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102 Cards in this Set

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When was origin of species published?
1859 by Charles Darwin, sold out promptly
-Valid criticism: no mechanism of inheritance
-Invalid criticism: cannot have intermediates
Georges Cuvier
-first scientist to propose extinction
-"Animal Kingdom"
-no heresy charges
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
-spontaneous generation
-theory of inheritance parents to offspring
-"Philosophie Zoologique"
-transformation (giraffe stretches it's neck and passes trait on to children)
Conditions for Natural Selection
Nomenclature Levels
Fun Facts about evolution
-church regards as more than hypothesis (1990s)
-it is a change in allele frequency over time
-likely to occur across universe wherever life is
explains many different concepts in biology
-proposed by Darwin and A.R. Wallace
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
divergent boundary with oceanic plate and an oceanic plate moving away from one another
Light Rock
-lesser Antilles
-Andes in S.A.
Heavy Rock
-Hawaii - hot spot
-Oregon - lava flows
Solar System formed....
4.6 billion years ago
Moon is...
-composed from pieces of our crust and mantle
-originated from a collision of the earth and an object 10% the size of earth
-formed 50 million years after our solar system
-moon has similar Earth-history, 3.8/9 bya
Snowball Earth
- 2.4 bya
- 750-580 bya
- stopped because of plate tectonics
- vulcanism occurs, ice melts, gas up
- for 100 years after it was super hot, acid rain
- evidenced by ice scratching on rocks at the equator and dropstones in the ocean
- ice at thirty degrees latitude leads to positive feedback and everything freezes
Evidence for Big Bang
- red shift of light from far away galaxies
- homogeneous distribution of galaxies
- stars are also evenly dispersed
- light elements H and He are 99% of universe
- temperatures in deep space are just above abs 0
Dating Rock
Must date igneous or metamorphic (not sedimentary rock)
Archean Eon
oxygen became part of the atmosphere
deep sea drilling project
-discovered the ocean floor is young (>100-75 mya)
-earthquakes focused along the edge of plates
- Glomar Challenger, 1960's
- magnetic anomalies, earth's poles switch ionizing radiation
- mirror image banding on ocean floor rock
dinosaurs lived...
Mesozoic Era: triassic, jurassic, cretaceous
Darwin on origin of life
letter to Hooker in 1871
warm little pond - protein - complex changes
origin of life date
earliest is 4.5 bya
life could not survive the impact that formed the moon
moon formed 50 million years after our universe
Carbon is the basis of life because...
- carbon waste is easy to excrete
- carbon is a versatile element
- more abundant than silicon
- good at hydrogen bonding
Miller Urey experiments...
- used an energy source to stimulate the presence of lightning and intense UV radiation
- demonstrated that chemical origins of life could easily be made
- tested to see if earth conditions were sufficient to create building blocks of life
- able to make amino acids in the lab
Early life...
- early genome was probably RNA because it can catalyze reactions and store information
- interstellar transfer is a very unlikely explanation for the origin of life
- the moon used to be closer to earth and simulated an environment like PCR machine
- easiest steps in life is the formation of a cell
- most likely a low temperature because high temperatures tend to break molecules apart
Laurasia and Gondwanna
Laurasia North
Gondwanna South
Tethys Sea in between
- sites that preserve a great diversity of organisms in complete detail
- Burgess Shale: Vancouver, Canada, 530 mya, boundary between micro and macroscopic life
- Chengiang: Eastern China, 525 mya, Cambrian explosion
-Solnhofen: 150 mya, achaeopteryx is first feathered bird, preserved in fine silt
- Liaoning: 124 mya, eastern China, feathered dinosaurs, containing heat with feathers is evidence for endothermy
cnidaria, jellyfish
Evidence for endothermy in dinosaurs
- fossils in polar regions
- feathers to keep in heat
- birds are living dinosaurs and are warm-blooded
- O2 isotopes in bones evidence blood circulation o a warm blooded animal
- fermentation - herbivore gut action gave warmth
Poikilothermy definition
an animal does not regular its heat and lets it vary
- bird - entire arm bone
- pterosaur - entire fourth digit
- bat - hand with membranes
placental mammals
comprising 1/3 of all living placental orders
all have a common ancestor in Africa
Cenozoic Era...
domination of land by angiosperms
domination by ocean of ray-finned fish
domination of air by birds
periods of glaciation from 2.6 mya to 10,000 years ago
emergence of humans during this period
still in this period
even-toed ungulate
- everything else with hooves

odd-toed ungulate
-horse, rhino, taper
Great American Exchange
When the isthmus of Panama rose and resulted in the exchange or mammals between continents, with invaders to the south (from North America) largely out-competing those in South America
Describe a new species
-Description: everything about it
- Diagnosis: why it's a different species
-If you decide to recognize a new species as valid, you use the first valid name to describe it (Law of Priority)
How are bacteria classified?
By what they can and cannot grow on
Gram negative versus gram positive
Ways to Name
- monophyletic - all descendants of a single common ancestor (tetrapods)
- paraphyletic - taxon with some, but not all, of the descendants of a common ancestor (reptiles)
- polyphyletic - descendants have more than one common ancestor, convergent evolution
Tree Building?
- Occam's Razor: least change, simplest is true
- discrete: parsimony, whole numbers
- distance: neighbor-joining, fractional differences (alleles)
-probability: maximum likelihood, Bayesian Inference
- most trees made using heuristic
PCR Steps
- denaturation
- annealing
- extension
- rates of change in speciation
- transition from fish to tetrapods in fossil record
- mammals evolve more complex teeth
- transition from dinos to true bird with flight
Phyletic Gradualism
example is the increase in diameter of the opening of Permian Foraminifera
Positive Allometry
- one trait grows quickly compared to another
- human leg growth relative to torso
- skeleton mass in dinosaur
Pera v. Paedamorphosis
- peramorphosis: delayed maturity while development of adulthood is extended, new stages at the end of the ancestral development sequence
- paedamorphosis: arrested development and early maturation, humans are an example for this
Tetrapod Diversity
- there is no resolution: scientists are divided on this issue
- could be bounded or could be unbounded
Tasmanian Wolf
-sequenced mitochondrial DNA
-clusters with Australian marsupials
- extinct organisms, so DNA taken from skin
Mitochondrial DNA
- haploid, prevent recombination
- inherited from mother
- fast rate of evolution
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- infinite population size
- random mating
- no selection
- no mutation
- no migration
- result in unmasking of rare recessive mutants
- extreme: heterozygotes disappear
- moderate: beneficial
- large amount is usually harmful
- doesn't change allele frequencies
- only changes genotype frequencies
Theory of Adaptive Landscapes
- Sewall Wright (1932)
- large: no inbreeding, strong selection
- small: extreme inbreeding, maladaptive
- intermediate: mild inbreeding, small drop in fitness may help to reach higher levels of fitness
DNA Substitutions
- all substitutions at the second position are non-synonymous (will change the amino acid)
- transitions are easier than transversions because of stereochemistry and the number of rings
- transition: purine to purine and pyrimidine to pyrimidine
- rate of synonymous substitution > rate of non-synonymous substitution
Molecular Clocks
- generally show younger dates of divergence than the fossil record
- can show different slopes for genes that mutate at different times
- sometimes breathe through their skin
- live in wet areas to avoid dessication
- 3 amphibian groups
1. Apodans (Caecilians)
2. Urodeles (salamanders, newts)
3. Anurans (frogs, toads)
- lizards are not amphibians
Permian Triassic Boundary
- 251 million years ago
- asteroid impact off of coast of Australia
- methane gas bubbles from the ocean floor
- Siberian Traps: long period of magnified up-welling and vulcanism
- a combination of Siberian Traps and asteroid impact
- amniotic egg
- keratin scales
- tuatara is an example of a reptile
- arose 310 million years ago
Mesozoic Era
- 251 - 66 million years ago
- dinosaurs
- domination of gymnosperms
- first bird fossils
- first mammal fossils
Can be a noun or a verb
- biotic: adaptation to another organism
- abiotic: adaptation to an abiotic factor
Fins on Fish
- dorsal fin - stability
- pectoral fin - steering
- tail fin - propulsion
- Mullerian: many look the same so it's easy for a predator to remember and there are fewer mistakes
- Batesian: one model and one mimic
Pre-Mating Isolation Mechanism
- mechanical
- seasonal
- behavioral
- isolation by habitat
Human Sociobiology
- E. O. Wilson was a proponent
Allopatric: different geographic areas, common method of speciation
Sympatric: same areas
Parapatric: same area bordering each other (toxic waste flowers bloom at different times)
Incipient: diverging to the point of speciation but still have the capacity to interbreed
Hybrid Incompatibility Model
- speciation needs multiple genes and epistasis between them
Acacia-Ant relationship
- year round leaves
- foliar nectaries
- leaflet tips called Beltian bodies
- swollen thorns for the queen to lay her eggs
Wallace's Line
- occurs between two islands that are close
- between Bali and Lombok
- carnivorous dinosaurs
- lungfish speciation is a good example
- when two things are separated by some geographic boundary (canyon arises between two species of ants) and they are separated to the point of speciation
- continents drifting apart which caused dinosaurs occupying these continents to also split
- desiccation resistant
- found among plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria
- able to travel by wind and/or water
- often small and light
Flotsam and Jetsam
- flotsam is by water
- jetsam is by air
Biogeographic Realms
- Nearctic
- Neotropical
- Australasian
- Palearctic
- Ethiopian
- Oriental
Adibiatic Rate
the rate at which air changes its temperature as it rises
Coriolis Effect
does not exist at the Equator
- when something happens environmentally that makes one area of the world the only place for certain types of diversity
- changes in fossil pollen distribution is evidence for the presence of refugia
Island Biogeography Theory
larger islands should have more species than smaller islands
S = CA ^ 2
Beta Diversity
the diversity between points within a given region
Salamander Speciation
- northeastern populations in the united states has much more genetic similarity than populations in the south eastern united states because there was dispersal into the northern areas after the Pleistocene glaciers retreated
- extremely vocal
- superfamily Hominoidea, family hylobate
- no tail
Hominin-Chimpanzee Split?
6 million years ago
Human Emergence Paleo-Environment
dry, little rain, less trees, why we walk upright
Homo erectus
left the African continent
Homo floresiensis
- Flores Island
- one meter tall
- some researchers believe they are just skeletons of Homo erectus with stunted growth
- hunted pygmy elephants
-Probably interacted with humans in Europe
-Named for Neander Valley in Germany
-Presence of ocipital bun: bulge of occipital bone at the back of the skull
Homo sapiens
- reached Australia between 60,000 and 40,000 years ago
- placement of the foramen magnum indicates upright posture, as does hips, knee bones, forward facing five toes of the foot, and double-curved spine
Denisovan hominin
found finger
cave in Siberia
now a tourist attraction
Slash and Burn Technique
- virgin forest cut
- burn dead vegetation
- plant crops, soil rapidly degrades (overuse)
- area abandoned in several years
Charcoal Production
- put wood in pit
- ignite wood
- cover pit with rocks to keep the fire low
- remove rocks and collect coal
- underwent period of heavy bombardment between 4.6 and 3 billion years ago
- 10% of earths mass
- 24 Earth hour rotation
- water beneath the surface and on the poles
Life on meteorite ALH84001
- evidence of life from magnetite crystals
* organic molecules could be produced abiotically
*microfossil structures smaller than any known
organisms on Earth
*magnetite crystals can be produced abiotically
* microfossil-like structures would only be large
enough to hold a few RNA molecules
Mars Exploration
- MER rover series was originally designed to last less than a year but is still there
- Jupiter moon with ice
- has a thin atmosphere that contains some oxygen
- heat from accretion
- Saturns moon
- stable surface liquid (methane oceans)
- only non-Earth object with stable surface liquid
Closest relative to primates
- Dermoptera (flying lemurs)
- Scandentia (tree shrews)
Doppler Spectroscopy
- detects the wobble of the star that the planet is orbiting
- nulls starlight glow to detect planet glow
Suborder Platyrhinni
3 premolars
prehensile tail
new world monkeys
Suborder Catarrhini
2 premolars
no prehensile tail
Suborder Catarrhini - super family Hominoidea
lesser apes
old world
no tail
Suborder Catarrhini - super family Hominoidea
borneo and sumatra
400,000 year split
Suborder Catarrhini - super family Hominoidea
Gorilla gorilla: western gorilla
Gorilla beringei: eastern gorilla
Suborder Catarrhini - super family Hominoidea
Pan troglodytes: common chimp
Pan paniscus: bonobo, sex!
Suborder Catarrhini - super family Hominoidea
Humans xoxo Gossip Girl
Superfamily Hominoidea
includes all humans and apes
Order of Primates
Suborder Strepsirhini
Order of Primates
Suborder Tarsii
Primate characteristics
- large cerebral hemispheres
- first digits opposable (grasping and climbing)
- Opposable first toe
- reduce olfaction, increased vision, flatter face
- arboreal (meaning that they climb trees)
- one young per birth