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70 Cards in this Set

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exogenous minerals are

from outside of the body

inhalation or absorbed into skin

no physiologic purpose

not a by product of normal metabolic process

list the exogenous metals




what is carbon from

most common inhaled from air

phagocytized by macrophages

lungs anthrocotic pigment

mediastinum lymph nodes from macs

how does carbon look under he


irregular in size and shape

no special stain, dx by appearance and location

very black, irregular in shape and size

elimination of other possibilities ie melanin

lung lymph nodes

what is silica from

occupational exposure by miners

inhaled =silicosis (cirrhosis of lungs)

h&e not stained- no special stains, viewed with polarizing lense

asbestos from

insulation: pipes, tiles, ships, homes

car break linings

inhaled in lungs, fibrous reactions=asbestosis

can find in cytology specimens

how does asbestos look under the microscope

brown long thin crystalline fibers

cannont see when first in body, need hemosiderin deposition to make colored

what special stain can be used for asbestos

Prussian blue

for asbestos what section thickness



disease process from asbestos

cancer=mesothelioma and adenocarcinoma

list other exogenous minerals


gold aluminum




stain for exogenous

hematoxylin method


what are endogenous pigments and minerals

serve a physiological function or byproduct of normal metabolic process

produce and used in tissue

what are endogenous minerals broken down to

hematogenous (hemosiderin/bile)


non hematogenous (calcium, copper, urate, melanin)

where Is calcium normally found

bone teeth

abnormally found in

arteries (atherosclerosis)

lung infections ( tb)

lymph nodes (tb)

breast (ca)

kidney tubules (hypercalcinosis)


what does calcium look like under h and e

blue to purple

what are the calcium salts and how are they seen

calcium phosphate= special stain

calcium carbonate= special stain

calcium oxylate=pizzoloto/birefringence

fixative for calcium

no calcium phosphate buffers

no picric acid acetic acid or hgcl2=decla

avoid decal

troubleshooting alizarin red

minimal time

may be understained

miss minimal deposits

false negative

troubleshooting alizarin red

maximum time

as leave in stain deposits look bigger, easy to see minimal deposits

may start to get background staining

what is calcium oxylate

excreted by kidneys into urine

high levels in kidneys seen with

primary oxalosis-genetic rare

chronic kidney disease

how is copper seen

must have large quantities

10um for minimal

high amounts in cirrhosis

wilsons disease

what is wilsons disease

unable to release unused copper

accumulate in liver, parts of brain, eye, organ

toxic, causes cell death

control for copper

wilsons disease liver

fetal liver, no breah

bedlington terrier liver

what is the quality control for rhodanine

and what does it bind

fade with time

fade in xylene

many other yellow brown pigments

binds proteins to which copper is bound not copper

what is uric acid

normal break down of purine metabolism

in blood as monosodium urate, water soluble

if the levels are high, subcutaneous nodular deposits= gouty tophus, ulcerate

arthritis- painful swollen joints

renal disease

melanin is found where

epidermis (melanocytes donate keratinocytes)



brain-substantia nigra

list other argentaffin cells that reduce

argentaffin=intestine and lung

chromaffin=gi, adrenal

what is melanin bleaching for

differentiate melanin from other argentaffinic tissues

what must you do when bleaching

charged slide

tissue is easily dislodged during bleaching and silver

must have control

2 stains for melainin

Fontana masson


what reaction does a schmorl do

turnball blue

ferric +3 is reduced to ferrus +2

potassium ferricyanide + ferrous ions =

ferros ferricyanide

control for schmorl

skin for melanin

small intestine for argentaffin cells

does the Fontana or schmorl have more advantages


what are the schmorls advantages over Fontana masson




sensitive (amelonotic melanomas)

what does lipofuchsin look like and what is it

yellow-brown pigment on h and e

normal breakdown product of cell membrane metabolism

wear and tear pigment

where is lipofuchsin found


cardiac cell



lipid storage disease

what is pseudomelanosis pigment

and what stains

found in macs of large intestine and appendix

from purgatives

stain with Fontana masson and schmorl

what are the endogenous, hematogenous minerals



what is hemaglobin

involved in carrying and oxygenation of tissue


heme= red iron bound not stain

what does hemoglobin look like with h and e

bright pink with eosin/phloxine

what is hemosiderin

eaten iron absorbed in intestine, complexed with protein in body

made of ferric form of iron=ferric hydroxide

where are broken down rbcs stored



bone marrow


what is the golden brown pigement in rbc


what is iron deficiency anemia caused from



malabsorption of iron in intestine


absence of stainable iron in bone marrow clot

what is hemosiderosis caused from

iron injections

blood transfusions

spleen bone marrow or liver

what is hemochromatosis

overabsorption in gi regardless of iron stores

what is hemolytic anemia

an autoimmune disease

what are other ferric ion demonstrations

hemosiderin laden macrophages

kuppfer cells in liver hemolytic anemia

asbestos- coated with hemasiderin

what does ferric ions look like with h and e

golden brown hemosiderin

what is a bile pigment

when hemoglobin is released and separated into heme and globin

the hemes iron is removed and stored

and the remaining ring is a

tetra pyrole ring=beliverdin (spleen and bone marrow)

where is biliverdin made to bilirubin


what is bilirubin conjugated to

glucuronic acid to water soluble complex

bilirubin glucoronide

where is biliverdin stored



released in duodenum via ampulla of vater

are there many types of bile pigments

yes, bile, bilirubin, bilivertin

conjugated and unconjugated

what does bile look like

brown yellow globules in liver cells

what causes jaundice


bile cannot flow out, back up into liver

what does bile look like under h and e

like lipofuchsin

what does bile look like under flouescence

not autofluoresce, lipofuchsin does

why does nobody do the gmelin stain

unreliable must repeat, messy not permanent

where is formalin pigment found



blood congested lung

blood congested liver

what does formalin pigment look like

small crystals that appear on top of rbc

look like pepper

birefringe with polarized light

what is malarial pigment

similar to formalin pigment, may be same

formed in or around rbc that have paraside

where is malarial pigment seen


blood vessel

phagocytes that have ingested rbc

kupffer cells of liver

sinus living of ln an dspleen

phagocyts of bone marrow

what is mercury pigment caused from




what does mercury pigment look like

fine crystals, needle or square like plates

over all parte of tissue

more abundant in tissue than periphery

what is chromate pigment

from tissue fixed in dichromates

zenker helly orth muller

how else is chromate pigment made

if fixative to high percentage of alcohol

where can tattoo ink be found

in macrophages