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36 Cards in this Set

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Can altruism/cooperativity develop in non-kin?

Yes! The prisoner's dilemma

Tit for tat

An Evolutionarily Stable Strategy that resists "mutant" behaviors, resists mutation

"Nash Equilibrium"

In one round of prisoners dilemma, no player benefits by a change of strategy (from defection to cooperation)

If Prisoners Dilemma is repeated...

Strategies are fluid, reciprocal altruistic behaviors can emerge

Crows Mobbing an Owl

Reciprocal Altruism: Sometimes crows that are not closely related will work together to scare off the owl. There is a chance for harm if the owl decides to attach.

Natural selection favors an altruistic behavior if...

it is reciprocated

Prerequisites for the development of reciprocal altruism:

-Stable groups of interaction

-Multiple opportunities for altruistic behavior

-Organism must have the ability to remember

-Altruists must be receiving and giving the same benefits

Sexual conflict

Proteins found in drosophila sperm

Sib-sib conflict

When the oldest hatchling pushes its sibling eggs out of the nest

Parent-offspring conflict

Mother monkey tries to wean her children as quickly as possible, so she can have more litters and increase her fitness. Baby monkey tries to nurse as long as possible, to increase its fitness via an easy food source.

Cost of signaling

Widowbird males need long tails to attract a mate. Higher quality males have a lower cost when producing a long tail. Lower quality males (less healthy) have a much higher cost to produce a long tail.

Honest vs Dishonest Signaling

Can lead to the extinction of lineages. House sparrows signal fighting ability with black throat badges (bigger badge = better fighter). Some birds with low fighting abilities end up with a large badge. Eventually, the badge could lose its meaning, except there are tests of this badge (fights) and the lier is discovered and shunned.

Dictyostelium discoideium

Slime mold that shows altruism via stock and capsule formation

JBS Haldane

"Would you lay down your life for a brother?"

"No, but I would for two brothers or eight cousins."

Cooperative Social Interactions

Recipient and Actor benefits

Selfish Social Interactions

Actor benefits and Recipient is harmed

Altruistic Social Interactions

Actor is harmed and Recipient benefits

Spiteful Social Interactions

Actor and Recipient are harmed

Direct Fitness

The product of reproduction by an individual

Indirect Fitness

Additional reproduction by relatives that is enhanced by the behavior or activity of an individual

Kin Selection

Natural selection that favors an allele that enhances indirect fitness

Coefficient of Relatedness

"r" is the probability that homolog alleles in two individuals are identical by descent

Hamilton's Rule

If (benefit to recipient)(r) - (cost to actor) > zero, then an allele for altruism will spread

Br - C > 0

When we combine Indirect Fitness with Kin Selection, we get...

Inclusive Fitness

Ground Squirrels and Altruism

Females call the alarm more when there are close relatives. There is a risk of harm to the alarm caller because she has drawn attention to herself.

Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs

Both sexes give the alarm call more often when kin are near


Sometimes a third bird helps raise the nestlings. These helpers are almost always related juveniles (sexually mature, but still young, may learn how to be a parent)

Indirect Kin Recognition

Cued to the timing or location of interaction

Direct Kim Recognition

Cued to specific stimuli such as chemical or vocal responses

MHC and Communal Nursing in House Mice

Mothers will not nurse any baby, they will only nurse kin. They get olfactory signals from the baby's MHC type.

Bill Hamilton

"Greenbeard" alleles

"Greenbeard" alleles...

-elicit a phenotype

-provides for its own detection among its bearers

-confers the altruistic behavior


Produced when natural selection acts on a group. Group selection

Characteristics of Eusociality

-Overlap in generations

-Cooperative care of young

-Castes of non-reproductive individuals

There seems to be a correlation between eusociality and what two things?


-Complex nest development

Richard Alexander

Predicted a eusocial mammal, which turned out to be the naked mole rats