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70 Cards in this Set

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prediction regarding the results of a research study


An explanation of behavior that can be tested through research studies


The assumption that the simplest explanation of a phenomenon is most likely to be correct


The assumption that explanations of behavior can be tested and falsified through observation

Basic Research

research conducted with the goal of understanding fundamental processes of phenomena


relying on a knowledgeable person or group as a means of knowing about the world


Relying on what one observes as a means of knowing about the world

Descriptive Research Question

a research question that asks about the presence of behavior, how frequently it is exhibited, or whether there is a relationship between different behaviors

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

a committee of knowledgeable individuals who oversee the ethics of research with human participants conducted at an institution


gaining knowledge through systematic observation of the world

Applied Research

research conducted with the goal of solving everyday problems

Confirmation Bias

seeking only evidence that supports our beliefs and ignoring evidence that contradicts those beliefs

Causal Research Question

a research question that asks what causes specific behaviors to occur


the assumption that phenomena have identifiable causes


relying on common sense as a means of knowing about the world

Internal Validity

the degree to which a study provides causal information about behavior

Literature Review

a process of searching for and reviewing previous studies related to a study being developed to add to the knowledge in an area and make appropriate predictions about the data


using logical reasoning and current knowledge as a means of knowing about the world

External Validity

the degree to which the results of a study apply to individuals and realistic behaviors outside the study


the degree to which the results of a study can be replicated under similar conditions

Naturalistic Observation

a data collection technique involving noninvasive observation of individuals in their natural environments

Qualitative Data

nonnumerical participant responses

Quantitative Data

numerical data

Survey Research

a research study that uses the survey observational technique to measure behavior

Dependent Variable

a variable that is measured or observed from an individual

Case Study

a research design that involves intensive study of particular individuals and their behaviors

Outcome Variable

the dependent variable in a correlation study that is being predicted by the predictor variable


a type of research design where a comparison is made, as in an experiment, but no random assignment of subjects to groups occurs

Confounding Variable

an extraneous factor present in a study that may affect the results

Random Assignment

participants are randomly assigned to levels of the independent variable in an experiment to control for individual differences as an extraneous variable

Pretest-Posttest Design

a type of research design (often a quasi-experiment) where behavior is measured both before and after a treatment or condition is implemented

Systematic Observation

data collection technique in which control is exerted over the conditions under which the behavior is observed

Independent Variable

a variable in an experiment that is manipulated by the researcher such that the levels of the variable change across or within subjects in the experiment

Interrupted Reliability

a measure of the degree to which different observers rate behaviors in similar ways

Quasi-Independent Variables

variable that allows comparison of groups of participants without manipulation (no random assignment)

Control Group

the group of participants in an experiment that do not experience the treatment level of the independent variable

Predictor Variable

the dependent variable in a correlation study that is used to predict the score on another variable


a graph showing the relationship between two dependent variables for a group of individuals

Third Variable Problem

the presence of extraneous factors in the study that affect the dependent variable and can decrease the internal validity of the study

Small n Design

an experiment conducted with one or a few participants to better understand the behavior of those individuals

Operational Definition

the definition of an abstract concept used by a researcher to measure or manipulate the concept in a research study

Construct Validity

indicates that a survey measures the behavior it is designed to measure

Face Validity

on the surface, a study or scale appears to be intuitively valid

Bivalent Independent Variable

an independent variable with two levels-a design is considered bivalent if it contains only one bivalent independent variable

Multivalent Variable

an independent variable that includes 3 or more levels-a design is considered multivalent if there is only one independent variable that contains 3 or more levels

Type Variable

a variable that involves a manipulation of types of a treatment

Presence/Absence Variable

a variable that involves a manipulation with a level that involves the treatment and a level that does not involve the treatment

Amount Variable

variables that include levels with a different amount of the treatment changing from level to level

Experiment Bias

a source of bias in a study created when a researcher treats groups differently (often unknowing) based on knowledge of the hypothesis

Single Blind Design

procedure used to hide the group assignment from the participants in a study to prevent their beliefs about the effectiveness of a treatment from affecting the results


a sugar pill given to the control group in a drug study to allow all groups to believe that they are receiving a treatment

Double Blind Design

procedure used to control for experiment bias by keeping the knowledge of the group assignments from both the participants and the researchers who interact with the participants

Testing Effects

occur when participants are tested more then once in a study, with early testing affecting later testing

Within Subjects Variable

each participant experiences all levels of the variable

Between Subjects Variable

each participants experiences only one level of the independent variable


a control used in within subjects experiments where equal numbers of participants are randomly assigned to different orders of the conditions

Regression Toward the Mean

can occur when participants score higher or lower than their personal average-the next time they are tested, they are more likely to score near their personal average, making scores unreliable

Hawthorne Effect

a source of bias that can occur in a study due to participants' changing their behavior because they are aware that they are being observed

Field Experiment

an experiment conducted in the participants' natural environment

Demand Characteristics

a source of bias that can occur in a study due to participants' changing their behavior based on their perception of the study and its purpose

Nominal Scale (1/4 Scales)

a scale of data measurement that involves non-ordered categorical responses

Ordinal Scale (2/4 Scales)

a scale of data measurement that involves ordered categorical responses

Interval Scale (3/4 Scales)

a scale of data measurement that involves numerical responses that are equally spaced, but scores are not ratios of each other

Ratio Scale (4/4 Scales)

a scale of data measurement that involves numerical responses, where scores are ratios of each other

Article Structure








a summary of an article that appears at the beginning of the article and the searchable databases of journal articles


a section of an APA style article that introduces the topic of the study, reviews relevant background studies and the presents predictions for the data


section of an APA style article that describes the participants, design, stimuli, apparatus, and procedure used in the study


section of an APA style article that presents a summary of the results and the statistical tests of the predictions


section of an APA article that compares the results of a study to the predictions and the results of previous studies