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20 Cards in this Set

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Purpose of Cardiovasc. System?
O2 to muscles, remove waste
Nutrients to tissues
Reg. of body temp
Blood flow of heart
venous IN R. Atrium to R. Ventricle to lung (gas exchange) to L. Atrium to L. Ventricle OUT via arteries
Explain Electrical Act. of heart
starts @ SA node (on R atrium), depolarization spreads to L. Atrium + AV node then to R + L Ventricles (travels along His/Purkinje system)
basic order of electrical/contraction in heart
1 SA node (on R Atrium
2 L Atrium/AV node
3 L + R ventricles
Nervous system control of heart rate
Parasympathetic NS = decrease HR
vagus nerve
Sympathetic NS = increase HR
cardiac nerve
Define Stroke Volume
The volume of blood pumped by both ventricles per beat
What 3 things affect Stroke Voume?
1. EDV - end diastolic volume = preload
2. Afterload = MAP mean arterial pressure
3. Contractility - force produced by muscle
define EDV (preload) - end diastolic volume
volume of blood in ventricles after relaxation/filling phase
define afterload MAP - mean arterial pressure
pressure the heart must pump against to eject blood
define Contractility
force of contraction of myocardium
define/apply Frank - Starling effect.
greater preload (EDV), amount of blood after filling phase, yields a greater stretch of ventricles (optimizes fiber length) and results in greater force/contraction
what affects Frank - Starling effect?
1. venoconstriction = inc venous returen
2. skeletal muscle pump = exercise causes muscle contraction to squeeze veins - inc venous return
3. respiratory pump - promotes return
4. slow HR - allows greater EDV (preload)
Formula for cardiac output + max cardiac output
Q=cardiac rate (HR) x SV

max Q = max HR x max SV
factors that regulate cardiac output

HR: inc parasym = dec HR
inc symp = inc HR

SV: EDV (preload)
Afterload (MAP) inc=dec SV
Frank Sterling
Composition of blood
-Plasma - proteins, ions, hormones
-Cells - RBC + Buffy coat (WBC)

-Hematocrit = % of blood that is cells - normal 42% increase to 50% w/ training
factors that affect Blood Flow
blood pressure

systolic - pressure from contraction
diastolic - pressure from relaxation/filling
what affects Resistance
-length of vessel
-blood viscosity
-radius of vessel

radius probably most influential
small change=huge impact
benefits of faucets/arteries in parallel vs series
parallel allows for individual adj of pressure based on needs
Control of -Blood Pressure
Blood pressure controlled systemically

resistance controlled locally