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67 Cards in this Set

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2 mimcry strategies to avoid predation
cryptic - disappear from view
aposematic - conspicuous/dangerous
Aposematic - def'n
Warning colors/markings on BOTH sexes
Mimicry - defn
Species that has evolved similarity with another species, which protects one or both.
Batesian mimicry - def'n
harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species. Model pays price for educating
Batesian mimicry - ex
Viceroy butterfly mimics Monarch butterfly's markings/color
Mullerian mimicry - def'n
two or more harmful species, that may or may not be closely related and share one or more common predators, have come to mimic each other's warning signals. All share cost of educating predator
Mullerian mimicry - ex
Peruvian poison frogs produce toxins
How is the Monarch butterfly toxic? And how does it acquire its toxicity?
Larva (caterpillar) feeds on milkweed which contains cardiac glycosides, which make birds nauseated when eaten
"Model" in mimicry - def'n
The species that is mimicked
Mimicry works better for the mimic when it is _______ compared to the Model
Mimicry works better for the mimic when it is _scarce_ compared to the Model
Swallowtail - def'n
Wing extensions
Yellow & Black Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly live in the ___ US
Yellow & Black Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly live in the _Northern_ US
Dark Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly live in the ___ US
Dark Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly live in the _Southern_ US
Dark Tiger Swallowtail mimic the _______ and is aposematically colored
Dark Tiger Swallowtail mimic the _pipevine_ and is aposematically colored
Genetic Drift - def'n
Deviation of gene frequency by chance alone
According to Genetic Drift, every generation is a ________ of the previous generation
According to Genetic Drift, every generation is a _sample_ of the previous generation
According to Genetic drift, a small subsample of population has a better chance of deviation of __________
According to Genetic drift, a small subsample of population has a better chance of deviation of _gene frequency_
Natural Selection without evolution = ?
Natural Selection without evolution = Stabilizing selection
Founder effect - def'n
Gene pool in new population starts with a slightly different gene frequency
Bottleneck effect - def'n
Collapse in population followed by recovery
Bottleneck effect - ex
African cheetah - Do not reject skin grafts because they are so similar
Founder effect - ex
Argentinian Ants - Introduced to Cali in 1890s; different colonies do not fight because they think they are so similar
Degree of heterozygosity - def'n
Amount of loci that are heterozygous
As population size increases, rate of loss of genetic variance _________
As population size increases, rate of loss of genetic variance _decreases_
Inbreeding - def'n
Mating between individuals who are genetically similar, i.e. more closely related that if chosen at random
Inbreeding coefficient - def'n
Probability that both alleles are identical by common descent (from a common ancestor)
As a result of inbreeding, heterozygosity _________ and homozygosity ________
As a result of inbreeding, heterozygosity _decreases_ and homozygosity _increases_
Inbreeding depression - def'n
the reduced fitness in a given population as a result of breeding with related individuals. It is often the result of a population bottleneck
Examples of inbreeding
Hapsburg jaw
Haemophilia in Russia
Methods for avoiding inbreeding:
Monkeys are pushed out of the group when sexually active
Presence of male delays sex in Prairie dogs & Marmots
Beetles store a higher content of sperm from unrelated males.
Rationale for why inbreeding may promote female promiscuity:
Multiple male partners reduces homozygosity, increasing fitness
Example of how inbreeding affects Flour Beetles:
Inbred females bred with more males and were more fit than females who did not
Advantages of asexual reproduction:
1. Large numbers of offspring are reproduced very quickly from only one parent when conditions are favourable.
2. Large colonies can form that can out-complete other organisms for nutrients and water.
3. Large number of organisms mean that species may survive when conditions or the number of predators change.
4. Energy is not required to find a mate
disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
1. Offspring are genetic clones. A negative mutation can make asexually produced organisms susceptible to disease and can destroy large numbers of offspring.
2. Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together and compete for food and space.
3. Unfavourable conditions such as extreme temperatures can wipe out entire colonies.
Exception to disadvantages of asexual reproduction
Bdelloid Rotifers can exchange genes via lateral transfer
Sex first appeared ___ years ago in ________
Sex first appeared _1.5 billion_ years ago in _protists_
Protists - def'n
Unicellular eukaryotic organisms
Examples of protists
Sex - def'n
fusion of two haploid cells to form a diploid gamete
Syngamy - def'n
Coming together (fusion) of gametes
In stressful environments, sex produces ____ variability
In stressful environments, sex produces _more_ variability
Trichonympha - desc
Protist symbiont that lives in the hind-gut of termite and wood roaches, aiding in digestion
Parts of the insect body
Mutualism - def'n
any relationship between individuals of different species where both individuals derive a benefit
Symbiosis - def'n
lifelong interactions involving close physical and biochemical contact
Trichonympha know molting will occur due to . . .
Trichonympha know molting will occur due to chemical signals that make molting take place
When trichonympha sense molting of their host will take place, they . . .
When trichonympha sense molting of their host will take place, they have sex because of the stress
Trichonympha zygotes have a tough _____ called a _____
Trichonympha zygotes have a tough _coating_ called a _cyst_
Termites/Wood Roaches _____ their cast-off exoskeleton and _______ itself with the ______ cells which then become _____ cells
Trichonympha _eats_ it's cast-off exoskeleton and _innoculates_ itself with the _diploid_ cells which then become _haploid_ cells
Description of trichonympha sex
Zygotic meiosis - 1n cells fuse to form 2n zygotes, which then undergo meiosis to become 4 1n cells
Red Queen hypothesis was coined by:
Red Queen hypothesis was coined by: Van Valen
main proponents of the Red Queen hypothesis
Hamilton & Jaenike
genus/species of bdelloid rotifer
Adineta vaga
a clone beginning with a single individual will replace a population of 1 million sexual individuals in less than ___ generations
a clone beginning with a single individual will replace a population of 1 million sexual individuals in less than _50_ generations
Champion of deleterious mutation hypothesis:
Deleterious Mutation hypothesis:
sex exists to purge a species of damaging genetic mutations
Two ideas of Red Queen Hypothesis
1. coevolution could lead to situations for which the probability of extinction is relatively constant over millions of years
2. coevolution, particularly between hosts and parasites, could lead to sustained oscillations in genotype frequencies
The effect of recombination:
to break up the non-random associations between alleles at different loci
Red Queen Hypothesis
coevolution with parasites provides an advantage to cross-fertilization in hosts, and vice versa
Red Queen Predictions:
1. Sexual individuals should be favored where the risk of infection is high.
2. Host genotypes should oscillate over time.
3. There should be selection against genotypes that were common in the recent past.
4. Parasites should become adapted to infecting local populations of their hosts.
Trade-off hypothesis:
trade-off parasite resistance with rapid growth and reproduction
Local adaptation does/does not require that parasites have faster generation times than their hosts
local adaptation _does not_ require that parasites have faster generation times than their hosts
New Zealand Mud snail: Genus/species
Potamopyrgus antipodarum
water flea: Genus/species
Daphnia magna
bed bug Genus/species:
Cimex lectularius
In Drosophila arizonae, these two type of proteases seem to be coevolutionarily linked
Some reproductive proteases are gene duplications of Digestive proteases
______ topis compete with one another for a limited supply of sperm from the most desirable members of the opposite sex. Meanwhile, resistant _____ grow choosier about their mating partners
_Female_ topis compete with one another for the most desirable members of the opposite sex. Meanwhile, resistant _males_ grow choosier about their mating partners