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372 Cards in this Set

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Anterior Pituitary hormone that influences the activity of the adrenal cortex

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Thyroid hormone; secretion and function similar to those of thyroxine (T4)

Triiodothyronine (T3)

a reduction in the number of platelets circulating in the blood


Posterior Pituitary plus infundibulum; portion of the pituitary gland derived from the brain


a hormone such as testosterone that controls male secondary sex characteristics


Sex hormones, primarily androgens, secreted by the adrenal cortex


A hormone that regulates the secretory action of another endocrine organ

Tropic hormone (tropin)

The most abundant plasma protein


A clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel


Agglutination and destruction of red blood cells following transfusion of incompatible blood

Transfusion reaction

Also called B lymphocytes; oversee humoral immunity; their descendants differentiate into antibody-producing plasma cells

B cells

Red blood cells


Gonad-stimulating hormones produced by the anterior pituitary


Bone marrow cell that gives rise to all the formed elements of blood; hemocytoblast

Hematopoietic stem cell

An enzyme, usually activated by a G protein, that converts ATP to the second messenger cyclic AMP

Adenylate cyclase

process of erythrocyte formation


White blood cell whose granules stain purplish-black and nucleus purple with basic dye


Ejection of an immature egg from the ovary


Iron-containing pigment that is essential to oxygen transport by hemoglobin


Adenohypophyseal hormone that stimulates the breasts to produce milk

Prolactin (PRL)

Rupture of erythrocytes


cell fragment found in blood; involved in clotting


Highly contagious viral disease; marked by excessive agranulocytes

Infectious mononucleosis

Anterior pituitary hormone that regulates secretion of thyroid hormones

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

male sex hormone produces by the testes; during puberty promotes virilization, and is necessary for normal sperm production


clinical test that includes counts of all formed elements, a hematocrit, and measurements of erythrocyte size and hemoglobin content

Complete blood count (CBC)

the percentage of total blood volume occupied by erythrocytes


reduced oxygen-carrying ability of blood resulting from too few erythrocytes or abnormal hemoglobin


blood cell formation; hemopoiesis


the major hormone secreted by thyroid follicles; stimulates enzymes concerned with glucose oxidation

Thyroid hormone (TH)

body system that includes internal organs that secrete hormones

Endocrine system

oxygen-bound form of hemoglobin


enzyme released by the kidneys that raises blood pressure by initiating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism


disease caused by deficient insulin release or by insulin resistance, leading to inability of the body cells to use carbohydrates

Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus floating in the blood


pertaining to the lungs


hormone partly responsible for preparing the uterus for the fertilized ovum


one of the largest of the body's endocrine glands; straddles the anterior trachea

Thyroid gland

a mixture in which the solute particles do not settle out readily. substance in the thyroid gland containing thyroglobulin protein


hormone released by fat cells that signals satiety


temporary organ formed from both fetal and maternal tissues that provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, carries away fetal metabolic wastes, and produces the hormones of pregnancy


large single-nucleus white blood cell; agranular leukocyte


Glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal cortex

Cortisol (hydrocortisone)

disease characterized by passage of a large quantity of dilute urine plus intense thirst and dehydration caused by inadequate release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Diabetes Insipidus

Granular white blood cell whose granules take up an acid stain called eosin


Anterior pituitary; the glandular part of the pituitary gland


hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells

Erythropoietin (EPO)

state in which a greater than normal amount of insulin is required to maintain normal glucose blood levels

Insulin resistance

fatty acid metabolites; strong organic acids

ketones (ketone bodies)

diagnostic test to determine relative proportion of individual leukocyte types

Differential white blood cell count

Fibrous insoluble protein formed during blood clotting


Natural anticoagulant secreted into blood plasma


refers to a group of cancerous conditions of white blood cells


hormone-producing glands located superior to the kidneys; each consists of medulla and cortex areas

Adrenal glands

passage of white blood cells through intact vessel walls into tissue


An abnormally high number of erythrocytes


most abundant type of white blood cell


term used to describe hormones such as glucagon that elevate blood glucose level


white blood cells; formed elements involved in body production that take part in inflammatory and immune responses


collective term for the series of events that expel the fetus from the uterus


abnormally low white blood cell count


immature erythrocyte


an increase in the number of leukocytes (white blood cells); usually the result of a microbiological attack on the body


the production of white blood cells


diagnostic test to determine status of the body's hemostasis system

prothombin time

hormone that stimulates growth in general; produced in the anterior pituitary

Growth Hormone (GH)

A soluble blood protein that is converted to insoluble fibrin during blood clotting


Primary reproductive organ; i.e., the testis of the male or the ovary of the female


hormones that stimulate female secondary sex characteristic; female sex hormones


Amber-colored fluid that exudes from clotted blood as the clot shrinks; plasma without clotting factors


iodine-containing hormone secreted by the thyroid gland; accelerated cellular metabolic rate in most body tissues

Thyroxine (T4)

condition resulting from underactive thyroid gland


stoppage of bleeding


disorder resulting from hyperactive thyroid gland

Graves' Disease

hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary; stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb more water, reducing urine volume

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

immediate response to blood vessel injury; results in constriction

Vascular spasm

substance produced by the stomach that is required for Vitamin B12 absorption

Intrinsic factor

A drug dose that is dramatically higher than normal levels of that substance in the body

Pharmacological dose

Lymphoid organ active in immune response; site of maturation of T lymphocytes


steroid hormone released by the adrenal cortex


cellular portion of blood

formed elements

a chemical messenger that acts locally within the same tissue and is rapidly destroyed. Examples are prostaglandins and nitric oxide


steroid hormone of the adrenal cortex that regulates Na+ and K+ metabolism and fluid balance


process in which blood is transformed from a liquid to a gel; blood clotting


nerve bundles that run through the infundibulum and connect the posterior pituitary to the hypothalamus

hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract

platelet; cell fragment that participates in blood coagulation


process that removes unneeded blood clots when healing has occured


neural part of pituitary gland; part of the neurohypophysis

posterior pituitary

a term loosely applied to several different hereditary bleeding disorders that exhibit similar signs and symptoms


enzyme that induces clotting by converting fibrinogen to fibrin


the condition of relative uniformity of the body's internal environment


what are the two regulating systems of homeostasis

autoregulation and extrinsic regulation

In hypothermia, you start to shiver when you walk out in the cold, which regulating system of homeostasis would this be an example of?


body cells, tissues, and organs quickly restore balance to the internal environment


nervous system and endocrine system working together or independently, provide the correct measures needed to balance to the internal environment

extrinsic regulation

in hypothermia, your heart speeds up, increasing blood flow, which regulating system of homeostasis would this be an example of?

extrinsic regulation

the number one feedback system of homeostasis

negative feedback

what are examples of negative feedback?

body temp, blood pressure, pH, ionic balance

which feedback system reverses the change in a controlled condition?

negative feedback

which feedback system strengthens or reinforces a change in a controlled condition

positive feedback

what are examples of positive feedback?

in childbirth, oxytocin is released from the posterior pituitary gland and sent to the uterine wall to cause dilation. Another example would be blood clotting

what are the three basic components of homeostasis

receptor, control center, and effector

what is the body structure that monitors changed in controlled condition


what sets the range of values within which a controlled condition should be maintained

control center

what evaluates the input received from receptors

control center

what generates output command to the effectors when controlled condition is out of set ranges

control center

what produces an effect that changes the controlled condition


the nervous system performs _____ term crisis management


the endocrine system regulates ____ term ongoing metabolic activities of tissues and organs


what do endocrine cells release in order to alter metabolic activity of target cells


when chemical messengers are released between cells within one tissue

paracrine communication

chemicals that exert effects on the same cell that secretes them


name 5 endocrine glands

Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal and Pineal

the endocrine gland that has both neural functions and releases hormones


endocrine gland that acts as big brother to the nervous system, it does not trigger if the nervous system is doing its job


two major types of hormone structures

amino acid and steroids

hormones that can be freely circulating or bound to transport proteins


if more than half of your blood is the water part (plasma), what is dissolved in the plasma?

amino acids

why cant steroids be dissolved in the plasma?

because steroids are lipids and lipids are hydrophobic

what in blood attached to oxygen causing it to turn red


what are the five cellular changes in target cells

1) alter plasma membrane permeability

2) stimulate protein synthesis

3) activate/deactivate enzyme systems

4) induce secretory activity

5) stimulate mitosis

what binds to the plasma membrane opening channels


if a cell needs to do something, what needs to be activated


receptors for hormones that are located in the cell membranes of target cells

second messengers

what type of hormones are considered to be second messengers

amino acids

which hormone action is used when hormones cross the cell membrane and bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus

direct gene activation

what type of hormones are considered to be direct gene activation hormones


blood levels of hormones are controlled by _____ feedback systems


which homeostatic feedback system is mostly used when controlling blood levels of hormones

negative feedback

what are the three stimuli that hormones are synthesized and released in response to?

1) Humoral

2) Neural

3) Hormonal

the secretion of hormones in direct response to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients


nerve fibers stimulate release in which stimuli


which stimulus uses neurotransmitters


the release of hormones in response to hormones produced by other endocrine organs


a system that modifies the stimulation of endocrine glands and their negative feedback mechanisms


under stress, the body needs more glucose. the hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system are activated to supply ample glucose. In this example, the nervous system is _____ normal endocrine controls


what id the two-lobed organ that secretes nine major hormones


what makes and secretes hormones that bind to membrane receptors and use cyclic AMP as a second messenger

Anterior Lobe

which lobe of the pituitary gland has a lot of fibers

posterior lobe

which lobe of the pituitary gland receives, stores, and releases hormones from the hypothalamus

posterior lobe

in which portal system does all blood reach the intended target cells before returning to the general circulation

hypophyseal portal system

what has a neural connection with the hypothalamus

posterior pituitary

nuclei of the hypothalamus synthesize _____ and _____.

antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin

what does the posterior pituitary do with ADH and Oxytocin

stores them

which endocrine gland releases EPO (Erythropoietin)


EPO targets which cell?


which hormone makes red blood cells?


which endocrine gland releases TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)

Anterior Pituitary

TSH targets which cell?


which hormone stimulates thyroid hormone production

TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)

which endocrine gland releases ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormones)

Anterior Pituitary

ACTH targets which cell?


which hormone triggers release of endocrine hormones


which endocrine gland releases FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)

Anterior Pituitary

FSH targets which cell


which hormone grows follicles and releases eggs in females and stimulates sperm production in males


which endocrine gland releases LH (Luteinizing hormone)

Anterior Pituitary

LH targets which cell


which hormone stimulates ovulation/estrogen production in females and stimulates sperm production in males


which endocrine gland releases PRL (Prolactin)

Anterior Pituitary

PRL targets which cell

Mammary gland

which hormone stimulates/sustains lactation


which endocrine gland releases GH (growth hormone)

Anterior Pituitary

GH targets which cell

All body cells

which hormone is responsible for mitosis

GH (Growth Hormone)

which endocrine gland releases ADH (Antidiuretic hormone)

Posterior Pituitary

ADH targets which cell?


which hormone reabsorbs H2O


which endocrine gland releases Oxytocin

Posterior Pituitary

Oxytocin targets which cell?


which hormone is responsible for labor contractions


which endocrine gland releases TH (Thyroid Hormone)


TH targets which cell?

All body cells

which hormone is responsible for metabolism


which endocrine gland releases Calcitonin

Thyroid Gland

Calcitonin targets which cell


which hormone decreases blood calcium levels?


which endocrine gland releases PTH (parathyroid hormone)

Parathyroid Gland

PTH targets which cell?


which hormone increases blood calcium levels?


which endocrine gland releases Aldosterone

Adrenal Cortex

Aldosterone targets which cell


which hormone increases sodium blood levels


which endocrine gland releases cortisol?

adrenal cortex

cortisol targets which cell?


which hormone increases blood glucose levels in between meals


which endocrine gland releases androgen?

adrenal cortex

androgen targets which cell?

sex glands

which hormone stimulates primary reproductive organs


Which endocrine gland releases Glucagon

Alpha cells of the pancreas

Glucagon targets which cell


which hormone increases blood glucose levels?


which endocrine gland releases insulin?

Beta cells of the pancreas

insulin targets which cell?

all body cells

which hormone decreases blood glucose levels


which endocrine gland releases melatonin

pineal gland

melatonin targets which cell?


which hormone is responsible for the day/night cycle


which endocrine gland releases estrogen


estrogen targets which cells?

primary reproductive organs

which hormone matures reproductive organs


which endocrine gland releases testosterone


testosterone targets which cell

primary reproductive organs

which hormone matures primary reproductive organs


Hyposecretion means

too little

hypersecretion means

too much

excess cartilage growth and enlarged extremities


advanced aging


hyposecretion of TH in infancy


hyposecretion of GH during childhood/adulthood causes


when skin becomes flush and clammy, blood pressure and heart rate increase, also associated with Graves' Disease

Hypersecretion oh TH

decreased weight, decreased blood pressure, and dehydration are all symptoms of what disease

Addison's Disease (Hyposecretion of Cortisol)

what causes increased blood glucose, depresses cartilage and bone formation, inhibits inflammation and immune system, and hypertension and adema

Hypersecretion of Cortisol (Cushing's syndrome)

which disease results from hyposecretion or hypoactivity of insulin

Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

what are three cardinal signs of DM

polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia

huge urine output


excessive thirst


excessive hunger and food consumption


which type of DM is more common in adolescents?

Type I

90% of the cases of DM is which type of DM?

Type II

what is the difference between type I DM and Type II DM?

Type I has total lack of insulin activity and Type II has some insulin activity

what is the number one link to DM Type II


Stress turns on the fight or flight by _____ epinephrine and cortisol


what are the two compositions of blood

plasma and formed elements

what makes up the formed elements in blood?

1) Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

2) White Blood Cells (WBCs)

3) Platelets

what does blood transport?

gases, nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes

what does blood regulate

pH and ion composition of interstitial fluid and body temperature

what does blood restrict

fluid loos at injury sites

what does blood defend the body against

toxins and pathogens

in blood, what contains over 100 solutes, including: proteins, lactic acid, urea, creatine-muscles, organic nutrients, electrolytes, and respiratory gases?


more than 90% of plasma proteins are synthesized where?


what makes up the majority of plama


what are responsible for viscosity (resistance to flow) and osmotic pressure of blood?


what includes immunoglobins which attack foreign proteins and pathogens


what is converted to fibrin during clotting


volume of packed red cells


what is the shape of a RBC that provides a large surface to volume ration


the biconcave shape of RBC allows them to

stack, bend, and flex

what do RBCs lack?


molecules of what account for 97% of the proteins in RBC


hemoglobin is a _____ protein, formed from two pairs of polypeptide subunits


each subunit of hemoglobin contains a molecule of _____ which reversibly binds an _____ molecule


hemoglobin bound to oxygen is known as


how many oxygen are there per hemoglobin


what is the term for blood cell formation


where does hematopoiesis occur?

red bone marrow

what gives rise to all formed elements


what is the formation of new red blood cells


erythropoeisis depends on adequate supplies of

iron, amino acids and B Vitamins

what makes up the hemi portion of hemoglobin

B Vitamins

the process of erythropoeisis speeds up with the presence of which hormone

EPO (Erythropoeitin)

Do RBCs have organelles


do RBCs have a nucleus


RBC turnover is balanced through

production and destruction

too few RBCs leads to _____.


to many RBCs causes increased blood _____.


RBCs typically degenerate in how many days


what are damaged or dead RBCs recycled by?


Approximately how many new blood cells enter the circulation per second?

about 3 million

what is the erythrocyte disorder that is associated with decreased oxygen-carrying capacity


what are two diseases that are associated with not having enough RBCs?

Hemorrhagic Anemia and Aplastic Anemia

which erythrocyte disorder is associated with prematurely ruptured RBCs

Hemolytic Anemia

which kind of anemia is the most common

iron-deficiency anemia

iron-deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, and sickle-cell anemia/Thalassemia are all associated with what


a disorder associated with excess RBCs


white blood cells are called


do WBCs have nuclei


do WBCs have other organelles


what do WBCs defend the body against


which cells remove toxins, wastes, and abnormal or damaged cells

white blood cells

what is the term for amoeboid movement


what is the term for when white blood cells are able to squeeze themselves through tiny holes and signal where the damage is coming from

positive chemotaxis

what is the lifespan of a white blood cell

0.5 to 9 days

what are the bodys bacteria slayers


phagocytes that are attracted to foreign compounds that have reacted with antibodies


what type of cells migrate to damaged tissue and release histamine and heparin


what type of cells become macrophages


what type of WBCd include T-cells, B cells, and N cells


granulocytes and monocytes are produced by bone marrow _____ _____

stem cells

_____ is stimulated by interleukins and conoly-stimulating factors (CSFs)


macrphages and T cells are the most important sources of _____.


cancerous conditions involving WBCs


what kind of leukemia involves myeloblasts

myelocytic leukemia

what kind of leukemia involves lymphocytes

lymphocytic leukemia

what kind of leukemia involves blast-type cells and primarily affects children

acute leukemia

what kind of leukemia is more prevalent in older people

chronic leukemia

plateletes are _____ cell fragments


platelets circulate for how many days before being removed by phagocytes

9-12 days

what are the functions of platelets

1) transporting chemicals important to clotting

2)form temp patch in walls of damaged blood vessels

3) contract after clot is formed

what releases platelets into circulating blood


the rate of platelet formation is stimulated by


what prevents the loss of blood through vessel walls


what are the three phases of hemostasis

1) vascular

2) platelet

3) coagulation

which phases of hemostasis occur immediately upon damage and at the same time

vascular phase and platelet phase

which phase of hemostasis occurs within seconds or minutes upon damage and has to occur after the platelet phase

coagulation phase

during the coagulation phase, factors released by platelets and endothelial cells interact with clotting factors to form a _____


what are the three pathways of coagulation

1) Extrinsic pathway

2) Intrinsic pathway

3) Common pathway

which pathway of coagulation involves when we take fibrinogen and convert it to fibrin

common pathway

what starts the common pathway of coagulation

prothombin activator

what is the final phase of healing

clot retraction and repair

what is the term for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulated rebuilding of blood vessel wasll

clot repair

what is the term for the stabilization of the clot by squeezing serum from the fibrin strands

clot retraction

what forms a connective tissue patch


when a clot gradually dissolves through action of plasmin


plasmin is produced when which plasma protein is activated


heparin, coumadin, aspirin, dicumarol, t-PA, streptokinase, and urokinase are all examples of


stastionary clot in unbroken vessel


moving obstruction


emboli that become trapped in the lungs

pulmonary embolsim

a cerebral embolism may cause what

a stroke

emboli that become trapped in the heart wall can cause

heart attack

condition where the number of circulating platelets is deficient


a result from a deficiency of Factor VIII


Blood types are determined by the presence or absence of surface _____ on RBCs

antigens (agglutinogens)

antibodies (agglutinins) are found in _____


_____ occur when antigens meet antibodies


Holly has A-antigen Rh-antigen but no B-antigen, what is her blood type?


Holly's blood type has no surface antigens, what is her blood type?


Holly is Type B, what antibodies does she carry in her plasma?


Holly is Type B, does she carry anti-B on her RBC


Extrinsic pathway repairs what kind of tissue

connective tissue

Intrinsic pathway repairs what kind of tissue

epithelial tissue

common pathway repairs what

amitotic smooth muscle

When Rh+ antibodies of a sensitized Rh- mother cross the placenta and attack and destroy the RBCs of an Rh+ baby

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Rh- mother becomes _____ when exposure to Rh+ blood causes her body to synthesize Rh+ antibodies


a lab-made synthetic anti-Rh drug that can prevent the Rh- mother from becoming sensitized


The function of hemoglobin is to

A) carry oxygen

B) protect the body against infectious agents

C) carry nutrients from the intestine to the body's cells

D) both A and C

A) carry oxygen

which of the following is/are true of steroid hormones?

A) steroid hormones are lipids

B) steroid hormones need a transport protein to circulate within blood

C) steroid hormones cause direct gene activation by its target cell

D) All of the above are true of steroid hormones

D) All of the above are true of steroid hormones

which of the following statements concerning RBCs is false?

A) RBCs are biconcave discs

B) RBCs lack mitochondria

C) RBCs have a large nucleus

D) RBCs can stack upon each other

C) RBCs have a large nucleus

Homeostatic regulation usually involves a(n) _____ that is sensitive to a particular stimulus and a(n) _____ whose activity has an effec on the same stimulus

A) receptor; effector

B) effector; receptor

C) receptor; control center

D) control center; effector

A) receptor; effector

Erythrocytes are formed from stem cells called

A) hemocytoblasts

B) megakaryoblasts

C) myeloblasts

D) lymphoblasts

A) hemocytoblasts

Which component of blood allows it to regulate body temperature



C) platelets

D) plasma

D) plasma

Coordinating centers in the hypothalamus regulate the activities of the endocrine system by all of the following except

A) autonomic neurons that directly control the endocrine cells of the adrenal medulla

B) a modified positive feedback loop involving the anterior pituitary gland

C) acting as an endocrine organ itself and releasing hormones

D) secreting inhibiting hormones that inhibit the production and release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland

B) a modified positive feedback loop involving the anterior pituitary gland

after losing a fair amount of blood as a result of an accident, one would expect

A) hemorrhagic anemia

B) aplastic anemia

C) sickle-cell anemia

D) polycythemia

A) hemorrhagic anemia

the common pathway of coagulation begins with the

A) sticking of platelets to damaged tissue

B) activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen

C) activation of a clotting factor that converts prothombin to thrombin

D) activation of a clotting factor that converts fibrinogen to fibrin

D) activation of a clotting factor that converts prothombin to thrombin

which phase of coagulation includes sticking of platelets to damaged tissue

platelet phase

During which part of the common pathway does activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen occur

near the end

ACTH, FSH, GH, and LH are secreted by the anterior pituitary via _____ stimuli

A) hormonal

B) humoral

C) neural

A) hormonal

produced by follicle cells in the ovary when stimulated by FSH


lowers calcium ion levels in blood


produced in the adrenal cortex and targets the liver and promote glucose metabolism in between meals


secreted by adrenal gland to increase the sodium ion concentration of the blood


released by beta islet cells when blood glucose levels are too high


triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland


secreted by the posterior pituitary gland to reabsorb water before it is lost in urine


increases the number of RBCs in circulation


increases mitotic activity of body cells


pancreatic hormone that causes blood glucose levels to rise


If your blood type is O positive you can give to

O+, A+. B+. AB+

if your blood type is O positive you can receive from

O+, O-

If your blood type is A positive you can give to

A+, AB+

if your blood type is A positive you can receive from

A+, A-, O+, O-

if your blood type is B positive you can give to

B+, AB+

if your blood type is B positive you can receive from

B+, B-, O+, O-

if your blood type is AB positive you can give to

AB+ only

if your blood type is AB positive you can receive from

all blood types

if your blood type is O negative you can give to

all blood types

if your blood type is O negative you can receive from

O- only

if your blood type is A negative you can give to

A-, A+, AB-, AB+

if your blood type is A negative you can receive from

A-, O-

if your blood type is B negative you can give to

B-, B+, AB-, AB+

if your blood type is B negative you can receive from

B-, O-

if your blood type is AB negative you can give to

AB-, AB+

if your blood type is AB negative you can receive from

AB-, A-, B-, O-

What antibodies in plasma (agglutinins) does Group A have


what antigens in red blood cell (agglutinogens) does group A have

A antigen

what antibodies in plasma (agglutinins) does group B have


what antigens in red blood cell )agglutinogens) does group B hanve

B antigen

what antibodies in plasma (agglutinins) does group AB have


what antigens in red blood cell (agglutinogens) does group AB have

A and B antigens

what antibodies in plasma (agglutinins) does group O have

anti-A and anti-B

what antigens in red blood cell (agglutinogens) does group O have
