and bodies of water?

Evaporative cooling

Ice is _____ dense than water


Water reaches its greatest density at ___ ºC


What is a liquid that is a homogeneous mixture of substances


Which bonds have weak charges?

Hydrogen bonds

What is the dissolving agent of a solution?


What is the substance that is dissolved?


What is it called when water is the solvent?

Aqueous solution

Water is a versatile solvent due to its ______

Polarity (which allows it to form hydrogen bonds easily)

What is the sphere of water molecules that surround an ion when it dissolves in water

Hydration shell

Any substance that adds more H+ ions are called

Acids (less than 7)

Any substance that reduces H+ ions

Base (more than 7)

What is the pH of water?

7 (neutral)

A substance has a pH of 3, is it more acidic or basic?


A substance has a pH of 12, is it more acidic or basic?


What are substances that minimize changes in concentrations of H+ and OH- in a solution


Examples of buffers are:

-Carbonic acid

-Sodium hydroxide
