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109 Cards in this Set

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The Koppen System classifies what?

Climates and the potential for agriculture based on vegetation types

What are centripetal forces?

Forces that promote political unity and reinforce the state structure

Centrifugal forces?

Cultural and political forces to weaken/divide a state

Industrialized country that did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol?


Major source of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?

Aerosol sprays, refrigeration, and air conditioning. CFC's are 25% of human generated greenhouse gases

Possible effects of climate change in the world?

Rise in sea level, average global temperature will increase(2-4 degrees), and shifts in agricultural areas(wheat belt)will become drier-lower grain yield

What substance accounts for more then half of the human generated greenhouse gasses?

Carbon Dioxide CO2

Where are earthquakes and volcanoes most commonly found?

Subduction zones

Which of the following often accompanies high female illiteracy?

High birth rates

Gross National Income (GNI)?

The value of all final goods and services produced in a country plus net income from abroad

Countries that are considered core countries in the core-periphery model

US, Canada, Western Europe , Japan

The source continent for all other continents when considering plate tectonics?


Where do most people live?

Urban area

Where food can grow


Nations without a state


Relatively homogeneous culture group with its own fully independent political territory



Universalizing religion?

Attempts to appeal to all people regardless of

location or culture

Ex. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

Lingua franca

A third language that is adopted by people from different cultural groups within a country who cannot speak each others language

Ex. English in India

Characteristics that often best defines cultural groups?



Cultural Nationalism?

Process of defending a cultural system against offensive cultural expression while at the same time actively promoting local or national values

Cultural Imperialism

Active promotion of ones cultural system over another

Cultural synchronization?

Sometimes occurs when forms of culture spread abroad then are melded with local cultural traditions

Characteristics of culture?

Culture is learned (not innate), is shared (not individual) behavior, and includes both abstract (language, religion) and material elements

Examples of push forces

Cultural oppression, war, unemployment, natural disasters

Examples of Pull forces

Economics opportunity, freedom, climate

When in history is the time of the greatest human migration?


Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

Annual growth rate for a country or region as a percentage increase

-World RNI is 1.2% per year

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

The average number of children born by a statistically average woman

-world average is 2.7

-Europe is 1.4

-Africa is 5.1

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

Total number of births divided by the total population

-World CBP is 21/1000

How many humans are added to the world's population each hour?

16,000 per hour

Arguments in favor of globalization

Capitalism, move trade barriers, free flow of wealth, poorer countries will catch up

Problems with the spread of global consumer culture?

Erode local diversity, cultural tension


Foot of the mountain, fall line


-Grassland steppe

-Great plains

What is north americas population settlement pattern?

Uneven pattern of distribution

Marine west coast climate location?

West coast at middle of most continents

-Warm but not hot summers

-cool but not cold winters

-Narrow temp range

Ex. Coastal Oregon, Washington, British columbia, southern Alaska and North of San Francisco

Where is the Ogallala Aquifer located?

Great Plains

The Monroe Doctrine?

A principle of US policy, originated by James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US

What happened to Native Americans populations after the arrival of Europeans

-Disease and disruption

-90% of Natives died

What decisively shaped the evolution of the city in the US?



What state of the US recently went from having net in-migrtationin the late 1900s to having net out-migration since 2000?


Columbia Exchange?

Trade that brought slaves and domesticated animals to the New World and corns, beans squash and chili peppers to Europe and elsewhere

What migration trend was caused by the mechanization of farming?


Where most immigrants to the US come from?

Asia and Latin America

The major trend in agriculture in North America in recent years?

-Bigger farms

-Mechanization of agriculture results in rural to urban migration

-2.4% workforce in UD

-3.3% in Canada

Reason why U citizens have migrated to the Sunbelt South?

-Expanding Economy

-lower cost of living


-Air conditioning

Megalopolis location

East coast of the US Bosnywash

(Boston, New York, Washington D.C.)

Eras of the Historical Evolution of the US cities

1. Walking horse car (before 1888)

2. Electric street car (1888-1920)

3. Recreational automobile (1920-45)

4. Freeway (1945-present)

Employment sectors and what they mean

1. Primary- natural resource extraction

2. Secondary- manufacturing/industrial

3. Tertiary- Services

4. Quaternary- Information processing

The Truman Doctrine

Gave US wider world role

-the policy of the US to supply free people who are resisting sudjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures (1947- Greece and Turkey)


Newest providence in Canada

Least populous

Dominant religion in the united states?

Protestantism (60%)

Year Mexico gained independence from Spain?


Key rebels fought against the Mexican government during the Mexican Revolution?

Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco, Emiliano Zapata

Order of ecosystems in altitudinal zonation

1. Tierra Helada (frosty, near top)

2. Tierra Fria (cold)

3. Tierra Templada (mild)

4. Tierra Caliente (hot, bottom)

Dependency theory?

Expansion of European capitalism created Latin America condition of underdevelopment (core/periphery model)

-Created economic integration within Latin America and dominance if US market


Latin American/Caribbean countries changing currency to math the US dollar so the economy remains more stable

Characteristics of squatter settlements in Latin America

Makeshift housing on land not legally owned or rented by urban migrants, usually in unoccupied spaces in or near a rapidly growing city

-Lima, Peru

What are columbias FRAC and ELN?

FARC- revolutionary armed forces

ELN- National Liberation army

-Guerilla groups that fight against columbian government

-control large portion of the country through intimidation and violence


the removal of tropical forests for pastures

Import substitution?

Policies that foster domestic industry by imposing inflated tariffs on all imported goods


Factories bordering the Mexico border with the US, offer cheaper manufacturing and jobs for those who live on the border

4000 plants

1 million workers

80% goods resent to US


Formed in 1991

Regional trade organization aimed to establish a common market and trade policy toward outside nations

Composed of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil

Free trade zones in 1990 unrestricted trade between 4 coutnries

Which notice american group lived in the Valley Of Mexico?


What makes the amazon river distinctive?

-Largest river by volume

-2nd in length

-draws from 9 countries

How far did mexico city sink in the 1990s?

30 ft

Members of the North American Free Trade Agreement?




How many major river basins in South America?

2-Amazon and Plata basin

Residents needed to qualify as a megacity?

more than 10 million

Treaty of Tordesillas?

Established in 1494

Sanctioned by Papal Bull in 1506

-Divided South america in Brazil, Portugal had east, Spain had west

Products to Europe as part of the Columbian Exchange?

Introduction of new species from europe to the americas

-Wheat, cattlem horses by colonial power

Two largest cities in Latin america?

1. Sao Paulo

2. Mexico City


Developed areas in mountains values by Inca empire

-treeless elevated plain in Bolivia and Peru

Neoliberal economic development?

Policies: stress privatization, export production, and few restrictions on imports

Benefits: increased trade

What allowed syncretic religions to endure Latin America?

Allows animist practices to be included in Christian worship


Mixed ancestors- native american and european


money sent back home


Blending of Africa, European, and America Culture elements

ex. language music

Cause of deforestation of the islands of the caribbean?

Sugar can production and cooking

Which American president was responsible for the Panama Canal?

Teddy Roosevelt

US Virgin Islans?

-Purchased from Denmark 1917 to keep islands for being used as German submarine bases

-Us citizens and US territory

Caribbean Sea commercial fishing operations?

The ocean ecosystem is so varied and vibrant that commercial fishing isn't profitable

-The amount of one species is limited

Forest covering Haiti?

Lost 97% if its original first cover

What secured Cuba's freedom from Spain?

Spanish- American war

Squatter settlements in CUba?

Don exist because of government housing

Islands of the Greater Antilles

Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico

What people replaces slaves in the Caribbean after emancipation?

South and southeastern Asians

40% of Trinidad South East Asian

Political Status of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico (commonwealth) is not considered a state and its citizens are considered US citizens but they pain federal taxes


Mixed ancestry- European and African "little mule" "Good workers"

Where do Emigrants from the Caribbean go?

Circular motion: free flow migration between two countries (Puerto Rico to US)


-Island of hispaniola

-experiences a fatal earthquaked still recovering

-frist spanish control then french pirates take over

-french plantation owners bring slaves for workers

-poorest country in americas

-deforestation major issue

Maroon societies?

Communities of runaway slaves

What is the source of the place-name "Caribbean"?

Derived from the name of native people from the area Carbis

Agriculture in the Caribbean?

-Plantations in humid political lowland (tierra caliente)

-produce single export

-capital and skills are imported

-labor is seasonal

-Northern European origins

Caribbean country with lowest rates of natural increase?


Population of Caribbean?

43 million

Effects of global climate change in Caribbean

-Seas level rise

-increase intensity of storms (hurricanes)

-variable rainfall leading to both flooding and drought

-loss of biodiversity

Attraction of offshore banking in the Caribbean?

Tax-exempt and confidential

How many people are fleeing Syria a day?

Where are they entering?


Macedonia through Greece going to Western Europe

Who went to Moscow to speak to Vladimir Putin?

King of Jordan, President of Egypt, Crown Prince of Adu Dhabi

President of south sudan signed what with who?

Peace treaty with rebels

Why did officials from North and South Korea need to meet?

Diffuse tension about artillery exchanges that occurred along the demilitarized zone

Why did Venezuela's government close the border with Columbia?

3 smugglers shot and killed 3 soldiers

Who needs to reword their Referendum about wanting to stay as a what?

Britain, staying a European Union

Why did millions of Indian workers go on strike?

Government economic policies, shutting down most of the public transit system

Where were three men arrested for trying to carry a bomb into a shopping mall?


Why did fighting between Kurdish seaports forces and Turkish army intensify?

Kurdish rebel attacks that killed 30 soldiers and policemen

What did Iran's supreme leader say in a speech?

Israel will not exist in 25 years that the nuclear deal will not result in further talks with America on other issues

Who will be visiting the white house on Sept 25th? Where else will he travel?

President of China, Seattle and New York

What troops are building up in Syria?

How much of the country does the leader now have?

